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      • KCI등재

        효소왕의 출생연대와 즉위과정

        장활식 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2018 新羅文化 Vol.51 No.-

        The 32th King of Silla, Hyoso, ascended the throne in 692 and died in 702. He inherited the throne after his father, King ShinMun who reigned between 681 and 692, and was succeeded by his younger brother, King SeongDeok who reigned between 702 and 737. The birth year of King Hyoso is in question. It seems that he was born in 687, according to 『History of the Three Kingdoms』. However, 『Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms』 stated that he was born in 677. This paper examined the script that has long been considered as the birth record of King Hyoso and found that the statement, “on that day, the sky was dark and numerous lightning bolts stroke followed by loud thunders,” is a metaphoric expression indicating that the prince born in 687 was killed by his usurping uncle in 692. This prince was not King Hyoso, but his younger brother. It turned out that King Hyoso born in 677 ascended the throne right after his younger brother’s death by his uncle. King ShinMun, whose name was JeongMyeong, had multiple marriages in a monogamous system. His first marriage, as a prince, appears to be in 665 with a princess of BaekJe, a kingdom that had been conquered by allied forces of Silla and Tang in 660. This marriage might have been enforced by Emperor Gaozong of Tang who wanted to abate conflicts between the two adversarial royal families and thus stabilize his influences over the two kingdoms. JeongMyeong, however, terminated this marriage, sometime before a war broke out between Silla and Tang in 670. His second marriage appears to be with the daughter of HumEun Kim. This marriage could be a reflection of anti-BaekJe and anti-Tang movements in Silla. The marriage, however, could not survive the massive military attack of Tang in 674. His third marriage appears to be with the daughter of HumDol Kim. HumDol is very likely to be a leader of pro-Tang bureaucrats in Silla. Prince JeongMyeong, however, had no child with the daughter of HumDol Kim. Instead he had maintained a close relationship with his ex-wife, the daughter of HumUn Kim. They had their first illegitimate son in 677 who later became King Hyoso, and the second illegitimate son in 681 who later became King SeongDeok. In 683, King ShinMun remarried his second wife, the daughter of HumUn Kim, and gave her the position she expected when she first married Prince JeongMyeong. In 687, King ShinMun and the daughter of HumUn Kim had their third son who was their first legitimate son. Although the prince born in 687 was younger than his brothers, he was the only legitimate son who was entitled to the throne. In 692, King ShinMun died, and the young crown prince at the age of six was supposed to inherit the throne after his father. A brother of King ShinMun who was most likely being supported by pro-Tang forces, however, rebelled and killed the six-year-old crown prince. However, Kingdom’s People, a group of leaders consisting of royal family members, overthrew the seemingly successful military coup. Consequently, King Hyoso ascended the throne in 692.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터 오남용의 의도와 행동을 결정하는 조직 및 개인적 특성

        장활식,정대현 한국정보화진흥원 2013 정보화정책 Vol.20 No.1

        In the information age, it is common to use the computer for company’s business. Even though there are lots of investment to prevent the abuse of computer, the frequency and amount is increasing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is how individuals misusing computers in the company, and identifying factors of it separated by group and personal characteristics. Code of ethics and discipline has a significant impact on attitude and intention from the view of organizational characteristics. This proofs that code of ethics is clearly codified and reflect the management policy. So, it imprints employee’s commitment to protect themselves, and this could be conjunction with the company’s policy. Moreover, reflecting on performance assesment and discipline also has a effect. Organizational loyalty appeared significantly in attitude, but was not important in intentions. This means that the intensity of organizational loyalty is not always connected to the abuse of computer. It can be depending on individual’s tendency, psychological state and organization mood. The action for misusing the computer has a significant impact on attitude and intention. Those people might have a strong tendency to judge that it is totally fine to use the company’s computer as long as it does not harm others and using during non-business hours, instead of thinking that it is inappropriate to use the company’s computer not for business intention. 정보화시대에 있어서 기업의 업무 처리는 컴퓨터를 활용하는 것이 대부분이며 컴퓨터 오남용을 방지하기 위한 억제요인에 대해 많은 투자를 하고 있음에도 불구하고 빈도와 양은 증가추세에 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 기업 내에서 개인 용도로 컴퓨터를 오남용 하고 있는 요인들을 조직적 특성과 개인적 특성으로 구분하여 파악해 보고자 한다. 조직특성으로 살펴본 윤리강령 및 징계는 태도와 의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 윤리강령이 명확히 명문화 되어 있고 경영정책에 반영함으로써 종업원 스스로 지켜야 한다는 의지를 각인시킴으로써 회사의 정책과 연계시킬 수 있다는 것을 시사하며, 아울러 징계의 명시화와 인사고과에 반영하는 등의 노력이 효과가 있는 것으로 판단되어 진다. 조직 충성도는 태도에 유의하게 나타났으나 의도에는 유의하지 않게 나타났다. 이는 조직충성도 강도에 따라 반드시 컴퓨터 오남용 의도로 이어지는 것은 아니며 개인의 성향, 심리적 상태, 조직 분위기 등에 따라 다소 개인적인 차이가 있을 수 있을 것으로 생각되어 진다. 컴퓨터 오남용의 행동은 태도 및 의도에 의해 유의한 영향을 받았다. 업무이외의 목적으로 회사 컴퓨터를 사용하는 것이 부적절하다고 생각하기 보다는 조직 구성원에게 피해를 주지 않거나 일과시간 외 업무이외의 목적으로 얼마든지 회사 컴퓨터를 사용 할 수 있다고 판단하는 성향이 강하다는 것으로 파악할 수 있겠다.

