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      • KCI등재

        영문판 한국문학(사)의 서술 양상과 특징

        전성운(Chun, Sung-woon) 중앙어문학회 2013 語文論集 Vol.53 No.-

        ? This thesis aims to research on the phase of writing attitude and characteristics of the Korean Literatures written in English. The characteristics of Korean Literature written by Peter H Lee are the proper arrangement between Korean Classical literature and modern literature and it attempts to trance the birth and growth of the subject based upon both its outer and inner forms. In-sob Jong tried to publish a general duidebook for foreign readers. But failed to accomplish its original purpose. Cho, Dong-il tried to provide a book to clarify the significance of Korean literary study based Ulxm Korecm classical heritage. Robert J. Fouser translated the Understanding Korean Literature written by Kim, hungyu. He shows the attitude of foreign reader translating the book. It means that he omitted some part of the book concerning the national problem And he regarded it as a rewarding journey reading it. Peter H. Lee wrote the A History of Korean Literature. It tried to write the history of Korean literature but it close to a accurate and detail introduction to Korean literature.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 장편 한문소설과 청말 재학소설의 지식 제시 방식

        전성운(Sung-Woon, Chun) 어문연구학회 2008 어문연구 Vol.58 No.-

        In this thesis, I aims to research on Oksunmong(玉仙夢) and JingHuaYuan(鏡花緣) known as novels of showing off writer's knowledges. Especially, I studied on comprehensive knowledge and their ways of showing off knowledges in Oksunmongand JingHuaYuan. Both were written in 19th century and their plots looked to similar each other. So I considered them as a same type of novels. That's reason why I decided to compare Oksunmong whit JingHuaYuan. On studying specific details of them. I found the fact that there are striking difference between them. The former's knowledges are closely connected with reality, while the latter's are relatively loosely connected with reality. The former generally deals with realistic knowledges for showing off writer's abilities. But the latter focused on criticising at the Chinese society, so it is relatively free to fact. Because of situations of each writer made differences of their contents and characteristics. The difference of showing off knowledges between them results of writer's attitude toward the world. Tang-ong, the writer of Oksunmong, want to make a display of his knowledge but Lee, Yeojin, the writer of JingHuaYuan, try to criticize the ironical reality. This is the same and different point of novels between Korean and Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        「안빙몽유록」의 몽유세계와 관물(觀物)

        전성운 ( Chun Sung-woon ) 우리어문학회 2017 우리어문연구 Vol.59 No.-

        본고는 의인체 몽유서사로서의 「안빙몽유록」을 살폈다. 특히 「안빙몽유록」의 몽유세계의 특징과 몽유세계를 경험한 안빙의 태도의 변화 과정을 고찰하고, 이를 바탕으로 「안빙몽유록」의 의미 지향이 무엇인지를 구명(究明)했다. 「안빙몽유록」의 몽유세계는 작품 내에 실재하는 세계로 그려진다. 안빙은 꿈에서 깨어, 화원에 자리한 꽃과 그 특징을 꿈속에서 본 것과 대응시킴으로써 그 실재성을 알아챈다. 그리고 출당화의 발언과 존재를 통해 꿈속 세계가 바로 작품 속현실임을 분명하게 확인한다. 이런 몽유세계의 경험을 통해, 꽃이 그 자체의 원망과 지향을 지녔으며, 나름의 질서 속에 존재함을 보여준다. 그러나 안빙은 애초 이를 인식하지 못한 채 꽃의 외물의 아름다움에만 빠져 있었다. 꽃의 아름다움에 쏠려 본래의 뜻을 잃어버린 완물상지(玩物喪志)의 지경에 있었다. 신광한은 이같은 안빙의 태도를 의인적 몽유서사의 방식으로 형상화했다. 몽유세계를 경험함으로써 물상들에도 개성이 있으며, 그들이 이룬 세계에는 나름의 질서가 존재함을 보이고, 이를 안빙에게 경험케 함으로써 외물에 휩쓸리지 않고 자신 본래의 지향을 회복하도록 한 것이다. 신광한은 「안빙몽유록」을 통해, 물상을 대함에 주관적 탐미에서 벗어나 이물관물(以物觀物)의 태도를 지녀야 함을역설(力說)하였다. 이런 「안빙몽유록」의 작품 지향은 신광한의 소옹 지향, 관물에 대한 사유태도와 유관하다. This thesis aims to research on the characteristics of Anbing Mongyurok as a personification dreaming story. Especially, this thesis was focused on the research on the characteristics of the world of dream, the Anbing’s experiences, and his changing-attitude toward the flowers. On the basis of the results so far studied, I tried to explain the author’s intent of writing the Anbing Mongyurok. Even if it’s a dream, the world of flowers in Anbing’s dream was a real world. When Anbing awoke, he thought it was a mysterious dream. So he visited his garden and confirmed facts that he had experienced in his dream. As he confirmed what he told about with a beauty, Kerria, he become convinced that the world saw in dream is corresponding with his garden. Through his dreaming, he realized that the world of flowers has the order of their own and flowers had their own character in it. But Anbing did not knew these facts, and was charmed by their beauties. He could not observe the world of flowers by principles and rules were inherent in. But he only enjoyed to appreciate flowers and lost his will for studying. Gwanghan Shin, the writer, criticized the this kind of attitude toward flowers that was charmed by its beauties and lost their will. He tells the method that observe the world of things, for examples, horses, gooses, and even though weeds. It is called ‘Observation Things’(觀物) by Neo-Confucianist. Shin, as a Neo-Confucianist, regarded the tiny things like tress, stones, and flowers have principles and rules were inherent in. Shin tried to tell the method of observation of things by story like the personification Mongyurok.

