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장동진(Dong-Jin Jang),장휘(Whi Chang) 한국정치사상학회 2003 정치사상연구 Vol.9 No.-
본 논문은 롤즈의 『만민법』 에서 제시된 합당하게 정의로운 ‘자유적’ 만민의 ‘외교적 정책’의 이상과 원칙들을 칸트의 『영구평화론』 에서 제시된 세계시민주의(cosmopolitanism)와 비교함으로 『만민법』의 이론적 위치를 명확히 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 칸트의 『영구평 화론』에서 제시되고 있는 세계시민주의는 칸트의 전체적인 철학적 기획 아래에서 이해되어야 하는 도덕적 기획(moral project)이다. 그에 비해 롤즈의 『만민법』에서 제시되는 관용(toleration)의 개념은 『정치적 자유주의』에서 제안된 합당성(the resonable)으로 표현되는 중첩적 합의(overlapping consensus)를 비자유주의 국가로 확장시켜 국제사회의 안정을 유지하려는 정치적 기획(political project)이다. 롤즈의 『만민법』은 『사회 정의론』에서부터 비롯된 원초적 입장(original position)을 통해 질서정연한 사회(well-ordered society)의 역사적 경험을 공유하는 사회의 국민들이 어떻게 그들이 공유할 수 있는 정의원칙을 만들 수 있는가의 문제에서 출발한다. 그리고 『정치적 자유주의』 에서 제시된 것처럼 그 정의원칙 아래에서 한 사회가 어떻게 지속적으로 유지되며, 그러한 사회가 국제사회 속에서 어떻게 자신들의 내부적 원칙의 일관성을 잃지 않으면서 자신들의 자유주의적 가치를 확장시킬 동반자들을 만들 수 있는가를 제시하는 것이 『만민법』의 이론적 위치이다 전지구적 정의를 주장하는 이론가들은 롤즈의 『만민법』의 인권개념의 상대성과 합의의 단위를 만민의 사회(Society of Peoples)로 보는 롤즈의 입장을 비난하지만, 그들 역시 칸트적 보편성과 구별되는 자신들의 보편성의 한계를 인식하지 못한 상태에서 롤즈의 이론 내에서 특수한 사회 내에서 적용되었던 원칙을 전지구적으로 확장시키려고 시도한다는 점에서 한계를 갖는다. This paper aims to articulate the theoretical position and limitations of John Rawls's conception of international justice provided in The Law of Peoples by comparing it with Kant's cosmopolitanism represented in Towards Perpetual Peace. Kant's cosmopolitanism should be understood as a moral project within his whole philosophical scheme. On the contrary, The Law of Peoples is concerned with extending the 'ideals and principles of the foreign policy of a reasonably just liberal people' to other societies and can be interpreted as a political project. It is an application of the political conception of justice presented in Political Liberalism, and its goal is to maintain international stability through toleration between liberal and decent peoples. The Law of Peoples starts from the original position where people sharing common historical experience of reasonable liberalism politically agree on certain justice principles. Thus, as an extension of Political Liberalism to the international level, The Law of Peoples is concerned with the problem of how a liberal society can find cooperative members in international society without losing the consistency of their liberal principles. Contemporary liberals criticize John Rawls's political project by claiming that its primacy of peoples in conceiving international society as a Society of Peoples, degrades hunan rights a relative value. However, they also have some limitations of their own in that they are in fact expanding a particular liberal conception of rights to the international society without realizing that their concept of hunan rights cannot be universalized in the Kantian sense.
