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        近代飜譯小說における受身表現の機能について -新情報の提示と視点を中心に-

        이해미 ( Hae Mi Lee ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.94 No.1

        本稿においては、李海渼(2014)に續き、「新情報提示受身文パタ-ン(①これから始まる新しい場面(情況)の登場、または新しい人物との出會い、②視覺的情報の說明的な描寫、③受身表現による描寫、④主人公の動作描寫/④´主人公の心情描寫、⑤本格的な物語が始まる)」の形成時期·背景及びその類型·機能を考察するため、受身文形成の轉換点に該當する近代日本の飜譯小說を分析した。分析對象とした4編の小說においても、現代小說に見られる<新情報提示受身文パタ-ン>が現われ、ⅰ)視点コントロ-ルによって舞台の外側にいた讀者を內側に引き入れることで、臨場感を持たせる機能、ⅱ)舞台の外側にいる讀者の視線を引き、重要な素材または人物へ集中させる機能、ⅲ)舞台の外側にいる讀者の視線を連續的に移動させながら距離感を調節して主な素材の登場に劇的效果をもたらす機能も同じく用いられた。 パタ-ンの形態面から見ると、パタ-ン內の要素の省略及び重複·結合の現象が現われ、現代小說に比べて<新情報提示受身文パタ-ン>の固着性が弱い方であると言える。しかし、小說の前半及び場面の重要度が高いほど①~⑤の完全な形のパタ-ンの形態を成し、ある程度物語が進むにつれて、類推可能な部分または主人公に感情移入し終えた小說の後半などにおいては縮約された形のパタ-ンが用いられるなど、このようなパタ-ンの構造の柔軟なバリエ-ションによって讀者の視点及び視線のコントロ-ルの機能の程度を調節しながら效率的に新しい情報を示している。 また、すべての新情報が<新情報提示受身文パタ-ン>として示されるのではなく、脇役(特に、主人公の前にたちはだかる「影」)のように感情移入する必要のない人物が新しく登場する場合、または新聞のようなメディアによって客觀的な事實報道が前揭され場合などでは<新情報提示受身文パタ-ン>が用いられないということを明らかにした。 以上のことから、主語に焦点を當てるような視点調節機能が他の文と有機的に結び付つことによって、效率的に新しい情報を提示する機能をもたらす受身文の效果は近代飜譯小說においても現われているということが分かった。 This paper, followed by Hae-mi, Lee(2014), considers the formation period, background and types and functions of the <Passive sentence pattern of new information presentation(It is called "Passive pattern" afterwards)>. Four translated fictions in modern Japan were analyzed and they were classified as the turning point of formation of passive sentence. There were five types of patterns for "passive sentences" ①The story shows a new scene(situation)/②Explanatory description of a visual information/③Description using passive expressions/④Movement of the main character/Feeling and thoughts of the main character/⑤It begins full-fledged story" There were "Passive pattern" for the subjects of analysis, and they had 3 functions in common with Japanese contemporary fictions: ⅰ) perspective controlled to draw the reader who was on the outside of the stage on the inside, and a sense of realism function to impart, ⅱ) pull the line of sight of the reader who is on the outside of the stage, the ability to focus to critical material or person, ⅲ) adjust the sense of distance while continuously moving the line of sight of the reader who is on the outside of the stage function that causes a dramatic effect on the appearance of the main materials. In the formal aspects of the pattern, the fixation of "Passive pattern" was weaker than contemporary fictions because of omissions, overlapping and combination of the elements in the pattern. However, the complete form of the pattern was appeared at the beginning of the fiction or the more important scene. Also, the variation of the form was used at the back of the fiction and situations that readers can guess the scene because of the background. In addition, not all of the new information is shown as " the Passive pattern" and supporting roles who do not need empathy or news did not use "Passive pattern". From the above, "Passive pattern" was used in the modern fictions as the same as comtemporary fictions.

      • KCI등재

        일본 신문 사설의 언어 프레임 분석 - 일본국 헌법 개정 논의를 중심으로 -

        이해미 ( Hae-mi Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2021 日本硏究 Vol.- No.88

