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      • 실험적 공연예술로서의 Post-Modern Dance

        장애숙 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1996 體育學論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Post-modern dance is, as a dance that has shown various styles of dancing composition centering around America since the 1960's, being accepted as a concept to "generalixe the creative experiments as an avant-garde dance difficult to conclude the exact contents of construction." Post-modern dance that has been formed and developed centering around New York has had a wide-ranging influence on Minneapolis in the west of America, Canada, England, Eruope, Japan and so on. In England, they have developed 'New Dance', in Canada, 'Dance Autuelle' centering around Mortreal and in Gerany, 'Poor Dance' Pina Baush and susann Linke took the lead for, and in Japan. 'Butoh' has been established itself. All these dances happened in the outside of America displayed the influence through mutual visits with Americal. Post-modern dance shows a voluntary expression of pluralistic media and unrestrained freedom unbound to an exclusive division between genres in the side of expressive style, which can be said as the biggest characteristics of performing art. The stage in the Baller of the past and the early modern dance was shown in the place where professonal dancers perform for the audience's viewing, in other words, in the theater stage, a limited space to show an aristocratic sublimity and a high level of techniques or the dramatic expression of emotions and the spiritual movements. But the change of stage form started under some restricted concept of limited space was also an act for breaking a bit bigger flexed idea in the tradition, and the stage works done under this concept has become a limited factor for the development of dnace-performing art to some extent. Theerefore, seversl progressive choreographers have achieved much development in the style of dancing composition and the expressive style of theme in pursuit of new changes of performing art. In the performance of Post-modern dance, daily circumstances is apt to be suggested as a space of act. As a result of extending the scope of performing place by accepting a part of reality without filtering, the preformances were carried out someetimes in the open air or the public places like the street, the subway station, the part, the parking lot, the lakeside, the woods, the roof-top of the building, the gym and soon. TO suggest the features of human-being arranged in a new place with a new form invests the audience with various possiblities of interpretation alog with an intimacy on acts and circumstances. Also, in the preformance of Post-modern dance, the techniques of screen media like Video or T.V. movie and pictures and the images to borrows these are apt to appears. Steve Paxton projected Video recording films and documentary movies for a political satirement, and Judson Group uses the movie edited by the accidental techniques. Trisha Brown reflected the pictures of the ground taken from the airplane in order to disclose the limitation and fallacy of the system of the(learth's) crust on the screen on the stage, and once compared and illusive character and within the picturelike form. In addition, Meredith Monk attempted to make dance performances into the movie by the living and moving bodies as using the poural media. Besides these, if considering the experimental character in Post-modern dance, 〈Violent Contact〉, one of Trisha, Brown's representative experimental works showed a study or impromptu creation, and Merce Cunningham's unique work who led an experimental performance through the old joint work with John cage had a great influence on Judson Group. Especially, hs accidental and imprompt style of dancing composition made the late modern choreographersaware of the importance of the spirit of inquiry and spirit of experiment based on autonomy and creativity. The spirit of experiment should be, in the end, to the direction to turns the sharp sense of recognition on the complexity and variety of modern culture and the history and tradition depressed between each age and generation into a possibility. The performing art Post-modern dance stands for values much of the dramatization of a living, the sportive nature of art and the technical functions on the transmissional media but above all, needs the choreographer's snese. The choreographer should be able to feel and express directly the acts, many conditions and senses beyond tham he(or she) feels in the reality, I think.

      • KCI등재

        Testicular Feminization 증후 1예

        장애숙(AS Chang),송혜섭(HS Song),강경화(KH Kang),양석기(SK Yang),김영선(YS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.7

        저자들은 본원에서 경험한 testicular feminization syndrome 1예를 보고하고 이에 대한 문헌적 고찰을 하였다. This paper describes a patient, thought to be female, who presented at age 20 for investigation of primary amenorrhea. She was found to be gentically male, with inguinal testes, but femine external genitalia. A diagnosis of male hermaphroditism with feminization was made. The relevent literature is reviewed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Rh 음성 산모의 문제점

        송혜섭(HS Song),장애숙(AS Chang),김정혜(JH Kim),양석기(SK Yang),민보은(BE Min) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.7

