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      • KCI등재

        와인페어링 서비스에 대한 고객의 감각적 체험이 PAD 감정을 거쳐 고객의 만족, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향: S-O-R 모델을 기반으로

        이예솔,강지현,이충훈 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2022 호텔경영학연구 Vol.31 No.2

        The study was conducted to verify the impact of the sensory experience(stimulus) of wine pairing services at five-star hotel restaurants and the effects of PAD emotions(organism) on customer satisfaction and revisit intention(response) based on the S-O-R model. It analyzed how visual sense, auditory sense, and taste sense affect PAD emotions, how PAD emotions affect customer satisfaction, and how satisfaction affect revisit intention. A total of 270 questionnaires was used for the empirical analysis. The analysis method consisted of confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model analysis of the AMOS program. The analysis found that taste factors among sensory experience factors have a positive effect on dominance, pleasure, and arousal emotions, while visual factors have a positive effect on dominant emotions. PAD emotions have a positive influence on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction with the wine pairing service of the hotel restaurant has been found to have a positive impact on the revisit intention. The implication of this study is that in order to maintain the wine pairing service of luxury hotels, it is necessary to attract customer’s taste, and to that end, we should continue to maintain and develop the taste of wine that goes well with the signature dishes of hotel restaurants. Also, customer's PAD emotions are related to customer satisfaction, and in particular, pleasure is a factor that greatly affects customer satisfaction, which requires various attempts to entertain customers while providing wine pairing services. 본 연구는 S-O-R 모델을 기반으로 5성급 호텔 레스토랑 와인페어링 서비스에 대한 감각적 체험(stimulus)이 고객의 PAD 감정(organism)에 미치는 영향과 PAD 감정이 고객 만족도 및 재방문의도(response)에 미치는 영향을 구조적으로 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 진행하였다. 세부적으로 시각, 청각, 미각의감각적 체험 요소가 PAD 감정(지배성, 즐거움, 환기성)에 미치는 영향, PAD 감정이 고객 만족에 미치는영향 그리고 고객의 만족도가 재방문의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 와인페어링 서비스를 경험한 고객총 270명을 실증분석에 사용하였으며, SPSS 패키지를 사용하여 인구통계학의 분석, AMOS 프로그램을활용하여 확인적 요인분석과 구조방정식 모형분석을 시행하였다. 분석 결과, 감각적 체험 요소 중 미각적요소는 지배성, 즐거움, 환기성 감정에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고, 시각적 요소는 지배성 감정에 긍정적인영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. PAD 감정은 고객의 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 즐거움, 환기성, 지배성의 순으로 고객의 만족도에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 고객의 만족도는 재방문의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 시사점은 고급 호텔의 와인페어링 서비스를유지하기 위해서는 고객의 미각을 사로잡을 필요가 있으며, 이를 위해 호텔 레스토랑만의 시그니처 요리와어울리는 와인의 맛을 지속해서 유지⋅개발하는 전략을 도모해야 한다. 또한, 고객의 PAD 감정 중 즐거움은고객의 만족도에 큰 영향을 주는 요인이므로 와인페어링 서비스를 제공하는 동안 고객에게 즐거움을 주는다양한 시도가 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        아르누보의 4가지 표현양식에 따른 도자 특성 연구

