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      • KCI등재

        치매 단계별 일상생활수행능력의 차이 비교

        장종식(Jong-Sik Jang) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.12

        본 연구는 지역사회와 시설에 거주중인 치매환자들의 단계에 따라 기본적 일상생활수행, 수단적 일상생활수행을 파악하여 임상현장에 근거를 제시하고 치매환자 관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 자료 수집은 전국에 소재한 요양원, 주간보호센터, 지역사회, 보건소, 요양병원, 요양원, 광역치매지원센터 등 15개의 기관에서 실시하였으며, 2015년 10월 1일 ∼ 2015년 11월 20일까지 지역사회거주 치매환자 100명, 시설거주 치매환자 100명을 평가하였다. 모든 자료는 연구자와 평가방법에 대해 충분한 교육을 받은 평가자들이 ADCS-ADL, S-IADL, S-ADL, MMSE-K를 직접 평가하였다. 치매환자의 단계별 일상생활수행수준의 차이를 비교하기 위해 일원배치 분산분석 후 사후검정과 시각적 그래프를 통해 분석하였으며 거주형태와 치매단계에 따른 분석은 독립표본 t 검정을 실시하였다. 지역사회거주 치매환자와 시설거주 치매환자의 일상생활수행수준의 차이를 비교한 결과 수단적 일상생활수행과 기본적 일상생활수행의 모든 항목이 중등도 치매단계에서 차이를 보였으며(p<.01), 사후검정결과 최경도, 경도와 중등도 간에 차이가 있는 것으로 보였다. 치매거주 형태별로 일상생활수행의 차이를 확인한 결과 모든 단계에서 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다(p>.05). 본 연구의 결과로 미루어 볼 때 향후 진행되는 치매연구에서는 효과의 지표로써 일상생활수행평가의 적용 시 기본적 일상생활수행보다는 수단적 일상생활의 변화를 확인하는것이 매우 중요할 것으로 사료된다. This study aims to obtain information about the ADL and I-ADL functions of people with dementia living in the community and nursing care facilities regarding their dementia stages for the purpose of supporting occupational therapists working in dementia care centers. The information was collected from 100 people with dementia living in the community and 100 people with dementia staying in care facilities from October 1 to November 20, 2015. 15 facilities participated in this study, including nursing homes, day care centers, health centers, geriatric hospitals and metropolitan dementia centers. All of the assessors were trained in the use of the instruments, ADCS-ADL, S-IADL, S-ADL and MMSE-K, by the researcher before conducting any evaluations or interviews. In order to compare the differences in the levels of ADL according to the dementia stage, an analysis was made via the post-hoc test after conducting a one-way ANOVA. An analysis of the residence type and dementia stage was made through the independent t-test. The comparison of the level of ADL between the people with dementia living in the community and those living in nursing homes showed differences in the moderate level of dementia for all items of the I-ADL and ADL (p<.01). The post-hoc test showed that there is a difference among the minimum, mild, and moderate levels. When the differences in ADL according to the residence type were examined, there were no significant differences in any of the stages (p>.05). Considering these results, it may be critical to identify the changes in the I-ADL rather than those in the ADL for the outcome index when conducting future intervention studies on dementia.

      • KCI등재

        감마선을 조사한 ICR 마우스 정세관에서 apoptosis 발생 평가

        장종식(Jong Sik Jang),김중선(Joong Sun Kim),김종춘(Jong Choon Kim),김성호(Sung Ho Kim) 한국생명과학회 2009 생명과학회지 Vol.19 No.6

