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      • 한국ㆍ중국ㆍ일본의 地理志의 편찬과 발달

        楊普景 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1996 應用地理 Vol.- No.19

        지리지는 과거 동양 사회의 정신적인 특징의 하나로 꼽힌다. 지리지는 조선 사회를 지배하 고 있던 성리학이라는 철학적 관점과 동양 사회에서 성립된 중세적인 지역 연구 방법이 상 호 결합하여 산출한 지리지라 할 수 있다. 따라서 지리지는 단순한 지명자료집·행정자료집 으로 평가하기 보다 일정한 지리사상이 반영된 지리학의 한 분야로 생각할 수 있다. 지리지 는 조선 시대의 사람들, 나아가 동양권의 사람들이 자신이 거주하고 있는 지역의 성격과 특 징을 추출, 표현하고자 했던 방법이며, 이러한 점에서 지리학의 중요한 내용이 된다. 지역의 실태와 구조를 정리하는 작업은 지리학의 주요한 목표이기 때문이다. 광의의 지리지는 수록 대상과 내용에 따라 全國地理志(輿誌), 邑誌, 外國志, 山川志, 紀行 및 日記類, 기타 雜志로 분류할 수 있다. 그러나 일반적으로 지리지라고 할 경우 협의의 지리지 를 지칭한다. 협의의 지리지는 지역적 범위를 기준으로 하는 경우와 편찬자를 기준으로 하 는 경우에 따라 더욱 세분된다. 지역적 범위와 대상에 따라 협의의 지리지를 분류하면 全國 地理志(輿誌)와 邑誌로 나뉘며, 邑誌는 다시 道誌·郡縣誌·村洞面誌·鎭營誌·邊防誌 등으 로 나뉘어진다. 한편 지리지는 편찬주체에 따라 官撰地理志와 私撰地理志로 구분된다. 동양 삼국의 地方志는 체제와 형식, 내용 면에서 많은 공통점과 유사성을 가지고 있는데, 기본이 된 것은 중국의 지리지였다. 각국 지리지의 특징을 비교하여 봄으로써 결론에 대신하 고자 한다. 첫째, 삼국의 地方志는 편찬 단위가 다르다. 이는 지방 행정 제도의 차이와 국토면적의 크기 의 다름에서 연유한다. 우리나라 경우 읍지는 대부분 한 읍을 단위로 하여 편찬되었다. 지방 행정 단위는 府·牧·郡·縣 등 邑規模의 차이와 행정 서열은 있으나 각기 道 밑에 독립 적·병렬적으로 예속되어 있다. 따라서 邑誌라는 명칭하에 一邑이 一邑誌를 구성하여 1種의 邑誌가 1冊을 이루는 경우가 많고 상세하다고 하는 私撰邑誌도 5冊 이상의 분량을 가진 것 은 매우 드물다. 郡縣誌 외에 한 道의 소속 읍을 모두 수록한 道誌가 多冊으로 구성되어 있 으나 中國이나 일본처럼 100여책에 이르는 읍지는 없다. 이에 비해서 중국은 행정 제도가 중첩적인 관계로 인하여 州誌·府誌라 하더라도 그 안에 몇 개 顯의 縣誌를 포함하고 있으며, 최하위 행정 단위인 縣의 규모도 數萬戶에 달하므로 1 種의 邑誌의 분량이 상당히 많다. 