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        수상지수선물(洙償指數先物) 수익률(收益率)과 현물(現物) 수익률(收益率)간의 일중(日中) 관계(關係)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        이필상,민준선,Lee, Pil-Sang,Min, Jun-Seon 한국재무관리학회 1997 財務管理硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        본 논문은 시장개설 초기 4개월간의 주가지수 선물수익률과 기초자산인 현물(KOSPI 200) 수익률간의 선도-지연효과를 두 개의 모형을 이용하여 실증검증하였다. 첫 번째 모형은 설명 변수로 선물수익률의 시차변수를 사용하고 종속변수로 현물수익률을 사용했다. 두 번째 모형은 설명변수로 선물수익률의 시차변수를 사용하는 것은 첫 번째 모형과 같으나 종속변수로 ARMA모형에서 구한 현물수익률의 오차항(return innovations)을 사용하였다. 또, 여러 시장조건에서 현물수익률과 선물수익률사이의 선도-지연효과가 특정한 양상을 보이는가를 분석하였다. 좋은 정보와 나쁜 정보, 거래량이 많은 경우와 적은 경우, 변동성이 높은 경우와 낮은 경우로 나누어서 선도-지연효과를 살펴보았다. 실증검증의 결과 KOSPI 200 현물수익률은 ARMA(2,3) 모형이 적합하며 선물이 현물을 10분 이내로 선도한다. 하지만 그 관계는 일방적인 것이 아니어서 15분후에는 현물이 선물을 선도하는 피드백(feed-back) 현상이 나타났다. 좋은 정보(good news)에서는 선물이 현물을 5분정도 선도하고 나쁜 정보(bad news)하에서는 선물 선도현상이 약해진다. 보통 정보(morderate news)하에서는 현물이 선물을 10분내로 선도한다. 거래량이 많은 경우와 변동성이 높은 경우에는 선물이 현물을 선도하는 것이 뚜렷하나 거래량이 적은 경우와 변동성이 낮은 경우에는 선물과 현물간에는 특정한 선도-지연현상이 나타나지 않는다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        2015개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정 수학과 내용 체계에 관한 특수교사의 경험적 개정 요구 연구

        이필상(Lee Pil-sang) 한국특수교육교과교육학회 2021 특수교육교과교육연구 Vol.14 No.3

        이 연구는 특수학교에서 근무하고 있는 특수교사와의 면담을 통해 2015개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정 수학과 내용 체계에 있어서 영역과 내용 요소 및 공통 교육과정 수학과의 연계성을 중심으로 교육 현장에서의 경험적 인식을 바탕으로 어떠한 개정 요구를 가지는지 질적 연구를 통해 살펴보았다. 연구 참여자들은 경북 G시의 특수학교에 재직하고 있는 특수교육 경력 4년 3개월에서 21년 3개월의 특수교사 5명이다. 반구조화된 질문지를 이용한 면담을 통해 수집된 결과를 분석한 결과 3개의 주요한 주제와 8개의 부주제, 16개의 코드명이 도출되었다. 3개의 주요 주제는 첫째, 영역의 구성에 대한 개정 요구, 둘째, 내용 요소의 현장 적용성에 대한 개정 요구, 셋째, 공통 교육과정 수학과의 연계성에 대한 요구이다. 연구 결과 첫째, 현행 기본 교육과정 수학과의 5개 영역의 구성은 특수교육 대상 학생의 특성과 수준에 적절하지 않다고 하였으며, 영역은 단계 수준별 편성으로의 개정을 요구하고 있었다. 둘째, 내용 요소는 수 이전 개념과 수와 연산과 관련된 내용 강화를 요구하고 있었으며, 내용 요소의 수준은 더 낮고 점진적인 수준 상승으로 개정해 주기를 요구하고 있었다. 셋째, 공통 교육과정 수학과의 연계는 일반학교와 특수학교 및 특수학급 간, 학년 간, 교과 간 필요하며, 그 방법은 교육과정 재구성이라고 알고 있지만 구체적 실행 방법을 모르므로 향후 실제적인 내용을 중심으로 한 연수를 요구하고 있었다. The purpose of this study was to understand amendment request of special education teachers in mathmatics contents system according to the basic curriculum of special education revised in 2015. The participants of study were 5 special education teachers in G city Gyeongsangbuk-Do, South Korea. The data collection for the research was based on Seidman’s In-depth Interviewing and analyzed with the constant comparative method. the result of qualitative data analysis were listed as follows: Titles such as (1) Request for revision of the composition on the area (2) Request for revision for field applicability of content elements (3) Request for linkage with commom curriculum mathmatics. The result of this study were as follows: First, Special education teachers requested that the composition of the five areas of the current basic curriculum mathmatics are not appropriate for characteristics and level of students subject to special education, and areas are revised to organized by stage or level. Second, Special education teachers requested that the content element was requesting to strengthen the content related to the concept on previous step of number and number calculation, and the level of the content element was lowerd and requested to be revised with a gradual increase in level. Third, Special education teachers were aware of the necessity of connection to the special education basic curriculum and general education mathematics, and know that connection method is curriculum restructuring, but di nor know how to implement it, so requested training focusing on actual content in the future.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정 현장 적용성에 관한 특수교사의 인식 연구

