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        Efficient Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Using Network Coding in MANET

        이의진,Joon-Sang Park,Seung-Hoon Lee,노원우,Giovanni Pau,Mario Gerla 한국통신학회 2008 Journal of communications and networks Vol.10 No.4

        Mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have recently got in the limelight of the research community that is striving to build efficient and effective mobile content addressable networks. Along this line of research, we propose a new peer-to-peer file sharing protocol suited to mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). The main ingredients of our protocol are network coding and mobility assisted data propagation, i.e., single-hop communication. We argue that network coding in combination with single-hop communication allows P2P file sharing systems in MANET to operate in a more efficient manner and helps the systems to deal with typical MANET issues such as dynamic topology and intermittent connectivity as well as various other issues that have been disregarded in previous MANET P2P researches such as addressing, node/user density, non-cooperativeness, and unreliable channel. Via simulation, we show that our P2P protocol based on network coding and single-hop communication allows shorter file downloading delays compared to an existing MANET P2P protocol.

      • 유기태양전지의 광활성층의 잉크젯 직접 인쇄

        이의진(Ue Jin Lee),김명기(Myung-ki Kim),이재관(Jae Kwan Lee),이상호(Sang Ho Lee),강경태(Kyung-Tae Kang) 대한전기학회 2009 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.11

        An inkjet printing among these printing techniques has been extensively demonstrated with attractive advantages regarding high registration accuracy of direct writing in targeted active area without unnecessary waste of functional materials. The 3% of highefficiency in inkjet printed organic bulk heterojunction solar cell using P3HT:PCBM composite ink in mixed solution of 68% of ortho-dichlorobenzene (oDCB) and 32% of mesitylene has been recently reported.³ However, although a high boiling ink formulation with oDCB or its mixed solvent was irresistibly applied to prevent vaporization of the solvent at the nozzle orifice, its use seems to be hard to control the morphology of BHJ film on PEDOT:PSS underlayer compared to that spin-cast. This paper presents that direct writing of P3HT:PCBM composite in BHJ solar cell can be efficiently addressed by inkjet printing technology using conventional chlorobenzene ink solution.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁외임신 환자의 치료에 있어서 골반경수술과 개복술의 비교 연구

        이도훈(DH Lee),김상용(SY Kim),이달경(DK Lee),이승기(SK Lee),김정욱(JW Kim),이의진(EJ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.6

        Recently, pelviscopic surgery trends to increase in world-wide in department of gynecology. Especially, in treatment of ectopic pregnancy, pelviscopic surgery is as effective and safe as treatment with laparotomy and has the advantage of decrease in hospital stay, cost and delay in return to normal activity and of cosmetic effect. To evaluate the efficacy of pelviscopic surgery in ectopic pregnancy, we have reviewed 137 patients treated by pelviscopic surgery and laparotomy from January 1993 to September 1994. The results were as follows. 1. A total of 137 patients were randomized to either pelviscopic surgery(N=95, 69.34%) or laparotomy(N=42, 30.66%). 2. There were no significant differences between the pelviscopic surgery and laparotomy groups in age, weight, parity, gestational age, past history and chief complaint, hematocreits, blood pressure but the estimated blood loss was significantly (p<0.01) lower in patients undergoing pelviscopic surgery. 3. In all ectopic gestaions, the most common site is ampullar portion(83.21%) and the most common operative procedure is salpingectomy(90.51%). 4. The mean operating time was not significant between pelviscopic surgery (60.9 +-21.3mins) and laparotomy(62.8+-20.9). But the length of hospital stay was significantly (p<0.01) shorter after pelviscopic surgery(3.6+-1.0 days) than after laparotomy (7.0+-0.7 days). 5. There were no intraoperative complications in the both groups.

      • 긍정 컴퓨팅을 위한 설득적 인터랙션 제한 시스템

        이의진(Uichin Lee),김재정(Jaejeung Kim) 한국HCI학회 2019 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.2

        지금까지의 인터페이스는 사용자와 시스템간의 간극을 최소화 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 이러한 간극의 최소화는 기기의 사용성을 높였지만 반대로 과도사용과 같은 부정적인 문제도 초래하였다. 인터랙션 제한 프레임워크는 긍정적인 행동 유도를 위하여 인터랙션 시스템의 성능을 의도적으로 낮추는 것에 바탕을 두고 있다. 본 논문에서는 설득적 인터랙션 제한에 대한 배경 및 개념을 소개하고 다양한 응용 사례와 연구 방향에 대해서 논의한다.