      • KCI등재

        「구운몽(九雲夢)」의 인물 형상과 소설사적 의미

        전성운 ( Sung-woon Chun ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2001 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.12 No.-

        This essay aims at researching the disposition peculiars to 「Gummmomg」, especially in comparison with the 「Sassinamjeonggi」and other long novels, and its meaning on novel history. For this purpose, I researched the Character portrayal and the novel historical background of 「Gummmomg」. The hero of 「Guwuimiong」, Yang So-Yoo, is more of a affectionate, romantic man of talent than an ideal classical scholar. He is likely to go after pleasures and affections. It is the same as the heroin, Jeong Gyung Pae. She is a woman who was equipped with womanly wisdoms and virtues rather than a spright beautiful woman. These are very unique features as the portrayal of hero and heroin in long novels. A affectionate, romantic man of talent and beauty are casted for scholar-beauty romances’ and their wedding is the main complication of scholar-beauty romances. This shows the fact that scholar-beauty romances and lacivious novels of China were very popular at that time. In particular, Yang So-Yoo’s affectionate and lechery personality came from the lacivious novels from late Ming to early Qing dynasty. But a comparative study between 「Guwoonmong」and a concrete example shall be done other thesis.

      • KCI등재후보

        17세기 장편국문소설과 명말 청초 인정소설의 상관성

        전성운(Chon Sung Woon) 한국중국소설학회 2003 中國小說論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        本文是一篇 關于17世紀韓國的古代長篇韓文小說 與中國的明末淸初人情小說之對比硏究的論文。 這種通過兩者的對比考究 使我們看到了 東亞細亞文化圈內部多樣的小說史的變動。這種對比硏究是我們確實理解韓國長篇韓文小說所保有的獨自性和自律价値。本文不反確實體現了 韓國小說之內在的發展欲求 也反映了韓國小說 與中國小說互相交流、互相發展的面貌 及這種交流與韓國小說究竟有着下種相關性。 明末淸初的中國小說 以艶情小說和才子佳人小說爲主流的人情小說異常興盛。倂且這類作品幾乎是在興成同時流入了韓國。這類人情小說 與17世紀長篇韓文小說 兩者相當近似 如都是以被理想化的男女主人公和他們的婚姻 及愛情爲主而成 都從正面論擧人間存在的欲望問題 都强烈表現了佛敎的應報觀 都開始了對家庭內部存在矛盾、糾葛的描述 等等。 但是 我們不能以人情小說的流入 及타與韓國長篇小說的相似爲根據,就說韓國長篇小說是受中國人情小說的影響而形成、發展起來的這一主張。因爲眞正的文化流入與吸收是必須以確實實現爲基출。 而且我們確實發現韓國長篇小說與.中國人情小說 實際存在着흔明顯的差異。比如在創作方式 及流通方式 以上層統治者的享有爲素材 對空間觀念及時代背景的抽象化、對敍事性及娛樂性的强化、對表現應報觀及愛情意識的弱化、對女性意識的反映等。 這些方面向我們展示了兩者明顯的不同。這些明顯的差別之所以會出現實際上是 因爲不同的小說類型其所含的前代文學的傳統 及社會經濟的基礎不同。我們只有在東亞細亞普遍的文化圈中看小說的發展過程 才能正確地理解韓國長篇小說 歟中國人情小說的近似性。 This paper aims to explain differences between old long-novels written in Korean and human nature novels(人情小說) in China. This kind of research are not only helpful to make clear the novel history of East Asian civilization block but understand the identity of Korean old novels. Korean old novels and Chinese old novels developed in close connections with each other. So, I attempted to point out the relationships by explaining differences between them. Sexy novels and scholar-beauty romances, called by human nature novels or life-and-men novels, are the main stream in novel history during the late Ming and early Qing period. These kinds of novels are introduced into Chosun dynasty around the late 17 century. Human nature novels and old long-novels written in Korean are similar with several points, especially dealing with original nature of human beings, being the retribution of Buddhistic conception, complication