        이필상(Lee Pil-sang) 한국특수교육교과교육학회 2020 특수교육교과교육연구 Vol.13 No.4

        이 연구는 특수학교에서 근무하고 있는 특수교사와의 면담을 통해 2015 개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정의 성취기준에 대한 인식과 교과 내용에 대한 인식 및 교육과정 재구성에 대한 특수교사의인식이 어떠한지를 살펴보았다. 연구 참여자들은 D 광역시의 A 특수학교에 재직하고 있는 특수교육 경력 3년 10개월에서 26년 10개월의 특수교사 5명이다. 반구조화된 질문지를 이용한 면담을 통해 수집된 결과를 분석한 결과 3개의 주요한 주제와 8개의 부주제, 16개의 코드명이 도출되었다. 3개의 주요 주제는 첫째, 성취기준에 대한 인식, 둘째, 교과 내용에 대한 인식, 셋째, 교육과정 재구성에 대한 인식이다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 특수교사들은 2015 개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정의 성취기준을 인식하고 있지만, 학생 수준별로 성취기준을 분석하는 방법에 대한 이해가 낮다고 하였다. 둘째, 특수교사들은 2015 개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정의 교과 내용의 양과 수준이 적절하지 못하여 학생의 장애 정도와 특성에 따른 적용상의 문제가 있으니 이에 대한 조정이 필요하다고 하였다. 셋째, 특수교사들은 2015 개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정의 교육과정 재구성에 대한 필요성은 인식하지만, 실행 방법에 대한 이해도가 낮으므로 이에 대한 대책을 요구하고 있었다. The purpose of this study was to understand special education teacher’s practical perception of application to the basic curriculum of special education reversed in 2015. The participants of study were 5 special education teachers in D metropolitan city, South Korea. The data collection for the research was based on Seidman’s In-depth Interviewing and analyzed with the constant comparative method. the result of qualitative data analysis were listed as follows: Titles such as (1) Perception of achievement standards (2) Perception of the subject’s content (3) Perception of curriculum restructuring. The result of this study were as follows: First, Special education teachers said they were aware of the achievement standards of the 2015 revised special education basic curriculum, but they said they had low understanding of how to analyze achievement standards by student level. Second, Special education teachers said that the amount and level of curriculum content in the 2015 revised basic curriculum for special education was not appropriate, and there was a problem in application depending on the degree and characteristics of students disabilities. Third, Special education teachers recognized the necessity of restructuring the curriculum of the 2015 revised special education basic curriculum, but their understanding of how to implement it was low, so they requested countermeasures.

