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      • KCI등재

        하권 : 고령화 사회와 사회국가의 미래 -노인복지의 발전방향을 중심으로-

        장영수 ( Young Soo Chang ) 안암법학회 2014 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.43

        Living a long and healthy life has been a dream of humanity. Although Korea is solidifying its reputation as a developed nation, it is facing various problems especially with its aging population simultaneously. An aging society is not only a matter of prolonged life expectancy and increasing proportion of senior population. However, aging population will lead to problems in a broader spectrum, as it will considerably affect the country`s political, economic, societal and cultural prospects. The aging society has a critical influence on social paradigm transition especially relating to welfare states. The welfare states play an intrinsic role in helping minorities` benefits from national finance; although the aging society causes economic contraction on state economy and brings negative results on national funding as entering welfare states` boundary, increments of state expenditures are inevitable to retain various demands of welfare states. Due to these changes, there are arising interests in the aging society effects on welfare states` future, the efforts needed for welfare states` proper development, and the nation`s prospective role. In this writing, the proper direction of development in welfare states of progressive aging society is presented based on the arising concerns, especially from aspects of senior citizens` welfare. To do this, organized notion of the aged and its characteristic are presented followed by the welfare states structural changes in a wider frame based on the aging society progress. Then present and future direction of senior welfare are analyzed by categorizing in social security system, psychological and cultural activity, and from health to death. The key point in this part is that the economic and social structure changes are ongoing phenomena. Since the previous studies on the aging society and the role of the senior citizens so far are based on economic and social structure at that time, continuous attention and analysis of present are needed henceforth reflecting those ongoing structural changes. In this article, institutional strategy under current legislation and its involving problems are briefly examined while presenting overview of senior welfare that is emerging as severe social issue as entering the phase of aging society. However, it is difficult to predict how senior welfare issues would progress in the future. For these reasons, this article pursues its rationality only ``at this point`` and seeking new solutions for those problems in next periods should put as a subject of future assignment according to changing circumstances. New centuries are requiring new preparations accordingly, however, and changes in research paradigm beyond the past are expected strongly.

      • KCI등재

        행정입법에 대한 국회 통제의 가능성과 한계 -국회법 제98조의2 제3항 개정의 위헌 논란을 중심으로-

        장영수 ( Young Soo Chang ) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2015 世界憲法硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        There are several factors for the successful establishment of the rule of law. One of the most important factor is securing objectivity and fairness of Administrative Legislation, which is a representative feature of modern administrative state. On the one hand this can set up corrective relationship between the legislative and the administrative, on the other hand this can guarantee the protection of human rights through rule of law in public administration. However, acute tension between the National Assembly and the President Park has arisen in process of exercising presidential veto on the revision in the Clause 3 of NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ACT Article 98-2, which the Assembly plenary session passed lately. It is unarguable that legislation by National Assembly is above legislation by the government(so called, administrative legislation), and administrative legislation against a parent law will lose the base of its existence. Nonetheless, unconstitutionality of the revision come to the fore. The reason is not the disagreement about necessity and possibility of the control by the National Assembly, but the way to control. In this article. if National Assembly has the right to demand for modifying and changing administrative legislation, it will be not control to administrative legislation but actual decision about the content of administrative legislation. Thus, it would be unconstitutional in regard to the separation of powers. Certainly, problems of administrative legislation against law are not downplayed on the following point: the National Assembly does not have sufficiently controlled the government, so the National Assembly regulated the right to demand for modifying and changing administrative legislation as strong and efficient controlling method(system) to the government. This article emphasized the method(system) requires several complementary measures to be legitimate and justifiable. Before exercising of the right, the National Assembly give the government(especially, chief of an organization) the opportunity to explain the law which the National Assembly intends to modify and change. Also, there will be procedure for the government’s raising an objection to the National Assembly’s exercising. With complementary measures, the controversy over unconstitutionality of the revision will be resolved.