        本稿は、日本を代表する保守派と改革派といわれる新聞がそれぞれ同一のテーマについて実際にどのようなスタンスを取り、どのような言語表現でフレームを形成し、読者を説得していくのかを分析することを目的とする。国民を説得する必要性の高い「憲法改正」を扱った読売新聞と朝日新聞の社説を分析対象とした。これを新聞集整理研究会(1994)が研究報告書において明らかにした読者のための3段階の構成に従って、それぞれのフレームと説得戦略を、言語表現を中心に分析した。その結果は以下のようである。 第一段階では、読売新聞は「やるべきことをしない職務怠慢な憲法審査会」というフレームを作り、速やかな議論の進行を促した。朝日新聞は、憲法改正そのものを批判するキーワードを掲げ、反対意見を強調するかまたは、AI時代やコロナ状況を取り上げて、「今は憲法改正を論じる時ではない」と線を引いた。第二段階においては、読売新聞は「変化は良いもの、変化しない従来の憲法は旧態」というフレームを形成し、それを説得戦略に用いたことがわかった。朝日新聞では、社説の序盤であるリードから批判の対象として、安倍首相を特定とし、読者の視線を改憲ではなく安倍首相に集中させるか、他の重要な状況を具体的に描き、憲法改正に対する読者の関心を他方に向けようとする戦略が見られた。最後に、第3段階は肯定的な意味の単語および表現、否定的な意味の単語および表現が使用された文を集めて分類した。その結果、改憲論議の主体に対する認識、現行憲法と憲法改正に対する認識の面で、両新聞社が大きな違いを見せた。読売新聞は憲法改正論議の主体で「与党は積極的に推進するのに野党が足を引っ張る」というフレームを作り、朝日新聞は首相と与党の一匹狼の姿勢に責任を転嫁した。そして、現行憲法と憲法改正について読売新聞は「現行憲法は息苦しい、打ち砕くべき存在、憲法改正は必要で当然のこと」というフレームを作り、朝日新聞は「憲法改正は利益が全くない必要ない、無視すべきだ」というフレームを作り、読者を説得した。 当然であると見なして分析が等閑視された新聞の言語フィルターとフレームを特定のテーマを持ってミクロに分析し、読者の説得 (または煽動) 戦略の実体を明らかにした。 The purpose of this paper is to look at Japan’s conservative and progressive newspapers’ stand in their editorials and how they persuade readers by forming frames in language. In this paper, editorial dealing with the issue of constitutional amendment was used as the subject of analysis. I break it down into a three-step reading configuration and analyze each frame and persuasion strategy around a language representation. In the first level of reading (headline and subheadline browsing), the Yomiuri created a frame called a neglectful constitutional council and urged prompt discussion. However, the Asahi emphasized opposition by using keywords criticizing the constitutional amendment itself. In the second level of reading (headline and lead or synopsis reading), Yomiuri formed a frame that change is good, and the existing constitution is old-fashioned and used it as a persuasive strategy. In the case of Asahi, it diverted reader's attention from constitutional amendment. In the case of the last level (reading all the contents of the editorial), the two newspapers differed considerably on the current constitution and constitutional amendment. I recognize the bias in editorials through language expressions and instigation methods of it.

      • KCI등재

        시각장애학교 이료재활전공과 졸업생의 교육 경험 및 개선 방안에 대한 인식 조사

        이해미(Lee, Hae-Mi),김영일(Kim, Young-Il) 한국시각장애교육재활학회 2020 시각장애연구 Vol.36 No.1

        이 연구는 시각장애학교 이료재활전공과 졸업생들의 교육 경험과 개선 방안에 대한 인식을 조사하는 것이 목적이었다. 연구 참여자는 2019년 2월 기준 전국 시각장애학교 12개교의 졸업생 총 104명 중 71명이었다. 이 연구에서 사용한 조사도구는 선행 문헌을 기초로 구성한 설문지로서 참여자에 관한 기초 사항, 이료재활전공과 교육 경험 및 이료재활전공과 교육 개선 방안 등 3개 분야로 구성되었다. 연구 참여자들은 전반적으로 이료재활교육에 대해 만족하고 있었고, 다른 중도 실명 시각장애인에게 이료재활전공 교육을 추천하겠다는 의견을 제시하였다. 이료재활전공과 졸업생들이 바라는 이료재활전공과 교육의 개선 방안은 이료재활전공과에 적합한 교육과정 개발, 실기 과목 수업 시수 증가, 시각장애인 자립생활 관련 과목 개설 확대, 저시력 학생의 특성을 반영한 교과서 제작⋅보급, 이료 수업의 모형과 교구 사용 등이었다. The purpose of this study was to explore the implications for improving the educational system and curriculum of riryo by investigating the graduates experiences and opinions from special schools for students with visual impairments. A total of 71 graduates from riryo rehabilitation programs of such special schools in February, 2019, participated in this study, which asked them by phone about their educational experiences and opinions on the directions for improving riryo education at the special schools. Overall, the graduates were satisfied with the riryo rehabilitation programs and thought that the program had much influence on their current jobs. The graduates proposed the following directions for improving riryo rahabilitation programs: (a) the development of riryo rehabilitation curriculum different from the curriculum for high school students; (b) the increase in the number of credit hours for practice-oriented subjects; (c) the expansion of the extended core curricular subjects (i.e., braille, orientation & mobility, daily living skills, and assistive technology) for the riryo rehabilitation program; (d) the production and dissemination of textbooks reflecting the needs of students with low vision; and (e) the wide use of models or devices for practical and concrete instruction in riryo subjects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 음성인식 텍스트 분석을 통한 자동 일정 관리 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        이해미 ( Hae-mi Lee ),조위덕 ( We-duke Cho ) 한국정보처리학회 2022 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        컴퓨터가 마이크 등의 소리 센서를 통해 얻은 음향학적 신호를 단어나 문장으로 변환시키는 기술인 음성 인식 기술과 인공지능 기술을 결합한 음성 대화 시스템에 대한 연구 진행 및 제품 출시가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 기존의 시스템을 사용하면서 날짜와 시간 외의 정보 추출 정도가 빈약하거나 자동 등록이 되지 않는 문제점을 확인하였다. 음성 인식 기술을 통해 얻은 텍스트에서 보다 많은 정보를 추출하고, 자동 등록 및 알림과 맛집 등 추가 정보 제공 시스템을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        소설에서의 수동표현 기능-신정보 제시와 시점을 중심으로-