        이예솔,여화선 한국도자학회 2023 한국도자학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Mechanical production methods caused by the industrial revolution in the late 19th century brought convenience to human life, but on the other hand, there was a lot of confrontation over the damage to the value of crafts that had been mainly handmade based on craftsmanship. It is "Art nouveua" that occurred to overcome the damaged culture of crafts. The Art Nouveau style serves as an opportunity to enhance the status of crafts that have been treated as lower art than pure art as well as the value of manual work that has been declining. Art Nouveau style began in France, and since then, it has gradually expanded its influence not only throughout Europe but also throughout North America, and among various crafts, it has been expressed by borrowing style from ceramics. In the process, it can be seen that the expressive characteristics of Art Nouveau are expressed differently depending on the region, which is eventually related to the Art Nouveau chronology from the early to the late period. Art Nouveau can be divided into a total of four types of art Nouveau expression styles in the first, middle, mid to late, and last stages, and it can be seen that art Nouveau's characteristics appear according to the period and region in the process of spreading throughout Europe and North America based on France. In the case of France, it is characterized by a flexible shipping flow in an unbalanced curve, such as the characteristics of early art nouveau, and in the middle of the year, it expressed art nouveau in full bloom based on abundant curves across Europe. In the case of the United Kingdom, which uses mid-late art nouveau, it reduces the abundance of curves and is characterized by ceramics strictly centered on balance and simplicity, and in Germany and Austria, it shows the characteristics of late art nouveau and uses geometric shapes and lines structurally. 19세기 말 산업혁명으로 인한 기계식 생산 방식은 인간 삶의 편리함을 가져다주었지만, 그에 반해장인정신을 기반으로 주로 수작업으로 제작되어 오던 공예품의 가치 훼손을 두고 많은 대립을 불러일으켰다. 이처럼 공예의 훼손된 문화를 극복해 나가기 위해 발생하게 된 것이 바로 ‘아르누보(Art nouveua)’이다. 아르누보 양식은 쇠퇴되어가던 수작업의 가치성은 물론 순수미술에 비해 낮은 예술로대우받아 오던 공예품들의 위상을 높여주는 계기로도 작용하게 된다. 아르누보 양식은 프랑스를 기반으로 시작되었으며 이후 유럽 전역은 물론 북미 지역까지 영향력을 점차 확대해 갔는데 다양한 공예품중에서도 특히 도자기에 양식을 차용하여 표현하였다. 그 과정에서 지역에 따라 아르누보의 표현적 특징이 다르게 표현되고 있음을 알 수 있으며 이는 결국 초기부터 후기까지의 아르누보 연대기와 관련이있다. 아르누보는 전기, 중기, 중후반기, 후기 과정으로 총 4가지의 아르누보 표현 양식으로 구분할 수있는데 프랑스를 기반으로 유럽 전역 및 북미 전역으로 퍼져나가던 과정에서 아르누보의 시기 및 지역에 따른 특성이 나타나는 것을 알 수 있다. 프랑스의 경우 초기 아르누보의 특성과 같이 불균형적 커브 속 유연한 선적 흐름이 특징이며 중반기의 경우 유럽 전역에서 풍만한 곡선을 기반으로 꽃이 만개한 형태의 아르누보를 표현해내었다. 중후기 아르누보를 사용한 영국의 경우 곡선의 풍만함을 줄이고균형미와 단순성을 중심으로 엄격하게 잡힌 도자기가 특징이며 독일과 오스트리아의 경우 후기 아르누보의 특성을 보이며 기하학적 도형 및 선을 구조적으로 활용하여 나타낸 도자기를 보여주고 있다

