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        인지질 모델막에서의 지방산 이동에 관한 연구 방법

        임병순(Byoung-Soon Im),김혜경(Hye-Kyung Kim),김을상(Eul-Sang Kim) 한국식품영양과학회 1997 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        세포막에서의 지방산 이동은 매우 빠르게 일어나므로 방사성 원소를 사용해서는 여러가지 단점이 있고, 정확한 이동속도 측정에도 어려움이 많았다. 최근에 개발된 FRET assay는 형광성 물질과 형광성 물질을 상쇄시키는 quencher를 사용한 실험방법이다. 이는 공명에너지 이동의 원리를 이용한 것으로 형광광도계, stopped-flow 장치를 사용하여 소수성 물질 이동을 직접 컴퓨터 모니터로 측정하는 방법으로 기존방법의 단점을 보완하였다. Donor막에는 형광성 표지를 붙인 지방산이 들어있고 acceptor막에는 형광을 흡수하는 물질이 들어 있어서 형광성 지방산이 donor에서 acceptor로 이동하면 형광도가 감소하며, 시간에 따른 형광도 감소를 측정하여 지방산 이동속도를 측정하는 방법이다. 형광성 표지를 이용하여 소수성 물질 이동에 사용되는 또 다른 방법은 self-quenching assay이다. 형광 물질의 농도가 높아지면 서로 형광을 흡수하는 성질을 이용한 방법으로 주로 micelle에서의 물질 이동에 많이 쓰인다. Donor micelle에는 높은 농도의 형광성 지방산이 들어 있고 acceptor micelle에는 형광성 지방산이 들어있지 않을 때 형광성 지방산이 donor에서 acceptor로 이동하면 형광도가 증가하게 되고 시간에 따른 형광도 증가를 측정하는 방법이다. Direct measurement of the kinetics of free fatty acid transfer between phospholipid model membrane is technically limited by the rapid nature of the transfer process. Separation of membrane-bound fatty acid by centrifugation has shown that although the equilibrium distribution of free fatty acid is determined by this method, fatty acid transfer occurs too rapidly for accurate kinetic measurements. Recently fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET) assay has been developed to examine transfer of fatty acids between membranes. Donor membranes which has fluorescent fatty acid, anthroyloxy fatty acid(AOFA), is mixed with acceptor membranes which has non-interchangeable fluorescent quencher, nitrobenzoxadiazol(NBD), using stopped flow apparatus. As the fluorescent fatty acids transfer from donor membrane to acceptor membrane, fluorescence intensity would be decreased and the rate and degree of fatty acid transfer can be analyzed. Fatty acid transfer between micelles is more complicated because of bile salt. Therefore in experiments with micelles, fluorescence self quenching assay is used. At high concentrations, a fluorophore tends to quench its own fluorescence causing a reduction in fluorescence intensity. Donor micelles contained self quenching concentrations of fluorophore and acceptor micelles had no fluorophore. Upon mixing of donor and acceptor micelles, the rate of transfer of the fluorophore from the donor to the acceptor was measured by monitoring the release in self quenching when its concentration in donor decreased over time.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        남은 음식물 발효사료 급여가 돈육 삼겹살의 소비자 기호도에 미치는 영향

