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        변호사법 제109조 제1호 위반죄에 관하여 -「실비변상」에 관한 판결례를 중심으로

        이해빈 사법발전재단 2020 사법 Vol.1 No.52

        Article 109 Subparag. 1 of the Attorneys-at-Law Act provides stipulations which declare the punishment of persons who did not have proper legal credentials but handled legal issues such as lawsuits or appraisals for legal cases and pursued personal interest including monetary compensation and other profits. The gist of this article lay in actual expense compensation related to obtaining profits and two Supreme Court Decisions exist that deal with these issues. These two decisions pursue positions opposite to one another with regards to the establishment of violation of the Attorneys-at-Law Act under the context of actual expense compensation. The first Supreme Court Decision states that the act of the defendant does not constitute violation because this act is considered as actual expense compensation, while the second Supreme Court Decision states that this act shall be regarded as violation based on the pretension of actual expense compensation. Therefore, we need to clarify the standard of judgment for “actual expense compensation” or “pretension of actual expense compensation.” First, with regards to the existence of the valid pretext under the context of actual expense compensation, we shall consider the possibility of acknowledging different pretexts of reward for handling legal issues and actual expense compensation as the standard of judgment. Second, when judging the pretension of actual expense compensation, the criteria to determine the intent of the defendant who could have obtained the compensation of real cost relies on the context of various circumstances provided by the second Supreme Court Decision. In order to clarify the criteria of judgment in detail, we can take an idea from legal principles of fraud and we can reach a conclusion as below if we extend the point of view of the adaptation of legal principles of fraud to actual expense compensation or pretension of actual expense compensation. First, we shall judge the defendant’s intention with respect to the pretension of actual expense compensation in accordance with the circumstances at the time when he/she received profits including money and valuables and, in principle, the basis of judging the possibility of criminal establishment shall not be affected by real cost defrayal after that time. There is an appellate court judgment that quoted the third Supreme Court Decision which is the previous judgment remanding the case of the first Supreme Court Decision. This judgment suggested a legal principle which states that, even if the defendant’s act was based on actual expense compensation, the act qualifies as a criminal offense since the defendant dealt with legal issues inhibited by the Attorneys-at-Law Act, and this judgment argued that the third Supreme Court Decision established this legal principle. However, this precedent of the appellate court is not valid because this can not be construed that the third Supreme Court Decision even declared any general principle of law with respect to actual expense compensation. Even if this interpretation is possible, this precedent is based on nothing more than a dissenting interpretation of the third Supreme Court Decision and not the judgment itself. Besides, this judgment is a total opposition to the principle of law of the first Supreme Court Decision which is the second appeal proceeding of the third Supreme Court Decision. In other words, the above appellate court judgment misinterpreted the third Supreme Court Decision, and ignored the first Supreme Court Decision. Therefore, the third Supreme Court Decision can not be construed to have declared a principal of law that is based on proper understanding of the above appellate court judgment. There are several precedents of the appellate court which derived their bases from the first Supreme Court Decision with respect to forfeiture. These precedents convicted the defendant of the facts charged about actual expense compensation, while they ... 변호사법 제109조 제1호는 변호사가 아니면서 금품 등 이익을 받는 등 행위를 하고 소송 등 법률사건에 관한 감정 등 법률사무를 취급하거나 알선한 사람을 처벌하는 규정을 두고 있다. 그 이익 수수 요건과 관련된 실비변상에 대한 쟁점이 있고, 이에 관한 두 대법원판결이 있다. 이 판결들은 실비변상의 맥락에서 변호사법 위반죄의 성립 여부에 관하여 서로 방향성을 달리한다. 실비변상에 해당하여 제1 대법원판결에 따를 경우에는 범죄가 성립하지 않는 반면, 실비변상의 빙자에 해당하여 제2 대법원판결에 따를 경우에는 범죄가 성립한다. 실비변상과 그 빙자에 대한 판단 기준을 구체화할 필요가 있다. 먼저, 실비변상 명목의 존부에 관하여 법률사무 취급의 대가 명목과 실비변상 명목의 구분가능성이 하나의 기준이 될 수 있다. 다음으로, 실비변상의 빙자 여부에 관하여 피고인에게 실비변상 빙자의 의사가 있는지를 판단할 때 제2 대법원판결이 제시한 여러 사정 등이 중요한 요소가 될 수 있다. 그 판단 기준을 보다 구체화하기 위하여 사기죄에 관한 법리에서 착안점을 얻을 수 있다. 사기죄 법리의 관점을 실비변상과 그 빙자의 맥락에까지 그대로 밀고 나가면 다음과 같은 결론에 이르게 된다. 즉 피고인에게 실비변상 빙자의 의사가 있는지 여부는 피고인이 금품 등 이익을 수수할 당시를 기준으로 판단하여야 하고, 그 이후에 실제 비용을 지출하였는지에 관한 사정은 원칙적으로 범죄의 성립 여부에 아무런 영향을 미칠 수 없다는 것이다. 제1 대법원판결의 종전 환송판결인 제3 대법원판결을 인용한 어느 항소심 판결례가 있다. 이 판결은 실비변상이라 하더라도 변호사법이 금지하는 법률사무를 취급한 이상 범죄가 성립한다는 법리를 제시하면서, 제3 대법원판결이 이러한 법리를 선언하였다고 보았다. 그러나 제3 대법원판결을 이와 같이 이해하는 것은, 타당하지 않다. 왜냐하면, 제3 대법원판결은 실비변상에 관하여 일반성을 가지는 어떠한 법리를 선언하였다고 볼 수조차 없기 때문이다. 설령 그렇다고 하더라도 여전히 타당하지 않다. 위 항소심판결이 내세운 법리는 제3 대법원판결의 판단 그 자체가 아니라 이를 반대해석한 것에 불과하다. 그뿐만 아니라 제3 대법원판결의 재상고심인 제1 대법원판결의 법리와 정면으로 모순되기까지 한다. 다시 말해 위 항소심판결은 제3 대법원판결을 오해하고, 제1 대법원판결을 간과한 것이다. 그러므로 제3 대법원판결이 위 항소심판결이 이해한 법리를 선언하였다고 볼 수도 없다. 제1 대법원판결을 추징에 적용한 여러 항소심 판결례가 있다. 이들은 실비변상을 이유로 추징을 배제하는 판단을 하면서도 실비변상에 해당하는 공소사실은 그대로 유죄로 인정하였다. 그러나 이러한 판단은 타당하지 않다. 왜냐하면, 제1 대법원판결을 근거로 하는 이상 추징을 배제하는 사유로서 실비변상은 곧 필연적으로 변호사법 위반죄의 성립을 부정하는 사유에도 해당할 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 설령 실비변상에 관한 주장이 피고인의 항소이유서에 포함되어 있지 않다고 하더라도, 항소심은 실비변상 부분을 판결에 영향을 미친 사유로 보아 직권으로 심판하여 무죄라고 판단함이 바람직하다.