일본은 봉건제도를 취하고 있었으므로 봉건 장원인 藩(大名領)을 단위로 하여 작성된 地方 志가 대부분이다. 따라서 그 내부에 포함된 郡·村의 地方志가 수록되어 있다. 둘째로 항목과 내용에서의 상이점이 발견된다. 이는 각국의 지역적인 특징과 邑誌 편찬자 및 이용자의 성격의 차이에 기인하는 현상이라 할 수 있다. 우리 나라에는 「烽燧」·「牧 場」·「姓氏」·「邑事例」등의 항목이 독특한 내용이다. 군사적 시설이 서로 다르며, 氏族 에 대한 관념이 중시되고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 또한 말기에는 事例가 중시되어 地方志의 성 격이 변화하고 있음도 주목된다. 中國의 경우에는 「祥異」(혹은 災害)조를 별도로 설치하여 지진이나 서리·旱災·낙석·메 뚜기(蝗)·大水 등의 자연재해를 기록하고 있다. 또한 치수와 운하 등 수로에 대한 관심이 높아져 지역에 따라 편목명은 차이가 있으나 「조운지」「운하편」「하목편」「수리지」등 의 편목을 따로 설정하는 등 수리에 관한 내용이 중시되고 있다. 人物 관계 항목 주에는 「方伎」(의학기술 관계), 「仙釋」(道佛 관계) 등도 빠짐없이 수록되어 中國의 독특한 사회 분위기를 시사한다. 일본의 地志에는 「神社」의 항목이 祀祠를 대신해 편입되어 있는 점을 통해 일본 특유의 종교적 정신적 세게를 엿볼 수 있으며, 寺院에 대한 풍부한 기록은 불교의 흥융을 나타낸다. 「人物」조가 없는 地方志도 있는 등 항목의 수가 간략하고 내용도 간단한 경우가 많으며 「風俗」등의 항목이 비교적 상세하다. 또한 일본에서는 遊覽記나 여행을 위한 案內記 名所記類가 다수 편찬된 것이 특징이다. 案 內記 名所記 道中記 巡覽記 등은 민간 신앙의 대상이었던 社寺靈場, 庶民四季行樂의 유람지, 詩歌이 명소 등을 대상으로 하고 있다. 이들의 특징은 圖畵 및 詩歌俳句의 삽입이며 후기의 名所圖會류는 寫生的 風景畵를 주로 하고 그것에 지리적 사항을 기재한 것으로 지리적 취미 와 實用을 목적으로 하고 있다. 셋째로 표현 형식의 문제이다. 중국과 한국은 지리지를 漢文으로 기록하였다. 한국에서는 19 세기 말에 國漢文混用體로 쓴 지리지가 대두하었다. 일본에서는 18세기 이후가 되면 한문형 태로부터 벗어나 日漢混用文도 출현하였다. 특히 안내기 등 일반인을 대상으로 한 종류에서 현저하다. 넷째로 地方志의 源流 형태인 圖經·古記·風土記류 이외에 전형적인 地方志 체체가 확립되 는 시기에서 차이가 난다. 中國에서는 12세기 후반경 北宋末∼南宋初에 地方志 체제가 정립 되었으며, 한국은 16세기 후반, 일본은 17세기 중엽에 이르러 地方志 체제가 정착되었다.