        박홍양,박근규,정영철,이의수,양시용,임병순,김천제,Park Hong-Yang,Park Keun-Kyu,Jung Young-Chul,Lee Eui-Soo,Yang Si-Yong,Im Byoung-Soon,Kim Cheon-Jei 한국축산식품학회 2004 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 남은 음식물 발효사료 급여가 돈육의 소비자 기호도에 미치는 효과를 알아보고자 국내에서 가장 소비가 많이 되고 있는 삼겹살 부위를 이용하여 일반소비자를 대상으로 기호도 조사를 실시하였다. 암퇘지 삼겹살의 경우 생육에 대한 소비자 평가는 신선도를 제외하고는 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이에 뚜렷한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 시식 후 소비자 관능특성에 있어서도 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이 에 차이 가 없었다. 거세돈 삼겹살의 경우 생육에 대한 소비자 평가는 지방량을 제외하고 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이에 뚜렷한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 시식 후 소비자 기호도도 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이에 차이가 없는 것으로 평가되었다. 전체적인 생육에 대한 소비자 평가는 육색을 제외하고는 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이에 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 시식 후의 소비자 관능특성에 있어서도 대조구와 시험구(FFWF)는 차이가 없는 것으로 평가되었다. 선호도에 있어서는 암퇘지의 경우 대조구가 시험구(FFWF)에 비하여 선호도가 높게 나타났으며, 거세돈의 경우 시식 전 생육에 있어서는 시험구(FFWF)가 대조구에 비하여 선호도가 높게 나타났으나, 시식후의 선호도에 있어서는 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이에 차이가 없었다. 전체적인 두 처리구 간의 선호도는 생육과 시식 후 모두 대조구와 시험구(FFWF) 사이에 차이가 없었다. 이상의 돼지 삼겹살의 소비자 기호도 평가 결과를 종합해 볼 때 남은 음식물 발효사료의 돼지사료로 이용 가능성을 확인하였다. The objective of this experiment was to compare tile effect of feeding the commercial feeds (control) or fermented food waste feeds (FEWF) on consumer's acceptability and preference of pork belly. The bellies from carcasses of gilts and barrows were used. The consumers evaluated raw meat for color, freshness, fat amount (5=too much fat; 1= not enough fat), fat acceptability and overall acceptability on 5-point stale (5=most desirable; 3=moderate; 1=least desirable) and grilled belly for flavor, taste, texture, juiciness and overall acceptability on 5-point scale (5=most desirable; 3=moderate: 1=least desirable). Raw belly of control had higher scores in color than belly fed FFWF. However, there were no differences between treatments for freshness, fat contents, acceptability of fat contents and overall acceptability (p>0.05). There were no differences in any sensory trait between control and FFWF belly after cooking (p>0.05). Mean scores for preference or overall-liking of raw and cooked belly also were not significantly different between two groups (p>0.05). This results mean that feeding FFWF to pork didn't change the sensory Properties of belly meat.

      • KCI등재

        남은 음식물 발효사료 급여가 도체 특성 및 돈육품질에 미치는 영향

        박근규,박홍양,정영철,이의수,양시용,임병순,김천제,Park, Keun-Kyu,Park, Hong-Yang,Jung, Young-Chul,Lee, Eui-Soo,Yang, Si-Yong,Im, Byoung-Soon,Kim, Cheon-Jei 한국식품과학회 2005 한국식품과학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        본 실험은 돈육의 도체성적과 육질을 비교함으로써 남은 음식물 발효사료 급여효과를 살펴보고자 실시하였다. 도체성적으로 생체중, 도체중, 도체율, 등지방두께, 도체등급, 부분육량 및 정육율을 측정하였으며, 육질평가로 pH, 보수력, 저장감량, 가열감량, 전단력, 육색 및 NPPC 육색 및 근내지방도를 측정하였다. 도체특성에 있어서 등지방두께를 제외하고 도체중, 지육율 및 최종등급은 대조구와 FFWF구간에 유의적인 차이가 없었으며, 부분육 생산량과 정육율에 있어서는 FFWF구가 대조구에 비하여 다소 높게 나타났다. 육질특성에 있어서는 pH는 FFWF구가 대조구에 비하여 다소 낮게 나타났으나, 보수력, 드립감량, 가열감량, 전단력 등은 대조구와 FFWF구간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 육색에 있어서는 FFWF구가 대조구에 비하여 L*-값이 높고 a*-값이 다소 낮게 나타났으며, 주관적인 방법으로 측정된 NPPC 육색과 근내지방도는 처리구간에 차이가 없었다 따라서 본 연구의 결과로 볼 때 남은 음식물 발효사료의 급여가 일반배합사료 급여와 비교하여 도체 및 육질 특성에 있어서 크게 떨어지지 않는 것으로 판단되었다. Effects of fermented food waste feeds on meat quality and physico-chemical characteristics of fully grown pigs were investigated. Two treatments were tried in this study; commercial feed (control) and fermented food waste feed(FFWF). Except for much thicker backfat of control, carcass traits, carcass weight, dressing percentage, carcass grade, cooking loss, shear force, water-holding capacity, drip loss, NPPC meat color, and marbling score of commercial feed(control)- and fermented food waste feed (FFWF)-fed pigs were not significantly different. Primal cut weights and meat percentages were significantly different (p<0.05) between control and FFWF. pH of FFWF loin was significantly lower (p<0.05) than that of control. FFWF loin showed higher L*-value and lower a*-value compared to control.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        콜레스테롤 흡수저하 기능성소재 개발을 위한 식물성 유지 중의 Sterols 분석 및 Stanol로의 수소첨가반응

