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        지방자치단체의 IT 유지보수관리의 아웃소싱 서비스 요인에 관한 연구: AHP 분석을 기반으로

        전대호,장상현,이정재,최정일 한국IT서비스학회 2022 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        With the development of information technology, IT-based services in public administration has become more indispensable. As a result, the importance of IT maintenance projects to improve the efficiency of IT services and secure service levels is growing. Due to the nature of IT maintenance projects on local government, which mainly involve small and medium-sized IT companies in the region, business participating companies often do not have an appropriate methodology for service quality management. To solve this situation, the government has prepared a service level agreements (SLAs) that can be applied to IT maintenance projects. However, most local governments do not use SLAs for IT maintenance projects. As a result, various problems such as failure of the IT maintenance project or deterioration of quality are occurringThus, this paper suggested major indexes to evaluate which service factors affect the efficient operation of information systems and the improvement of service quality in IT maintenance projects of local governments and analyzed the importance of indexes based on AHP method. Using this research method, this study found the theoretical implications on the outsourcing service of IT maintenance.

      • KCI등재

        양자암호통신 도입의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        전대호,강미혜,최만,최정일 한국경영학회 2023 Korea Business Review Vol.27 No.4

        양자컴퓨터는 2019년 구글(Google)이 양자컴퓨터 Sycamore를 개발하여 기존 슈퍼컴퓨터로 1만 년 걸리던 알고리즘을 200초로 단축했다며 Nature에 발표하면서 양자컴퓨터가 주목받게 되었다. 양자컴퓨터는 중첩된 큐비트를활용하여 일부 알고리즘 작업에서 고전 컴퓨터보다 압도적으로 빠른 성능을 자랑하나, 현재 존재하고 있는 암호 시스템은 이러한 양자컴퓨터의 능력에 의해 손쉽게 해킹할 수 있다는 문제점을 갖고 있다. 따라서, 양자컴퓨터에 대항할 수 있는 보안체계로써 양자암호통신의 중요성이 대두되고 있다. 양자암호통신은 해킹이 원천적으로 불가능한 양자키분배(Quantum Key Distribution, QKD)기술이나 양자내성암호(Post Quantum Cryptography, PQC) 기술을 활용하여 양자컴퓨터의 위협으로부터 도․감청을 원천 차단할 수 있는 강점이 있다. 이에 양자암호통신은 해킹과 도청의 위험으로부터 보안이 중요시되는 공공, 자율주행차, 금융, 의료, 모바일, 군사분야 등 다양한 분야의 안전망 구축을 위해 꼭 필요한 차세대 기술로 세계의 주목을 받고 있으며 기업과 학계를 중심으로 양자암호통신의 기술적(technical) 특징에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 그러나 양자암호통신에 대한 수용, 전환, 도입의도와 같은 부분에 대한 사회과학 방법론에 의한 연구는 전무한 실정이다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 양자암호통신의 도입의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 실증연구를 수행하였다. 이를 위해선행연구를 기반으로 양자암호통신 특성과 기술, 조직, 환경 특성 그리고 성과기대와 노력기대를 활용하여 변수들을도출하고 연구모형을 구성하였다. 이러한 연구모형을 실증 분석한 결과 14개의 가설 중 11개가 채택되었고, 3개의가설은 기각되었다. 본 연구는 양자암호통신 관련 최초의 실증적 연구라는 점에서 의의가 있다. 아울러 실증연구를통해 양자암호통신의 핵심기술인 양자키분배와 양자내성암호 기술의 수준이 도입의도에 큰 영향을 미치며 산업의 핵심 경쟁요소인 것으로 확인되었다. 나아가 본 연구에서 정부의 제도적․정책적 지원과 양자암호통신에 대한 인식 향상이 양자암호통신 산업 저변 확대에 중요한 요인임을 발견할 수 있었다. In 2019, Google's announcement in Nature about the development of the quantum computer Sycamore marked a significant milestone in computational technology. Sycamore demonstrated the capability to perform a task in 200 seconds, which would have taken 10,000 years using existing supercomputers. This breakthrough is attributed to quantum computers' utilization of overlapping qubits, enabling superior performance over classical computers in certain algorithmic tasks. However, this advancement poses a significant challenge to current encryption systems, which are vulnerable to breaches by quantum computers. The emergence of quantum cryptography communication (QCC) is a direct response to the security threats posed by quantum computers. QCC, incorporating Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) technologies, offers a secure method of communication impervious to the hacking capabilities of quantum computers. It is becoming increasingly vital in sectors where security is paramount, such as government, autonomous vehicles, finance, healthcare, mobile communications, and the military. Despite active research in the technical aspects of QCC, there is a lack of studies exploring its social science dimensions, such as acceptance, adoption, and intention to implement. This study addresses this gap by empirically investigating the factors influencing the adoption of QCC. Drawing from previous research, it identifies variables related to the unique characteristics of quantum cryptography, as well as organizational, environmental, and technological factors. The study proposes a model based on performance expectancy and effort expectancy. Its academic significance lies in being the first empirical study focused on quantum cryptography. Theoretically, it underscores the crucial impact of QKD and PQC technologies - the core of quantum cryptography - on their acceptance and industry competitiveness.