        이해미 ( Hae Mi Lee ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.91 No.1

        フィクションには、登場人物の間で交される微視的コミュニケ-ションと、作者と讀者の間の巨視的コミュニケ-ションの二つの流れがあり、後者が前者に優先するという山口治彦(2005)の主張に照らせば、作者が讀者へと送るメッセ-ジは重要な要素である。本稿においては、作者が讀者とコミュニケ-ションするために、または讀者を誘導するために用いる樣-な表現のうち、受身表現がどのように使われているのか、視点的·談話的に考察することを試みる。まず、現代日本小說4作品を分析對象とし、受身文とその前後の文との關係に焦点を置いて、受身の用例を採集·分析した。その結果は次のようにまとめられる。まず、すべての小說において、①これから始まる新しい場面(情況)の登場、または新しい人物との出會い、②視覺的情報の客觀的な描與、③受身表現による描與、④主人公の動作描與/④´主人公の心情描與、⑤その場面(情況)の中において登場人物と話を交したり新しい登場人物との關係が作られて本格的な物語が始まる、というパタ-ンが見られるが、その中に現れる受身表現を「機能」と「役割」という基準で分類すると、次のようになる。ⅰ)視点コントロ-ルによって舞台の外側にいた讀者を內側に引き入れることで、臨場感を持たせる機能ⅱ)舞台の外側にいる讀者の視線を引き、重要な素材または人物へ集中させる機能ⅲ)舞台の外側にいる讀者の視線を連續的に移動させながら距離感を調節して主な素材の登場に劇的效果をもたらす機能以上のような分析を通して、上述の3つの機能は讀者の視点をコントロ-ルするという共通点を持つが、受身の主體を見つめる讀者の位置(舞台の外側か內側か)では差があり、各-違う役割を擔うということが明らかになった。これらのことから、作者は受身表現を用いて、意識的であれ無意識的であれ、讀者に見せたい方向を示していると考えられる。 Haruhiko Yamaguchi(2005), a linguist, has insisted that there exist two kindsof communication mechanisms in fictions: Microscopic communication which is acommunication exchanged among the characters, and Macroscopic communicationwhich is a communication between an author and readers. And he also suggests anauthor``s communication toward the readers has precedence over communicationbetween the characters. His opinions fortify my conclusion that the author usespassive expressions to bring readers into their fiction. In this paper, I``m going toexamine how authors use passive expression in perspective and narrative ways tocommunicate and to control the readers. The passive examples was selected fromfour pieces of Japanese novels focusing on the context of passive sentences. As aresult, I could find the following pattern in development of stories from all fourof the novels. <Pattern> ①The story shows a new scene(situation)/②Objective description ofa visual information/③Description using passive expressions/④Movement of themain character/④‘Feeling and thoughts of the main character/⑤Characters from thescene(situation) exchange conversations or build relationship with a new characteras the story take its course. I classify passive expressions in this pattern according to standards of a functionand a role, it is divided into three types: ⅰ)Function to let readers feel a senseof reality by bringing readers who were outside of the stage into the stage throughviewpoint control, ⅱ)Function to draw the eyes of readers who are outside of thestage, and to centralize in important material or the person, ⅲ)Function to heightenthe dramatic effect on an appearance of the main material by adjusting a sense ofdistance while moving the eyes of readers who are outside of the stage continually.These three types have in common control view of readers. But these are all differentfrom position of a reader staring at the subject of the passive voice(inside or outsideof the stage). On the basis of the results of this study, it can be concluded thatby using the viewpoint control function of these passive expressions, the authorshows consciously or nonconsciously the direction that they want readers to see.