        인만진(Man-Jin In),김동청(Dong Chung Kim),채희정(Hee Jeong Chae),김명희(Myung Hee Kim),임병순(Byoung Soon Im),김의용(Eui Yong Kim) 한국식품영양과학회 1999 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        모세관 컬럼을 이용한 가스 크로마토그라프법으로 식물성 유지와 대두유 제조 부산물인 mist oil 중에 함유되어 있는 스테롤과 스탄올의 함량을 분석하였다. 식물성 유지 중에서 총 스테롤의 함량은 옥수수유, 현미유, 고추씨 기름, 참기름 등이 0.67~0.89g/100g의 높은 값을 보였다. 대두유 제조 과정에서 탈취 후 얻어지는 부산물인 mist oil에는 10.2g/100g로 다량의 스테롤이 함유되어 있어 스탄올제조의 원료로 적합하였다. Mist oil을 비누화한 후 Pd을 촉매로 실온에서 수소첨가반응시켜 스테롤을 스탄올로 전환시킨 결과, 수율이 4~5배 향상됨을 알 수 있었다. The contents of sterols and stanols in vegetable oils and mist oil were analyzed by gas chromatography using a capillary column. The total sterol contents showed high values of 0.67~0.89g/100g in corn oil, rice bran oil, red pepper seed oil and sesame oil. Mist oil, a byproduct of soybean oil manufacture, was a suitable raw material for the production of stanol since it showed high sterol content (10.2g/100g). In the hydrogenation of sterol contained in mist oil using Pd catalyst, the effects of saponification of oil were examined. The conversion of sterol to stanol was improved by a factor of 4~5 through saponification of oil, compared to the reaction without saponification.

      • 영양상태 평가 방법에 대한 고찰

        임병순 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1998 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Nutritional assessment is a series of process thought which we can make a diagnosis and analysis of the nutritional status of an individual or groups by connecting with various informations acquired through dietary method, biochimical method, anthropometric method and clinical method. Nutritional assessment is necessary for effective management of health and nutrition. In this study, I inquired of many methods to assess of nutritional status. 1. Dietary methods are necessary to get the kinds and amount of nutrients of food individual ingested. In this sorts of methods, thereare recall method, food frequency method, diet record method, dietary history and weighing method. 2. Biochemical method is the way to measure the content of nutrients in blood, urine, tissue. Static tests and functional tests are included in this method. 3. Anthropometric method is the way to measure the height, weight, wrist circumference, elbow breadth, etc,to get the degree of inferiority and evaluate nutritional status indirectly by measuring the rate of constitution of each part of body, skinfold thickness, waist-hip circumference ratio, mid-upper arm circumference, etc. 4. Clinlcal method evaluate nutritional status by objecting physical symptoms bring about change of nutritronal status of under nutrition or over nutrition.