      • KCI등재

        자궁파열 35예

        이의진(EJ Lee),류묘신(MS Yoo),정진성(JS Chung),김혜자(HJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1971 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.14 No.2

        모성사망은 5예로서 14.3%를 보였고 태아사망율은 28예로서 80.0%이었다. The gravid uterine rupture is one of the most serious and emergent problems in obstetric field. The Authors observed 35 cases of the gravid uterine rupture treated during 10 years from January, 1960 to September 1969, studied on clinical statistical analyses and reviewed briefly literatures. The reviewed results of 35 cases of uterine rupture were summarized as the follows: 1. The Incidence was 1 : 942 deliveries. 2. The age distribution was from 25 to 44 years of age and the mean age was 33 years of age. 3. The incidence in the parity, para I was the most frequent(12 cases), and other cases were mutipara except one case of primipara. 4. The distribution of gestational weeks was from 28 to 47 weeks. Most of all cases were ruptured at normal full term period. 5. On the classification of uterine rupture, 15 cases were traumatic, 11 cases were rupture of previous cesarean section scar, 9 cases were spontaneous rupture. 6. The most important frequent symptoms of uterine rupture were lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and shock. 7. The interval period from onset of labor to rupture were ranged from 2 hours to 5 days, the mean was 15 hours. 8. complication were seen at 10 cases and most of them was wound infection. 9. In the management of the uterine rupture, subtotal hysterectomy was performed in 16 cases(45.7%), simple closure 10 cases(28.6%) and total hysterectomy 7 cases(20.0%), others 2 cases(6%). 10. Maternal death rate was 14.3%(5 cases) and fetal death rate was 80.0%(28 cases).

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈주민의 초점집단면접을 활용한 북의 직업관 연구

        이의진(Lee, Eui jin),박영균(Park Young kyun),박솔지(Park, Sol ji),전영희(Jeon, Yeong Hee) 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2021 통일인문학 Vol.85 No.-