오태훈,장동진,김재우,문정일,김현승,Tae Hoon Oh,MD,Dong Jin Chang,MD,Jae Woo Kim,MD,Jung Il Moon,MD,PhD,Hyun Seung Kim,MD,PhD 대한안과학회 2012 대한안과학회지 Vol.53 No.1
Purpose: To evaluate the possible causes of decreased central corneal endothelial cell count in glaucoma patients and to acknowledge the importance of central corneal endothelial cell count evaluation. Methods: This retrospective case-control study included 60 glaucomatous eyes that were being treated with topical anti- glaucoma drugs, 30 eyes that underwent laser iridotomy or trabeculectomy, and 60 control eyes. Intraocular pressure, duration of topical anti-glaucoma medications, mean number of topical anti-glaucoma drugs, and preoperative central corneal endothelial cells were analyzed. Results: The numbers of central corneal endothelial cells in the topical anti-glaucoma medication group, the surgical group and the control group were 2681.30 ± 355.33, 2435.57 ± 646.81 and 2822.08 ± 330.17 cells/mm2, respectively. The numbers in the topical anti-glaucoma medication group and the surgical group were significantly lower than that of the control group. The number of central corneal endothelial cells was significantly low in patients with longer duration of disease and in those taking a greater number of topical anti-glaucoma drugs (p = 0.003, p = 0.010) Conclusions: In glaucoma patients, corneal endothelial cell count is decreased by glaucoma surgery, laser therapy, long-term or multiple topical anti-glaucoma medications. When performing cataract surgery in glaucoma patients, preoperative corneal endothelial evaluation is essential. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012;53(1):37-42
각막굴절교정수술 후 펜타캠을 이용한 안압 보정방법의 비교
홍련화,이민규,박창원,장동진,리영준,주천기,Lian Hua Hong,MD,Min Kyu Lee,MD,Chang Won Park,MS,Dong Jin Chang,MD,Ying Jun Li,MD,PhD,Choun-Ki Joo,MD,PhD 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.1
Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of Pentacam? built-in 5 intraocular pressure (IOP) correction programs used to measure the IOP of patients who received corneal refractive surgery. Methods: IOP of 124 eyes from 62 patients who underwent epipolis laser in situ keratomileusis was measured with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) at 6 months pre- and post-operatively. The collected data was input into Pentacam?, calculated by 5 correction programs, Ehlers, Shah, Dresden, Orssengo / Pye, Kohlhaas, and compared. Results: The GAT-based pre- and post-operative IOP was 15.75 ± 2.24 mm Hg, and 10.72 ± 2.31 mm Hg, respectively, revealing the post-operative IOP to be significantly lower than the pre-operative IOP (p < 0.001). Among the 5 correction programs within Pentacam?, Ehlers program showed little difference between pre- and post-operative IOP values (p = 0.228) and the post-operative correction value showed no significant difference with the pre-operative GAT value (p = 0.413). Conclusions: The Ehlers program is the most accurate among the 5 Pentacam? correction programs evaluated in the present study, and can be a useful tool for correcting the true IOP of patients which tends to be higher after corneal refractive surgery.
데스메막각막내피이식술 후 이식편 실패가 온 환자에서의 데스메막각막내피이식술
김기현(Gee-Hyun Kim),하민지(Min Ji Ha),장동진(Dong Jin Chang),황웅주(Woong Joo Whang),변용수(Yong-Soo Byun),황형빈(Hyung Bin Hwang),나경선(Kyung Sun Na),노창래(Chang Rae Rho),이현수(Hyun Soo Lee),정소향(So Hyang Chung),김은철(Eun Chu 대한안과학회 2021 대한안과학회지 Vol.62 No.5
목적: 데스메막내피각막이식술(Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty) 시행 후 이식편 실패가 발생한 환자에게 데스메막내피각막이식술을 재시도하여 성공한 경험을 보고하고자 한다. 증례요약: 47세 여자 환자에게 좌안 푹스 각막내피이상증(Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy) 진단으로 본원에서 좌안 데스메막내피각막이식술을 시행하였다. 특별한 합병증은 없었으나 수술 6주 후 각막부종 및 수포가 발생하여 갈수록 악화되었으며, 시력 또한 감퇴되어수술 7개월 후 이식편 실패 진단하에 좌안 데스메막내피각막이식술을 다시 시행하였다. 재수술 후 8개월째 특별한 합병증 없이 각막은 투명하며 최대교정시력 0.6 내외로 유지되고 있다. 결론: 데스메막내피각막이식술 시행 후 이식편 실패가 발생한 환자에서 데스메막내피각막이식술을 재시행하였는데, 수술 중 기존의 데스메막은 어렵지 않게 온전히 제거할 수 있었으며 합병증 없이 성공적인 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. Purpose: To report a case of secondary Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) for graft failure after primary DMEK. Case summary: A 47-year-old female underwent primary DMEK in her left eye with a diagnosis of Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy. At 6 weeks later, corneal stromal edema with epithelial and subepithelial bullae was first observed. From that point on, the condition of the cornea and the visual acuity continued to degrade. After 7 months, a second DMEK procedure (i.e., a repeat DMEK) for graft failure was performed successfully without any complications. Since the second procedure, the cornea has been clear, and the best-corrected visual acuity has remained at 0.6 for 8 months. Conclusions: To manage graft failure after primary DMEK, we performed a second DMEK procedure. The removal of the previous graft was easy, and there were no complications. Thus, repeat DMEK may be a feasible procedure.