        1976년 1월 1일부터 1980년 7월 31일까지 일신부인병원 산부인과에서 분만한 Rh 음성 산모 43명과 53회의 임신으로 출생된 55명의 신생아를 대상으로 Rh 음성이 산모와 태아에 미치는 영향을 비교 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1.28,249명의 산모중 Rh 음성은 43명이었고 53회의 임신으로 그 빈도는 0.19%였다. 2.Rh 면역된 임신 5예에서 그 원인이 수혈에 의한 것으로 생각되는 것이 3예로 가장 많았고 이전의 인공유산에 의한 것으로 생각되는 것이 2예였다. 3.산후 Rhogam을 투여했던 9예에서는 모두 Rh면역이 일어나지 않았다. 4.Rh 음성 산모의 산전관리에서 Rh 항체역가치에만 의존하지 말고 양수천자에 의한 빌리루빈치의 측정이 필요한 것으로 생각되었다. 5.Rh 음성이 산모에 미치는 영향으로써 산후출혈 후 혈액공급이 어려운 것이었고, 분만전에 가족의 광범위한 혈액형 검사로 Rh 음성 혈액의 준비가 필요한 것으로 사료되었다. 6.Rh 면역된 신생아에서 주산기 사망은 없었으나 빠른 빌리루빈치의 증가가 나타남으로 제대혈액으로 혈액형, 혈색소치, 빌리루빈치, 직접쿰수치의 측정이 필요하고 출생 후 면밀한 관찰과 적극적인 처치가 요구된다. 53 pregnancies in 45 Rh neg. women who were delivered between Jan. 1st 1976 and July 30th 1980 in Il Sin Women`s Hospital were reviewed and following results were obtained. 1.The incidence of Rh neg. women among a total 28,249 patients was 0.19%. 2.5 patients were immunized. In 3 patients the immunization was probably due to previous transfusion of Rh positive blood and in 2 cases the immunization followed previously induced abortions. 3.The use of Rhogam after delivery, abortion, ectopic or possible placental trauma in the non-immunized patient prevents immunization and reduces the neonatal problem.In this series 9 patients who had been given Rhogam after previous delivery Rh immunization was not present. 4.In the management of pregnancy in a Rh negative women not only the Rh antibody titer but also amniocentesis with bilirubin absorption curve is required. 5.Danger to the mother was difficulty in obtaining Rh negative blood for transfusion after severe P.P.H. It is important to check blood grouping of many of the relatives as possible in order to have rapid collection of Rh negative blood when necessary. 6.There were no stillbirths or neonatal deaths, but 4 babies required exchange transfusion due to rapid increase of serum bilirubin. To lower the perinatal morbidity the cord blood needs to be examined in detail followed by close observation with active treatment if jaundice develops to a certain level.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of Rupture of a Pregnant Bicornuate Uterus at Term

        신경숙(KS Shin),장애숙(AS Chang),(Marsden DE),(Martin BH) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.2

        23세 초산부의 수술중 발견된 쌍각자궁 파열의 예이다. 자궁은 Strassman 방법에 의해 복구되었으나 수술후의 자궁조영술 결과 원래의 쌍각자궁을 그대로 유지하고 있었다. 그러므로 분만시의 수술은 가능한한 간단하게 마치며 임신이 아닌 상태에서 적절한 수술을 요하는 것으로 사료된다. The true incidence of congenital duplication abnormalities of the uterus is not certain because many probably cause no problem and one therefore not detected, but among obstetric patients is estimated to be between 0.5% and 2% of deliveries. Among the abnormalities the most common is uterus bicornis unicollis which was seen in almost half the cases reported by Barbero. Fertility is probably not impaired but the incidence of abortion is increased significantly, especially with the lesser degree of uterine abnormality. apart from abortion the other complications possible incidence incoordinate uterine action, abnormal presentation, premature labour, and uterine rupture. Rupture ofa rudimentary horn is a well recognised event, but rupture of a uterus bicornis unicollis is far less common. The authors were only able to find reference to one such case, described over 75 years ago. this paper reports a case of rupture of a uterus becornis unicollis managed at Il Sin Hospital Pusan. In particualr the problem of the method of repair is discussed in detail.

      • 시판 냉면국물에 대한 세균학적 조사

        이경림,이승섭,이은주,이희우,장애숙 이화여자대학교 의과대학 1974 梨花醫學誌 Vol.- No.6

        The authors attempted to detect and identify various organisms contained in the Korean cold noodles sold in restaurants by means of cultivating on the nutrient agar plates and blood agar plates in the aerobic condition during one month from July 24th, 1973. The specimens of bouillon were collected from twenty cold noodle dishes sold in twenty different restaurants and carried to the laboratory, immediately after taken, where the tests were performed. Fifteen groups or species of organisms were tentatively identified and twelve kinds of organisms were left unidentified from the medical bacteriological point of view regardless of the number of organisms contained. It is suggested that any measurement should be taken to serve the Korean cold noodle dishes sound enough so that any risk of causing foodpoisoning could be controlled.

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