        근대의 산물인 직업 및 노동의 의미와 가치는 자신의 생계유지를 위한 재화 확보 화동, 사회적 역할의 분화를 통한 사회적 기여 활동, 자아의 성취 및 자아실현이라는 세 가지 가치로 분화했다. 근대사회에서 개인들의 직업관은 이들 중 어떤 측면을 보다 중요하게 여기는가에 따라 달라지며 이는 남과 북도 마찬가지이다. 남과 북은 각기 다른 정체-경제체제를 지향했기 때문에 직업관도 다를 수밖에 없다. 이에 본 연구에서는 북한이탈주민을 대상으로 한 초점집단면접을 통해 북의 직업관을 파악해 보고자 하였다. 초점집단면접은 인터뷰 참가자들이 자유롭게 토론하면서 서로의 발화를 상호확인하고 교차 검증하는 과정을 거치게 된다는 점에서 개별 인터뷰보다 더 객관적인 데이터를 확보할 수 있다는 장점을 갖기에 채택한 연구방법이다. 해방 이후, 농업사회에서 근대 산업사회로 이행하기 위해 북에서는 사회-국가에 대한 기여라는 의미에서 노동에 가치를 부여했다. 하지만 근대적인 노동에 익숙하지 않은 노동자를 근로대중 인민으로 변모시키기 위해서는 근대적 노동규율을 확립하고 법 제도를 개혁하는 등의 국가통제 방식이 요구되었다. 이후 공산주의적 새 인간을 내세우면서 자발적으로 국부(國富)를 증진시키는 인간형을 창출해 나갔다. 여기에 애국주의적 서사를 통해 애국심을 고취하고 국가 차원의 혁명에 집단적으로 참여하는 혁명주체로 노동자들을 계속적으로 호명하였다. 하지만 자아실현의 의미가 축소되고 개인의 삶과 멀어진 ‘사회 기여 노동’은 배급제의 붕괴라는 사회 시스템의 와해 앞에서 토대를 잃어버리고 오히려 ‘생계 유지 노동’라는 관점에서의 노동 및 직업의 의미가 현실성을 지니게 되었다. 북의 직업관은 고난의 행군 전후로 완전히 달라졌음을 보였으며, 고난의 행군 이후 직업 선택의 가장 중요한 기준은 자신의 생계를 해결해 줄 수 있는 일이냐의 여부였다. ‘돈’의 가치가 부각되면서 북 사회를 움직이는 ‘정치자본’ 하에서 ‘경제자본’이 출현하고 있었고, 이 균열을 메우는 장치가 뇌물인 것으로 확인되었다. 여전히 강고하게 작동하는 정치자본의 영향 아래 정치적 배신만은 해서는 안 된다는 보편적 사고체계를 가짐에도 불구하고, 묵인할 수 있을 정도의 일탈과 침묵은 균열을 메우는 장치로 작동하고 있었다. 최근 들어 북이 시장화되면서 남쪽처럼 생계나 사적 욕망에 따른 경쟁에 의한 직업관의 변화가 일어나고 있지만 아직까지도 북쪽의 직업관은 남쪽 사람들과 만났을 때, 충돌을 야기할 가능성이 높다. 하지만 남쪽이든 북쪽이든 직업관에서 상대적으로 결여하고 있거나 부차화했던 것은 자아 성취 또는 자아실현이란 의미에서의 직업이다. 이것은 남 또는 북의 문제가 아니라 바로 근대적인 노동의 가치, 노동중심, 생산중심의 노동관 또는 직업관이 가지고 있는 문제이기도 하다. 그러므로 문제는 남북의 직업관을 단순 비교해서 어느 한쪽의 직업관이 낫다는 식이 아니라 궁극적으로 ‘자아실현’을 중심으로, 근대적인 직업관 그 자체를 넘어서는 방안을 찾아가는 차원에서 남북의 직업관을 비교 연구하는 것이다. The meaning and value of jobs and labor, which are products of modern times, have been differentiated into three values: securing goods for sustaining one"s livelihood, social contribution activities through the differentiation of social roles, and self-fulfillment and self-realization. In modern society, individuals" views of work depend on which of these aspects are more important, which also applies to South Korea and North Korea. South Korea and North Korea have different views on their jobs as they aim for a different political and economic system. This study aimed to understand North Korea"s labor values through focus group interviews (FGI) with North Korean defectors. The FGI method is advantageous in that it undergoes a process of cross-validation of each other"s utterances while freely discussing. Therefore, the FGI method was used to produce more objective information than individual interviews. After liberation, to transition from an agricultural society to a modern industrial society, North Korea gave value to labor in the sense of contribution to society. However, to transform workers who were unfamiliar with modern labor into working people, state-controlled methods were required, such as establishing modern labor regulations and reforming the legal system. Since then, the state has voluntarily created a human form that promotes a new communist human being. Additionally, through patriotic narratives, workers were continuously called revolutionaries that inspired patriotism and collectively participated in the revolution on the national level. However, the meaning of self-realization has been reduced and the meaning of "social contribution labor" has become more realistic in the face of the collapse of the social system of the distribution system. Labor values in North Korea have completely changed before and after the march of suffering, and the most important criterion for choosing a job after the march was whether it could ensure one"s livelihood. As the value of "money" was emphasized, "economic capital" was emerging under the "political capital" that moves North Korean society, and it was confirmed that bribery was the device bridging the gap. Despite having a universal system of thinking according to which political betrayal should not be done under the influence of strong political capital, tolerable deviations and silence were working as devices to bridge the cracks. Recently, the marketization of the North has led to changes in job views resulting from competition due to livelihoods and private desires as in the South, but the North"s job views are still likely to cause conflicts when they meet those of the South. However, what is relatively lacking or secondary to the view of occupation, whether in South Korea or North Korea, is a job in the sense of self-fulfillment or self-realization. This matter surpasses the relationship between South Korea and North Korea. It concerns modern labor values, labor centers, production-oriented labor, or occupational views. Therefore, the problem does not lie in simply comparing and studying the job views of both Koreas, but in ultimately finding ways to surpass the modern view, focusing on "self-realization".

      • Poly aniline(PANI) 전극을 이용한 Organic photovoltaic(OPV) cell 제작

        이의진(Ue Jin Lee),윤종진(Jong Jin Yoon),정명조(Myung Jo Jung),김승택(Seung Taek Kim),이상호(Sang Ho Lee) 대한전기학회 2010 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        We present highly efficient indium tin oxide free Organic photovoltaic cells based on poly-(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6] - phenyl - C60 - butyricacid methyl ester (P3HT : PCBM) comprising a polymeric anode from highly conductive organic solvent-based polyaniline(PANI). The transmittance and sheet resistance of the PANI film were varied in the ranges of 65?.90% at 550nm and 50?380 Ω/□ respectively. We fabricated ITO-free OPV cells using PANI as an anode, which exhibited an external power conversion efficiency of 1.2% with a result of Jsc of 5.355㎃/㎠, Voc of 0.615V, and FF of 30.33% under an illumination of air mass(AM) 1.5G (100㎽/㎠).

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