      • KCI등재

        스키타이 의복에 대한 연구 1 - 흑해 북쪽 지역 스키타이인을 중심으로 -

        장영수 ( Youngsoo Yi Chang ) 한국의류산업학회 2015 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine the form of the clothing of the Scythians who lived in the northern region of the Black Sea. This study refers to data, which has been extracted from reviews of literature, articles and catalogs of Scythian exhibitions held in Germany, a country where famous Scythian research was collected and analyzed. Results of this study are as follows: Regarding the basic form, there was no change in the appearance of the Scythian clothes which can be linked to social classes and regional background. But the detailing of the clothes changed. Russian archaeologist Klocko has stated that decorative bands of ancient costume appear to depend on the construction of ancient clothing. I have analyzed the upperjacket of Scythians with the decorative bands based on the research of Klocko. From this analysis could be observed that decorative bands of upperjacket had also been varied depending on their region and their social status. The decoration of the revers of upperjacket differs according to social status. According to their width, trousers were classified in types; in narrow and wide. The basic set up of the narrow-type is as follows: the trouser is divided into voluminous straight forms and leggings in close contact with the legs. The width of a trouser differs according to the social status of Scythians and from the region where they lived. Regional differences could be observed more significantly, than differences resulting from social status.

      • KCI등재

        실크로드의 중심 박트리아의 복식 연구 - 유물 분석을 중심으로 -

        장영수,Chang, Youngsoo 한국의류산업학회 2017 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Bactria was the intersection of transportation between Greece-Iran and Central Asia at the Silk Road. This kingdom was Greek in all of its ruling classes. Because the Greek culture of Bactria spread to India and the east, Bactria was a very important place in ancient civilizations. The purpose of this study is to understand the life and the various cultures of Bactria and the influence of Greek culture on the costumes of Bactria. The research method was approached through the analysis of the empirical data. Data on antiquities were analyzed in European exhibition catalogs and secondary data collected from Internet. The results of this study are as follows: First, the original costume of Bactria was identified in two styles in the reliefs of the Persian Achaemenid. One is the tunic jacket sarapis that goes down to the knee and wide trousers with half-length boots. The other is the Scythian style trousers that looks like a barrel in a Sarapis. Second, in the Bactrian coin depicting the bust of the Bactrians, the hair styles and headgear of the Bactrian kings were analyzed. The Bactrians wore braids with short curly hair and wore Macedonian hats and helmets on them. Third, the relics excavated from the ruins of Ai-Khanuom depicted the forms of the ruling classes of Bactria. The dress styles and hair styles of gods and priests were imitating the form of the Greek costume as it is.

      • KCI등재

        스키타이 복식 연구 II - 페르시아 왕조 부조에 묘사된 스키타이인을 중심으로 -

        장영수,Yi-Chang, Youngsoo 한국의상디자인학회 2016 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        The Saka were a large group of Eastern Iranian nomadic tribes on the Eurasian Steppe. The sythian figures shown on the Persian reliefs are esteemed as the only empirical material in the range of scythian costume researches. The study of the scythian culture is an important part in the research of possible connections of our cultural roots with this region. The investigation was initiated by the theory, that the korean people emigrated from the Eurasian region, so that their origin can linked to eurasian riding people. The aim of this study is to organize the scythian clothingform in a typological system. This results shall be used as the starting point for research investigating the origin of the korean clothingform. This study refers to data, which has been extracted from reviews of literature, articles and excavation data of German Archaeological Institute. Results of this study are as follows: The basic form of clothing shown on the Persian reliefs is the upperjacket with narrow sleeve and trousers. This basic form is divided into two different types. 1)The median tunicform upperjacket('Sarapis') and median narrow trousers('Anaxsirides'), which is bound with its end shoes. 2)The Scythian 'Cutaway' upperjacket that is cut from the front in the middle to the knee with the diagonal lines and relatively wide trousers. They wore high pointed hats with flaps over ears and the nape of the neck. The first median type is dated from the $6^{th}$ century BC. and the second type can be found on reliefs from the $5^{th}$ century BC. Reliefs. In the meantime appeared a mixed form, namely scythian Jacket and median trousers. From this analysis could be observed that scythian clothingform has changed by median type to the scythian type. The Scythians shown on the Persian reliefs are divided into three group according to the regions where they lived: Saka-paradraya, Saka-tigraxauda, Saka-haumavarga. Clothingstype is different depending on the group. The clothesform is also used as a good parameter to distinguish scythian groups.