in family members, the idealist characters, and their love and wedding etc. In spite of these similarities, we cannot say that long Korean novels are originated in the influences of human nature novels. It is just appeared at the same period each nations in East Asian culture blocks. This fact can be verified by the differences between them. Writers and readers of Korean long novels are distinguish from those of human nature novels. For examples, the point of view towards the world, motifs, the conception of time and space, and the settings etc. in Korean novels are apparently differed from the Chinese human nature novels. These distinctions are caused by the historical, social and economical background of each country.

      • KCI등재

        『기재기이』의 간행(刊行) 주체와 그 지향

        전성운(Chun, Sung-Woon) 우리문학회 2021 우리文學硏究 Vol.- No.69

        본고는 『기재기이』의 교서관(校書館) 간행과 그 의미를 고찰했다. 이를 위해 교서관의 서적 간행 양상과 조건을 천문서나 의서(醫書)같은 잡술서, <삼국지연의>나 『전등신화』와 같은 소설, 성리서(性理書)와 사서(史書) 등의 경우를 통해 살폈다. 이를 보면 교서관의 서적 간행은 특정한 목적과 필요성이 존재해야 가능했다. 간행의 목적과 필요성이 불분명하거나 그 의의가 결여되었다면, 공공재(公共財)와 인력(人力)의 낭비, 민풍(民風)의 저해라는 비난을 받았다. 그런데 『기재기이』에 대해서는 이같은 비난이 없다. 이것은 『기재기이』 간행이 특정한 목적과 필요성에 의해 이루어졌음을 의미한다. 더욱이 『기재기이』 간행은 1553년 7월 18일을 전후한 때에 이루어졌다. 이 시기는 귀정(歸政)에 따른 새로운 정치에 대한 사림(士林)의 기대가 증폭되었던 때다. 이런 때에 홍문관(弘文館)을 비롯한 삼관(三館)의 젊은 관료에 의해 『기재기이』의 간행이 추진되었다. 이것은 『기재기이』가 성리학적 관점에서의 교훈적 가치가 지대함을 뜻한다. 신호가 발문에서 밝힌 바, 세상의 모범(模範)이자 세상의 경계(警戒)를 담아 민이(民彛)를 붙들어 세웠다는 말과 통한다. 홍문관 정자(正字) 겸 예문관 검열(檢閱)이었던 박계현의 <제기재기이권후(題企齋記異卷後)>에서도 이것이 드러난다. 『기재기이』는 후학을 위해 일우(一隅)를 들어주는 작품이다. 정유의 상소나 사신(史臣)의 비판에서 말한 바와 같이 새로운 정치를 기대하는 사림의 지향과도 궤를 같이 한다. 『기재기이』 간행 주체는 『기재기이』의 성리학적 가치에 주목하여 공적 서적의 위상을 부여하고자 했다. This thesis examines the government institution Gyoseoguan’s(校書館) objective behind publishing Gijaegiyi(企齋記異). Gyoseoguan(校書館) publishes many kinds of books, including those on astronomy, medicine, history, neo-Confucianism, and novels like Samgukjiyeonyee and Jeondenysinhwa. Gyoseoguan publications must meet particular requirements, including having administrative or educational value. When a published book does not meet this criteria, The Office of the Inspector General and the Office of the Censor-General denounce the supervisor and managers. Kijaegiyi(『企齋記異』) was published on July 18th, 1553, a day marked by the restitution of the ruling power from Queen Dowager to King Myeongjong. The authors of the book, Shin Ho, Cho Wanbyeok, and Park Gyeohyeon, were young neo-Confucian scholars and the book focused on political reform. The publication of Kijaegiyi was encouraged by Shin Ho, Cho Wanbyeok, and Park Gyeohyeon, among others, who were also young neo-Confucian scholars. This implies that Kijaegiyi was published for pushing political reform. The main group behind the publication wanted to change social morals and manners with neo-Confucian values. Their work bears traces of these intentions. Shin Ho wrote the postscript of Kijaegiyi and Park Gyeohyeon wrote the poem for Kijaegiyi(=題企齋記異卷後). Shin and Park insisted on the educational values of Kijaegiyi, arguing that it contains admonitions and moral codes for man. This is the reason why Kijaegiyi(『企齋記異』) was published by Gyoseoguan.