      • KCI등재

        호텔 서비스 로봇의 사용성이 고객 만족과 재사용 의도에 미치는 영향

        이예솔,이충훈 한국유통경영학회 2023 유통경영학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        Purpose: By verifying the impact of robot usability on customer satisfaction and the impact of customer satisfaction on reuse intention from customers who have experienced hotel service robots, this study aims to find out how the usability of hotel service robots affects customer responses (customer satisfaction and reuse intention), and to serve as a basis for setting strategies for hotels considering the introduction of hotel service robots. Research design, data, and methodology: Through a review of previous studies, this study selected ease of use, efficiency of use, and pleasure factors as usability factors of hotel service robots, and analyzed the effects on customer satisfaction and the effects of customer satisfaction on reuse intention. An online survey was conducted among customers who experienced services at hotels that introduced and implemented hotel service robots, and a total of 280 questionnaire were used for analysis. Demographic characteristics, descriptive statistics, exploratory factors, reliability, correlation analysis, and simple and multiple regression analysis were conducted. Results: First, ease of use, efficiency of use, and pleasure had a positive impact on customer satisfaction. While efficiency of use was found to have a slightly higher impact than ease of use and pleasure, the difference was insignificant. the three factors of usability had a similar positive impact on customer satisfaction. Second, customer satisfaction had a positive impact on reuse intention. In order to increase the reuse intention of hotel service robots among returning customers, it is necessary to ensure that customers have a good experience with the usability of hotel service robots while using them, as the results of this study suggest. Implications: There is a limitation that the study did not suggest ways to improve the usability of hotel service robots to customers. future research needs to investigate the convenience of hotel service robots, customer response to the services provided, and expand the experience of hotel staff.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 의식에 따른 환경디자인의 변화 연구 -‘업사이클’재료를 중심으로-

        이예솔,여화선 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2023 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.17 No.1

        The misuse of resources is getting serious every year, and the annual cost of domestic wates disposal announced by the Ministry of Environment is appraching 15 to 23 trillion won, Concerns are mounting that if the situation persists, the saturation of domestic waste landfill in 2025 will not be prevented. As the movement to prevent and solve global environmental problems increases, institutions, companies and individuals are increasingly interested in ‘Upcycle environmenal design’ that considers nature and composes spaces. This study explores solutions to environmental problems caused by waste, focusing on upcycle products and describes the uniform characteristics and effects of upcycle products shown through the analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, upcycle products are not only treating waste but also protecting the environment at another level. Second, manufacturing upcycle products that take advantage of the original characteristics of packaging material. And third, drawing economic profits from upcycle products as well as the environment. The development of upcycle products according to social consciousness is creating a new environmental design for the surrounding environment(architecture, landscaping, interior, etc) and the movement to think and protect the environment leads to many changes in individual lives beyond institutions and companies. As the movement for environmental protection is expected to become more activement the outlook for upcycle products is also expected to rise further. 자원의 오남용은 매년 심각해져 가고 있으며, 환경부에서 발표한 연간 국내 폐기물 처리비용은 15조 ~ 23조에 육박하고 있다. 해당 상황이 지속될 경우 2025년 국내 폐기물 매립의 포화를 막을 수 없다는 우려가 거세지고 있다. 이처럼 세계적인 환경문제를 방지하고 해결하고자 하는 움직임이 높아짐에 따라 기관, 기업, 개인까지도 자연을 생각하고 공간을 구성하는 ‘업사이클 환경디자인’에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 폐기물로 인한 환경문제의 해결 방안을 업사이클 재료 중심으로 탐구하였으며, 해당 분석을 통해 나타난 업사이클 제품의 일률적 특징 및 효과에 대하여 서술하도록 한다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 업사이클 제품은 폐기물의 처리는 물론 또 다른 차원의 환경 보호를 추진하고 있다는 점. 둘째, 패재료 본연의 특성을 살린 업사이클 제품을 제작하고 있다는 점. 셋째, 환경은 물론 업사이클 제품을 통한 경제적 이윤까지 이끌어내고 있다는 점이다. 이처럼 사회적 의식에 따른 업사이클 제품들의 개발은 주변 환경(건축, 조경, 인테리어 등)을 새로운 환경디자인으로 조성하고 있으며, 환경을 생각하고 보호하는 움직임이 기관 및 기업을 넘어 개인의 삶에도 많은 변화를 이끌어내고 있다. 이처럼 환경 보호를 위한 움직임이 더욱 활발해질 것으로 보아 업사이클 제품에 대한 전망 또한 더욱 상승할 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        수술실 환자안전문화가 수술실 간호사의 소진에 미치는 영향

