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        코스닥 상장 제조업과 서비스업 기업의 디자인 활용 인식에 대한 연구

        이연준(주저자) ( Youn Joon Lee ),이연준(교신저자) ( Youn Joon Lee ) 디자인융복합학회 2016 디자인융복합연구 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 중견 중소기업의 디자인 활용에 대한 인식이 기업 퍼포먼스에 미치는 영향에 대해 조사하고자 한다. 구체적으로 코스닥에 상장되어있는 제조업과 서비스업 기업의 디자인 활용에 대한 인식과 차이를 파악하고, 이러한 인식이 기업 디자인실 운영과 기업 성장에 주는 영향을 파악하고자 하였다. 코스닥 상장기업 중 654개 제조업기업 181개 서비스업 기업을 분류하였다. 분류된 기업 웹사이트와 공시자료를 통해 기업의 디자인 활용 인식에 대한 자료를 수집하고 내용분석(Content Analysis)을 하였다. 해당 기업의 매출액(2012~2014), 고용인 수, 디자인실 운영 여부에 대한 자료 수집 후, t-test, 교차분석, 로지스틱 회귀분석, 다중회귀분석을 이용하여 통계분석을 진행하였다. 제조업과 서비스업의 비교 시 서비스업은 Theme1(디자인 고객중심) 점수화가, 제조업은 Theme 2(디자인의 문화형성) 점수화가 상대적으로 높았다. 또한, 디자인실 운영 유무는 서비스업 기업의 디자인실 운영이 상대적으로 높았으나, 두 기업 모두 디자인실을 운영하는 비율이 낮아 디자인을 위탁하는 경향이 강하며, 디자인을 하나의 외적 기능으로 인지하는 것을 알 수 있다. This study aims to investigate how perspectives on design utilization impact on corporation performance. In detail, this paper intends to identify perspectives of manufacturing and service corporations listed on KOSDAQ, and how their perspectives’ impact on corporate growth and the operation of design departments. 654 manufacturing corporations and 181 service corporations listed on the KOSDAQ were categorized. Then, content analysis was undertaken after collecting data regarding perspectives on design utilization from corporate websites and disclosure materials. Along with this, information was gathered on total sales (2014~2014), numbers of employees, operation of design departments. From the results of the analysis (t-test, chi square test, logit regression and multiple regression), and a comparison of manufacturing and service corporations, Theme 1 (customer-centred design), scoring in service corporations, and Theme 2 (cultural development for design), scoring in manufacturing corporations, were comparatively higher. Even though service corporations account for a higher proportion of the operation of a design department, corporations in both industries accounted for a low rate of operation for design departments. This implies that they perceive design as an external function.

      • KCI등재

        서비스디자인 결과물의 범주와 인식 분석 연구

        이연준 ( Younjoon Lee ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2014 한국디자인포럼 Vol.44 No.-

        서비스디자인은 년 경 국내에 본격적으로 유입된 후, 학계와 현장에 빠르게 확산되었지만 신생 학문으로서 구체적 합의를 이룬 개념은 아직 확립하지 못하고 있다. 이제까지 서비스디자인은 포괄적인 개념을 알리고 확산하는데 중점을 두었기 때문에 이해관계에 따라, 참여자와 연구자의 다양한 해석이 이루어졌다. 일반적으로 서비스디자인은 실무 결과물(유형화)을 통해 대중에게 알려지고 있다. 그러므로 전통적 디자인(그래픽디자인, 제품디자인 등)의 형태와 구분 또는 기여할 수 있는 특징, 혜택과 장점을 위한 소통에 관한 논의가 필요하다. 본 연구는 문헌연구를 통해 서비스디자인의 개념을 이해하고 그 결과물의 특징과 범주에 관한 프레임워크를 도출하였다. 그리고 설문조사를 통해 국내 서비스디자인 실무 결과물이 어떻게 인식되는지 분석하고, 분석된 자료와 문헌연구에서 도출된 프레임워크를 종합하여 서비스디자인 실무의 형태를 구분하였다. 본 논문은 이러한 연구를 바탕으로, 서비스디자인이 결과물에 대한 소통방법을 제안하며, 서비스디자인 개념 확립에 기여하고자 하였다. After services design was introduced in Korea around 2010, it spread fast in academia and in the field. However, service design has problems that all new studies are faced with. Comprehensive concepts of service design exist but materialization of consensus concepts have not yet been established. In addition, until now, since the focus was on spreading `services design` term and concept, service design concepts have different interpretations by the participants and researchers. In service design, communication is frequently done through tangible outputs. Thus, there is a need to identify the outcome traits of service design which are different from traditional design (e.g., graphic design, industrial design, etc.), and communication ways to deliver benefits and competencies of service design. This research studied the characteristics of the outcomes of service design, and generated a framework on characteristics of service design outcomes from the stage. Recognition of domestic service design outcomes were researched and analyzed. By using the framework from the literature review and research analysis, forms of service design outcomes are categorized. This paper suggests ways to consider when communicating service design outcomes, and also to contribute to the establishment of service design concept.

      • Next -Gen 영어교육: AI 와 미디어 사이

        이연준 ( Yun Joon “jason” Lee ) 현대영미어문학회 2023 현대영미어문학회 추계학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2023 No.-

        AI and media integration are reshaping university-level English education. This presentation explores their impact, using 'Toy Story 4' as an example. AI personalizes learning, offering diverse language resources for authentic communication. It aids pronunciation, intonation, and language nuances, particularly valuable for second language (L2) acquisition challenges. Unlike traditional media, AI diversifies English language instruction. It exposes learners to real language usage and cultural contexts. Recent studies highlight AI, including ChatGPT, in English education and specialized domains like Tourism English. In conclusion, AI and media offer solutions to the English crisis, expanding horizons through diverse resources and transmedia education. This presentation showcases their potential using 'Toy Story 4' and ChatGPT with speech recognition AI in the classroom.

