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        디지털 포용사회와 지능정보화 기본법의 한계

        이종덕(Lee, Jong-Duk) 한양법학회 2021 漢陽法學 Vol.32 No.2

        The「Framework Act on Intelligence Information」, which took effect on December 10 last year, has the character of a basic law that has established a legal framework for preemptively responding to social changes caused by the advent of an intelligent information society. In relation to the realization of a digital inclusive society, the Act has not deviated from a passive attitude that focuses on resolving the information gap and the resulting side effects. It is better to enact the Digital Inclusion Act as an active legislative support for access to digital information, strengthening of digital capabilities, use of digital information, and further realization of a digital inclusive society. Content defects can be pointed out as well as the problems of the system and purpose of 「Framework Act on Intelligence Information」. In this Act, defects in content can be pointed out as well as problems in the legal system or purpose. Above all, to guarantee the right to access information, support measures for the Information Havenots are prepared, but they are still insufficient. Article 49 of the Act, which guarantees the right to access information for the economically underprivileged, focuses on simply financial support. However, education or assistance should be provided in parallel so that they can easily access the information. Next, the government and local governments need to stipulate not only comprehensive obligations to bridge the information gap, but more specifically. In particular, the fact that essential matters such as the content and scope of education to bridge the information gap are omitted, The uncertainty in financing and the discretion in deciding on education costs need to be improved. It is necessary to have legislative integrity for the realization of a digital inclusive society by further specifying the content, scope, and organization of education for the prevention and resolution of the digital divide, the creation and spread of sound digital culture, and the cultivation of digital capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 시대의 도래에 따른 유언방식에 대한 소고 - 스마트 기기를 이용한 자필유언을 중심으로 -

        이종덕 ( Jong-duk Lee ) 한국법정책학회 2020 법과 정책연구 Vol.20 No.4

        스마트 기기를 활용하여 터치펜 등을 이용하여 자필로 작성한 유언의 유효성에 대한 논쟁은 전통적인 아날로그 세계와 새롭게 등장한 디지털 세계의 경계영역에서 제기되는 법률문제들 중 하나이다. 상대방 없는 단독행위이면서도 사후적으로 효력이 발생하는 유언행위의 해석은 유언자의 진의가 최대한 존중되어야 하는 것이지만, 가장 엄격한 방식강제를 규정한 유언에서의 방식흠결을 유언해석을 통해 유효성을 인정할 수는 없다. 결국 자필증서에 관한 민법 제1066조, 전자문서법 및 전자서명법의 관련 규정의 해석을 통해서 요식성의 충족여부를 검토할 수밖에 없다. 자필의 전자문서로 작성된 유언과 관련하여 민법상 자필증서의 요건인 ①유언 全文과 연월일, 주소, 성명에 대한 자필성, ②문서성, ③날인이 문제되지만, 전자문서법 제4조 제1항과 전자서명법 제3조에 따라 자필증서로서의 요건을 구비하는 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 그러나 대법원은 법에서 특별히 서면 또는 문서의 형식을 필요로 하는 경우에 전자문서는 그러한 요건을 충족하는 것으로 볼 수 없다는 판시를 한 바 있을 뿐만 아니라, 최근 논문들에서도 디지털화된 전자적 형태의 자필증서에 의한 유언에 부정적인 입장들이 있다. 결국 전자문서의 형태로 작성된 자필유언을 활성화하기 위해서는 공인전자문서보관센터에 저장된 경우에는 유언공증의 효력을 부여하는 등의 제도적 장치를 마련할 필요가 있다. 아울러 민법은 다양한 유언방식들을 규정하고는 있으나, 그 요건의 엄격성, 특히 자필증서유언은 다른 입법례와 비교하여 지나치게 엄격성으로 인해서 진정한 유언자의 의사임에도 불구하고 요건의 흠결로 인해서 아무런 효력을 가질 수 없는 경우가 적지 않다. 최근 판례에서 날인에 갈음한 무인을 인정하거나 주소가 봉투에 기재된 경우나 명백한 오기에 대한 정정 등에 대하여 유효성을 인정함으로써 요건을 완화시키는 것은 시대적인 흐름에 부합하는 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 궁극적으로 유언자의 의사를 존중하고 새로운 시대적 변화에 부응하기 위해서는 민법상의 자필유언에 대한 과도한 요식성을 완화시키는 개정작업이 요청된다고 할 것이다. The debate about the validity of a will written with a touch pen on a smart device, etc. is one of the legal issues raised in the boundary area between the traditional analog world and the newly emerging digital world. Although the true will of the testator should be respected as much as possible, there is a problem that a will written in accordance with the defect of the testament method is easily invalidated. It is inevitable to examine whether or not the legal Requirements of will are satisfied through the interpretation of the relevant provisions of Article 1066 of the Civil Act, the Electronic Documents Act and the Electronic Signature Act on handwritten certificates. The requirements for a handwritten certificate under the Civil Law are ① the full text of the will and the handwriting of the date, address, and name, ② the document quality, and ③ the seal. It is subject to Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Electronic Documents Act. According to Article 3 of the Electronic Signature Act and can be seen as meeting the requirements. The Korean Civil Code stipulates various ways of Testament, but the strictness of the requirements of testament, especially the holographic will is too strict compared to other nations. In addition, the Supreme Court does not regard electronic documents as meeting those requirements where the law specifically requires a written or documented form. Some opinions are also negative for the will by the digitalized electronic form. It can be evaluated that the requirements have been relaxed by recognizing hand stamps instead of seals in recent precedents, correcting obvious errors, or acknowledging the validity of entries in the address envelope. In order to encourage handwritten wills written in the form of electronic documents, it is also necessary to provide an institutional mechanism such as granting the validity of notarization of wills when stored in an authorized electronic document storage center. In the end, to respect the will of the testator and keep pace with the changes of the new era, an amendment is required to alleviate excessive demands for handwritten wills in civil law.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of the Oxygen Plasma and Its Application to Photoresist Stripping

