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        Digital Marketing Approach through Advanced Integration of SEO and AI with GPT-4 Turbo

        임한수,Meidell, Jan Erik,김현정 한국경영교육학회 2024 경영교육연구 Vol.39 No.1

        [Purpose] This study proposes leveraging GPT-4 Turbo AI technology to improve SEO keyword research. It centers on enhancing keyword research and SEO strategies with GPT-4 Turbo, incorporating these advancements into digital marketing and reinforcing management consulting. [Methodology] This study seeks to thoroughly examine GPT-4 Turbo’s advanced Natural Language Processing features for SEO application. It will contrast conventional keyword research with AI-powered methods, aiming to harness GPT-4 Turbo for deeper insights and precise predictions of user search intent. [Findings] The study explored optimizing keyword research and SEO with GPT-4 Turbo for sharper user intent predictions, enhancing digital marketing and content. It assessed how AI’s predictive analysis of search trends and behaviors influences marketing tactics and developed strategies for businesses to align content more closely with user preferences. [Implications] Utilizing GPT-4 Turbo AI for SEO marks a pivotal shift in digital marketing, offering a refined and effective strategy for businesses to stay competitive. The study highlights the potential for combining AI capabilities with human insight to maximize SEO and digital marketing outcomes.

      • 전단농화유체의농도와충격에따른유변학적특성연구

        임한수,배호준,오은별,이치형,김지수,이상욱 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2020 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        This paper aims to investigate the rheological properties of fluids when applying various impacts to shear thickening fluids of varying concentrations. Shear thickening fluids are generally liquid and have free flow, but with external stimulation, the viscosity increases sharply and turns into a solid. In order to investigate the rheological properties of the shear thickening fluid under external forces, corn starch suspensions of various concentrations were prepared, and then the rheological properties of the fluid were measured with a rotary rheometer. After that, the steel ball was dropped freely at different heights, and various impacts were made to identify the change in fluid. Corn starch suspensions were produced in the range of 56 % to 59 % by weight at 1 % intervals, and the drop rate was measured by counting the moment when the ball was in contact with the fluid surface. Experimental results showed that the higher the concentration, the more pronounced the shear thickening phenomenon. In particular, it was confirmed that the concentration is the main factor causing the shear thickening phenomenon.

      • 韓國의 國際觀光資源 開發戰略에 관한 硏究 : 특히 統一政策과 關聯하여

        林漢洙 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1988 應用地理 Vol.- No.11

        Over the past 30 years economic and national development planning policy in Korea has been military directed and tended to ignore crucial social and environmental problems. In order to overcome these handicaps, Korea should carefully try to balance and harmonize its development planning. To pursure the goals of the plan, it is recommendable to initiate and develop a new peace zone, along the D.M.Z. (Demilitalized Military Zone) to curb the over-population in Seoul district to speed up the development of less developed internal regions, and depopulated area between East and West coasts. The author proposes the establishment of a peace zone, and suggests some strategies for its development. 1. From the demilitalized Military Zone, the borderline between South and North should be set back 8km each and all the military facilities therein should be with drawn. Then the peace zone will be total 20km from South to North and 227km from East to West. A governmental committee of co-operation may be set up to collect the data related to re-unification of Korea and to establish one of the best tourist centers in East Asia. 2. Within the peace zone three new towns may be built : the first called Pyongwha-si(peace city) covering Munsan and Panmunjom; the second named Jayu-si(free city) including Dongducheon, Cheongok ; while the third designated as Tongil-si(unification city) holding Cholwon and Pyonggang together. These cities should come under the joint control of two ministers, one from South and one from North who attend to the matters related to economy, religion, academic affairs, sports, tourist, cultural exchanging and the family reunion. To promote relationship between South and North, the cities will be developed as art of churches and temples, and they will help diffuse cultural flow. 3. Along the peace zone a super speed electronic railway and express freeway may be built. And Western part of region in the peace zone will be connected to the waterway of Kangwha island, Inchoen, Seoul, and Chungju lake. Futhermore, it is to be recommened that the East-West electronic railway be linked to Kyungju, Pusan and Hallyo waterway and Chejudo to compete with Japan's Shinkansen (Bullet train) in Japan. This may also be linked to mt. Kumkang and Seorack recreational resort. The project run by two governments in order to level up the position of Alps type of resort area in Europe. 4. In order to promote Korea as one of the leading tourist attractions in East Asia, a world tourist center may be built in the peace zone, or in Seoul to draw some 20,000,000 tourists to Korea. A Tourist Development or Ministry may also be set up and installed the tourist police station to protect tourists and improve the quality of resort areas. 5. To enhance the tourist industry of peace zone and Seoul, a cable car system may be built to link Pukhansan, Dobongsan, Suracksan and Bulamsan and the Han-river waterway system.In this jet age we must layout international airport in Youngjongdo and also, the airports in Cheongju, Muangun-Mangunmyon, Yangyanggun-Iyangmyun are constructed as planned. If we are to carry out this plan successfully, we should not neglect to ignore to train professional manpower and upgrade information service and facilities.