        방사선 및 각종 독성물질에 의한 고환 정세관세포의 사멸은 apoptosis와 관련이 있다고 알려져 있으나 정세관상피주기에 따른 apoptosis 발생에 대한 변화연구는 미진하다. 본 연구에서는 감마선을 조사한 ICR 마우스의 고환에서 apoptosis 발생을 transferase-mediated end labeling (TUNEL) 과 periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) 염색을 동시에 실시하여 관찰하였다. Apptosis는 TUNEL 양성으로 나타났으며 특징적 형태변화를 보였다. 2 Gy (분당 2 Gy의 선량률)의 방사선을 조사하고 24시간동안의 변화를 관찰한바 방사선조사 후 12시간에 가장 높은 apoptosis 발생을 보였고 이후 감소하였다. 8 Gy까지의 방사선을 조사하고 8시간에 변화를 관찰한 결과 모든 정세관상피 주기에서 방사선 용량에 비례한 apoptosis의 발생이 관찰되었다. 방사선 용량-반응은 linear-quadratic 곡선[y=(-0.014±0.009)D²+(0.31±0.697)D+0.3575. y는 정세관 당 TUNEL 양성세포의 수, D는 방사선 용량(Gy), r²=0.9]에 가장 일치 하였다. 최대 반응은 8 Gy에서 관찰되었으며, 0.5 Gy조사군에서도 변화가 나타났다. 이러한 변화는 정세관상피주기 V에서 B정조세포와 정세관상피주기 XII의 분열기 정자세포에서 가장 현저하였다. The killing of male germ cells by radiation and other toxicants has recently been attributed to apoptosis, but a critical evaluation of the presence of the different features of apoptosis in each epithelial stage has not been performed. In this study, mouse testes exposed to radiation were examined by light microscopy and terminal transferase-mediated end labeling (TUNEL) with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stains to determine whether the cells were apoptotic according to several criteria. Apoptosis was easily recognized by the presence of peroxidase-stained, entirely apoptotic bodies. In the TUNEL-positive cells or bodies, the stained products correlated precisely with the typical morphologic characteristics of apoptosis as seen at the light microscopic level. The changes that occurred from 0 to 24 hours after exposing the mice to 2 Gy of gamma-rays (2 Gy/min) were examined. The numbers of apoptotic cells reached a peak at 12 hours after irradiation and then declined. The mice that received 0-8 Gy of gamma-rays were examined 8 hours after irradiation. Dose-response relationships were generated for each stage of the epithelial cycle by counting TUNEL-positive cells. The dose-response curves were linear-quadratic [y=(-0.014±0.009)D²+(0.31±0.697)D+0.3575. Where y=the number of apoptotic cells per seminiferous tubule, and D=the irradiation dose in Gy, r²=0.9] and there was a significant relationship between the frequency of apoptotic cells and the radiation dose. Although the maximum response was produced by 8 Gy, even 0.5 Gy induced marked changes. These changes were most pronounced in B spermatogonia of stage Ⅴ and the spermatocyte at the mitotic cells of stage ?.

      • KCI등재

        도축 사슴의 체조직내 카드뮴 함량에 관한 조사 연구

        장종식 ( Jong Sik Jang ),권오덕 ( Oh Deog Kwon ) 한국동물위생학회 2001 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.24 No.1

        In order to clarify the cadmium(Cd) contents of normal deer, tissue samples including kidney, liver, muscle, spleen, heart, lung, rumen, abomasum, intestine, skin and bone were collected from 18 deer which were slaughtered in Korea. All samples were burned to ashes and analyzed for Cd contents by atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. The mean Cd contents in μg/g wet matter for 18 deer were liver 0.013, kidney 0.286, muscle 0.010, spleen 0.001, heart 0.007, lung 0.005, rumen 0.019, abomasum 0.016, intestine 0.018, skin 0.016 and bone 0.312, respectively. Two samples in kidney, one sample in muscle out of 18 deer showed higher Cd contents than normal limit value of 0.50μg/g for liver and kidney, 0.10μg/g for muscle. In addition, three deer also showed higher Cd contents in one body tissue than normal limit value which reported foreign countries.

      • KCI등재후보

        은행잎 물추출물이 Balb/c 마우스의 카드뮴중독에 미치는 병리조직학적 관찰

        장종식(Jong-Sik Jang),김길수(Kil-Soo Kim) 한국실험동물학회 2004 Laboratory Animal Research Vol.20 No.4

