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      • KCI등재

        골프 경험의 분석 : 발견적 연구 접근법

        이형일(Hyung Il Lee),백병주(Byung Joo Paek),윤여탁(Yeo Tak Yoon) 한국체육철학회 2000 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning and nature of golfing experience. Heuristics research provides the methology for gaining meaning and essence. It is the ideal research paradigm for this study of the golf experience. I interviewed eight individuals, seven men and a women Each participant voluntarily signed an authorization form permitting me to tape record the interview sessions. At the same time, each co-researcher agreed to participate in a three hour interview session In working with the data I used Outline Guide of Procedures for Organization and Analysis of Heuristic Data which was developed and written by Moustakas. According to this procedures, I present the analysis of my data following each of the steps, including an individual depiction, a composite depiction of the group of co-researches as a whole, an exemplary portrait and a creative synthesis portraying what the golfing experience is and means. In comparison and contrast from my own interview data, the natures and meanings of golfing experience are as followings: 1), competitive strivings; 2), inherent in the experience of golf; 3), social value; 4), mindbody connection; 5), awakening to the beauty and energy of nature.

      • KCI등재

        사회문화현상속에서의 움직임의 보편성

        윤여탁(Yoon Yeo Tak),이형일(Lee Hyung Il) 한국여성체육학회 1998 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore what in movement is universal, and what is mediated by socio-cultural phenomenon. My exploration drew on a number of social theorists from various disciplines including philosophy, history, education and sport. By negotiating the views of these writers, I show where they are consistent with each other and where they diverge, and thereby, try to develop a framework for the influences on and of movement. I have found that most theorists of the body align themselves around one of two central paradigms. The first is the idea that individuals are socially constructed. the second, that individuals maintain a degree of human agency. According to Foucault, human nature as well as the body itself is socially constructed. Contrastingly, there are those that reject the concept of $quot;passive body$quot; and instead believe in an element of human agency. The basis of human agency is placed within the sphere of lived experience, or the phenomenology of the body. Merleau-Ponty is a leader of this perspective. According to Ponty, human agency implies that there is some underlying essence within human beings which frees them from docility. Therefore many theorists support the existence of human agency, and evidence that movement may be a basis for agency among all human beings. Basic need fulfillment for human beings is a universal aspect of movement, but not necessarily all-encompassing. There was nothing inevitable about the development of sport, for example. While culture is the act of fulfilling human needs, the specific form of that fulfilment is random. Within this randomness, there must be room to explore. Herein lies human agency, as well as the universal aspect of movement.

      • KCI등재

        태권도의 현대 스포츠적 특성에 관한 고찰

        김학덕(Kim, Hak-Duk),이형일(Lee, Hyung-Il),윤여탁(Yoon, Yeo-Tak) 한국체육철학회 2003 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study interpreted the meanings that essential physical activity of human is the process of being sport through civilization theory and analyzed the characteristics of modern sports appeared as civilization`s process which had any similarity with sports characteristics of Taekwondo. In conclusion, meaning of quantitative attainment was more familiar with institution of modern sports than origin of sports and changed in flow of social-cultural phenomena. The flow of sports characteristics in Taekwondo was able to find similar characterizations of modern sports in civilization process of society. However, the point which we must not overlook was concept of Do in Taekwondo that existed in framework of eastern thought. Meaning of martial art practiced in Taekwondo was different with sports characteristics appeared in flow of modern society. This indicated that Taekwondo can develop to process of being sport and life sports.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아이스하키선수들의 비윤리적 행위에 관한 연구

        임지민(Jee Min Im),윤여탁(Yeo Tak Yoon),이승호(Seung Ho Lee),이형일(Hyong Il Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2014 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.55