      • KCI우수등재

        최신판례분석 : 공직선거법상 선거운동의 자유와 명함 교부 제한의 헌법적 쟁점 - 헌재 2016. 9. 29. 2016헌마287 결정 -

        장영수1 ( Chang Young-soo ) 법조협회 2017 法曹 Vol.66 No.4

        헌재 2016. 9. 29. 2016헌마287 결정은 공직선거법 제93조 제1항과 제60조의3 제2항의 일부 내용이 후보자 이외에 배우자와 직계존비속, 그리고 배우자가 함께 다니는 사람 중에서 지정한 1인이 후보자의 명함교부를 할 수 있도록 한 규정이 배우자 없는 후보자의 평등권을 침해하여 위헌인지의 여부에 대하여 심판하였다. 법정의견은 기존 헌법재판소 판례에 따라 배우자와 직계존비속의 명함교부는 합헌으로, 하지만 배우자가 함께 다니는 사람 중에서 지정한 1인의 명함교부는 위헌으로 판단하였다. 그러나 이에 대해 이정미 재판관은 전자의 경우도 평등권침해로서 위헌이라는 취지로, 김이수, 안창호 재판관은 후자의 경우도 평등권을 침해하지 않아 합헌이라는 취지로 각기 반대의견을 제시하였다. 이러한 법정의견과 반대의견은 각기 나름의 근거를 제시하고 있으나, 몇 가지 문제점을 보이고 있다. 무엇보다 배우자와 직계존비속을 함께 규정하고 있는 것이 과연 21세기 대한민국의 가족제도 현실에 맞는 것인지를 재검토해야 할 것이며, 변화된 현실에 맞는 새로운 기준의 정립이 필요할 것이다. 이와 관련하여 헌법재판소가 입법자에 대한 존중을 근거로 완화된 심사기준을 채택하는 것이 타당한지에 대해서도 신중한 검토가 필요할 것이다. Die Entscheidung des koreanischen Verfassungsgerichts von 2016.9.29. zur 2016Hunma287 hat uber die Verfassungsmaßigkeit von §93 Abs.1 und §60-3 Abs.2 beurteilt, die außer Wahlkandidat seinem Ehepaar und seiner Familie von gerade aufsteigende und absteigende Linie, ferner einem mit seinem Ehepaar bewegenden Aushandigung seiner Namenskarte erlauben. Die Mehrheitsmeinung des Verfassungsgerichts beurteilt nach der verherigen Entscheidungen die Aushandigung der Kandidatennamenskarte von seinem Ehepaar und seiner Familie von gerade aufsteigende und absteigende Linie als verfassungsmaßig, die Aushandigung von einem mit seinem Ehepaar bewegenden als verfassungswidrig. Verfassungsrichter Jeongmi Lee sah aber die erstere als verfassungswidrig an, und Verfassungsrichter Yisu Kim und Changho Ahn die letztere als verfassungsmaßig. Die Mehrheitsmeinung und abweichende Meinungen haben eigene Grunde angegeben. Es gibt doch einige Problematik. Vor allem sollte nochmals untersucht werden, ob das Ehepaar und die Familie von gerade aufsteigende und absteigende Linie in Korea und zwar in 21. Jahrhundrt gleichgestellt werden konnten. Wunschenswert ware ein neues Maßstab zu stellen, die der veranderte Wirklichkeit anpasst. In Zusammenhang damit benotigt auch die erleichterte Prufungsmaßstab des Verfassungsgerichts sorgfaltige Uberprufung.

      • KCI등재

        스키타이인의 머리형태와 수염에 대한 연구 - 흑해 북쪽지역 스키타이인을 중심으로 -

        장영수,Chang, Youngsoo 복식문화학회 2018 服飾文化硏究 Vol.26 No.4

        In ancient times, hairstyle varies according to tribes. Because it is a social product that depends on status, class, and gender within the tribes, research on the hairstyle is an important source for studying the culture of the tribes. The purpose of this study is to analyze hairstyle of the Scythians and to understand the culture of the Scythians. Furthermore, the purpose is to identify the ethnic group based on this research. And it is intended to use the results as a comprehensive resource for research on the origins of Korean ancient costumes. As a research method, literature study and artifact analysis were performed concurrently. Data for artifact analysis were taken directly from the Eremitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, where the researcher visited for this study. The conclusions of this study are as follows: Hairstyle of the Scythians were classified into three types: straight hair, braided hair, and tied hair depending on social status, age, and region. Straight hair was usually seen with kings, royalty, and warriors, and the hair length varied according to their status. Braid hair appears by a depiction of an old man and young Scythians. Tied hair was observed in the warrior. The beard was divided into chin-beard and mustache. Long chin-beards and mustaches were mostly observed in the ruling classes, while medium length chin-beards and short mustaches were considered the most common form of beard because they appeared in most classes. The young Scythians, regardless of their status, had no beard.