        카드뮴중독으로 인한 간장, 신장, 폐장 및 대퇴골의 손상에 대한 병리조직학적 변화를 비교, 관찰함으로써 은행잎 물추출물이 카드뮴 중독에 미치는 영향을 밝히고자 암컷 40두의 Balb/c 마우스를 10마리씩 한 군으로 하여 대조군과 3개의 실험군(은행잎 물추출물 단독투여군, 카드뮴(100ppm) 단독 투여군, 카드뮴(100 ppm)과 은행잎 물추출물 동시투여군)으로 분류하였다. 대조군은 기초사료와 정제수를, 은행잎 물추출물 단독투여군은 기초사료와 은행잎 물추출물을, 카드뮴(100 ppm) 단독투여군은 기초사료와 카드뮴 100 ppm의 정제수를, 카드뮴(l00 ppm)과 은행잎 물추출물 동시투여군은 기초사료와 카드뮴 100 ppm이 포함된 은행잎 물추출물을 자유로이 급식하도록 공급하였다. 모든 실험군은 실험 8주 후에 부검을 실시하여 간 신장, 폐 그리고 대퇴골을 적출하여 조직학적 변화를 관찰하였다. 실험결과 은행잎 물추출물 단독 투여군은 대조군과 마찬가지로 유의한 변화가 없었다. 그러나 카드뮴 단독투여군은 간에서 국소괴사와 괴사부위의 세포윤곽이 불분명함이 인정되었으며 신장조직에서 세뇨관의 변성과 괴사 및 그러한 변화로 인한 세뇨관 상피의 탈락과 공포화가 관찰되고, 폐조직에서는 심한 충혈과 폐포의 종대 및 폐포벽의 심한 비후를 나타내었다. 그리고 대퇴골 몸통부위 경골조직의 협소한 소견과 현저한 해면뼈의 용적감소와 협소한 소견이 관찰되었다. 뼈끝판 연골조직에서는 심한 협소화의 진행과 연골세포 원주상 배열의 불규칙한 소견이 관찰되었다. 반면에 음용수로 카드뮴 100 ppm의 은행잎 물추출물 동시투여군의 각 장기조직에서는 경미한 변화를 나타내거나 거의 정상적인 구조를 유지하였다. 결론적으로 은행잎 물추출물은 카드뮴의 독성을 완화 및 회복시킨다는 사실을 조직병리학적으로 관찰할 수 있었다. This study was designed to investigate the effects of Ginkgo biloba leaves water extract on histopathological changes in cadmium (Cd) administered Balb/c mice. Forty female Balb/c mice weighing 17 ± 2 g were used for this experiment and divided into following one control group and three experimental groups; control group, Ginkgo biloba leaves water extract group, 100 ppm Cd group, and 100 ppm Cd with Ginkgo biloba leaves water extract group. The Cd administered mice were given 100 ppm of CdCl₂ㆍ2H₂O dissolved in the distilled water as drinking water. All mice were raised for 8 weeks. Histopathological changes in the liver, kidney, lung, and cortical osseous tissues of femoral shaft, bone trabecular of femur, and epiphyseal cartilage plate of femur were observed. 100 ppm Cd group showed the indistinctness of specific cells in liver, the loss of architecture and focal necrosis of hepatocyte, degeneration and necrosis of convoluted tubules, desquamation and vacuolization of the greater part of the renal tubular epithelium, the marked congestion and thickness of the wall of alveolus in lung, slightly thinning of the cortical osseous tissue in femoral shaft, reduction of cancellous bone volume and marked narrowness of bone trabecular, marked thinning of epiphyseal cartilage plate and irregular arrangement of columnar structure of cartilage cells. On the other hand, 100 ppm Cd with Ginkgo biloba leaves water extract group showed a little convalescent changes and recovered to their normal architectures in liver, kidney, lung, cortical osseous tissue of femoral shaft, bone trabecular of femur and epiphyseal cartilage plate of femur. These results suggested that Ginkgo biloba leaves water extract showed alleviative and protective effect on cadmium poisoning in Balb/c mice, however, the mechanism of these effects was obscure.

      • 도살견의 체조직내 카드뮴 함량에 관한 조사 연구

        장종식,이현범,이근우,Jang Jong-Sik,Lee Huyn-Beom,Lee Keun-Woo 대한수의사회 1993 대한수의사회지 Vol.29 No.3

        In order to clarify the cadmium contents of normal dogs, tissue samples including liver, kidney, muscle, skin and hair were collected from 50 dogs which were slaughtered in Dae Gu area. All samples were dry ashed and analyzed for cadmium content by atomic

      • 파킨슨 환자에게 재가방문 작업치료 중재가 인지기능과 균형에 미치는 영향 : 사례 연구

        선혜 ( Jang Sun-ye ),주유미 ( Ju Yumi ),장종식 ( Jang Jong-sik ) 대한인지재활학회 2016 대한인지재활학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of home-visit Occupational Therapy on cognitive functions and balance skills for a Parkinson`s patient. Methods: Home-visit Occupational Therapy services were provided with the elderly client with Parkinson`s once a every week and for total 13 weeks from March to June of 2016. Home-visit Occupational Therapy services includes balance exercise, weight exercise with the Thera-band, stepping on color-paper, badminton with the balloon, and education for fall prevention. The effect of intervention was performed by K-MoCA, MBI, BBT, Get Up and Go Test. Result: There was significant improvement on the delayed recall items in the K-MoCA and also on the Get Up and Go Test. However, there was no improvement on BBT. There was also significant improvement on personal hygiene, bathing, toilet, chair/bed transfer of MBI sub-items. Conclusion: Home-visit Occupational Therapy has positive effect for the elderly with degenerative disease on the aspect of the part of cognitive function, balance skills and independence on ADLs. This study implies that activities and intervention which are provided by occupational therapists at home is effective on functions and independency for the elderly`s life.

