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      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        폐로 전이된 자궁 내임파간질성근증의 1 예

        김영희(YH Kim),이금노(GN Lee),김관수(KS Kim),이영호(HY Lee),이광민(KM Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.9

        Endolymphatic stromal myosis is a low-grade infiltrating asrcoma that occurs predominantly in premenopausal women, It arises from the endometrial stroma from adenomyosis or rarely from endometriosis It refers to lesions with infiltrative borders, especially involving lymphatics, but with fewer than 10 mitoses per 10 HPF Long-term survival is the rule, even with recurrent disease. A rare case of endolymphatic stromal myosis with metastasis to lung in a 48-year old woman is presented with a brief review of the literatures.

      • 수력댐 비상방류밸브의 선정조건에 관한 연구

        노형운(HW Roh),이갑수(GS Lee),박영무(YM Park),김범석(BS Kim),이영호(YH Lee) 한국유체기계학회 2005 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In general, the hollow jet valve, the fixed cone valve had been used for the urgency released or maintenance of the flow rate. Nowadays, the butterfly valve, the gate valve are applied in economic performance and operation maintenance more than the hollow jet valve, the fixed cone valve. However, in the case of butterfly valve, it should be required the strict application standard to the cavitation coefficient because the structural axis and disk were situated in pipe channel and the occurring the shock problem by Karman Vortex. And, the judgment data for choice were slight lowdown in water supply and drainage facilities standard or Japanese penstock technology standard, various standard of KOWACO etc. Therefore, there were investigated the valve inside phenomenon (cavitation, disk chattering, vibration) by velocity of flow and the stability examination of body by high velocity of flow through flow scale model test using the numerical analysis and PIV to establish the applicable extensibility of the butterfly valve for the urgency released valve.

      • 펌프장내 흡수정 설계 기준

        노형운(HW Roh),오상현(OS Oh),이영호(YH Lee) 한국유체기계학회 2005 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In general, the function of intake structure, whether it be a open channel, a fully wetted tunnel, a sump or a tank, is to supply an evenly distributed flow to a pump station. An even distribution of flow, characterized by strong local flow, can result in formation of surface or submerged vortices, and with certain low values of submergence, may introduce air into pump, causing a reduction of capacity and efficiency, an increase in vibration and additional noise. Unfortunately in order to design the sump station, the reasonable code or the standards weren't presented yet in Korea. Thus, some researchers had often referred the HI code, JSME code or CEN code to design the sump station. This study aims to prescribe the standard of sump design which were matched well the Korean pump station. Thus, the HI code and TSJ code would be interpreted fully to Korean language, the part of interpreted clauses of the western codes would be selected to compose the standard.

      • 수리모형실험을 통한 펌프 흡입배관부 보텍스 현상 저감방안

        안인수(IS Ahn),김성호(SH Kim),김경엽(KY Kim),노형운(HW Roh),이영호(YH Lee) 한국유체기계학회 2004 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        펌프장 흡입수조에서 발생되는 보텍스의 구조를 Sump Model Test와 PIV 방법을 수행하여 보텍스 발생여부를 검증한 결과는 아래와 같다.<br/> 1) 현장조서의 결과 취수장 대부분의 흡수정 구조가 유체역학적으로 보텍스를 발생시키는 구조였음을 알 수 있었으며 흡수정의 형태를 흡입구와 수문이 일직선으로 되어 있는 토목구조를 가진 펌프장의 경우는 보텍스 발생이 비교적 적었음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 토목구조의 설계가 펌프특성에 따른 흡수정 내의 유동장을 고려하여 볼 때 매우 중요하다는 것을 알 수 있다.<br/> 2) JSME S 004-1984를 토대로 1/8 모델내에서 모형수리실험을 수행한 결과 현장에서 발견된 결과와 같이 예측되었다. 또한, 모든 상사조건 일치에서 수위나 운전대수 및 호기조합에 따라 정도의 차이는 있으나 모든 경우에 보텍스가 심하게 발생하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.<br/> 3) PIV실험에서 볼 수 있듯이 자유표면 보텍스는 #1호기와 #3호기에서 주로 발견되었는데 이는 #3호기 흡입구 바로 전방에 있는 취수구의 영향으로 강한 회전흐름이 수조내에서 형성되기 때문으로 보여진다.<br/> 4) 보텍스의 발생은 펌프 소음발생, 임펠러 수명 및 성능에 나쁜 영향을 주기 때문에 반드시 Anti Vortex Device를 설치하여 보텍스의 발생을 저감시켜야 한다.(‘04.11.12 현재 현장실험 중에 있음) In general, the function of intake structure, whether it be a open channel, a fully wetted tunnel, a sump or a tank, is to supply an evenly distributed flow to a pump station. An even distribution of flow, characterized by strong local flow, can result in formation of surface or submerged vortices, and with certain low values of submergence, may introduce air into pump, causing a reduction of capacity and efficiency, an increase in vibration and additional noise. This study investigated experimentally the formation of the vortex to understand the mechanism of vortex formation and to prevent the formation of vortex in the sump model using by the mede1 test and PIV tool. Sump mode1 was manufactured to 1/8 scale with the drawing of W intake pumping station. From the results of mode1 test and PIV, the vortex were occurred the in the whole section. Thus, sump mode1 tests with the anti-vortex device might be considered to prevent the formation of vortex in the sump model.