      • KCI등재

        삼국유사에 나타나는 밀본의 실체

        장활식 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2016 新羅文化 Vol.47 No.-

        『Remaining Records of Three Kingdoms』(『三國遺事』), a late 13th century text, introduced a mysterious 7th-century Esoteric Buddhist monk called MilBorn(密本). The literal meaning of ‘MilBorn’ is the Founder or Root of Secret Buddhism. The text stated MilBorn had two main disciples who developed their own sects of Secret Buddhism in Silla(新羅): MyungRang(明朗) of Shin-In-Jong(神印宗) that emphasized to dissolve kingdom-wide crises by performing rituals at alters and HyeTong(惠通) of Chong-Ji-Jong(摠持宗) that focused on relieving personal misfortunes, such as diseases, by chanting secret spells. However, nothing is known about MilBorn except that he had cured the diseases of Qeen Seondeok(善德女王: reigned 632~647) and Kim, Yaang-Dou(金良圖), a young noble boy who later became an envoy to China. A troubling fact is that there is no indication that MyungRang, who is claimed to defeat Chinese invasions in 670 by performing the Mudra Rituals(文豆婁秘法), can in any way be related to MilBorn who mainly engaged in curing diseases. 『Biographies of Eminent Korean Monks』(『海東高僧傳』), an early 13th century text, described AhnHaam(安含), an Esoteric Buddhist monk also referred to as AhnHong(安弘), who contributed to the Silla’s unification of the Three Kingdoms by populating Buddhism in Silla, according to 『Remaining Records of Three Kingdoms』. AhnHaam(i.e, AhnHong) had many great achievements in his life: bringing from Sui(隋) to Silla in 605 numerous sutras and a śarīra(舍利) claimed to be that of Śākyamuni(釋迦牟尼), inviting three Indian Tripiṭiaka Masters(三藏法師) and two Chinese monks in 625 from Tang(唐) to translate an esoteric sutra titled 『A Mysterious Woman of Sandalwood Incense and Burning Star Lights』(栴檀香火星光妙女經), proposing to bury Queen SeonDeok after her death at Trayastriṃśa(忉利天) and to consequently build the Four Devas Temple(四天王寺) below the Trayastriṃśa, and demanding to construct a nine-story pagoda at HwangYong Temple(黃龍寺九層塔)to defeat neighboring kingdoms. MyungRang is considered by many scholars to be most strongly influenced by AhnHaam(AhnHong) who laid out the master plan for building the Buddha Land(佛國土) in Silla. This paper found that AhnHaam(AhnHong) was arbitrarily renamed as MilBorn by Monk EelYeon, the author of 『Remaining Records of Three Kingdoms』. Monk EelYeon considered AhnHaam(AhnHong) as the founder of Secret Buddhism in Silla, but did not to explicitly state that MilBorn is an alias for AhnHong. For that reason, many historians up to this point have considered AhnHaam(AhnHong) as a totally different person with MilBorn. EelYeon hid the true identity of MilBorn because AhnHaam(AhnHong) was the one who predicted the downfall of Koguryo(高句麗) in his prophetic writings. EelYeon regarded the prophecy as a curse, because he was a monk of Koryo(高麗), a descendant kingdom of Koguryo.