      • KCI등재

        영화영어 발전을 위한 제안

        이연준(Lee YunJoon Jason) 영상영어교육학회 2014 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.15 No.3

        This paper considers how to improve movie materials when used for language development. Since 2014, STEM scholars have been making efforts to develop movie materials from a theoretical perspective. Their suggestions are based on a second language development model that Lee, Y. J. (2014) has researched through using the game World of Warcraft for over one and a half years. However, World of Warcraft is closer to a natural environment while movie materials could be considered more of a nurtured environment. In order to overcome such a difference, this paper suggests a way to use some ideas from World of Warcraft in movie materials. One idea is to focus on the movie content in order to learn as much lexis and as many expressions as possible. The other idea is to participate in activites designed to improve long-term memeory of learned lexis and expressions. In this research five college students were subjects and three American TV shows were used: Desperate housewives (Season 3, Episode 9), The Middle (Season 1, Episode 1), and Friends (Season 5, Epsiode 16). Every subject reported a response to each session. Their reports were used to evaluate these research suggestions. The results showed students were generally satisfied with the process.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        EFL 교실에서 대화공동체의 역할에 관한 연구 : 영화를 중심으로

        이연준(Lee, Yun Joon Jason) 한국영어어문교육학회 2021 영어어문교육 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is twofold: 1) to suggest a systematic way to teach movie expressions effectively, and 2) to show how such expressions are connected as a network using the concept of speech community. In this paper a movie is regarded as something that is full of small speech communities. Four scenes from four different movies were selected. The common question in each scene was: “What happens between married couples or lovers if one of the spouses or lovers cheats?” Expressions in each scene were analyzed culturally. The results indicated different cultural patterns for men and women. The men first lied and then admitted their wrongdoing. When their partners responded angrily, however, they complained that they had been treated badly by their partners. The women were different They confessed their wrongdoing first and then apologized, accepting they were at fault or asking for a divorce while simultaneously making excuses for their actions., Movie expressions can be categorized according to these cultural patterns because people in the same community communicate in conventional ways. At first, movie expressions may seem to be unrelated but, analyzed through the concept of speech community, they can be seen to be directly or indirectly connected as a network.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 전략적 디자인 활용에 대한 인식 조사 - 코스닥 상장 기업을 중심으로 -

        이연준 ( Younjoon Lee ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2015 한국디자인포럼 Vol.47 No.-

        디자인은 기업의 가치와 경쟁력을 높이고 지속해서 성장에 기여해 왔다. 기업에서의 디자인 역할과 가치는 많은 성공사례를 통해 증명되어왔다. 본 연구는 국가 경제의 균형적 발전에 중추적 역할을 하는 중소기업의 디자인 활용에 관한 인식 조사를 목적으로 하고 있다. 중소기업의 디자인 활용은 최고경영자(CEO)의 인식과 지지에 좌우되므로, 기업의 비전과 미션, CEO 메시지, 회사 소개, 기업경영 소개 자료를 중심으로 조사하였다. 워릭대학과 디자인카운슬이 도출한 디자인 선도기업의 13가지 특징을 활용하여 위의 기업 자료를 내용분석(Content Analysis) 하였다. 대상은 코스닥 매출 상위 100위 기업(2013년 기준)으로 하였다. 내용분석 된 코딩을 바탕으로, 빈도분석을 실행하였고 중소기업의 디자인 활용 인식을 조사하였다. 또한, 교차분석을 통해 디자인 활용 인식에 대해 산업 별 차이 여부를 조사하였다. 분석결과, 디자인 활용 및 가치 기여에 관한 추상적이고 보편적 특징은 높은 빈도를 보였으나, 적극적으로 디자인을 활용하거나 문화로 만들어 내기 위한 구체적인 수행 및 활동과 관련된 요소는 낮은 빈도를 보였다. 산업별로도 시니어 매니지먼트의 역할과 성공적인 제품과 서비스 요소 등에서 차이를 나타냈다. 본 연구는 결과를 종합하여 기업의 최고 의사 결정권자인 CEO 및 경영진을 위한 디자인 인식 전환에 대해 제언하고자 한다. Design can enhance corporate values and competitiveness, and sustain corporate growth. Roles and values of design have been proven through numerous success cases of design. Thus, this study aims to investigate perspectives on design utilization within small-medium sized companies that are pivotal in achieving balanced national economy. Since design utilization in small-medium sized corporations determined by CEO`s perspective and commitment, documents ― corporate vision and mission, CEO`s message, corporation introduction, and business introduction ― were investigated. The content analysis was conducted on corporate documents by each category of `Leading business by design` published by the Design Council and Warwick University on 100 companies in sales (2013) listed on KOSDAQ. First, after coding the contents, perspectives on design utilization in small-medium sized corporations were investigated through analysis of frequency. Second, cross tabulation analyses were conducted to identify the difference in industries. The result showed high frequency of variables related to perception within general and abstract variables - strategic design attitude, utilization and values. On the other hand, the variables related to specific performance and activities for vigorous design utilization and culture showed relatively low frequency. Some variables such as a role of senior management and successful product and services were difference between industries. In conclusion, this study proposes a way to change mind-sets to strategic design for CEO and senior management.

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