      • 단상 Multi-Level AC-DC 컨버터

        안일매(I.M.Ahn),전중함(J.H.Chun),이영호(YH.Lee),박성우(S.W.Park),서기영(K.Y.Suh),이현우(H.W.Lee) 전력전자학회 1999 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.1999 No.7

        This paper is proposed Single phase Multi-Leve AC-DC Converter. This is consist of diode biode and switches The number of the supply current levels depends on the number of the individual converter's current level. In this converter circuit the number of the levels is equal to 2^(M+1)-1, where in is the number of Switching-Leg's number. In this paper is introduced converter with 31 current Level If the number of current level is increased, smoother sinusoidal waveform can be obtained The feasibility of the Circuit is verified by computer simulation using PSIM

      • KCI등재

        자궁경암 1411 예에 대한 임상적 고찰 : 12 년간 임상 경험의 재조사 A Review of 12 Years Clinical Experience

        이영호,이영혜,장부용,나창수,이형렬,오병전 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.3

        1975년 1월부터 1986년 12월까지 만 12년간 자궁경암 환자에 대한 임상경험을 재 조사한 결과 아래와 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 발생빈도는 여성 성기에서 발생하는 악성 종양중 단연 1위였으며(28.5%), 년 평균 환자수는 117.6명이었다. 2. 자궁경암의 평균연령은 침윤성의 경우 48.5세였고 비침윤성의 경우 42.1세였다. 3. 직업별 분포는 농업, 임업, 축산업이 많았고, 지역별 분포는 전북, 충남 거주 순이었으며, 농촌 거주 환자가 도시 거주 환자보다 많았다. 4. 결혼연령 분포는 20세이하가 63.1%였으며, 기왈 출산 평균횟수는 5회였고, 한번도 유산 경험이 없었던 환자에게서의 발생빈도가 40.2%로 가장 높았다. 폐경기 이후에 환자의 47.3%가 발생하였으며 평균 폐경기연령은 47.4세였다. 5. 병리조직학적 분포를 살펴보면, 편평상피암이 대다수(93.6%)였고 선암이 6.1%를 차지하였다. 임상증상은 접촉 출혈, 자궁 점적출혈 및 자궁출혈이 가장 많았고, 자궁경의 소견은 외번이 가장 많았으며 임상기별 분포는 제II기가 가장 많았다. 6. 치료는 개별화하여 시행하였으며 자궁경 상피내암의 5년생존율은 100%였다. 침윤성 자궁경암의 경우 방사선 치료를 했을 때 5년 생존율이 제 I 기 88.0%, 제 II 기 64.1%, 제 III 기 24.1% 및 제 IV 기 33.3%였으며 광범위 수술 및 수술전후에 방사선요법으로 보조를 받았던 경우 5년 생존율은 제 I기 86.4%, 제 II기 40%였다. 광범위 수술을 시행한 경우 유병율은 12.3%였고 루공형성빈도는 1.2%였다. 7. 자궁기저암의 발생은 7예에서 볼 수 있었으며, 자궁 부분절제술 이후부터 암이 발생하기까지의 소요기간은 평균 8년이었다. 8. 임신중의 자궁경암 발생빈도는 0.06%였고, 자궁경암 환자중의 0.85%였다. 대다수 제 II기였으며(66.6%), 암이 발견된 시기는 임신 중기까지가 66.6%로 가장 많았고, 치료후 5년 생존율은 50%였다. 9. 재발은 방사선 치료시 15.0%였고, 수술을 받은 경우는 7.8&였다. 병리조직학적으로는 선암에서 더욱 높은 빈도를 보였고, 대다수 18개월내에 재발되었다. 재발의 경우 개별치료후 5년 생존율은 31.3%였다. 10. 