      • 選擧地理學의 硏究動向

        權容友 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1988 應用地理 Vol.- No.11

        선거의 조직시행 및 결과에 관한 지리학적 연구라고 정의되는 選擧地理學은 20세기초 프랑스의 Siegtrid로 부터 시도 되었다. 최근에 이르기까지 선거형태에 관한 지리학적연구는 각종 選擧關聯地圓을 효율적으로 예시함으로써 空間的 洞察力과 地域的 特性을 政確하게 比較分析할 수 있는 意味있는 分野로 評價받고 있다. 대체로 선거형태에 관한 地理學的 연구는 경제성장의 불균형으로 地理隔差가 심화되어 각지역실정에 맞는 地域政策의 필요성이 증대되는 때와 국가적 총체적 시각을 강조하는 中央執權的 인식보다 지역적 개인적 관심을 중시하는 地方分權的 인식이 팽배해질 때 더욱 활발해지는 경향을 보인다고 생각된다. 선거와 투표형태와 관련된 지리학적 연구동향은 選擧結果의 空間構造的 패턴,選擧에 影響에 미치는 地域生態的 要因,投票行態에서 이루어지는 意思決定,最近의 硏究主題등의 측면으로 나누어서 검토하는 것이 가능하다. 選擧結果의 空間構造的 패턴에 관한 연구에서는 유권자수 투표자수 기권자수 후보별 득표자수 각 정당별 의석수 등의 선거관련 지표를 choropleth, 각종symbol등의 지도화 방법에 의해 공간적으로 예시 분석하고 있다. 이방법은 지역별로 최고득표자 최다의석수 정당별 지지도 후보별 지지도 등의 내용을 간명하게 표현하여 시각적으로 선거결과의 공간적 패턴을 명확히 파악할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 그러나 소선거구의 경우 최고 득표자만을 표시하게되면 차점득표자 이하의 득표수는 표현되지 않을 수가 있다. 選擧에 影響을 미치는 地域生態的 要因에 관한 연구에서는 선거결과와 사회경제적 인구학적 주거수준별 특성과의 관련성을 다변량 분석기법을 이용하여 분석하고 있다. 이때에 사용되는 자료는 상대적으로 신뢰도가 높은 센서스자료가 주로 활용된다.지역생태적 요인을 규명하는 과정에서 선거결과와 지역생태지표를 지도화하여 병치시키거나 중복시켜 봄으로소 동일공간위에서 전개되는 선거형채와 지역생태를 비교 설명하는 지도화분석방법이 원용되기도 한다. 投表行態에서 이루어지는 意思決定에 관한 연구에서는 각 개인의 투표형태를 결정짓는 정보유통과정을 공간적으로 어떻게 모형화할 수 있는가의 제반문제가 논의되고 있다. 의사결정과정의 내용은 설문조사자료가 적극 활용된다. 投表行態의 主體인 각 개인은 特定 候補者를 지지하는 과정에서 독자적 또는 집단적인 의사결정과정를 거치게된다. 여기에서 지표위에 표현된 공간패턴으로 각 개인의사결정과정의 총체적 결과로 이해하려는 공간형태의 인식이 전개되어 있다. 이경우 각 개인은 외부세계에서 얻을 수 있는 각종정보를 중심으로 가치판단과정을 거치기 때문에 의사결정분석은 정보유통분석의 성격을 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 投表型態 意思決定過程에서는 정보유통체계와 관련된 整型化된 空間的 模型들 ,즉 移住同化效果(relocation effect),近隣效果(neighborhood effect) 緣故效果(friends and neighorhood effect)등의 개념이 제시되어 있다. 선거지리학에 관련되어 最近에 硏究되고 있는 主題는 代表性 選擧制度 政治權力등의 내용이다. 代表性에 관한 논의에서는 선거지역의 분할에 따라 진정한 지역대표의 선출이 상이할 수 있다고 전제하면서 대표선풀에 미치는 지리적 역할을 연구하고 있다 選擧制度에 관한 논의에서는 의석점유율괴 득표율과의 상이함에서 나타나는 선거구의 조정 및 인구변동의 변화등의 문제가 분석되고 있다. 政治權力에 관한 논의에서도 권력의 불균형문제가 지역에 어떻게 투영되는 가의 문제가 다루어지고 있다. Gradually it has been realized that geography is profoundly affected by governments and elections, and that electoral statistics are a useful supplementary source of data for human geography as a whole. Furthermore, with the development of political awareness in the discipline and the rapid growth of the behaviouralist theme, geographers have realized that their emphasis on spatial locations, distribution, and interrelationships is particularly well suited to studies of the spatial organization of representative areas, the spatial structure of the behaviour patterns which result. In this sense perhaps electoral geography is one of the branches of the subject most relevant to current social, econimic, and political issues. The study of electoral geography was pioneered in France where the work of siegfried initiated a strong school of study which persiste to the present day. Geographical approaches to election studies are the areal-structural approach, the arealecolegical approach, and the behavioural approach. Recent issues on electoral geography are representations constituencies, and political power. The areal-structural approach examines the spatial pattern and structure of voting choice, as revealed by the election results. The electoral geographer may use the material in two main ways. First he may simply consider the sparial distribution of seats won by the various parties, usually with the aid of a choropleth map or a map of symbols. The study of electoral geography can also help to identify regions of stress and strain where social and economic changes are under way. The resultant discontent can be expressed support for a party which articulates and promises redress for these grievances. One of the difficulties frequently encountered in the cartographic representation of electoral behaviour is the variation in size between urban and rural electoral areas. In electoral geography there is a long tradition of viewing election results in relation to the socio-economic and demographic features of the constituencies in which they occur. This ecological approach uses aggregate data culled from official sources such as census reports. The relationship may be brought out in different way. One of the most frequently used is the cartographic approach. Maps of the election conclusions drawn from similar spatial distributions. Many valuable insights may be required by this method. They have brought the behavioural approach and quantitative techniques into that branch of geography which for long seemed least influenced by recent developments in the general field of human geography. Indeed, electoral geography is now one of the main sources of fresh insights into the general field of human spatial behaviour. This is hardly suprising when one considers that the geography of electoral choice involves a phenomenon which by definition follows on from a process of information flow, processing, and individual choice between competing alternatives.