      • KCI등재

        김시습(金時習) 이해의 시선과 그 의미

        전성운(Chun, Sung-woon) 우리문학회 2013 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        김시습의 삶을 이해할 수 있는 자료는 다음과 같은 세 군을 형성하고 있다. 첫째, 김시습 자신이 쓴 것으로 <자사진찬(自寫眞贊)>, <동봉육가(東峰六歌)>, <상유양양진정서(上柳襄陽陳情書)> 등이며, 둘째, 홍유손(洪裕孫)의 <제김열경시습문(祭金悅卿時習文)>, 윤춘년(尹春年)의 <매월당서(梅月堂序)> 등. 셋째, 이자(李.)의 <매월당집서(梅月堂集序)>, 이산해(李山海)의 <매월당집서(梅月堂集序)>, 이이의 <김시습전> 등이 그것이다. 이들 자료는 김시습 관련 서로 다른 이해의 시선을 보여준다. 김시습은 낙백(落魄)한 소광한 은자로 자신을 규정한다. 낙백의 원인은 젊은 시절의 좌절과 어긋남 때문이다. 개인적 비극인 박명과 불우, 선(善)의 좌절과 이교(異敎)의 번성이라는 사회적 불합리와 모순 때문이다. 그리고 그런 것이 누적되며 자신은 영원히 화합할 수 없이 어그러졌다고 보았다. 다음으로 홍유손을 비롯한 이들은 김시습을 생이지지(生而知之)한 성인, 자유자재한 대인(大人) 혹은 부처로 이해했다. 이들은 김시습을 천부적 자질을 지닌 초월적 인물로 규정하려 했다. 물론 김시습을 미친 사람이라고 하거나, 색은행괴의 무리에 불과하다고 본 경우도 있다. 이이나 이산해의 김시습 이해는 천부적인 문장가이자 절의를 표방하고 윤기를 붙든 백세의 스승이라는 시선에 바탕한다. 또한 이들은 김시습이 한 때 세상을 등진 것은 비분강개하는 기질 상 어쩔 수 없는 것이라고 보았다. 김시습을 성리학적 의리관으로 분식(粉飾)하여 이해했다. 이런 이해는 하나의 전범(典範)이 되어, 이후 연구자들에게 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. There are three kinds of materials concerning Kim, Si-sup"s life. The first kind of materials are written by Kim Si-sup himself, for examples Jasajinchan(自寫眞贊), Dongbongyukga(東峰六歌), Sangyuyangyangjinjeong-Seo(上柳襄陽陳情書) etc. Second are JeKimyeolgyeongsiup-mun(祭金悅卿時習文) by Hong, Yuson, Maewuoldang-seo(梅月堂序) by Yun, Chun-nyeon etc. Third are Maewuoldangjip-Seo(梅月堂集序) by Lee, Ja, Maewuoldangjip-Seo(梅月堂集序) by Lee, San-Hae and Kimsisup-Jeon(金時習傳) by Lee, Yi etc. These materials shows different aspects of comprehend Kim, Si-sup. Kim prescribed himself as a dejected hermit. Reasons of dejection are a misfortune and sad fate, a frustration caused by social contradictions etc. He experienced these difficulties continuously, and tuned his back on the world at last. He explained himself as a sad and frustrated hermit. The next group of people regarded Kim as a genius like Kong Zi(孔子), a great man(大人) with perfect freedom, and a living Buddha. The Confucian thought Kim as a reborn of Kong Zi, and the Taoist regard him as a freely upright man, and of course, the Buddhist respected him as a spiritually awakened man, a living Buddha. These people tried to comprehend Kim as a mythic person with a transcendent abilities. Of course, there is a group of people who thought Kim as a madness with a odd and strange behaviour. The third group of people, especially Lee, Yi or Lee, San-Hae, understood Kim as a quite and genuine writter and a model man. They gave him a honorible name for adhering Confucian principles. They thought the fact that Kim tuned his back on the world as a inevitable fate because of his righteous wrath. These people"s understanding became a model. The next generations generally comprehend Kim on the basis of this understanding.