      • KCI등재

        비형랑의 목랑신앙

        장활식 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2017 新羅文化 Vol.50 No.-

        Worshipping Mok-naang(木郞) after the Appearance of Bee-hyeong-naang(鼻荊郞): 『Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms』(『三國遺事』), a late 13th century text, stated that Bee-hyeong- naang was born between the ghost of King Jin-ji(眞智王) and a widow named Dou-hwa-yeo(桃花女) or Peach-Flower-Lady. The story goes that King Jin-ji asked Dou-hwa to have a relationship with him, but she declined, for she was loyal only to her husband. After the death of King Jin-ji in 579 and the death of Dou-hwa’s husband in 581, the late king’s ghost visited Dou-hwa and stayed with her for seven days. Dou-hwa then became pregnant and later gave birth to Bee-hyeong. Bee-hyeong in this narrative is being considered to be a fictional character representing Yong-chun(龍春) who was the son of King Jin-ji and father of King Mu-Yeol(武烈王). 『Geographic Survey of the Eastern Kingdom』(『東國輿地勝覽』), a 16th century text, stated that “Mok-naang, i.e., Duduri(豆豆里), has been worshipped since the appearance of Bee-hyeong-naang,” and that “Duduri chases away ghosts by posting spells at doors.” Mok-naang has been considered to be a dokkaebi, i.e., a goblin, made of wood. This paper examined the nature of Mok-naang. Mok-naang turned out to be the five Buddhist gods, appearing in the 7th book of 『Sutra of Consecration』(灌頂經), that repel goblins, ghosts, misfortunes, disasters, enemies, etc. The gods exercising the power of Mok-raang, i.e., gods’ mudra(神印), consist of Dìshìtiān(帝釋天) and Four Great Heavenly Kings(四天王). It seems that the Dragon Kings of Five Directions(五方龍神) can also seize the power. The five kings are the blue one in the east, the red one in the south, the white one in the west, the black one in the north, and the yellow one at the center. Many temples in Korea today have Four Great Heavenly Kings color-coded in this way. This paper also examined the true identity of ‘Bee-hyeong-naang. ‘Bee-hyeong-naang(鼻荊郞)’ translates into the ‘beginning(鼻) of thorn-man(荊郞)’ where thorn(荊), like peach(桃) in Dou-hwa-yeo(桃花女), has a power to sweep away ghosts, goblins, bad fortunes, etc. Bee-hyeong-naang turned out to be an esoteric Buddhist monk called Ahn-haam(安含), i.e., Ahn-Hong(安弘), a half brother of Yong-chun(龍春). According to 『Biographies of Eminent Korean Monks』(海東高僧傳), an early 13th century text, he was born in the year King Jin-ji died. He studied Esoteric Buddhism(密敎) in Sui(隋) from 601 and returned to Silla in 605 with a śarīra(舍利) claimed to be that of Śākyamuni(釋迦牟尼) and various sutras(佛經) presumably including the 『Sutra of Consecration』(灌頂經) and the 『Golden Light Sutra』(金光明經). Upon returning to Silla, Bee-hyeong-naang, i.e., Ahn-Haam(安含), removed the shamanic Buddhist monks from Heung-ryeun-sa(興輪寺), the first Buddhist temple in Silla, with a more formalized and systematic religious dogma imported from Sui. The ghosts that claimed to have built the Ghost Bridge overnight in Gyeongju(慶州), the capital of Silla, were the shamanic Buddhist monks. 『Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms』 used a number of different aliases for Ahn-haam i.e., Ahn-Hong. It used ‘Bee-hyeong-naang(鼻荊郞)’ to describe the birth and early life of Ahn-haam. Then, it changed the alias to ‘Mil-born(密本)’ to indicate that he had formed the root of Korean esoteric Buddhism.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 제조기업의 ERP 시스템 도입의 정량적 성과에 관한 연구