      • 영토 교육에 관한 지리교과서의 비교 연구

        김민정(Minjung Kim),이자원(Jawon Lee) 성신여자대학교 한국지리연구소 2013 應用地理 Vol.- No.30

        최근 주변 국가들과의 역사인식과 영토분쟁 문제가 심화되면서 지리 교과의 중요성이 더욱 강조되고 있다. 그러나 이런 시점에서 지리 교과목의 개편과 축소는 우리나라 지리 교육과정에 많은 문제가 있음을 시사한다. 우리나라는 인접 국가인 중국 및 일본과 정치?경제적으로 매우 활발하게 교류하고 있다. 또한 일본의 독도 영유권 주장과 중국과의 이어도 문제 등 영토 문제도 앞으로 해결해야 할 중요한 과제로 대두되었다. 지리적으로 인접한 영토분쟁은 과거에도 존재했고, 앞으로도 계속될 문제이다. 따라서 우리는 이런 영토 분쟁에 대하여 바로 알아야 하고, 잘못된 인식이 있다면 바로 잡아야 한다. 특히 앞으로 우리가 짊어지고 갈 학생들에게 올바른 영토 교육을 해야 하는 것은 더욱 중시되어야 할 사안이며 우리 국토의 소중함도 함께 인식시켜야 한다. 우리나라 뿐 아니라 다른 나라들도 교과서와 다른 매체들을 통해 자기 나라들의 영토와 국토 교육이 이루어져 왔을 것이다. 그리고 우리가 학교에서 가장 기본적으로 접하는 영토교육은 당연히 지리교과서가 중심이 될 것이다. 그러므로 우리나라의 국토교육이 한국지리 교과서에서 어떻게 나타나고 있는지, 독도와의 외교적 마찰이 지속되고 있는 일본고등학교 지리 교과서의 국토교육 내용과 비교해 다루어 보고자 한다. 우리나라도 최근 교과서가 개정되면서 우리의 국토 단원에 많은 비중을 두고 있다. 또한 학생들에게 교과서에서 많은 예시문과 자료를 제시함으로 교과서를 통해 우리 영토와 국토를 제대로 공부할 수 있게 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 하지만 보편적인 국제화 시대를 맞이하여 지리적 인접국가의 영토와 국토교육에 대한 이해는 불충분하다. 따라서 앞으로 우리는 지리 교과서에서 영토 문제를 인접국가의 지리교육과 관련하여 보다 상세히 다룰 수 있도록 노력해야 하며, 우리나라 국토의 소중함과 함께 우리 학생들이 올바른 국토관을 갖는데 기여 할 수 있도록 꾸준히 관심을 갖고 연구해야 한다. Recently, problems caused by territorial disputes have been aggravated and as a result, the importance of geography has increased greatly. Because of economic and political issues, not only Japan, but China has also started to develop some territorial problems with Korea. A typical example would be problems related to ‘Leodo’. Now, these territorial problems we are facing attract a lot people’s attention and we have to realize that we should be the ones who have to solve them in the near future. National territorial education system incorporates basic elements from geography textbooks and countries apart from Korea are also believed to have utilized their own system through a variety of medias and textbooks. Therefore, territorial education will play a big role in Korean geography textbooks. This helps us show how territorial education is being handled in Korean textbooks compared to those of Japan. As the new curriculum system gets utilized, textbooks we use in schools have been altered and have started to give big coverage to Korean geography. Moreover, people are trying their best to make pupils study about geography of Korea the right way, through different kinds of materials presented in textbooks. Nevertheless, we are still at the stage where we aren’t perfect. We will be required to clearly understand the actual conditions of our current national territorial education and study persistently for all the students in Korea.

