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      • 홈페이지의 음성합성 시스템

        이희 서원대학교 응용과학연구소 1999 응용과학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        The speech synthesis system generating the speech sounds from the home pages is described. The speech synthesis plug-in is activated when the netscape finds the audio/x-esp MIME data type embeded in the browsed web page in the first step. The next step is that the HTML file referenced in the EMBED HTML tag is down loaded from the referenced URL to be sent to the commander object located in the said plug-in. The speech synthesis engine control tags and the text characters are extracted from the down loaded HTML document by the commander object. The synthesized speech sounds are generated by the speech synthesis engine. The speech synthesis engine interprets the command streams from the commander objects to call the member functions for the processing of the speech segment data in the data banks. To enhance the flexibility and the portability, the commander object and the speech synthesis engine are designed as an independent object.

      • TPS를 이용한 광류의 검출방법

        이희 서원대학교 미래창조연구소 2004 과학과 문화 Vol.1 No.1

        In this paper a new detection method of optical flow is proposed. Provided that optical flow gives reliable approximation to two-dimensional image motion, it can be used to recover the three-dimensional motion, but usually to get the reliable optical flows are difficult. The Horn's algorithm for detecting initial optical flow is used, then Thin Plate Spline is introduced to warp a image frame according to the initial optical flow and the optical flow for the warped image frame is again calculated to warp the image frame until mean square error between two image sequence frames is lowered. The proposed method is applied for the synthetic image frames and natural moving pictures. The proposed algorithm gives dense optical flow vectors.

      • 흰쥐 腦 被殼내의 Dopamine 軸索終末에 대한 自記放射法的 硏究

        李熙來 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1985 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.36 No.-

        본 실험은 피각에서 dopamine 수용체와 관련있는 축삭종말을 구분하기 위하여 시도하였다. 건강한 흰쥐에 ^3H-spiroperidol을 체중 kg당 1mCi씩 미정맥에 주사하였다. 동물은 1% paraformaldehyde-2% glutaraldehyde액으로 관류고정하고 피각조직을 절취하여 2% osmium tetroxide에 후고정하였다. 조직의 초박절편은 Ilford L_4 emulsion을 입혔고 4˚C에서 12주간 노출시킨 다음 phenion developer로 현상하고 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate로 염색하여 관찰하였다. 피각의 조직에서 은입자는 축삭종말과 수상돌기에 많이 표지되었는데 특히 소형원형연접소포를 가진 축삭종말과 이들과 연접을 형성하는 수상돌기에서 높은 표지율을 나타내었다. 이러한 사실에 의하여 피각내에 존재하는 소형원형연접소포를 가진 축삭종말의 일부는 흑질-선조체로의 dopamine 신경세포에서 기원된 것이라고 생각한다. This study was performed to identify the dopaminergic axon terminals in rat putamen. In adult Sprague-Dawley rats 1mCi/kg body weight ^3H-spiroperidol as a dopamine receptor blocking agent was injected into the tail vein. For electron microscopic autoradiography, the ultrathin sections were coated with Ilford L_4, emulsion and were developed by phenidon developer. From 439 examples of silver grains 55% were located in the axon terminals, 39% in dendrites, 4% in myelinated nerve fibers and the remaining in soma. From ^3H-spiroperidol labeled grains which associated with axon terminals, about 95% were located in the axon terminal with small round vesicles. By these results it may be implied that a lot of the axon terminals with small round vesicles in the putamen originate from the dopaminergic neuron of substantia nigra.

      • 기니픽 뇌 미상핵의 신경세포 및 신경연접에 대한 전자현미경적 연구

        이희 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1986 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.9 No.1

        The caudate nucleus of the guinea pig was examined at the ultrastructural level. At least four types of neurons and seven types of synapses are distinguished. The large polygonal neurons are measured 18-25㎛ in diameter and have large amount of cytoplasm with many stacks of granular endoplasmic reticulum, concentrations of ribosomes, and rich Golgi cisternae. The medium-sized, ovoid neurons are the most frequent cells. These neurons are measured 10-15㎛ in diameter and contain a lot of organelles. The medium-sized, polygonal neurons are measured 11-18㎛ in diameter. These cells have cytoplasm with moderate amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi cisternae. The small neurons are the least common never cells in the caudate nucleus. They have a nucleus with indentations, little Golgi apparatus and few cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum. The axon terminals containing small round vesicles are the most frequent type of synapses. The majority of them make asymmetric contact on dendritic spines of neurons. Some of remainders make symmetric contact with dendrites and somata and others asymmetric contact with the same structures. Few of terminals 'en passant' with small round vesicles contact on dendrites and somata. The terminals containing elongated vesicles contact symmetrically on the dendrits and somata. All of the terminals containing pleomorphic or large round vesicles make synapses in the same manner of elongated vesicle terminal.

      • 흰쥐 뇌의 Serotonin-2 수용체 분포에 대한 자기방사법적 연구

        이희 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1988 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.11 No.4

        The distribution of serotonin-2 receptors in the rat brain was studied by light microscopic autoradiography, using〔^3H〕ketanserin as a ligand. The serotonin-2 receptor densities were quantified by an actual count of labeled silver grains from the tissue preparations. A heterogeneous distribution of serotonin-2 receptor densities was found in the rat brain. High concentrations of serotonin-2 receptors were localized over the superior colliculus, neostriatum, amygdaloid complex and mammillary body. Intermediate concentrations were found over the dentate gyrus and visual cortex(area 17). Low densities were found over the substantia nigra and olfactory tubercie. The observations made in this study indicate that the anatomical distribution of serotonin-2 receptor is in accord with the distribution of serotoninergic innervation and the densities of serotonin-2 preceptor are differences in brain area of rat.

      • 韓國産 野生樹木을 造園樹로의 利用에 關한 調査硏究

        이희 건국대학교 1975 建農學報 Vol.1975 No.6

        People are in trouble of the plant Resouces, because the development of material civilization and extention of cities. They are getting into donger pollution of the air, according to growth of chemical industry. In fact, not only koreans but also people in the world are intersted in these. There are many wild trees for gardening in our country. But they don't make use of it. of and so, I make on experiment in research on the chracters of the wild tress for gardening results of this test is as follows table 1.

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