      • 논에 殺蟲劑 처리가 天敵昆蟲과 거미群集에 미치는 영향

        李海浜,金胄弼,全正蘭 동국대학교 산업기술대학원 1993 산업기술논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        An arthropod community structure in a rice peddy field ecocystem was investigated. Sampling was conducted using D-vac sucker at the Experimental Station of Dongguk University in Namyangju-Gun, Kyonggi province during the periods from August to October in 1992. During the period of investigation, 112 species, 34 families and 6 orders were represented for the insect cummunity in untreated plots, while 104 species, 41 families and 5 orders in treated plots. And among them, 45 and 31 species of entomophagous insect were listed from the untreated and treated plots with 17.5% vs 5.2% in the occupancy rate, respectively, suggesting that pesticide usage lead the reduced number of immigrating and emigrating natural enemies. The other hand, 25 species in 13 families of the spider were represented in the untreated plots whereas 15 species in 8 families in treated plots. Spiders which collected in untreated plots were twice as high in abundance as those in treated plots. Tetragnatha sp. (Tetragnathidae) was the most abundance species in treated plots. Dominant species of untreated plots, Piratasubpiraticus (Lycosidae), occurred in very low number in treated plots. During the growing season, the temporal pattern of species diversity are measured using species diversity (H'), species richness (S) and species evenness index (J'). The tendency of communities to return to its predisturbed state were observed in treated plots. The positive correlation was obtained for spider species diversity and prey abundance in untreated plots but in treated plots.

      • 韓國洞窟의 動物生態에 關한 硏究 : 1. 寧越高氏窟과 龍潭窟의 동물상에 관하여 1) In the Gosi-cave and Yongdam-cave

        李海浜,南宮俊 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1971 農林科學 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The authers surveyed the environmental factors with the faunae of Gosi-cave and yongdam-cave in Kangwon-do, Korea in July 30, 1966; Jan. 1, 1968; Jan. 24-27, 1968; Dec. 29-30, 1968; Oct. 22-25, 1970. As the enviornmental factors, air temperature, water temperature, moisture and Ph, were studied. The results are shown in the table 1 2. 1. In the Gosi-cave, the authers collected 38 species and these consisted of Troglobite 12 species (33.3%), Troglophile 9 species (25.0%), and Trogl-oxine 15 species (41.5%) 2. In the yongdam-Cave, 26 species animals collected and Troglobite 10 species(38.4%), Troglophile 5 species (19.2%) and Trogloxine 11 species (42.3%) constituted the faunae of the cave.

      • KCI등재
      • 메기 Parasilurus asotus L. 췌장의 췌도세포에 관한 세포화학적 연구

        李海浜,金鎭澤 동국대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Pancreatic islet cells of Catfish Parasilurus asotus L. were observed under light microscope. The results obtained were as follows; 1. the pancreas of Catfish consists of thronging Parenchymal tissue and pancreatic islets were located in the exocrine portion of the pancreas. 2. The pancreatic islets were surrounded by distinctive connective tissue capsul with the same morphological characteristics as principal islets of other teleosts. 3. The pancreatic islet was composed of B, A_1, A_2 cells. 4. AF-positive B cells were located in the central portion of the pancreatic islet and A_1, A_2 cells in the periphery of the pancreatic islet. 5. A_1 cells have the long cytoplasmic processes.

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