        이예솔(Ye Sol Lee),고진강(Chin Kang Koh) 대한스트레스학회 2020 스트레스硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        수술실 간호사가 인식한 환자안전문화가 소진에 미치는 영향을 탐구한 연구로 서울의 일개 병원 수술실 간호사 122명을 대상으로 Safety Attitude Questionnaire와 Maslach Burnout Inventory를 통하여 환자안전문화와 소진을 측정하였다. 다중회귀분석 결과, 정서적 고갈에 영향을 미치는 환자안전문화는 직무만족도(β=−.524, p=.000)와 근무환경(β=−.282, p=.015)이었다. 비인격화에는 근무환경(β=−.323, p=.009)이, 개인적 성취감 부족에는 직무만족도(β=−.250, p=.004)와 근무기간(β=−.397, p=.001)이 영향 요인이었다. 따라서 수술실 간호사 소진의 감소를 위해서는 수술실 근무환경을 개선하고 직무만족도를 증진시키는 것이 필요하다. Background: The occurrence of nurse burnout, which could affect the quality of nursing, largely depends on the characteristics of a hospital department. An operating room (OR) environment comes with a high possibility of nurses committing errors, and OR nurses respect the value of patient safety and perform their safety management duties as needed. Although patient safety culture in an OR might affect OR nurse burnout, there is insufficient evidence to show such an association. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a hospital in Seoul, South Korea in 2019. One-hundred and twenty-two OR nurses completed the Safety Attitude Questionnaire Korean version 2 and Maslach Burnout Inventory that measured perceived levels of patient safety culture and burnout, respectively. Results: Correlation analyses found that lower burnout was significantly associated with better patient safety culture. Through a multiple regression, the predictors of emotional exhaustion in patient safety culture identified were job satisfaction (β=−.524, p=.000) and working conditions (β=−.282, p=.015). Working conditions predicted depersonalization (β=−.323, p=.009), while job satisfaction predicted lack of personal accomplishment (β=−.250, p=.004). Meanwhile, years in the unit (β=−.397, p=.001) predicted lack of personal accomplishment. Conclusions: These results suggest an important role for two dimensions of patient safety culture in mitigating burnout among OR nurses. It would be effective to improve working conditions in ORs by reducing the nurse-patient ratio, and to enhance job satisfaction among OR nurses by securing resources introduced by the conservation of resources theory.

      • KCI등재

        알칼라인 수전해 산소 발생 반응을 위한 NiCo<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/Ni foam 전극 제조 및 특성 평가

        권민솔,고재성,이예솔,이성민,유지수,이효원,송성호,이동주,Kwon, Minsol,Go, Jaeseong,Lee, Yesol,Lee, Sungmin,Yu, Jisu,Lee, Hyowon,Song, Sung Ho,Lee, Dongju 한국분말재료학회 (*구 분말야금학회) 2022 한국분말재료학회지 (KPMI) Vol.29 No.5

        Environmental issues such as global warming due to fossil fuel use are now major worldwide concerns, and interest in renewable and clean energy is growing. Of the various types of renewable energy, green hydrogen energy has recently attracted attention because of its eco-friendly and high-energy density. Electrochemical water splitting is considered a pollution-free means of producing clean hydrogen and oxygen and in large quantities. The development of non-noble electrocatalysts with low cost and high performance in water splitting has also attracted considerable attention. In this study, we successfully synthesized a NiCo<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/NF electrode for an oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline water splitting using a hydrothermal method, which was followed by post-heat treatment. The effects of heat treatment on the electrochemical performance of the electrodes were evaluated under different heat-treatment conditions. The optimized NCO/NF-300 electrode showed an overpotential of 416 mV at a high current density of 50 mA/cm<sup>2</sup> and a low Tafel slope (49.06 mV dec<sup>-1</sup>). It also showed excellent stability (due to the large surface area) and the lowest charge transfer resistance (12.59 Ω). The results suggested that our noble-metal free electrodes have great potential for use in developing alkaline electrolysis systems.

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