      • KCI등재

        일본어와 영어의 <신정보 제시> 비교분석 -「The Adventure of the speckled band」와 일본어번역소설을 분석대상으로-

        이해미 ( Hae-mi Lee ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.96 No.1

        This paper analyzes the perspective characteristics of <New Information presenting> by comparing Japanese-translated English modern fictions to the original novel. The main purpose is to study the roles and backgrounds through the Passive Pattern to describe in new information presenting(This paper calls it “Passive Pattern”) in Japanese modern novels. With the conclusion that the writer uses “Passive Pattern” to indicate the viewpoints to the readers, I have compared and analyzed <Passive Pattern> with the Conan Doyle`s “The Adventures of the Speckled Band”, which is translated in the Japanese translated novels. Comparisons were focused on “the movement of the viewpoint”, “main objects in the narration”.The result of the study shows two differences in the movement of the viewpoint in <Passive Pattern> between the original and the translated novels. The one is the viewpoint, which is gradually zoomed out from ‘agent→agent`s movement→surrounding objects→overall situation’ and ‘small parts→big parts’ in the original novel. On the other hand, the viewpoint gradually zoomed in from ‘overall situation description→objects of the scene→characters→movement and state of the characters’ in the translated novels. The other is tmain objects in the narration, the English novel was expressed in SVO structure mainly focused on the agent’s action. In the section of the translated Japanese novels were that series of events and situations show by omitting the agent. The study shows that the ‘zoom-out viewpoint’ and the ‘agent-focused’ characteristics of the original novel were changed by <Passive Pattern> when translated into Japanese. Usage of the <Passive Pattern> which controls the viewpoint of the novels brought additional functionality to the novels. This paper shows <Passive Pattern> delivers new information to readers more efficiently by bringing out the originality of the Japanese language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        태풍 내습으로 인한 연안역 해일 취약성 평가

        강태순,오형민,이해미,엄호식,Kang, Tae-Soon,Oh, Hyeong-Min,Lee, Hae-Mi,Eum, Ho-Sik 해양환경안전학회 2015 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        본 연구에서는 해일예측모델링을 통하여 연안역의 해일고를 산정하고, 취약성평가 기법을 적용하여 취약등급을 평가하였다. 해일예측모델링은 ADCIRC 모형을 적용하여 2000년~2014년까지의 27개 태풍을 모의하였으며, 상위 영향 6개 태풍에 대하여 검증하였다. 계산결과는 관측결과와 유의미한 검증결과를 보였다. 진해만, 사천만, 광양만, 천수만 및 경기만 등 주요 내만 연안역에서 해일고가 높게 나타났으며, 산출된 해일고 자료를 이용하여 표준화, 정규화 및 등급화 과정을 거쳐 해일 취약성 평가를 수행하였다. 평가결과, 진해만, 사천만, 광양만 등에서 취약지수가 4~5등급을 보였으며, 이는 해일의 특성상 영향을 직접 받는 내만역이 취약함을 의미한다. 반면 전남 서부 내만의 취약지수(1~3등급)는 상대적으로 양호하게 나타났으며, 이는 지난 15년간 이 지역을 통과한 태풍이 크게 영향을 미치지 않았기 때문인 것으로 사료된다. 따라서, 이러한 상대적 불확실성을 보완하기 위해서는 지형적 민감도를 고려한 보다 장기간의 영향누적을 통한 취약성 평가가 필요하다. In this study, we have estimated the storm surge heights using numerical modeling on coastal area, and then evaluated the vulnerability index by applying the vulnerability assessment techniques. Surge modelling for 27 typhoons affected from 2000 to 2014 were simulated by applying the ADCIRC model. The results of validation and verification was in significant agreement as compared with observations for the top 6 ranking typhoons affected. As results, the storm surge heights in Jinhae Bay, Sacheon Bay, Gwangyang Bay, Cheonsu Bay and Gyeonggi Bay were higher than other inner coastal areas, then storm surge vulnerability assessment was performed using a standardization, normalization and gradation of storm surge heights. According to results of storm surge vulnerability assessment, index of Jinhae Bay, Sacheon Bay, Gwangyang Bay etc. are estimated to be vulnerable(4~5) because of the characteristics of storm surge such as inner bay are vulnerable compared with exposed to the open sea areas. However, index in the inner bay of western Jeonnam are not vulnerable(1~3) relatively. It may not appear the typhoons affected significantly for the past 15 years. So, the long-term vulnerability assessment with the sensitivity of geomorphology are necessary to reduce the uncertainty.

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