        This research was to highlight the causes and the types of unheitcal behaviors, based on the awareness o fsports ethics of ice hockey college players and also provide teh coaching staffs with basic guidelines in orde rto lead their players in a right way. The ultimate purpose ofh its research was to realize sports ethics on ice . The research deals with following issues: 1. what is the cause of college ice hockey players` unethical behaviors? 2. what are the features of these types of unethical behaviors? As a result of analyzing the causes and types of college ice hcokey players unethical behaviors in the phenomenalapproach, the main causes were: 1. the impacts of peope laround the players 2. the lack of awar-eness. To be specific, ``the impacts of people around the player`s are composed of coaches` instruction andorders from other players or parents. The lack of awareness isc omposed of ``expression of inner-violence`` ,``compensation for inferiority complex``, ``revenge attack for teammates``, ``justification of violence during games.`` According to these causes, the types of unethical behaviors are divided into ``behaviors intriguing foul play`` and ``behaviors violating rules``. ``Behaviors intriguing foul play`` involve ``verbal abuse`` and ``physical harm or harassment``. ``Behaviors violating rules`` include ``violation from necessity`` and ``violation from animosity``.

      • KCI등재
      • 대학운동선수들의 일상 의식과 태도에 대한 질적 분석

        윤여탁,이형일 연세대학교 체육연구소 2002 체육연구논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 대학교에 재학중인 운동선수들의 일상활동인 학습과 운동훈련 속에서 선수개인이 느끼는 의식과 태도를 분석함으로써, 지도자들에게 운동선수들의 학업관리와 훈련지도에 기초자료를 제공하기 위한 것이다. 또한 선수 개인들에게도 반성을 통한 삶의 과정을 자각케 함으로써 대학생활 기간 중 자아정체성 확립에 도움을 주는 데 있다. 이 같은 연구목적을 수행하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 대학운동선수들이 직접 경험한 사실들을 후기 실증주의적 방법론을 사용하여 분석하였다. 이 분석 방법은 운동선수 자신들의 관점으로부터 개인의 삶의 형태와 사회, 그리고 대학교육을 인식하는 방식을 분석 가능케 한다. 운동선수들의 일산의식에 대한 연구는 선수개인이 자신의 역할을 어떻게 내면화하고 자신에게 주어지는 의무를 어떻게 해석하느냐를 분석하는 것이다. 다시 말해, 운동선수의 주관적 경험에 대한 해석을 현상학적으로 밝혀내는 작업이다. 이러한 관점에서, 선수 개인들이 자신의 경험을 스스로 구성하는 심층 면접법이 적합하다고 보며, 이를 통해, 선수들이 바라보는 사회와 교육의 전반적 현상을 구체적으로 범주화시킬 수 있었다. 논의의 결과 대학운동선수들의 일상의식과 태도에 대한 범주화로 훈련에 대한 부담과 집착, 진로에 대한 기대, 통제에 대한 순응, 학사관리의 부담, 인간적인 소외감 등의 하위영역으로 분류되었다. 대학 운동선수들은 학교생활 속에서 과도한 운동연습으로 인한 학습할 권리의 침해와 다른 학생들과의 교류 부족으로 인한 정체성에 갈등을 느끼고 있었다. 그러나, 자신의 진로를 위해 개인운동능력 향상을 목적으로 개인훈련을 꾸준히 하고 있었다. 또한, 운동과 학습의 병행에 따라 개인의 인간적 삶을 제약받고 있고, 통제된 환경에 대해서는 운동선수를 스스로 선택한 만큼 자율적 문제로 인정하며, 수업관리에는 큰 고충을 느끼고 있었다. The purpose of this study was to investigate elite student-athletes recognize self-identity and self-awareness, provide an university of the athletes' policy for university manager and coaches being responsibility of athletes' training and management with the voice of athletes directly. Data collection included mainly in-depth interviews and participation observation. This study explored the development of such critical using elite student-athletes as the experiential base. I argue that they must be conceived of as a unity in understanding the social construction of elite student-athletes, as well as in developing and embodying critical perspectives. The results were divided into five categorization which were attachment on practice, expectation on the job, docility on control, hardness on the participation of classes, and ailenation, they were life-consciousness and attitude of elite student-athletes in university.

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