        수종의 전동칫솔과 수동칫솔의 치태 제거 효과에 대한 비교 연구

        전대호,정진형,임성빈,홍기석,Jun, Dae-Ho,Chung, Chin-Hyung,Lim, Sung-Bin,Hong, Ki-Seok 대한치주과학회 2005 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.35 No.4

        Periodontal disease is caused by accumulation of bacterial plaque. For the reason, plaque control is essential to control and prevent periodontal disease. Among the plaque control methods, mechanical plaque removal, tooth brushing is common and reliable. But it depends on individual habituation and their manner. To catch up the gap of effectiveness, lots of oral hygiene appliances have been developing. Powered toothbrush is the most interesting field and is showing on the market with various motion type. This study was performed to compare clinical effects of plaque removal between powered toothbrush and manual toothbrush. The results were as follows : 1. Plaque index was decreased statistically after the brushing than before the brushing in every group.(p<0.05) 2. Comparing plaque index among the three groups before and after brushing, there were no statistically significant differences. 3. Interproximal plaque index was decreased statistically after the brushing than before the brushing in every group.(p<0.05) 4. Comparing interproximal plaque index among the three groups before and after brushing, there were no statistically significant differences.

      • KCI등재

        루이스 칸의 비정형적 공간 구성에 나타나는 질서에 대한 연구

        전대호(Jeon, Daeho),박진호(Park, Jin-Ho),유도연(Yu, Do Yeon) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.6

        This paper deals with Louis I. Kahn’s notion of order with regard to atypical spatial arrangements in Dominican Congregation Motherhouse, 1966-68. First, the development of the notion of order is discussed. Then, geometric order and spatial arrangement applied in his projects between 1950 and 1969 are surveyed. Finally, Dominican Congregation Motherhouse is analyzed with regard to its architectural characteristics. Four parts that include geometric unit’s ‘disposition’, ‘shape and size’, ‘angle’, ‘connection’ are categorized for the analysis. Through the analysis, it intends to expose underlying principles of spatial organization embedded in the project.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        클라우드 기반 비식별처리 데이터 제공 플랫폼 구축 방안에 대한 연구(농업분야 빅데이터 중심으로)

        장상현,이원석,전대호,김종배 한국IT정책경영학회 2020 한국IT정책경영학회 논문지 Vol.12 No.4

        In the age of the data economy, governments and public institutions are struggling to open up their data, analyze Big data, and create new business models and values. In particular, it has become possible to use non-identifying personal information with the recent revision of the Data 3 Law. In this paper, we summarized the trends of data related to the Data 3 Law revisions, trends of non-identifying technology, trends of cloud technology, and cases of non-identifying measures utilization through exploratory research. In particular, analyzed the current state of Big data in the agricultural field, considered the utilization policy through non-identifying processing, and derived suggestions. And, we proposed a conceptual model for the construction of a hybrid cloud-based non-identification processing data provision platform to provide and utilize non-identification processing data in the agricultural field, and defined and suggested essential considerations in design. Through this study, we expect that the data provided for non-identification of agri-food provided to the outside will be converged with public and private data, leading to the creation of new businesses, which will contribute to the activation of the data economy. We expect consumer-customized agri-food data to have new economic value on their own.

      • KCI등재

        농업·농촌 디지털 전환을 위한 빅데이터 활성화 방안 연구

        이원석,손경자,전대호,신용태 한국정보처리학회 2020 정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학 Vol.9 No.8

        In order to promote digital transformation of our agricultural and rural communities in the wake of the fourth industrial revolution and prepare for the upcoming artificial intelligence era, it is necessary to establish a system and system that can collect, analyze and utilize necessary quality data. To this end, we will investigate and analyze problems and issues felt by various stakeholders such as farmers and agricultural officials, and present strategic measures to revitalize big data, which must be decided in order to promote digital transformation of our agricultural and rural communities, such as expanding big data platforms for joint utilization, establishing sustainable big data governance, and revitalizing the foundation for big data utilization based on demand. 4차 산업혁명 시대를 맞아 우리 농업·농촌의 디지털 전환을 추진하고 다가오는 인공지능 시대를 대비하기 위하여, 필요한 양질의 데이터를 수집하고 분석해서 활용할 수 있는 체계와 시스템 구축이 필요하다. 이를 위해 농업인이나 농정담당자 등 다양한 이해 관계자들이 느끼는 문제점이나 이슈들을 조사·분석하여, 공동 활용을 위한 빅데이터 플랫폼 확충, 지속 가능한 빅데이터 거버넌스 구축 그리고 수요자 기반의 빅데이터 활용 기반 활성화 등 우리 농업·농촌의 디지털 전환을 추진하기 위해서 반드시 선결되어야 할 빅데이터 활성화를 위한 전략적 방안들을 제시하고자 한다.

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