      • 프랑스 地理學의 展開過程

        權容友 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1984 應用地理 Vol.- No.7

        This report turns briefly to the genealogy of geography in France. Vidal de la Blache dominated the scene in the University of Paris for nearly forty years. The first half of his career covers the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Although a contemporary of Richthofen, Ratzel, Partsch and Wagner, he was their junior and in this period of apprenticeship he learned much from them. The latter half of his career was in the first quarter of the twentieth century and he was thus virtually contemporary with Penck and Hettner. This period also saw the florescence of his school with the publication of massive doctorate studies by his pupils of particular areas of France. These pupils, having served their apprenticeship under him, continued and developed la tradition vidalienne after his death in 1918. Thus Vidal de la Blache was the leader of the first generation though he had distinguished contemporary colleagues in Elisee Reclus, De Margerie, the geologist, Franz Scrader, the map-maker, Lucien Gallois, his earliest student and his successor at the Institute, and in Himly, the historian. The outstanding pupils of Vidal de la Blache, who dominated the professional scene in the second quarter of the twentieth century, make up the second generation in France. They include, in addition to Lucien Gallois, the following-Jean Brunhes, Em. de Martonne (Vidal's son-in-law), Albert Demangeon, Maximilien Sorre, Raoul Blanchard, Jules Sion, Henri Baulig, Camille Vallaux, and Rene Musset. After World War I geographers were installed in all sixteen Universities and were almost without exception pupils of Vidal. During the inter-war period Raoul Blanchard developed a vigorous school at Grenoble and this became a second pole of attraction and dissemination in the profession of geography. By the outbreak of World War II men with doctorates from Grenoble and Paris were to be found in schools and Universities throughout France. These younger men and their asociates belong to the third generation. The third generation includes men who are now nearing, or are already in, retirement. They include Andre Cholley and Georges Chabot (both former directors of the Institute of Geography in Paris), Pierre George, Roger Dion, and Pierre Deffontaines. Among these must also be listed Ph. Arbos (clermont Ferrand), A. Allix (Lyon), D. Faucher (Toulouse), and Ch. Robequain (Paris), all of whom completed their doctorate work under Blanchard at Grenoble. Probably in this third generation should also be placed Jean Gottmann, since he was Demangeon's last assistant in the four years immediately preceding the master's death, although Gottmann's impact is strong today among his colleagues of the fourth generation. The fourth generation are the younger geographers who are now well established, but are young enough to have twenty or thirty years of leadership ahead of them. The chief of these are Jean Gottmann, Jaqueline Beaujeu-Garnier, Et. Juillard, Ph. Pinchemel, Max. Derruau, P. Birot and Jean Labasse. There are others, but these names are given to make clear the sequence in the genealogy and the way in which it ties in with Germany, where modern geography had an earlier start by one generation, and where, also there have been many more professional geographers gravitating around several schools in different parts of the country, in distinction to the closely knit field of thought and training under one man that developed in France. It should be noted, in general conclusion, that over the past twenty years institutes in the provincial Universities have developed a much larger measure of independence of Paris. The preeminence of Grenoble has waned with the retirement of Blanchard but it remains an active seat of research with its own examination system and publications. The same is true of other Universities, particularly for example, Clermont Ferrand, Lyon, Lille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Toulouse.

      • 近代地理學 이후의 反實證主義的 認識과 方法

        崔基燁 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1983 應用地理 Vol.- No.6

        This study attempts to reasses the positivist methodologies in present geography by reappraising the geographical thoughts and methodologies of the two founders of modern geography: Alexander von Humboldt and Vidal de la Blache and provide the alternative epistemological foundations to modem geography in line with both phenomenology and structural linguistics. Also this study aims at clarifying the influence of philosophical and paradigmatic viewpoints on geographical thought. Positivism gained its main strength since nineteenth century by promising a sure means of process for western civilization in the use of knowledge for the control of nature, and its success was linked the rise of industrial capitalism. But positivist approach has come under increasing criticism for its conceptual poverty and ineffectuality in dealing with comtemporary problems recently. In the light of current anti-positivist movement it seems time for a fresh look at the two founders' effort to provide an alternative to the narrow empiricism or positivism of their days. Under the influence of his day's idealism and romanticism, Humboldt saw the contribution of geography, in studying complex functional relationships and providing a holistic world view, as an integral part of scientific inquiry. In the process of scientific inquiry he intended to draw attention to the importance of concepts in the mind. On the other hand, Vidal's approach to regional study lay in its existentially grounded character, at the interface between milieu and civilisation was carved a living landscape recording how particular groups, in their experience, had interpreted, valued, and utilized their environments. And his concept of genre de vie was understood to be a result of main initiative and creative adaption to his environment. Contrary to the positivist, Vidal avoided systematic deduction and a narrow idea of a strict and mechanical determinism. Thus two founders advocated the importance of subjectivity and the holistic view in geography study. Because the present logical positivist geographers can not accept the subjective understanding of geographical reality, we can make it possible by introducing both the phenomenological and the hermeneutical epistemologies into the geographical research. Phenomenology makes us possible to examine the everyday experience of our lived-world and with it we can approach the meanings of place. With structural linguistics we can afford to take landscapes as text. And the interpretation of the meanings of landscape symbols necessitates semantics.