        장활식,박광오,최우혁,한정희 대한경영정보학회 2008 경영과 정보연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Researches on the introduction of ERP system kept on examining the critical successful factors (CSFs) that focus on factors to achieve effectively successful projects, and trying to measuring the actual effectiveness of the introduction of ERP system. However, most of the preceding researches on the effectiveness of the introduction of ERP system that was searching devoted effects has been ceased, and actually even researches on the economical results have just done the basic cognitive evaluation of result indicators by many questionnaires instead of objective measuring values, because of the difficulty of measuring the evaluation of the result. Moreover, researches on positive effects of the introduction of ERP on enterprise results and researches that failed to give advantageous effects showed different results each other. And a part of researches reported that only a part of result indicators were partially affected. In this research, we investigated Korean large enterprises or middle-sized enterprises in manufacture industry that introduces SAP R/3 and Oracle package to compare their quantitative financial results after the introduction of ERP system, in order to measure the effects of the ERP system. First, we evaluated the difference of the quantitative financial results before and after the introduction of the ERP system. Second, we evaluated the opportunities shown by the effects after the introduction of the ERP system. Third, we removed the sample of the exchange crisis (IMF) and executed the additional analysis to reflect the average increasing and decreasing rate in the industry, so that pure evaluation can be achieved. Inherent limits of precedent researches are removed and practical effects of the pure introduction of the ERP system are evaluated, so the research of this research is significant. The result of this research is as follows. Because of the introduction of ERP, the rate of turnover of inventory property has increased and sales of preparation inventory property have decreased so that more effective inventory property management has been achieved. Moreover, preparation sales of labor costs and preparation sales of the number of employees have decreased to show the effect of the reduction of labor costs. However, it could no be concluded that we could increase the profit due to the introduction of ERP system. Due to the introduction of ERP, although we concluded that the return on assets (ROA) and the additional value of one-person employee statistically showed obvious differences and increased, the return on equity failed to show obvious differences after the process of introduction of ERP.

      • KCI등재

        첨성대 축조 발원자

        장활식 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2017 新羅文化 Vol.49 No.-

        Who Proposed to Build Cheomseongdae? Cheomseongdae(瞻星臺), known as one of the world's oldest star-gazing tower built during the reign(632~647) of Queen Seondeok(善德女王), is a stone structure located in the former Silla(新羅) Dynasty capital of Gyeongju(慶州). A research suggested that an Esoteric Buddhist monk called AhnHong(安弘) proposed to build the structure. Another research articulated that it was MilBorn(密本) who proposed to build the stupa. A more recent research revealed that MilBorn, of which literal meaning is 'the Root of Secret Buddhism', was an alias for AhnHong. AhnHong, also known as AhnHaam, went to Sue(隋) in 601 at the age of 23 to study Esoteric Buddhism and returned to Silla in 605 with various sutras that greatly impacted Buddhism in Silla. In 625, he returned this time from Tang(唐) with three Indian Tripiṭaka Masters(三藏法師) who translated an Esoteric sutra titled 『A Mysterious Woman of Sandalwood Incense and Burning Star Lights』(『栴檀香火星光妙女經』) at HwangYoung Temple(黃龍寺). This sutra was for deifying Princess DeokMaan(德曼公主) who became Queen Seondeok as an incarnated Mahāśrī(摩訶室利). Mahāśrī is a Buddhist goddess of happiness and good fortune adopted from a Hindu goddess, Lakṣmī(拉希米). AhnHong desired to construct a Buddha Land in Silla but died in 640. His plan, however, was successfully carried out by Silla people after his death. His Buddha Land Plan included the nine-story wooden pagoda at HwangYong Temple(皇龍寺九層木塔) built in 645, Queen SeonDeok's funeral at Trayastriṃśa(忉利天) carried out in 647, and the Four Deva Temple(四天王寺) below Trayastriṃśa built in 679, and the seven major Buddhist temples in Gyeongju constructed during the 6th and 7th centuries. This paper examined the plausibility of the claim that Cheomseongdae was proposed to be built by AhnHong, reached at a conclusion that the claim is valid, and came up with additional evidence to support the claim. It turned out that AhnHong was responsible for many prophecies that Silla people truly believed. In his prophetic book, of which one name is 『Chronicles of Eastern Buddhism's Formation』(『東都成立記』), AhnHaam rewrote the history of Silla from the time before Śākyamuni and foretold, based on the rewritten history, the events that would be eventually actualized by the Silla people. 『Left-out Memorabilia of the Three Kingdom』(『三國遺事』), a 13th century historical text containing the oldest record on Cheomseongdae, simply stated that "According to 『Supplementary Records』(『別記』), Cheosengdae was built during the reign of Queen Seondeok." Consequently, many researchers had wondered what were written in the records. This paper found evidence from the quoting book that 『Supplementary Records』 were from the prophetic book, 『Chronicles of Eastern Buddhism's Formation』, written by AhnHong. One known fact in Cheomseongdae research is that the tomb of Queen Seondeok and Cheomseongdae were aligned with the direction of sunrise at the winter solstice. This research found that the locations were determined in such a fashion based on an esoteric sutra called 『Sutra of Consecration』(『灌頂經』) imported very likely by AhnHong. This paper concludes that AhnHong was the esoteric monk who proposed to build Cheomseongdae.

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