자궁경암의 전이 장소는 폐장이 34.0%로 가장 많았다. The results of a review of 1141 cases of cervical carcinoma at Presbyterian Medical Center from January, 1975 to December, 1986 were as follows: 1. The evidence of cervical carcinoma was 11.8 % in the total number of cancer patients and 28.5 % in the female cancer patients. 2. The means number of patients per year was 117.6 cases. The mean age was 48.5 years old in invasive cervical carcinoma, and 42.1 years in intraepithelial carcinoma. 3. The lower the socioeconomic condition, the higher was the risk of cancer, and patients from rural areas showed higher risks of cancer than those from urban areas. 4. The earlier the age of marriage, the higher was the risk of cancer, but the number of deliveries and abortions was not clear. In Postmenopausal women cervical carcinoma was found in 47.3 % of the cases. 5. In the distribution by histologic type, squamous cell carcinoma was 93.6 % and adenocarcinoma was 6.7 %. The most frequent clinical symptom was postcoital or vaginal spotting and vaginal bleeding (68.0 %). In the majority of cases, the gross findings of the uterine cervix was exophytic mass (42.8 %). The distribution by clinical stages was stage I, 15.8 %; stage II, 49.7 %; stage III, 15.3; stage IV, 3.9 %. 6. The determinate five-year survival rate was as follows; a) In radiation therapy-stage I, 84.0 %; stage II, 60.8 %; stage III, 16.7 %; stage IV, 33.3 % b) In radical surgery-stage I, 86.4 %; stage II, 40.0 % 7. The incidence of carcinoma of the cervical stump was 0.49 %; the mean duration was 8 years. 8. The incidence of cervical carcinoma in pregnant woman was 0.06 % per live births and 0.85 % per cervical carcinoma. The determinate five-year survival rate was 50 %. 9. The recurrence rate in radiation therapy was 15.0 %, in radical surgery was 7.8 %. The most frequent symptom in recurrent cervical carcinoma was vaginal bleeding or spotting; an the majority of cases, the recurrence developed within 24 months (77.0 %). The determinate five-year survival rate was 31.3 %. 10. The most frequent metastatic site was the lung(34.0%).

      • KCI등재

        미숙분만에 관한 역학적 고찰

        이영호,이봉구,이영혜,장부용,이형열,오병전,정두수 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.2