증례보고 : 소아에서 기관내관의 폐쇄에 의해 발생한 폐부종을 동반한 폐출혈
이수경 ( Soo Kyung Lee ),정승환 ( Seung Hwan Jung ),임종성 ( Jong Sung Im ),장동진 ( Dong Jin Chang ),박지현 ( Ji Hyun Park ),김영미 ( Young Mi Kim ),문현수 ( Hyun Soo Moon ) 대한마취과학회 2009 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.57 No.5
Negative pressure induced pulmonary edema due to upper airway obstruction is a well-recognized problem. However, negative pressure pulmonary hemorrhage is extremely uncommon. We report a child who developed negative pressure pulmonary hemorrhage following acute airway obstruction caused by clench of endotracheal tube during emergence of anesthesia. The patient was treated with positive pressure ventilation and frequent tracheal suction. Hemorrhage from endotracheal tube was gradually decreased after 4 hours. The patient was extubated after 7 hours. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2009;57:641∼3)
반복적인 전층각막이식실패 환자에서 데스메막박리 자동 각막내피층판이식술을 시행한 1예
황규덕(Gyu Deok Hwang),윤혜연(Hye Yeon Yun),하민지(Min Ji Ha),황웅주(Woong Joo Whang),장동진(Dong Jin Chang),황호식(Ho Sik Hwang),나경선(Kyung Sun Na) 대한안과학회 2021 대한안과학회지 Vol.62 No.3
목적: 두 차례의 전층각막이식 후 재차 이식 실패가 발생하여 데스메막박리 자동 각막내피층판이식술을 시행한 사례를 보고하고자 한다. 증례요약: 33세 인도 국적의 남자 환자로 우안 아메바각막염이 발생하여 인도에서 2차례 전층각막이식수술 및 각막윤부이식을 시행받은 후 본원에 내원하였다. 경과 관찰 도중 우안 이차성 녹내장 진단하에 아메드밸브이식술을 시행하였으며, 우안 각막신생혈관에 진행하여 우안 결막후전술 및 양막이식술을 시행하였다. 이후 각막이식 실패 상태로 진행하여 데스메막박리 각막내피층판이식술을 시행하였다. 수술 후 7개월째 우안 나안시력 20/320으로 특별한 합병증 없이 유지되고 있다. 결론: 전층각막이식 후 각막신생혈관 및 녹내장수술로 인한, 각막내피세포 부전으로 반복적인 이식 실패가 발생한 환자에 있어서 기질 상태가 양호할 경우 데스메막박리 자동 각막내피층판이식술을 시행하여 합병증 없이 좋은 시력회복을 보였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. 추후 국내에서 더 많은 수술 환자를 대상으로 한 연구가 필요하다. Purpose: To report a case of Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) for graft failure after re-penetrating keratoplasty (PK). Case summary: A 33-year-old man of Indian nationality who had developed right eye amoeba keratitis and had received two penetrating keratoplasties and allogeneic kerato-limbal transplant in India sought treatment at our hospital. During the follow-up, Ahmed valve transplantation was performed under the diagnosis of secondary glaucoma in his right eye; the patient also underwent conjunctival recession and conjunctival permanent amniotic membrane transplantation as corneal neovascularization had progressed. Subsequently, the corneal transplantation failed and DSAEK was performed. At 7 months after the operation, the right-eye visual acuity was 20/320 without any complications. Conclusions: DSAEK may restore good vision without complications in patients with repeated corneal graft failure after PK from corneal endothelial cell failure followed by corneal neovascularization and glaucoma surgery but with good stromal conditions. We present this case, along with a review of the literature. Future studies will require more surgical patients.