      • KCI등재

        방사선 피폭의 생물학적 선량측정에 어류(조피볼락, Sebastes schlegeli) 및 조류(닭)의 세포질분열 차단 세포 적용의 부적절성

        김세라,김태환,류시윤,장종식,안미영,김성호,Kim, Se-Ra,Kim, Tae-Hwan,Ryu, Si-Yun,Jang, Jong-Sik,An, Mi-Young,Kim, Sung-Ho 대한수의학회 2002 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the micronuclei (MN) frequency in cytokinesis-blocked (CB) cells after various doses of gamma-rays in two species (fish and fowl) and so to contribute to the clarification of the question whether these species are suitable as a target organism in the test system. The frequencies of binucleated cells, and gamma-ray-induced MN in CB cells at several doses were measured in three donors of two species. No binucleated cell was noted in erythrocyte. The peaks of binucleated lymphocyte formation were found at a concentration of 2% phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and $3{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ cytochalasin B (Cyt-B) in fish at 144 hours after incubation and 2% PHA and $6{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ Cyt-B in fowl at 72 hours after incubation. But the micronucleus counts failed to show any evidence of radiation damage. Measurements performed after irradiation showed a dose-related decrease in the formation of binucleated cells in each of the donors studied. Results indicated that the assays were not suitable for this due to blastization inhibition (binucleation failure) after irradiation. We concluded that the use of CB cell from fish and fowl for detecting the results of mdiation exposure was highly questionable.

      • KCI등재

        국내 작업치료사의 전문직 정체성에 대한 타당성 연구

        문영주(Young-Ju Mun),장종식(Jong-Sik Jang) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 라쉬분석을 통해 작업치료사의 전문직 정체성의 수준 및 특성을 파악하고, 추후 작업치료사 정체성에 연구의 기초로 활용하는 것이다. 연구 대상자는 현재 작업치료사로 종사하고 있는 88명을 대상으로 2020년 5월부터 6월까지 구글 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 22.0 빈도와 기술통계, Winsteps 3.8.0 항목 및 대상자 적합도, 항목난이도, 평정척도, 분리 신뢰도 등 라쉬분석을 하였다. 분석 결과 대상자 중 17명(16.3%)가 부적합, 항목은 25항목 중 5개(20%) 부적합으로 나타났다. 항목난이도는 ‘나는 체계적으로 작업치료 전문 간행물(소식지, 신문 등)을 읽는다’ 항목이 가장 높은 난이도이며, ‘나는 내가 할 일에 대하여 스스로 결정한다’가 가장 낮은 난이도를 보였다. 평정척도는 3점 척도가 적합한 것으로 나타났고, 분리신뢰도는 .86~.95이었다. 작업치료사의 전문직 정체성에 대한 수준과 특성 파악하고, 항목 및 대상자 적합도, 항목난이도를 라쉬분석을 통해 파악할 수 있었다. 향후 다양한 표본집단을 대상으로 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이며, 작업치료사만을 위한 전문직 정체성 측정 도구 개발 및 업무 특성에 맞는 항목이 제시되기를 기대한다. The purpose of this study was to identify the professional identity levels and characteristics of occupational therapists through Rasch analysis and to use this as the basis for further assessment and research on the same subject. An online survey was conducted, and the response of 88 people working as occupational therapists between May and June 2020 was analyzed. The collected data included the frequency, analyzed by SPSS 22.0 and technical statistics, Winsteps 3.8.0 target and item suitability, item difficulty, level scale, and separation reliability. According to the analysis, 17 (16.3%) of the subjects and 5 (20%) out of 25 items were unsuitable. Item difficulty was the highest in the category "I systematically read professional publications on occupational therapy", and the lowest level of difficulty in "I make my own decisions about what to do." The three-point scale was suitable for the equilibrium scale , and the separation reliability was between .86 and .95. Thus, identity levels and characteristics of occupational therapists, the suitability of items and subjects, and difficulty levels can be identified through Rasch analysis. In the future, research should be conducted on various sample groups, to develop identity measurement tools specifically for occupational therapists, and to present items appropriate to the characteristics of their work.

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