      • 대학생지도를 위한 MBTI 교안 작성

        임병순 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1999 産業開發硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        MBTI is the abbreviated word of Myers-briggs Type Indicator, which is the character type test. K. Briggs and her daughter, I.Myers developed it for seventy years in order to apply C. Jung's model more effectively and enable to be understood easily in reality. This model helps director or counselor guide students for better life in university. Therefore, this study suggests growth program of university students to guide them MBTI effectively. The merits that university students can get from this study are following: 1. It enables each student to understand his or her merits and demerits by showing their favorite tendency. 2. It supports student to maintain the mature personal relationship and to understand others by recognizing the value of similarity and difference of people based on each character types. 3. It helps students to select suitable jobs after graduation. By the result, students world be able to get the good direction for better lives in the future. 4. It enables each student to have a great personality by make better their inferiority.

      • 세포막에 있어서의 지방산 이동속도 연구 방법론

        林秉順 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1995 産業開發硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        In this thesis, I will introduce energy transfer assay with spectrofluorometer as methods that research mechanism of transfer fatty acids between model membranes. 1. Vesicles preparation : It prepare multiamellar vesicles(MLV), small unilamellar vesicles(SUV), large unilamellar vesicles(LUV) with 99% pure egg phosphatidylcholine in according to experimental design. 2. Incorporation of anthroyloxy fatty acids(AOFA) probes : Donor vesicles are loaded with fluorescent AOFA(2mol%) and Acceptor vesicles are loaded with NBD-PE(10mol%), quencher. Rate of concentration of donor and acceptor vesicles is 1 : 10. 3. AOFA transfer assay : Fluorescence intensity is decreased when same amount of donor and acceptor were injected at a time into syringe of spectrofluorometer untile the rate is constanted. The rate of transter of fatty acids is calculated after we get data of decreading fluorescence intensity. 4. Effect factor : Fatty acid chain length, fatty acid unsaturation, PH, vesicle size, AO position on fatty acid are affected to rate of transfer of fatty acids.

      • 우리나라 肉類飮食의 歷史的 考察

        林秉順 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1993 産業開發硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        In this thesis, I studied the process of development of the meat in Korea with the changes of the time, history according to kinds of meat and cooking using the meat and poultry through bibliography. The result is ; 1. The meat had been gradually grown from the prehistoric age to the age of the Three States. But when Buddhism was introduced at King Sosurim 2th year of Koguryo the meat is used great morderation because Buddhism worship thought until middle term of Koryo. From end of Koryo when was an invasion of the Mongolian race the meat was restored again and developed continuously through the Josun age to the predent age. 2. Meat and Poultry used in the main material were cow, pig, dog, chicken, sheep, pheasant, rabbit and duck in Korea. 3. Cooking using meat and poultry was dried meat(脯) and soup(羹) which was traditional and the oldest method, raw meat(膾), roasted with seasoning(炙), sliced of boiled meat(熟肉), steamed(蒸), fried meat(煎) and pan broiled meat(炒).

      • 예산지역 여대생의 체지방 측정조사

        임병순 공주대학교 자원과학연구소 2000 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        This study is aimed to investigate physique classification of female university students at Kongju University in Yesan. For this study 76 students are selected to examine physique classification by anthropometric value, body mass index(BMI), Broca's index and body fat contents by bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA). The reasult is as following. 1. Average age of the subject is 21.96, height 160.7cm and weight 53.3kg. 3. Average waist-hip ratio(WHR) of the subjects is 0.73±0.04, BMI 20.63±2.35 and Broca's index 97.64±11.35. All average values of anthropometric indices show in normal range. 4. Average body fat % measured by BIA of the subjects is 24.85±6.12%, 42.1% of subjects is slightly obese, 19.7% is normal, 19.7% is slightly lean, 13.2% is obese and 5.3% is lean. 5. By BMI, 50% of subjects is normal, 44.7% is slightly lean, 5.3% is slightly obese. By Broca's index, 64.5% of subjects is normal, 23.7% is slightly lean, 7.9% is slightly obese and 3.9% is obese.

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