      • 工業地域 構造와 成長據點理論

        林漢洙 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1983 應用地理 Vol.- No.6

        This paper is an analysis of the Southeast Coast Industrial Belt, focused on its formation process, industrial structure and the locational characteristics. Theoretical references for the formation of the Belt could be made to various theories: the industrial location theory(A. Weber, A. Losch) and the central place theory (W. Christaller) of German economic school, the growth pole theory (F. Perroux, J. Boudeville) of French spacial economic school and the unequilibrium growth theory (Cherency, Watanable, Hirshman) of American-Japanese economists. The Belt had been developed by the four consecutive Five-Year Economic Development Plans (1962-1981) and the First National Land Development Plan. Since 1982, the Belt has been further fostered by the promotion policy under the Fifth Five-Year Economic Development Plan and the Second National Land Development plan(1982-1991). Among the policy tools introduced for the promotion of the regional economic development, the unequilibrium theory would be the most interesting and impressive one. Such policy tools refer to the growth center theory and utilize the growth pole concept defined by F. Perroux. The 1960s is the period in which the growth pole and the groth center concept were rapidly and forcefully accommodated among various governments in the world to change their economic society and to promote economic development on a regional basis. However, the governments or the scholars that had accepted the growth pole concepts don't seem to solve the methodological problems which arise the in process of using those concepts as tools for socioeconomic policy, in pursuit of the structural changes in the distribution of population and the economic activities. Ineffieient utilization of the growth pole theory in inducing desirable changes of the regional economy was partly attributable to the lack of understanding on the limitations of the growth pole theory. Two drawbacks of the theory are: first, the lack of research on the structural changes or the developmental processes inside the growth pole according to the lapse of time, second, the lack of explanations on the importance and peculiarity of the spacial elements of the growth. Two regional problems have arisen in the process of rapid exonomic growth: first, the evils of agglomeration caused by the excessive inflow of the industries into the existing industrial area, second, the enlargement of income differential between the lagging area focused on the primary industry and the industrial area. These are elements which hinder the balanced growth of the national economy. Thus there arise the needs for the balanced development of the national economy, which will be accomplished by the dispersion of industries to avoid the rush of various industries into the overpopulated area. Accordingly, the effective utilization of natural resources, the appropriate regional distribution of capital, technology, labor and social overhead capital will be significantly enhanced. The idea of the development of the Industrial Belt in the southeast coast of Korea is timely and appropriate on the grounds that it would be able to solve the overpopulation phenomenon of the metropolitan area which posess serious problems in the economic, social and national security aspect, and to absorb the emigrating population of the lagging area toward the urban cities. But the fact that Pusan area had been the center development area of this Belt for reasons of locational advantages, resulted in the regional differences and further deepened the disequili brium with other social development projects in the course of the aggregate-development-oriented economic policy. It also windened the gap with primary industry by sticking to the industrial development. The Second National Land Development Plan aims at the balanced development of Korea, putting the policy emphasis on the improvement of the living environment by the dispersion of the benefit of collective industrialization: i.e. the Plan in 1970s concentrated on the formation of living environment by pursuing collective industrialization in several areas, in 1980s the policy emphasis is placed on the dispersion of industrial areas to improve the living environment and in 1990s the accumulated benefits will be equally divided for the preservation of natural environment. To provide precise guidelines for the organization of economic development policy, it would be necessary to strengthen the growth pole. Unfortunately, however, the economic development theory and the location theory have been developed separately. Contemporary location theories due to their static nature, have had limitations in the range of their support to the economic development theory. A through scrutiny on the time structure is required for the integration of location theory with the growth pole theory, and the time effect in the location equation should be manifested: it would be necessary to consider the rate of changes rather than the changes themselves given in the industrial location, and also the impact of the rate of changes, not the changes themselves in the light of the price factor.