      • KCI우수등재

        R134a, R152a, R22/142b를 이용한 냉동기의 성능실험

        장영수,신지영,노승탁,Chang, Y.S.,Shin, J.Y.,Ro, S.T. 대한설비공학회 1994 설비공학 논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        Experiments on the performance of refrigeration system using alternatives to R12 are carried out. The condenser and the evaporator are concentric-tube heat exchangers of counter-flow type and the compressor is driven by a variable speed motor. In this study, R134a, R152a, R22/142b(50 : 50 by mass) are adopted as alternatives to R12. Tests are performed by varying the inlet and outlet temperatures of secondary fluids of evaporator and condenser under the condition of constant compressor speed, degree of superheating and degree of subcooling. Results show that R134a has refrigeration capacity close to that of R12 and requires the greatest compressor power compared with that of others. And the system using R152a shows the best performance from the viewpoint of refrigeration capacity, compressor power and coefficient of performance. R22/142b is superior to R12 in the above points.

      • 『의궤』에 묘사된 현무 도상 연구

        이승연(Lee Seung-Yeon),장영수(Chang Young-Soo) 한국민화학회 2021 한국민화 Vol.- No.14

        ‘거북’은 고대부터 ‘현무(玄武)’라 칭하며, 장수와 지혜로움, 예지력, 재복(財福) 그리고 신의 사자로 여겨져 ‘사령(四靈)’ 의 하나로, 동서남북의 사방위를 지키는 수호신을 상징하며 신성시되어왔다. 우리나라에서 ‘거북’ 도상은 선사시대 암각화에 처음 등장하였으며, 삼국시대의 ‘귀사합체’의 모습에서, 고려시대와 조선시대 전기는 ‘거북 단독’의 모습으로 변화하였다. ‘거북’은 민화에 등장하기 전에 먼저 조선시대의 왕실의 ‘흉례’ 관련 『의궤』에서 찬궁의 네 벽에 붙여졌던 <사수도>에서 모습을 드러냈다. 『의궤』는 조선시대 국가나 왕실에서 거행한 주요 행사의 전말(前末)에 대한 보고서를 편찬하여 만든 책으로, 조선 전기 『의궤』는 임진왜란으로 모두 소실되었다. 현전하는 『의궤』 중 가장 빠른 1627년 『의궤』부터 1926년 마지막 『의궤』까지 53개의 ‘현무’ 도상을 찾을 수 있다. 현재 규장각, 외규장각, 장서각에 흩어져보 관되고 있으며, 일제강점기까지도 꾸준히 제작되어 ‘거북’ 도상의 변화를 시기별로 파악할 수 있는 좋은 자료가 되고 있다. 본 연구의 ‘흉례’ 관련 『의궤』에서 수집한 53개의 ‘현무’를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. ‘현무’의 가장 큰 도상적인 변화는 ‘귀사합체’의 형태에서, ‘거북 단독’ 형상으로 변화하였다. 현전 제일 빠른 1627년의 『원종예장도감의궤』에서는 ‘귀사합체’의 모습으로, ‘거북 단독형’의 모습은 1757년 『정성왕후홍릉산릉도감의궤』에서 처음 나타나며, 실제 ‘거북’의 모습으로 변화하였다. 또한 『의궤』에서 현무는 세 번의 문양 변화를 보였다. 첫 번째 변화인 ‘귀갑문’은 반듯한 육각형→ 육각형의 겹침→물고기 비늘 모양으로 바뀌었다. 육각형의 겹침은 1800년 『정조건릉산릉도감의궤』에서 처음 보이며, 몇 번의 변화과정을 거친다. 1926년 마지막 『의궤』에서는 완전히 물고기 비늘 모양으로 바뀌어, 이러한 ‘귀갑문’의 변화과정을 조선시대 ‘거북’ 도상의 편년 근거로 삼아도 무리는 없다고 생각된다. 두 번째 변화인 ‘화염문’은 1659년 『효종대왕영릉천릉산릉도감의궤』에서 처음 적색의 단순한 형태의 ‘화염문’이 나타나서, 1721년 『숙종명릉산릉도감의궤』에서 현전하는 ‘화염문’의 형태로의 모습을 갖추게 되었다. 세 번째 문양의 변화인 배(腹)와 연갑판의 문양은 초기에 실패 모양으로 나타났다가, 1699년 『의궤』에서는 검정색 얼룩무늬로 바뀐다. 그러나 점차 검은색이나 검붉은 얼룩무늬로 변화해감을 알 수 있었다. 