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      • KCI등재

        단백질을 이용한 저열량 식이요법이 성인여성의 신체조성에 미치는 영향

        윤미선 ( Mi Sun Yoon ),임미혜 ( Mi Hyea Leem ) 한국미용학회 2007 한국미용학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The main purpose of this study was to investigate how Low-Calorie Diets using protein supplements makes an impact on the women`s body composition. The period of the program was from Apr. 15th until May 30th. The subjects of the study were selected among those who visited Diet Clinic with over 28% in BMI. The 10 persons normally do not exercise but want medications or operations to lose weight. They were instructed to intake 1,200 Kcal per day for 4 weeks, and to replace dinner by protein supplement of 200 Kcal. The results were as followings. Weight, waist measurement, percent body fat, and body fat mass were significantly decreased while lean soft tissue mass, fat free mass and basal metabolic rate remained almost the same in spite of the reduction of daily-calories by 500Kcal. Therefore, it can be said that Low-Calorie Diets using protein is one of the effective diets. Through the survey conducted, it is investigated if there are some differences as per the psychological characteristics of each person by questioning the participants on the degree of moderation in eating in order to know the effects of the diet. As a result, a person who has the high degree of moderation in eating shows better effects of the diet than those who do not. This proves that psychological characteristics are very important in the treatment of obesity as well as the method of a diet. Based on this research, it is considered that safe and various diet programs, which help moderation in eating, should be continued.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Synechoscoccus sp. cyanophage 구조단백질의 특성

        김승원,김민,임미혜,최영길,Kim, Seung-Won,Kim, Min,Leem, Mi-Hyea,Choi, Yong-Keel 한국미생물학회 1997 미생물학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        The protein profile of Synechococcus sp. cyanophage was investigated employing SDS-PAGE. The phage appears to be composed of two major proteins of 97 and 52 kDa and at least seven minor proteins of 70, 65, 60, 40, 35, 28, and 6 kDa. It seems that each subunit is combined to form a multimer although any disulfide bond does not exist in the phage structure. Lytic activity of the phage particle against cell wall was detected around the 52 kDa on renaturing SDS-PAGE using heat-killed Micrococcus luteus cells as substrate. The activity has the optimal pH between 9 and 10, and slightly inhibited by EDTA. Synechococcus sp. cyanophage의 SDS-PAGE 수행 결과 구조단백질은 두 개의 major protein(97 kDa, 52 kDa)과 최소 일곱 개의 minor protein(70 kDa, 65 kDa, 60 kDa, 40 kDa, 35 kDa, 28 kDa, 6 kDa)으로 구성되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. Subunit들은 서로 disulfide bond로 연결되어 있지는 않지만 비공유적 결합으로 multimer를 형성하여 phage particle을 구성하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 또한 heat-killed Micrococcus luteus cell을 기질로 이용한 renaturing SDS-PAGE 방법으로 phage particle내의 세포벽 분해능을 살표본 결과 52 kDa 부근에서 세포벽 분해활성이 발견되었다. 이러한 세포벽 분해활성은 최적 pH가 9~10 사이이며 EDTA에 대한 낮은 저해를 나타내었다.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 여드름의 특성에 관한 연구

        안영희(An Young-hee),임미혜(Leem Mi-hyea) 한국인체미용예술학회 2003 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.4 No.2

          A survey to examine the acne distribution by each grade and to find out the ages of initial generation of acne was conducted to the 937 students of primarry, middle and high schools in seoul and Gyeonggi province. The study attempted to figure out the characteristics of youths' acne, and examine the degree of students'common sence towards youths' acne. The results are as follows: The average rate of the acne generation between 12-19 age-old youths among the subjects was 74.52%. Among them, the average rate of acne generation of male students was 72%, and the acne generation rate constantly increased between 12-19 age-old students. On the other hand, the average acne generation of female students was 80.16% and the acne generation rate constantly increased between 12-17, and then gradually decreased between 18-19. The result of examining the ages of the initial acne generation shows that the age of 14.41 was for the male students, whereas the age of 13.45 was for female students. This indicates that the age of the initial acne generation for the female students was earlier than that for the male students. To measure the degree of youths' common sense towards youths' acne, a survey was conducted with nine questions. The results show that the average degree of their common sense, which was the correct answer rate, was 53.91%. The group of no acne and the group with acne showed 52.41% and 55.40%, respectively. This indicates that the group of no acne had higher degree of common sense than the group with acne. The result of comparing the degrees of common sense of primary, middle and high school students shows that the common sense degree of primary students was highest, and then gradually decreased. As the degree of common sense about youths' acne was around 50%, the education on acne needs to be more extensive and intensive, based on these study results, focusing on the worsening factors of acne, and with the subject targets of youths. In addition, there seems to be a need to study the prevention and caring methods for youths'pimples in the future.