      • 韓國의 村落立地에 관한 地形學的 硏究

        張載勳 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1990 應用地理 Vol.- No.13

        The principal purpose of this study is to clarify the geomorphological characteristics in location of villages. Generally the villages in Korea are categorized in three kinds at the viewpoint of geomorphological location ; the villages located at the tributary valleys surrounded by hills, the villages located at the intermontane basins and the villages developed at the plains. 1) The tributary valleys surrounded by hills are appropriate for the terraced paddy fields and location of the villages. The reasons are that tributary valleys have little possivility of floods with small scale streams in it and its gradients are gentle. 2) In Korea, there are a large number of intermontane basins, where gentle slopes are developed at the foot, of the mountain. The gentle slopes are utilized as the tillage, and the dissected valleys are suitable for the location of villages. 3) In the regions where the are distributed widely, the villages locates around the flat low hills, and the alluvial plains are utilized as the paddy tields.

      • 崔南善의 初期 著述에서 나타나는 地理的 關心 : Geography as Science of Global Knowledge and the Impact of Meiji Physiography on His Cultural Movement 開化期 六堂의 文化運動과 明治地文學의 影響

        權正和 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1990 應用地理 Vol.- No.13

        Nam-sun Choi, the most distinguished encyclopedic scholar of korea in early 20th century, was usually regarded as a historian and poet. Also he was rememgered as a jourmalist, because he had published the first modern journal in Korea. However, this study aims at representing an aspect of him as a geographer by investigating his early writings. The present study traces on the sources of his geographical writings, and finds its origin in Japanese geographical literature. Nam-sun Choi was born to Chungin( 中人 ) class. They were government officials engaged in studies of science and technology under Yi dynasty. Their social status was relatively low in Neoconfucian social even though they had economic wealth and intellectual depth. Their inclination to rationalism and antagonism for the social structure forced Chungin class to accept the Western Culture more easily. Nam-sun Choi was not only belonged to Chungin class, but lived in Seoul (Hansung), which was the center of Korean culture. These advantages enabled him accepted Western culture more easily than any other people. In 1905, he went to Japan for studying Western science and technology at government expense. He was surprised at Japanese cultural development, especially Journalism. Back to the homeland, he established the publishing company, Sinmungwan ( 新文館 ) in 1908 and published the modern journal Sonyon (少年), which intended to open young generation's eyes to the western civilization. These activities were attempted to enlighten the Korean;to awake the people to national consciousness and patriotism. By the way, his writings during the times had some geographical contents. The researchers thought that his geographical writings were written for only educational purpose, hence his geographical concern is not professional but amateurish. But most of his early writings focused on this concern. Nam-sun Choi had entered in histouy-geography department, college of education (Normal College), Waseda university in 1906. His early writings feflected this experience in Japan. Geography in Japan had been established as academic science since the late 19th century. It was the geologist who first introduced modern European geography to Japan. Physiography had influenced on geographical science, especially in Britain at that time. Physiography was so comprehensive that the Japanese geologist came to recognize its educational value. Consequently, victorian physiography had considerable impact on the Japanese Geologist, and physiography had dominsted in Japanese academic geography during the Meiji era (1867-1910). But the establishment of Geography department in University had not yet achieved those days. Geography courses were only made with history courses in colleges of deucation. Nam-sun Choi had been influenced by Meiji physiography in Waseda University. He opposed to then current opnion that geography is Fengshui (geomancy) or trivial assembles of regional information. He claimed that geography is a modern science and it plays an important role of making modern Weltanschaung. He regarded modern geography as science of the gloval knowledge. After long period of isolation, Korea had been interrupted by imperial power, especially Japan since mid 19th century. He thought that Korean must realize the international situations and know the informations about the foreign lands and people, in order to overcome imperial invasion and national crisis. Geography is the only science which provide this global knowledge correctly and make this information understanderble. Accordingly he accepted the educational values of geography and an important position among the science. After Japan annexed Korea in 1910, however, this goal turned out to be unattainable. He abandoned the geography and devoted to history to recover national pride and preserve cultural tradition. But his geographical concern has remained in historical writings, although new vision for academic geography had disappeared.