      • 美國과 Canada에 있어서 遠隔探査技法敎育의 地位와 그 地理學的 利用

        林漢洙 誠信女子大學校 1983 硏究論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        This article deals mainly with the status of remote sensing education in the United States and Canda and the application of the remote sensing techniques in transportation planing and site selection for large engineering projects and public works. Remote sensing and photogrammetry is critical tool in present day research, one that can reduce field reconnaissance in a remote area of Alaska or Congo basin from a few months to a few days. Landsat images are obtained from an aritificial satellite at an altitude of 915Km, by a multispectral scanning television cameras covering an area of 185×185㎢, or 34,225㎢ for each scene of 70mm format film, thus giving a nominal scale 1:3,369,000. Kandsat-1 which is moving around the earth in a circular, sunsynchronous, nearpolar orbit, covers the entire planet every 18 days so that the same point on the earth's surface is scanned once every 18 days, but Landsat-2 is scanned once every 9 days. The first Earth Resources Technology Satellite, later renamed Landsat-1 was launched in July 1972 and a second similar Landsat-2 was launched in January 1975, Landsat-3 was launched in March 1978. The transmitted datas are converted from electronic signals to photographic images and computer compatible tapes and together the three satellites now provide the capability of acquiring repetitive data for the earth's suface every nine days. The Lansat satellites are capable therefore of supplying vast quantities of data for large areas of the eath's surface on a repetitive basis. Already scientists and industrialists have achieved considerable success in applying Landsat imagery to variety of discipline areas and have demonstrated Landsat's vast potential for making inventories of resources, monitoring environmental conditions and measuring changes in the environment. The status of remote sensing and photogrammetry in College and University curricula has been the subject of several works in past few years. According to the "Guide to graduate departments of geography in the United States and Canada 1981-82" there are 94 institutions (61.4%) which are offered the remote sensing, airphotointerpretation and photogrammetry. In the United Stases today, there are at least 189 courses in remote sensing 74 in photointerpretation, 23 in photogeology, 8 in astrogeology, 96 in photogrammetry, 18 in image processing and 59 in other related subjects in the United States. Of these 23 are programmed for evening classes and 113 include trips. Courses are taught in 178 institutions in 24 academic areas Canadian programs in 1975 included at least 27 remote sensing courses, 10 photointerpretation courses, 25 photogrammetry courses, and two other related courses taught at 13 institutions in seven academic areas. At least one of them is offered in the evening and 13 include trips. About 75 percent of the remote sensing photogrammetry courses in the United States are taught by departments of geography (22%) geology(19%) civil enigineering(20%) and forestry(13%). Another four percent of courses are in the curriculum of civil engineering departments if Ohio state University's Department of Geodetic Science can be included in the category of civil engineering. Approximately one-third of all remote sensing courses are taught by geography departments, and 72 percent of all photogrammetry courses are taught by civil engineering departments. During the last 36 years from 1945 to 1980, the doctoral dissertations pertaining to remote sensing and photogrammetry were 322. Of these 73.6% were pablished after the lauching of Landsat-1. It is difficult to profile the system of remote sensing education in the United States and Canada. Despite impressive recent growth, the system continues to be characterized by its predominantly horizontal structure. Opportunities for studentsto specialize in remote sensing are not yet numerous. One of the special difficulties in delineating the system arises from the fragmentation of remote sensing courses among a diversity of established disciplines. The product of recent rapid growth, remote sensing education presently is configured more in a service role to resource and planning oricented disciplines than it is to provide training for students wishing to specialize in the field. This strong clientorientation is manifested in the broad pattern of introductory course