지금까지 살펴본 것처럼, 본 연구는 『의궤』의 편년이 기준이 되어 ‘거북’ 도상의 편년을 비교적 정확하게 살펴볼 수 있었다. ‘거북’ 도상은 『의궤』 이외에도 궁중화와 민화에도 많아 나타나는데, 국왕의 명으로 제작된 궁중화는 화원들의 관지(款識)가 허용되지 않아 작가와 제작연대를 추적하기 어렵고, 민화 역시 관지가 없는 것이 대부분이어서 편년의 문제가 대두될 수 밖에 없다. 따라서 ‘거북’ 도상의 비교적 정확한 편년을 제공한 본 연구는 조선시대 ‘궁중화’와 ‘민화’에 묘사된 ‘거북’ 도상의 연구를 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. ‘Turtle’ has been called ‘Hyunmu’ since the ancient times, and it has been regarded as the messenger of the gods for longevity, wisdom, foresight, and fortune. and has been deified. In Korea, the ‘turtle’ image first appeared in the prehistoric petroglyphs, and then during the Three Kingdoms Period, it appeared with a snake entangled together. During the Goryeo and the early Joseon Dynasties, the hyunmu image was represented in the turtle-alone image. During the Joseon Dynasty, the turtle image was attached on one of the walls of Chan-gung, the royal funeral installation to cover the coffin. The installation was burnt down after the funeral so the actual image no longer exists, but copies of it remain in Uigwe, the recordings of the state rituals and ceremonies. 53 Hyunmu images are extant in the Uigwe books, the earliest one from 1627 and the latest from 1926. Those images are precious sources for tracing the iconography of the hyunmu image. The hyunmu image was represented as a turtle-and-snake image in the Uigwe of 1627, which was changed to the turtle-alone image in 1757. The iconographical changes in the hyunmu image can be summed up as follows: First, the pattern on the turtle-back changed over the years; from the straight hexagon → overlapping hexagons(1800s) → fish scales(1926). Second, a simple red pattern appears on the front legs of the turtle in 1659, which is developed into a full-fledged flame pattern in 1721. Third, the pattern of the abdomen and the Marginal scute, initially appeared in the shape of a spool, but in 1699, it was changed to a black speckled pattern. However, it could be seen that it gradually changed to black or black and red blotches. As such, it was possible to examine the iconographical changes in the hyunmu image during the latter half of Joseon dynasty through the hyunmu image recorded in Uigwe. Since it provides a chronological development of the hyunmu image, it is expected to serve as the basic data for the study of the ‘turtle’ iconography represented elsewhere, for example, in ‘Gungjunghwa’ and ‘folk painitngs’ of the Choseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        전자증권법의 주요 쟁점에 관한 소고 - 시행 2년 동안의 주요 법·실무적 쟁점과 대안 -