      • 우리나라 村落環境의 綜合的 診斷硏究

        權容友,張載勳,林漢洙,崔基燁 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1992 應用地理 Vol.- No.15

        The goal of this study is collective understanding of integrated village enviroment in Korea. As an attempt toward this, we analyze the formation, spatial structure, and natural and socio-economic environment of viliages, and clarify the formation and construction of the places where inhabitants get their expriences of environment. In particular, we study four villages in the central districts:Three of them are teaditional clan -villages, which are currently disorganizing, while one is the new clearing-village which has been formed cince 1930's, in the process of the forest clearing by Japanese colonization company. We investigate the producton and living environment, with emphasis on the formation process and spatial composition of the villages. In order to have personal experience, we attach importance to participant observation, and use interviews, questionnaires, investigation of literatures and clan registers, and statistical analysis. The results of this study can be cummarized as follows: 1. According to the village ledger of Unified Shilla, natural villages in Korea appear to have formed in the 8th century, in the beginning of the medieval age. villages in the ancient age were presumabiy the lowest unit in the regional organization, which was intrinsically of administrative unit. Since the 16th century, most villages seem to have developed as clan-villages, which appeared after the standards of ancestral rites were established. 2. It is also revealed that the three clan-villages studied here formed after the 15th century. In general, a mother clan village originallh formed by a long distance family migration derived several branch clan villages from it in the myeon (township) area. In this case, the number of clan villages is nerly epual to that of generations of a clan after settlement in that area. Consequentiy, a village should be regarded as a social (kin) unit as well as an enological living unit. On the other hand, forest clearing by Japanese colonization company induced the formation of dispersed settlements as social landscape in coastal eroded regions Such a land clearing-village has undergone the migration of nearby villagers and refugees from North Korea in Korean War, and constructed a social space. 3. A typical village in Koreais located in a dissected walley:There are a stream and a mountain in front and at the back, respectively. The dissected valley possissing a first to third order tributary is utilized as farmland while settlements are distributed in the small eroded aea located on the mountain foot. Such location is detremined in consideration of the use of farmland and water, drainage, heat insulation, and shltering. 4. In Korea the average area of farmland is Known to be 1.2 ha per household household (1989) with the paddy-fleld ration 63.3:36.4. The dominance of paddies over fields is also manifested in this study. The farming area per housghold, of the other hand, exhibits much difference:It is about fibe times larger than the average in Jangsong-ri (長松里) located in inland (6.9 ha) and in Sinsang-ri (新上里) a new clearing-village (4.9 ha), while it is only half the average (0.6 ha) in Jangji-ri(長芝里), which is affected by urbanization and industrialization. Finally, the farming area in Hongbeop-ri(弘法里), located in the hill near the west coast, is slightly smaller than the average. Division and fragmintation of farmland appear to be ubiquitous in all viliages:The number of parcels of farmland per household reaches even 8.3(in Hongbeop-ri), and in some cases they are dispersed as far as 2 ㎞. Such agricltural environmental factors as pettiness of lots, and severe division and fragemintation of farmland, which hinder economical efficiency of agriculture in Korea, are conspicuous. 5. In the sex composition of population, two villages have larger male population, and out-migration of male is in progress. in the case of Jangsong-ri, which has cot been developed, the population composition shows the inwerse-pyramid structure. In contrast, Jangji-ri, located cear urbanized and industrialized regions, displays spindle-shaped-pyramid population composition, characteristic of urban population composition. In the other two villages noticeable out migration of middle age can be observed. All villages but Jangji-ri undergo out-migration than in-migration. Living evironmentw are genecally of poor quality:More than half of the houses are 20 or more old, and almost 20 are even 50 or more years old. Waterworks and sewage are still poor both in quality and in quantity. In contrast with poor living environment, durable consumer goods such as refrigerators, color TV's, and telephones are popular. 6. Avillage organized into "ri" or "dong", which is an administrative unit, usually consists of two of three natural settlements. The latter is in turn composed of dums(뜸), which are the smallest condensations of houses. The natural settlemint constitutes the basic unit of environmental experience and community life. Thus the natural settliments can be regarded as fundamintal regions. They result from the social custom of separating living areas via geographical boundaries, forming branch villages from the mother village. Hence the formation of villages in Korea is closely related to the social division of ingabitants represented and signified in space and environment. In conclusion, this study reveals that formation and spatial structure of a village and characteristics of landscape manifest local experience, which in turn reflects collectively the material life and environmental experience, the social organization, and the value system.

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