      • KCI등재

        GC에 의한 티트리와 레몬 정유의 분석

        이혜영(Lee Hae-Young),임미혜(Leem Mi-Hyea),김창성(Kim Chang-Seong) 한국인체미용예술학회 2003 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.4 No.1

          근본적인 치료가 어렵고 또 다른 많은 부작용을 야기하는 현대의학의 한계점을 절감하며 발전된 대체요 법, 자연요법 등이 세계적인 추세에 부응하여 국내에서도 1990년대에는 빠른 속도로 활발하게 성장해 왔으며 피부미용계에서도 가장 매력적인 요법의 하나로 아로 마테라피를 들 수 있다.<BR>  아로마테라피에 사용되는 정유는 여러 가지 요인에 따라 성분함량에 차이가 나며 그 성분들이 아로마 오일의 향과 효능을 결정하는 중요한 인자가 된다. 또한 오용이나 남용하므로 독성을 야기 시킬 수 있음에도 불구하고 국가적인 차원의 순도와 품질을 검증하는 시스템화 된 체제가 없으며 행정 및 관련법규 적용의 기준이 설정되지 않아 전문인도 거의 없어 무방비 상태로 판매. 사용되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구자는 보편적으로 사용되는 정유 중에 티트리, 레몬 오일을 선택하여 각각 네 회사제품에 대한 GC/MSD를 이용한 성분분석으로 티트리 오일은 ISO 표준함량과, 레몬 오일은 일반 기준값과 비교하여 보았다.<BR>  그 결과, tea tree oil의 중요 구성성분이며 후추 같은 향의 monoterpenoid alcohol terpinene 4-ol은 네회사 모두 ISO 기준 최소값 보다 현저히 낮게 나타났다(표 1, 그림 1).<BR>  monoterpene 중의 소나무향을 나타내는 α-pinene은 모두 ISO 기준보다 높고 그 중에서 B회사 제품이 가장 낮게 나타났다(표 4, 그림 2). monoterpene의 특성상 함량이 너무 높은 경우 부작용으로 발적현상과 염증이 생길 우려가 있음을 고려할 때 몇 가지 terpene계의 기준값 이상을 나타내는 oil에 대한 검증이 요구된다.<BR>  citrus oil의 정신을 맑게 하고 기억력을 좋게 하는 α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, P-cymene을 살펴보면, 먼저 α-terpinene에서 C와 A회사제품은 정상범위에 있으나 F회사의 경우 전혀 없으며 B회사는 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다(표 4, 그림 3).<BR>  주요 구성성분인 γ-terpinene은 네 회사제품 모두 정상범위에 해당하나 차이가 있음을 알 수 있다(그림 4). P-cymene에서는 C와 A회사제품에서 정상보다 훨씬 높게 나타났으며 F회사의 것은 기준값에 미치지 못함을 알 수 있다(표 4, 그림 5). tea tree oil의 중요 산화제이며 향의 특징에 필수적 요소를 제공하는 1.8cineole은 네 회사제품 모두에서 ISO 표준함량보다 낮게 나타났다(표 4).<BR>  Lemon oil의 냄새는 과일 향을 가진 알데히드인 neral과 geranial에 의해 특징지어지는데 두 가지 성분 모두 책의 기준값 보다 낮은 것을 볼 수 있으며 F회사에서 neral 성분은 없는 것으로 나타났다(〈표 5〉, 그림 6).<BR>  Monoterpene의 대표적 성분인 limonene의 매우 높은 비율이 주목할 만하며 네 회사제품 모두 기준값 보다 현저하게 낮은 것으로 나타났다(표 5).<BR>  Limonene 다음으로 높은 비율을 차지하는 β-pinene, γ-terpinene은 네 회사제품 모두 기준값 이상에서 비슷한 양상을 보이고 있다(표 5).<BR>  약한 장미향과 과일향을 나타내는 ester인 neryl acetate와 geranyl acetate는 아주 소량의 구성성분이기는 하나 기준값 보다 낮거나 전혀 없는 것으로 나타났다(표 5).<BR>  이상에서 살펴본 바에 의하면 티트리 오일의 주성분은 탄화수소계이며 그 다음이 알코올계, 옥사이드계 순인것과 레몬 오일에서 탄화수소계의 limonene이 주성분을 이루는 것은 기존의 내용들과 일치하나 각 제품회사별 성분함량에는 차이가 있음을 알 수 있고 또한 ISO 표준함량이나 기준값과도 차이를 보이고 있음을 알게 되었다. 그러므로 국가적 차원의 정유를 검증하는 시스템화 된 체제와 함께 규제가 속히 이루어져야 할 것임을 제시하는 바이다.   Thought there have been many limits in modern medical science that fundamental cure is impossible and a lot of adverse reactions are happened, advanced alternative and natural therapies, answering to the global trend, has been actively developed from 1990s in Korea. One of most attractive therapies among the area of skin care is aromatherapy.<BR>  The chemical contents of essential oil used for the aromatherapy may depend on many reasons, and they have become meaningful factors to decide the perfume and effect of each aroma oil. Abuse or misuse of the aroma oil, however, might result in poisonous element. Nevertheless, no national system to examine the degree of purity and quality exists. Indeed, administrative and legal criteria are not established and there is no professional, so that, the essential are carelessly sold and used. Present study, therefore, selected the tea tree and lemon oils, managed by four Korean companies generally used ones to compare tea tree oil to ISO standard content and lemon oil to common criteria through content analysis using GC/MSD. The results are as follows:<BR>  The value of monoterpenoid alcohol terpinene 4-ol, one of major contents of tea tree oil with perfume like pepper, is remarkably lower than the minimum of ISO standard in all products of four companies(see Table 1 and Feature 1). The value of α-pinene, an aroma of pine in monoterpene was higher than the ISO standard in all products of four companies, and especially, B company"s product was lowest(see Table 4 and Feature 2). Giving that too high degree of monoterpene may cause the adverse effects such as redness or inflammation, it is required to examine the terpene oils that appeared to have more value than criterion. The value of 1.8cineole, an important oxidizer of tea tree oil, which offers a necessary element the aroma"s characteristic, was lower than the minimum of ISO standard in all products of four companies(see Table 4).<BR>  The fragrance of lemon oil is characterized by neral and geranial, aldehydes with fruit smell; both was lower than the standard value in the book, and products of F company did not contain neral(see Table 5 and Feature 6).<BR>  It was noteworthy that the rate of limonene, representative contents of monoterpene, was very high and its value was remarkably lower than the standard in all products of four companies(see Table 5). The values of β-pinene and γ-terpinene which follow in the rate were similar above the standard in all products of four companies(see Table 5). The values of neryl and geranyl acetates, the esters with slight rose and fruit perfumes, were lower than the standard or were not found, though they are trivial contents(See Table 5).<BR>  In conclusion, it was found that, the fact that the main contents of tea tree oil are hydrocarbons and alcohols and oxides are followed, and the fact that limonene of hydrocarbons in lemon oil is main content agree with existing studies. However, there exist some differences of amount among the products of each company. In addition, the values are differing from those of ISO criteria and standards. It is suggested, therefore, that national system to examine as well as regulate the essential oil should be established as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 성인 여성의 체형관리를 위한 고주파 시술의 효과