        張榮洙(Young-Soo Chang) 한국기업법학회 2021 企業法硏究 Vol.35 No.3

        「주식·사채 등의 전자등록에 관한 법률」(‘전자증권법’) 에 근거한 전자증권제도가 시행된지 2년이 흘렀다. 제도 전반을 반추하고 시행과정에서 도출된 쟁점을 정리한 뒤 대안을 제시하기에 충분한 시간이 지났다는 의미이다. 특히 기업의 경영활동 현장에서 도출된 제도 관련 몇몇 문제점들은 그 대안제시(전자증권법 개정 등)가 시급하다. 이 논고는 그 목적으로 작성되었다. 우선, 현행 전자증권제도의 본질을 재음미하는 작업으로서, 지속되고 있는 제도의 명칭에 대한 논란을 종결하는 것이 선행되어야 한다. 전자문서방식이 아닌 전자등록방식을 취하고 있는 현행 제도의 본질, ‘전자증권’(electronic securities)이라는 해외 용례가 전무하다는 사실 등에 비추어 볼 때 ‘전자등록증권제도’ 나아가 ‘등록증권제도’가 적합하다. ‘계좌관리기관’이라는 용어 또한 부적합하다. 증권상의 권리를 (전자)등록하는 제도인 전자증권제도에서 전자등록계좌부의 작성과 관리라는 본질적 업무를 현행 전자증권법상의 ‘계좌관리기관’이 수행한다. 따라서 본질에 부합되게 이를 전자등록기관으로 정의하는 법 개정 또한 필요하다. 제도의 규율체계와 관련, 현재 상법과 전자증권법으로 양분된 규율체계상의 문제점은 결국 상법상의 제도 관련 조문들을 전자증권법으로 이관함으로써 해결하여야 한다. 그럴 경우, 현재 법무부와 금융위원회로 주무부처가 양분되어 있어 통일된 유권해석 등이 불가능한 문제점도 금융위원회로 단일화되게 되어 자연스럽게 해결될 것이다. 제도의 시행 후 비로소 부각된 다양한 법·실무상 쟁점 중, 가장 중대한 문제점이 노출되고 있는 것은 소유자명부제도이다. 발행인에 대한 투자자들의 집단적 권리행사를 위해 작성되는 것이 소유자 명세(혹은 소유자명부, 주식인 경우 주주명부)인데, 현행 전자증권법은 원칙적으로 기명증권에 대해서만 이를 작성할 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 전자등록제도하에서는 기명과 무기명간 구별이 무의미하고, 기존 무기명증권의 권리행사 방법(대항력 확보방법)인 증권의 공탁이 전자증권제도하에서는 더이상 불가함을 고려할 때, 무기명증권에 대하여서도 소유자명부제도를 적용하도록 하는 법률개정이 필요하다. 마지막으로, 전자증권제도가 시행되었음에도 존치하고 있는 국채등록제도를 전자증권제도로 흡수하는 것, 그리고 집합투자제도하에서의 계좌관리기관을 규정하고 있는 전자증권법 제19조 등도 합리적으로 개정되어야 한다. Two years have passed since the Electronic Securities Act was enforced on Sep. 16, 2019. That means it is proper time to review legal and practical issues and propose the appropriate solutions for them. One lingering and controversial issue surrounding the electronic securities system(the “System”) is its name. In order to dematerialize the certificates of the securities, our law(The Electronic Securities Act, the “Act”) has adopted ‘electronic registration’ methods, rather than that of ‘electronic document.’ The current official name of the System(or Act), ‘Electronic Securities Sysem(or Act)’ fails to represent its nature since the System has adopted electronic registration methods. Therefore, measures to change the name to ‘electronic registration system’ or just ‘registration system’ should be taken. The name defined as ‘Account Operator’ in the law also bears some problems. Since the operator is not merely a account controller but plays the role ‘electronic registrar’ that is the key player in the System, the name should also changed to the ‘account registrar.’ The current laws that govern the System are divided into several provisions of the Commercial Law and the Act that has been enacted just for the System. The relevant provisions in the Commercial Law should be merged to the Act. Such legislative measures will automatically hammer out the problems of regulatory authorities currently being divided into the Ministry of Justice and the Financial Services Commission by the merging the authorities into the Financial Services Commission. The most critical matter raised during last two years is related to the ‘owners’ list.’ The Act provides with some exceptions that the issuers shall make the list of security owners only when they issue the registered forms of securities . The lawmakers overlooked two important points. One is that there is no difference between bearer securities and registered form under the System. Another is that there is no way for issuers to collect the owners information under the situation where bearer certificates do not exist in the System unless the process of making the owners’ lists is applied to the bearer securities. In conclusion. The relevant provision regarding the scope of the owners list should be amended in order for the provision to be applied to the bearer securities as well. Lastly, this paper also contends that the government bond registration system that still exists even after the enforcement of the Act should be abolished since the System practically plays the same role as the electronic securities system.

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