        1986년 1월부터 1988년 6월까지 2년 6개월간 본원 산부인과에서 분만한 총 6275예의 분만중 미숙분만 519예에 대한 통계학적분석을 실시, 여러 위험인자에 대한 빈도를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 미숙분만율은 1986년 7.7%, 1987년 7.2%에서 1988년 10.0%로 최근 증가추세를 보이고 있다. 2. 최근 5년간 borderline preterm delivery는 54.5%를 차지하였으며, moderately preterm delivery는 32.2%, extremely preterm delivery는 13.3%를 차지하였다. 3. 미숙분만 산모의 연령분포는 35세이하 7.8%에 비해 35세이상에서 20.5%로 현저히 높았다. 4. 미숙분만 산모의 분만횟수는 분만횟수 4회이상 산모에서 28.9%로 초산부나 1회 경산부의 7.6%에 비해 현저하게 높았다. 5. 미숙분만 산모의 유산횟수는 유산경험이 없는 경우 6.6%에 비해 3회이상의 경우 17.1%로 현저히 증가되었다. 6. 산모의 교육정도와 미숙분만과 관련성은 교육기간이 길수록 적게 나타났다. 7. 미숙분만율과 최초 산전진찰시기와는 연관 관계가 없었다. 8. 분만과거력에 있어서는 과거 미숙분만 및 만기 유산력이 있는 경우 전체분만에 비해 8.2배의 높은 율을 보였으며, 과거 사산 및 주산기 영아 신생아 사망 예에서 1.9배로 높았으나, 제왕절개 수술력은 관련이 없었다. 9. 조산의 발생과 직접적 연관이 있는 원인으로는 다태임신, 선천성 태아기형, 전치태반, 태반조기박리, 자궁내 태아사망, 이상태위, 자궁경관내구무력증, 자궁기형, 양수조기파수 등이 있으며, 임신자간증 및 중증 자간전증의 경우는 의인성으로 조산을 시킨 경우도 있었으나 상당수 연관이 있었다. 10. 산모의 전신질환에는 결핵, 만성고혈압 등이 연관이 있고 심장질환, 신장질환 등에서는 별로 연관니 없었다. 11. 저 Apgar score(6) 신생아 발생율은 extremely preterm newborn에서 1분 71.2%, 5분 65.4%를 보였다. Although neonatal intensive care of the preterm newborn has improved the chances of healthy survival of infants, prematurity is still the major cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. In order to investigate the various risk factors of preterm birth and contribute to prevention of preterm birth hereafter, we performed statistical analysis on 519 cases of preterm birth delivered at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Presbyterian Medical Center from January 1986 to June 1988 per 6275 total delivery cases. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The incidence rate of preterm births was 7.7 % on 1986 and 7.2 % on 1987, and 10.0 % on 1988, increasing trends recently. 2. The rate of borderline preterm birth was 54.5 % and moderately preterm birth was 32.2 %, and extremely preterm birth was 13.3 % during 5 years, recently. 3. The rate of preterm birth to total birth by maternal age was 7.8 % in maternal age of under 35 years and 20.5 % in maternal age of over 35 years. 4. Number of preterm birth was increased as number of parity, and preterm birth rate to total birth by parity was 7.6 % in para 0.1, and 28.9 % in para above 4. 5. Number of preterm birth was increased as number of abortion, and preterm birth rate to total birth by abortion number was 6.6 % in no abortion group and 17.1 % in experienced abortion over 3 times. 6. Number of preterm birth was lesser in more 13 years education periods group than under 9 years education periods group. 7. There was no significant relationship of the preterm birth incidence rate and first antenatal care time. 8. As compared with previous obstetric history, preterm birth was 8.2 times more in cases with previous preterm birth and late abortion and 1.9 times more in cases with past still birth and postnatal death, but not related to past cesarean section. 9. Obstetric risk factors related to preterm birth was multiple pregnancy, congenital malformation, placenta previa, abruptio placenta, IUFD, abnormal presentation and IIOC, uterine anomaly, PROM and preeclampsia severe form and eclampsia. 10. High risk maternal disease was tuberculosis and chronic hypertension, but heart disease and renal discase was not related. 11. Incidence of low Apgar score($lt;6)rate was 71.2% at 1 minute and 65.4% at 5 minute on extremely preterm newborn.

      • 導入 機器의 效率的 活用을 위한 敎授-學習 敎材의 開發 : 8 個 學科 共同 硏究

        李昌甲,孟琦錫,李載元,朴萬植,廷吉煥,金鍾悟,朴景采,李英浩,李東周,邕章祐,柳盛淵,趙澤東,姜理錫,李殷雄,李興浩,金健中,韓相玉,金良模,張錫明,朴俊灝,洪鳳植,金太均,金再韓,宋海永,盧載星 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 1982 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, through the combined effort and collaboration of 8 engineering education departments, teaching-learning processes and models were reviewed, and printed and bound student manuals developed on 120 different tasks and subjects. Audio-visual supportive material, already in use in laboratories, was added to form a complete teaching-learning package. In addition to promoting the maximum use of the newly acquired equipment, this study will also contribute to the development of laboratory practice, the in-service training of technical high schools teachers and help in the development of their own instructional program.

      • KCI등재

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