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      • KCI등재

        채용공고 분석을 통한 취약계층의 일자리에 관한 연구

        이진백,이충권 한국로고스경영학회 2023 로고스경영연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Jobs are important for all people engaged in economic activity, but they are much more urgent for the vulnerable, who are struggling to make a living. When a person belonging to the vulnerable group gets a job, he or she can have a sense of belonging to the community and lay the foundation for self-reliance. This study attempted to find out the types and attributes of jobs provided to the vulnerable. Among the more than 100,000 employment ads posted on work.go.kr, 137 ads seeking the vulnerable were collected and analyzed. According to the results of the analysis, it was a positive aspect that the employers of various industries and fields were looking for the vulnerable. However, a clear difference was found between regular and non-regular workers in employment ads looking for vulnerable groups. According to the results of job analysis, it was found that experience is important for regular workers, and certificates are important for non-regular workers. This research offers suggestions for how churches and related organizations, as faith-based communities of love, can help vulnerable people find employment. 일자리는 경제활동을 하는 모든 사람들에게 중요하지만, 생계가 어려운 취약계층에게는 훨씬 더 절실한 문제이다. 취약계층에 속한 사람이 일자리를 얻으면 공동체에 대한 소속감을 가질 수 있고 자립을 위한 기반을 마련할 수 있다. 본 연구는 취약계층에게 제공되는 일자리의 유형과 속성을 알아보고자 하였다. 워크넷에 게재되는 10만 개 이상의 채용공고 중 취약계층을 찾는 137개의 채용공고를 수집하여 내용을 분석하였다. 분석의 결과에 따르면, 다양한 산업과 분야에서 취약계층을 찾는 채용공고들이 존재한다는 것은 긍정적인 측면이었다. 그러나, 취약계층을 찾는 채용공고에서 정규직과 비정규직 간에 뚜렷한 차이가 발견되었다. 직무내용을 분석한 결과에 따르면, 정규직에서는 경력이 중요하고, 비정규직에서는 자격증이 중요한 것으로 파악되었다. 본 연구는 신앙을 기반으로 사랑을 실천하는 공동체인 교회와 관련 단체들이 취약계층의 취업을 지원할 수 있는 방안을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        트윗 데이터를 활용한 IT 트렌드 분석

        이진백(Jin Baek Yi),이충권(Choong Kwon Lee),차경진(Kyung Jin CHA) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2015 지능정보연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Predicting IT trends has been a long and important subject for information systems research. IT trend prediction makes it possible to acknowledge emerging eras of innovation and allocate budgets to prepare against rapidly changing technological trends. Towards the end of each year, various domestic and global organizations predict and announce IT trends for the following year. For example, Gartner Predicts 10 top IT trend during the next year, and these predictions affect IT and industry leaders and organization’s basic assumptions about technology and the future of IT, but the accuracy of these reports are difficult to verify. Social media data can be useful tool to verify the accuracy. As social media services have gained in popularity, it is used in a variety of ways, from posting about personal daily life to keeping up to date with news and trends. In the recent years, rates of social media activity in Korea have reached unprecedented levels. Hundreds of millions of users now participate in online social networks and communicate with colleague and friends their opinions and thoughts. In particular, Twitter is currently the major micro blog service, it has an important function named ‘tweets’ which is to report their current thoughts and actions, comments on news and engage in discussions. For an analysis on IT trends, we chose Tweet data because not only it produces massive unstructured textual data in real time but also it serves as an influential channel for opinion leading on technology. Previous studies found that the tweet data provides useful information and detects the trend of society effectively, these studies also identifies that Twitter can track the issue faster than the other media, newspapers. Therefore, this study investigates how frequently the predicted IT trends for the following year announced by public organizations are mentioned on social network services like Twitter. IT trend predictions for 2013, announced near the end of 2012 from two domestic organizations, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) and the National Information Society Agency (NIA), were used as a basis for this research. The present study analyzes the Twitter data generated from Seoul (Korea) compared with the predictions of the two organizations to analyze the differences. Thus, Twitter data analysis requires various natural language processing techniques, including the removal of stop words, and noun extraction for processing various unrefined forms of unstructured data. To overcome these challenges, we used SAS IRS (Information Retrieval Studio) developed by SAS to capture the trend in real-time processing big stream datasets of Twitter. The system offers a framework for crawling, normalizing, analyzing, indexing and searching tweet data. As a result, we have crawled the entire Twitter sphere in Seoul area and obtained 21,589 tweets in 2013 to review how frequently the IT trend topics announced by the two organizations were mentioned by the people in Seoul. The results shows that most IT trend predicted by NIPA and NIA were all frequently mentioned in Twitter except some topics such as ‘new types of security threat’, ‘green IT’, ‘next generation semiconductor’ since these topics non generalized compound words so they can be mentioned in Twitter with other words. To answer whether the IT trend tweets from Korea is related to the following year’s IT trends in real world, we compared Twitter’s trending topics with those in Nara Market, Korea’s online e-Procurement system which is a nationwide web-based procurement system, dealing with whole procurement process of all public organizations in Korea. The correlation analysis show that Tweet frequencies on IT trending topics predicted by NIPA and NIA are significantly correlated with frequencies on IT topics mentioned in project announcements by Nara market in 2012 and 2013. The main contribution of our research can be found in the following aspects: i) the IT topic predictions

      • 구인광고 분석을 통한 IT 프로젝트 관리자의 소프트 스킬에 관한 연구

        이진백(Jin-Baek Yi),이재화(Jae Hwa Lee),이충권(Choong Kwon Lee) 한국IT서비스학회 2018 한국IT서비스학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2018 No.-