      • 보청기 및 인공와우 착용아의 어음변별력과 어음명료도의 상관관계

        이필상(Lee Pil-sang),주미영(Ju Mi-Young) 한국재활과학회 2005 難聽과 言語障碍 Vol.28 No.1

          The purpose of this study is to know the correlation and characteristics between the speech discrimination and speech intelligibility of 6 sounds(/a/, /u/, /i/, /m/, /∫/, /s/) and 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable between the hearing impaired children with hearing aids and cochlear implants. There are 10 children with hearing aids and 10 children with cochlear implants who, with hearing impaired hearing aids before the acquirement of language and without any other issues, participated.<BR>  The results of this study are as followings:<BR>  First, it indicates that an analogy was not found between speech discrimination and speech intelligibility for 6 sounds and 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable for the children with hearing aids. Although there was no error on /a/sound, but /s/sound had many errors in speech discrimination and speech intelligibility for the children with hearing aids. It was found that the level of words which had faults corresponded in order to plosives, affricate, fricative, nasals, with speech discrimination, and affricate, fricative, plosives, vowels, nasals, with speech intelligibility.<BR>  Second, there were no differences between speech discrimination and speech intelligibility for 6 sounds for children with coacher implants. However there was a similar correlation for 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable in them. It was shown that they had errors in speech discrimination and speech intelligibility for the /s/sound, on the wards level of speech discrimination in order to plosives, affricate, nasals, fricative, and on the speech intelligibility affricate, fricative, plosives, vowels.<BR>  Third, there were no differences in the 6 sounds for the two groups. However, it indicated that there were significant differences statistically in speech discrimination for 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable at the level t= 2.160, p= .045 p<.05. It indicated that there were significant differences, statistically in the speech intelligibility for 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable at the level t= 4.122, p= .001 p<.05.<BR>  As the result of the study is to prove similar characteristics in the speech discrimination and speech intelligibility for two groups and also show that children with cochlear implants have correlations in speech discrimination and speech intelligibility for 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable. It is showed that children with cochlear implants have higher grades over all, and there are significant differences in speech intelligibility and speech discrimination for 25 words with primary or secondary stressed syllable in the two groups.

      • 총체적 언어교육 프로그램이 청각장애 유아의 언어발달에 미치는 영향

        이필상(Lee Pil-Sang),신순자(Shin Soon-Ja) 한국재활과학회 2003 難聽과 言語障碍 Vol.26 No.2

        This study focused a successful whole language program for language development of hearing impaired children and examined the effect of the program. The purpose of this study were to evaluated the effects of whole language program on (a) the receptive language development of hearing impaired children, (b) the expressive language development of hearing impaired children and (c) the whole language development of hearing impaired children. For this study, five children with hearing impairment(MA=40 months) were selected as subjects who attending at the Hearing & Speech Clinic of Daegu University in Korea. They had exposed in whole language program for 9 months. The program was consisted of 10 activities(Auditory-playing, story-making, storybook reading, pronunciation, role-playing, count-playing, game, art, singing, field study) which were designed to facilitate the hearing-impaired children's language. The major finding of this study were as follows; First, All subjects had progressed in the area of receptive language development. Second, All subjects had progressed in the area of expressive language development. Particularly, Nouns and Social language had progressed more than others. Third, All Subjects had progressed in whole language development. The positive attitude of the parents with the hearing impaired toward application of the program influenced the children's language performance growth. Finally, Implications of this study for hearing-impaired children's education were discussed in the main context.

      • KCI등재

        통합교육 환경에서의 치료지원활동과 요구 분석

        이필상 ( Pil Sang Lee ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2011 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.12 No.4

        This study was designed in order to survey the actual states of therapeutic support activities in inclusive educational environment and to make plans improve therapeutic support activities. For the purpose, we random sampled special education teachers take charge for special class, and conducted a questionnaire survey. In the result of analyzing the operation and needs of special classes centering on factors related to the curriculum of national level, most of the special classes were executing therapeutic support activities two hours a week. And in results of surveying the special education teachers’ take charge for special classneeds, many special education teachers wanted that therapeutic support activities would be included in the curriculum. preferred activity was speech therapy. With regard to the qualification of persons charge of therapeutic support activities, they thought that therapist teachers with subspecialty are most qualified. This study analyzed the actual state and needs of therapeutic support activities, and the results had implication as follows. First, in revising the special school curriculum in the futher, we need to discuss how to include therapeutic support activities in the curriculum of national level. Second, the school therapeutic support activity model shared roles with community institutes so that schools perform counselling/consultation for therapeutic support activities and special institutes execute therapeutic support. Fourth, for persons in charge of therapeutic support activities, it is necessary to educate therapist teachers with subspecialty and to establish national school therapist system.

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