      • KCI등재

        〈조웅전〉 형성의 기저와 영웅의 형상

        전성운(Sung-woon, Chun) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.74 No.-

        본고는 〈조웅전〉의 형성 기저를 구명(究明)하기 위해 구성 방식과 문체, 영웅의 면모를 고찰했다. 〈조웅전〉은 사건의 배치와 서술이 지리(支離)하지 않으면서, 서사 구성의 치밀함이 돋보이는 작품이다. 분권 기법의 측면에서, 새로운 내용을 보여준 후에 분회(分回)하는 연의소설의 특징이 나타난다. 서사 전개에 있어서는, 영웅의 자질의 완성(권지일)→ 일국의 패권 장악(권지이)→ 천하쟁패의 투쟁(권지삼)이란 서사과정을 보인다. 서술 방식에서는 실제 역사에 의거한 것은 아니지만 편년체적 서술 방식을 보이며, 문체에서는 한자어의 빈출, 한문 현토와 같은 특징이 두드러진다. 여기에 한문 문예문의 존재, 파자(破字)에 의거한 꿈 해몽과 같은 미자(謎字)도 나타난다. 이는 〈조웅전〉의 문체적 특징이 한문소설의 경향성을 보여주는 것이라 하겠다. 영웅의 형상에서는, 일개인의 무력 과시가 중심이 아니며, 복수 영웅이 국가의 흥망을 걸고 전쟁을 벌이는 양상을 보인다. 즉 천수(天數)의 변화에 따른 천명을 부여받고 그 임무를 실행하려는 영웅의 형상을 보여준다. 이는 연의소설이나 장편의 한문 영웅소설의 경향성이라고 하겠다. 요컨대 〈조웅전〉은 연의소설류나 〈남정팔난기〉와 같은 장편의 한문영웅소설의 면모, 즉 〈조웅전〉은 그 형성에 있어 〈소대성전〉, 〈장풍운전〉, 〈최현전〉과 같은 초기 영웅소설의 특징과 궤를 같이 한다. This thesis aims to research the plot of Chowoong-Jeon and the heroic characters in it for making the clear of the formation of it. It has a reasonable and finely worked plot, and its methods of partition of each volumes coincided with Yeonyi novel. And the aspect of story it shows similar characteristics with the long heroic novels in Chinese like the Namjeongpalnan-Gi or Yeonyi novels. The style of Chowoong-Jeon is characterized by the chronological form and the written in Chinese character. There are a lot of words written in Chinese characters and contains puzzles used Chinese characters. It means that Chowoong-Jeon could be written in Chinese Characters at the original version. And also, it could be a long novels just like Sodaeseong-Jeon, Jangpungwoon-Jeon, and Choihyeon-Jeon etc. The characteristics of heros in Chowoong-Jeon refer to as follows; First there are not a only hero but a lot of heroic characters. Second he fight not for and by himself with military power but for the nation and with a lot of heros. Third the hero fight with his enemy for recover the old nation according to the change of the heaven’s order. Of course, there are a lot of heroic characters objecting to the order of the heavens. Chowoong should carry out the order to eliminate the objecting heros and to recover the Song dynasty. The characteristics of Chowoong-Jeon are similar with Sodaeseong-Jeon, Jangpungwoon-Jeon, and Choihyeon-Jeon etc. And it means that Chowoong-Jeon should be researched on the sides of the early heroic novels, especially written in both Chinese characters and Korean. Now ther researchers have to change their attitude toward the heroic novels popular with people during 18~9th century. It is time to change for researching Chowoong-Jeon.