offering. About half of the courses offered are concentrated in 19 states; California, New York, Arizona, Ohilo Wisconsin, Indiana, Colordo, Michigan, Tennessee and Texas. Of the nearly 700 courses offered 34 percent as photogeology, 6 percent as sensor technology, and 4 percent as image interpretation. The applications of aerial photointerpretation to transportation planning are many and varied. The bulk of these applications have entailed the use of black-and-white photography because it is the least expensive and the most reliable of the alternatives. Color photography has proved particularly useful for soils studies, while color infrared is most dffective ofr vegetation and land use studies. Photointerpreters generally prefer working with the color films than with the panchromatic black-and-white. There has also been considerable discussion of the potential applicability of the newer sensors such as thermal and randar. Thermal sensors have been the focus of attention because of their ability to sense emitted heat, particularly at night; radar, because it is and active system with bothnight time and all-weather capabilities. Neiter, however, has been employed to any extent by transportation planners. This is due in part to the lack of familiarity planners have with these sensors, but it is also a result of their lower resolution capabilities and their higher costs. Resolution is a problem with Landsat imagery as well. All of these sensors may be used more often in the future if the resolution of their imagery improves. For all the present and potential applicability of aerial photography and remote sensing, there are two frequently voiced criticisms. The first is the laborious task of manually interpreting the photographs and recording the data (see Chapter3). It is obvious that computer techniques must be applied to both of these tasks. Actually, computer techniques for storing, retrieving and analyzing digital data are already well developed and have been applied to tasks such as route selection, but automated interpretation techniques are only in the early stages of development. This is one of the great advantages of Landsat data····they are acquired in digital form. Thus, if either the resolution of Landsat is improved, or Landsat type scanning techniques are applied more frequently to transportation planning, computer techniques can and will be employed more extensively. The second factor inhibiting greater use of aerial photographic techniquesis cost. Both aircraft and film processing costs have been increasing, and if data are to be processed by comprter that will add further to the expense. Thus, aerial photographs will only be employed when there is a perceived savings in money and manpower. Without such a perception, alternative ground techniques will be used. The preceding discussion has focused on the utility of remote sensing techniquews to the siting of a variety of large facilities. As is apparent, however, ther is no single scale now one type of film that is appropriate to the entire siting process. Landsat data and small-scale aerial photography have greatest utility during the initial stages of site selection process, while medium to large-scale photos are most useful at the later stages. As for film type, panchromatic is the least expensive and most reliable, but color films are particularly recommended for the assessment of environmental impacts. No discussion of remote sensing techniques can conclude without the mention of cost. Generally, remote sensing techniques are most cost-effective when the areas under investigation are large. In such instances ground surveys are an expensive alternative. However, when an investigation narrows to small, individual locations as in the latter stages of the site selection process, then remote sensing techniques maylose their cost competitive edge to ground survey techniques. The technology of remote sensing is not static and one is constantly reminded that new techniques are being developed and made operational. Meanwhile military high solution sensors in both satellites and high-flying aircraft have proved the relevance of the aerial overview for land-cover mapping. That such imagery is not generally available is because of the political sensitivity of this type of information. In conclusion we have to offer remote sensing in the curricular of Universities of Korea in order to obtain the new technology.

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