        황기웅,이종덕,김정호,Whang, Ki Woong,Lee, Jong Duk,Kim, Joung Ho The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 1987 전자공학회논문지 Vol.24 No.1

        The physical mechanism of a RF discharge used in photoresist stripping and etching process are not well understood and, plasma reactor design and the determination of optimum operating coditions are done largely on empirical basis. We analyzed the discharge process through the measurement of plasma characteristics and applied out results tothe analysis of the photoresist stripping. We investigated the effects of plasma electron density, neutral oxygen gas pressure and electrode temperature on the stripping rates and related their effects with the characteristics of plasma.

      • KCI등재

        중앙형 추간판탈출증의 진단에서 체열촬영의 의의

        송봉근,이종덕,박용현,송운용,김중길,Song Bong-Keun,Lee Jong-Duk,Pak Yong-Hyun,Song Un-Yong,Kim Jung-Gyl 대한침구의학회 1998 대한침구의학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Infrared thermographic imaging visualizes noninvasively various abnormal condition by detecting the skin temperature. As the imaging represents the objective condition by the changes in blood flow under the control of autonomic nervous system, it is used to diagnosis and monitor the lumboscral radiculopathy. And asymmetry is important in the diagnosis of disc herniation. The most common type of disc herniation occurs psoterolaterally. This frequently causes nerve root compression leading to a radiculopathy in the distribution of the involved nerve root, most of which also provoke the asymmetric changes in thermography. Central disc herniation, which accounts for 5% to 35% of disc herniation, is typically associated with low back pain. But radiculopathy is usually abscent unless central disc heriniaton is large enough to cause compression of the cauda equina. To evalute the diagnostic value of the thermographic imaging in the diagnosis of central disc herniation, the imaging of 15 normal subjects and 48 patients with central disc herniation documented by CT scan were analyzed. The patients had either bilateral radiculophathy or no radiculopathy. The imaging of patient group with non rediculopathy did not show any significant thermal difference to control. While bilateral radiculopathy group reveled hypothermic pattern compared twith control. Thermal difference between left and right side did not present any significance in non radiculopathy group but hypothermia in bilateral radiculopathy group. Large herniation group demonstrated hyperthemic pattern while the others showed no significant change. Cranial caudal thermal difference did not show any difference between experiment groups. These results shows that infrared thermographic imaging can be used central disc herniation with bilateral radiculopathy, while it seems to little useful on the diagnosis of non radiculopathic disc herniation.

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