        이애순 ( Ae Soon Lee ),임연실 ( Yeon Sil Lim ),임미혜 ( Mi Hyea Leem ) 한국미용학회 2006 한국미용학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Effect of high frequency treatment on women bodyform was investigated Women who are aged around 20s and 30s live in Seoul and over 23kg/m2 BMI, were separated in 2 groups which were participated in the treatment for 8 weeks. The one is exposed to the high frequency 2 times for an hour on thighs and the other is 2 times for 20 minutes on abdominals and an our on thighs per week. To observe the diminishment of the women`s body form, the body fat measuring instrument (inbody 720 made by biospace) was used to measure weight, body fat, BMI, fat free mass before and after the treatment every time. To measure waist, hip, thigh, calf were measured on the first, fifth, and fifteenth times with a measuring tape based on WHO standard. The collected data were analyzed frequency, correspondence, T-test. This is the following result. For 8 weeks of high frequency treatment, there were significant result for the lower limbs group and the abdominal and lower limbs group on weight, body fat, EMI, waist, hip, thigh, calf measures from the statistical point of view. However, each groups of fat free masses were increased. The abdominal and lower limbs group had more effective diminishes in weight, body fat, EMI, waist, hip, thigh, calf measures than the lower limbs group, but the result was insignificant from the statistical point of view. Therefore, the conclusion could be pronounced that the high frequency treatment is affirmatively effective on women`s bodyform.


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