      • KCI등재

        비교 문학적 측면에서의 『구운몽』 창작과 소설사적 의미

        전성운 ( Sung-woon Chun ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2001 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.13 No.-

        Even if the study on the 「Guwunniong」 are going on diverse sides, the comparative study on 「Guwunmong」are confronted by the limitation which nothing left to compare with. So we have to switchover the way of comparative study. Until now, we just compared the subject matters of 「Guwunmong」 with those of Chinese literature. Now we have to find out the similar types of 「Guwunmong」 and compare each other. I suggest that 「Guwunmong」 should be compared with the sexy novels which came from the late Ming dynasty to the early Qing dynasty, especially 「Yookpodan」 and 「Gonggongwhan」. By comparing with the sexy novels, I find out the fact that is the variation of subject on sexy novels. This means that even though Kim Man Jong borrowed the materials of 「Guwunmong」, he accomplished the variation of subject as the substantial Korean novel. And 「Guwunmong」affected a lot of long Korean old novel, for example, a moral sense, a honor of the family’ and happy ending plot etc. So we consider the originality of 「Guwunmong」 and the meaning of 「Guwunmong」, the outstanding work in Korean old novel history.

      • 제2부 일반논문 : <三國志演義(삼국지연의)> 豫知談(예지담)의 양상과 의미

        전성운 ( Sung Woon Chun ) 한국동방문학비교연구회 2013 동방문학비교연구 Vol.1 No.-

        본고는 <삼국지연의>에 나타난 예지담의 양상과 그 작품 내적 기능과 의미를 살폈다. <삼국지연의>에는 천문(天文)의 변화와 참요(讖謠), 서상(瑞祥)과 변괴(變怪), 몽조(夢兆)와 술사(術士)의 예언 등과 같은 다양한 형태의 예지담이 존재한다. 이들은 하늘의 별자리 움직임과 오행(五行)의 변화, 천진한 아이 들의 노랫말에 내장된 은유와 상징, 대장기 혹은 아기가 갑자기 부러지는 것과 같은 상서롭거나 그렇지 못한 일, 꿈이나 이인(異人), 술사의 말 등을 통해서 인문적 질서의 변화나 특정한 사건의 도래를 예지한다. 이런 예지담은 서사를 추동하여 작품의 미감을 조성하고, 인물의 형상화에 기능을 할 뿐만 아니라 독자의 관심과 흥미를 끄는 역할을 한다. 이런 점에서 <삼국지연의> 소재 예지담은 다양한 측면에서 연구될 가치가 있다. 특히 <삼국지연의>의 국내 유입과 소 통이 적지 않았던 만큼, 이에 대한 고찰을 통해 국내 소설과의 관련성을 따져볼 필요가 있다. This thesis aims to research the phase of foreboding motifs and its` meaning in Samgukyeonyi. There are many kinds of foreboding motifs, for examples, the astronomical phenomena, children`s songs of foreboding, the lucky omen, extraordinary calamities, foreboding dreams, and prophecies. These are related with the historical change of human being or specific events in future history. The the astronomical phenomena are connected with the revolution of Five Stars, the Mars, the Mercury, the Saturn, the Venus, and the Jupiter. It secretly tells the direction and the change of human being`s history. And the children`s song confidentially contains future events. The heaven``s will expressed by the Five Stars and children`s words. And lucky omens is the appearance of phoenix or the showing of dragon, and extraordinary calamities is the earthquake, the broken flag and the tidal wave etc. The foreboding dream is interpretation of dream, and it generally related with the personnel good or bad lucks. The prophecy is telling by the man of unusual ability, and he secretly tells the someone`s future. These foreboding motifs are used for the forming of aesthetic sense, shaping character, and the interesting and attraction of Samgukyeonyi. The loyal and upright hero resist for the fate to death, and it touchs readers`` tragic feelings. The greed character does not know the signs of foreboding, and it disclosures the ignorance of character. Sometimes the foreboding motifs offer common senses of history and knowledges for human arts to readers. The people reads the Samgukyeonyi for these reasons.

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