        치열한 비즈니스 환경과 기술적인 변화에 대처하고 경쟁력의 기반을 확보하기 위하여 기업들은 정보기술(IT)을 보다 적극적으로 활용하고 있다. 그러나 많은 IT프로젝트가 여러가지 이유로 실패할 가능성이 높다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이며, IT프로젝트에서 프로젝트 관리자의 역량이 프로젝트의 성공과 실패를 결정지을 수 있는 매우 중요한 원인이라고 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 2012년 부터 2016년까지 미국의 Fortune 500에 속하는 대기업들이 게재한 3,135개의 IT프로젝트 관리자에 대한 구인광고를 수집하였다. 텍스트 마이닝 기법을 적용하여 IT프로젝트 관리자가 갖춰야할 지식과 스킬을 파악하고 변화추이를 파악하기 위한 시계열 연구를 수행하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        킬힐, 맨발, 운동화에 따른 굽 높이가 균형능력에 미치는 영향

        윤병하,이진백,노다혜,오선옥,홍승표 대한보조공학기술학회 2012 대한보조공학기술학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        목적 : Tetrax(Tetrax Portable Multiple System)를 이용하여 맨발, 운동화, 킬힐의 착용에 따라 균형능력에 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 한다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 2010년 8월 31일~9월 7일 D대학에 재학 중이고, 연구참여에 동의한 여학생 20명을 대상으로 평가를 실시하였다. 균형평가는 Tetrax를 통해 시각과 체성 감각의 유무, 머리의 좌우와 앞뒤의 변화를 요구하는 8개의 자세에서 검사를 시행하였고, 맨발, 운동화, 킬힐은 무작위 선정하여 시행하였다. 결과 : 킬힐을 착용했을 때 안정성 지수(Stability index)가 맨발 또는 운동화 착용보다 높았고, 체중 분포 지수(Weight distribution index)는 정상치 범위보다 낮았으며, 낙상 지수(Fall index)는 위험범위에 속하였다. 결론 : 킬힐을 착용했을 때 맨발이나 운동화보다 자세불안정으로 인하여 낙상 위험이 높은 것으로 나타났다. Purpose : To find the effect of changes related to bare foot, sneaker, and kill heel on the posture balance Method of. Research : This study took survey over 20 female students enrolled in D University from Aug. 31st to Sep. 7th of 2010 and also evaluation with willing participants. Evaluation was done with eight different postures that require presence of visual and somatesthesia, left & right/forward & backward changes of the head. Each evaluation took 32 seconds. In the same manner, barefoot, sneaker, and kill heel were randomly selected and conducted. Result : Balance ability measurement via Tetrax showed higher stability index with bare foot or sneaker than kill heel. Weight distribution index was lower than the normal range with kill heel and Fall index was in range of danger. Conclusion : When kill heel was worn, danger of fall injury was prominent due to posture imbalance.

      • KCI등재

        Diffusion 공정 내 스크러버 퇴적 부산물의 위험성 평가

        김민지,이진백,정승호,이근원 한국가스학회 2024 한국가스학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        반도체 제조공정 중 Diffusion 공정에서는 미세 분말 등 여러 반응성 부산물이 발생한다. 부산물은 후처리 및 배기처리 시스템에 설치된 배관 안에 퇴적되고, 잠재적으로 상당한 분진폭발 위험이 있을 수 있다. 본 연구에서는Diffusion 공정에서 발생하는 물질 검증, 분석시료 선정, 위험성 분석 3가지 방법으로 진행하였다. Diffusion 공정에서취급 중인 물질 중 부산물 분진이 발생할 수 있는 원료는 ZrO2, TEOS, E-DEOS로 확인되었다. 각 처리시설에서 채취한 부산물을 대상으로 최소착화에너지, 분진폭발 테스트를 수행하였다. 그 결과 최소착화에너지의 경우 모든 부산물이 점화되지 않았다. 하지만, 분진폭발 테스트 결과 ZrO2이 부산물 분진에서 최대 7.6 bar, Kst는 73.3 bar·m/s로 폭발위험성이 확인되었다. 이를 통해 반도체 공정에서 이러한 위험성을 저감 시키기 위해 배관 내부의 퇴적층이 과도하게쌓이지 않도록 관리해야 한다. In the semiconductor manufacturing process, the Diffusion process generates various reactive by-products. These by-products are deposited inside the pipes of post-processing and exhaust treatment systems, posing a potential risk of substantial dust explosions. In this study, three methods material verification, selection of analysis samples, and risk analysis were employed to address the substances produced during the Diffusion process. Among the materials handled in the Diffusion process, ZrO2, TEOD, and E-DEOS were identified as raw material capable of generating by-product dust. Test for Minimum Ignition Energy and dust explosion were conducted on the by-products collected from each processing facility. The results indicated that, in the case of MIE, none of the by-products ignited. However, the dust explosion test revealed that ZrO2 exhibited a maximum pressure of 7.6 bar and Kst value of 73.3 bar·m/s, its explosive hazard. Consequently, to mitigate such risks in semiconductor processes, it is excessive buildup.

      • 키네시오 테이핑이 골프 아이언샷 비거리에 미치는 영향

        정병천,연규수,이진백,강현주 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2015 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.21 No.1,2

        The Kinesio Taping method has been used by athletes of all sports to enhance athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Kinesio Taping on 7-iron distance. Ten healthy amateur golfers (M=5, F=5) participated in this study. Distances were measured before and after applying Kinesio Taping on the forearm flexor, quadriceps, and erector spinae muscles. Based on the results, the use of Kinesio Taping method is considerably effective in increasing 7-iron shot distance (1.4m ± 1.0). We suggested that Kinesio Taping could be effective on iron distance of golfers.

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