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      • KCI등재

        李彦迪 문학의 창작현장과 遺蹟

        이수환(Lee Soo-Hwan) 대동한문학회 2008 大東漢文學 Vol.29 No.-

        본고는 조선중기의 대표적인 성리학자이며 이 시기의 詩문학사에서도 빼놓을 수 없는 중요한 위치를 점하고 있는 晦齋 李彦迪의 문학창작 현장과 그 유적에 대한 연구이다. 이언적의 시가 창작된 현장은 그의 생애를 통해서 확인할 수 있다. 그는 일생 동안 몇 번의 외직을 제외하면 고향인 良佐洞과 인근의 玉山別業 그리고 오랜 관료생활을 한 서울과 말년의 귀향지인 강계에서 보냈다. 이 중 서울 생활은 관료생활의 어려움을 고려하면 詩 창작이 많지 않았다고 보여지고, 귀향지인 강계는 그 현장을 현재로서는 확인할 수 없다. 이런 점을 고려하여 본고에서는 옥산별업(獨樂堂, 定惠寺)과 양좌동을 중심으로 그 현장과 역사적 유적에 대해 검토하였다. 특히 옥산별업은 이언적의 젊은 시절 독서처였고, 또한 그의 대표적인 道學詩나 自然詩가 이곳에서 창작되거나 또는 이곳을 대상으로 하였다는 점에서 특별한 의미가 있다. 다만 이 두 곳은 이언적 생시에는 새롭게 조성되고 있었던 마을이라는 점에서 역사적 유적이 많지 않았고, 그의 사후에 조성된 유적이 많다는 점에서 본고에서는 이중에서 특히 이언적의 학문을 현향, 계승하기 위해 세워진 玉山書院을 포함하여 검토하였다. 또한 옥산별업은 이언적의 독서처였고 또한 자연 승경이 좋아, 조선중기 이후 많은 학자들이 래왕하면서 玉山九曲을 설정하는 등 많은 詩歌를 읊었는데, 본고에서는 이 내용도 포함하여 검토하였다. This paper examined literature creation sites and remains of Lee Eon-jeok(李彦迪) (pen name: Hoijae(晦齋)) who was a representative Sung Confucianism scholar to be important at poetry literature history at that time. The places where Lee Eon-jeok's poetry was created could be identified through Lee's career. Lee Eon-jeok mostly spent his life time at hometown of Yangjwadong(良佐洞), neighboring place of Oksanbyeoleob(玉山別業), Seoul where he lived government official life for a long time, and Ganggye where he returned to hometown to live life in last phase of his life, except for working for some of local government posts in his lifetime. And, Lee's living life at Seoul seemed not to have a lot of poetry creation considering his difficulties of government official, and Ganggye where Lee returned to hometown could not identify its place at the moment. Considering such a fact, the paper investigated sites as well as historical remains based on Oksanbyeoleob (Dokakdang(獨樂堂), Jeonghyesa(定惠寺)) as well as Yangjwadong. In particular, Oksanbyeoleob was place where Lee Eon-jeok read books in his young days to write not only poetry of study of human nature but also poetry of the nature and to select the place as an object. Both places, however, villages that were newly constructed when Lee Eon-jeok was alive had not many historical remains but remains being constructed after his death: This paper examined Oksanseowon(玉山書院) and others that were erected to make Lee's science widely known and to inherit it. And, Oksanbyeoleob was place where Lee Eon-jeok read books and a lot of scholars visited since the middle of Chosun Dynasty to write Oksankukok 玉山九曲) and a lot of other poems: This paper examined contents of those oems.

      • KCI등재

        홍화약침 시술에 관한 임상논문 비교연구

        이수환,윤정원,김순중,Lee, Soo-Hwan,Yoon, Jeong-Won,Kim, Soon-Joong 한방재활의학과학회 2017 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Objectives The purpose of this review is to analyze results of case studies and controlled studies about Carthmi-Flos pharmacopuncture. Based on the review, authors desire to suggest the study model including precise information and evident the effect of Carthmi-Flos pharmacopuncture objectively in treating clinical disorders. Methods We search 44 studies about Carthmi-Flos pharmacopuncture from 6 Korean web databases, using words 'Carthmi-Flos pharmacopuncture' in Korean alphabet. This study had been conducted throughout 1 month (July, 2017). We selected case studies and controlled trials in investigated 44 thesis, excluding experimental research and thesis not using the Carthmi-Flos pharmacopuncture for major treatment. Results We analyze 13 case reports and 7 controlled trials. As a result, Carthmi-Flos Pharmacopuncture was used mostly in musculoskeletal, neurological diseases. But this can be applied to internal diseases. Disorders reported effectively were carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative knee joint arthritis, posterior neck pain, low back pain, radial nerve palsy, shoulder pain, lumbar compression fracture, alopecia areata, chronic daily headache, duverney fracture, oligomenorrhea, cervical disc herniation, rheumatoid arthritis and cervical headache. Conclusions As we analyzed, Carthmi-Flos pharmacopuncture is specifically effective in musculoskeletal and neurologic diseases. But there are various problems in study design. To design accurately, the study design should include much more specific information. And the result can be more precise by excluding other methods.

      • KCI등재

        영해 인산서원의 설립과 훼철

        이수환(Soo Hwan Lee) 대구사학회 2001 대구사학 Vol.63 No.1

        This thesis aims at a fuller understanding of Insan Seowon(仁山書院), a late Chosun era academy founded in Young-Hae(寧海) by the Yeungnam regional faction known as Namin(南人), which was broken up by the powerful Noron(老論) faction in the capital. Each faction in those days would found their own academies as backdoor mediators in political circles, and attempt to abolish the academies of opposing factions. The most influential scholars were Lee Whea-Ill(李徵逸) and his brother Lee Hyun-Ill(李玄逸) in this Soewon. Lee Whea-Ill was very active in Yeungnam regional politics and Lee Hyun-Ill was acted as a SanRim(山林) during the king SookJong(肅宗) period. Yungnam scholore estabilished Insan Seowon in honor of those two scolors. The Noron faction accused Lee Hyun-Ill of Myungyijaein(名義罪仁) and closed Insan Seowon during the reign of King Youngjo(英祖), ostensibly as a retaliatory measure. It was more immediately caused by the refusal of scholars at Insan Seowon to pay what the Noron faction considered sufficient respect to the SanRim of the Noron sect, Song Sea-Yul(宋時烈) and Song Jun-Gil(宋浚吉). In the early years of his reign nearly four thousand Yeungnam Namin scholars(儒林), appealed to him for redress. Sin Hyun(申헌) of the Noron faction, however, presented a memorial to the king regarding Lee Hyun-Ill, and a debate began. When Lee Hyun-Ill`s student Kim Sung-Tak(金聖鐸) appealed to the king concerning his teachers dismay at the closing of Insan Seowon, both Noron factionalists and the king were irritated. It is clear that the closing of Insan Seowon was intended to oppress the Namin faction politically, particularly their chief scholar, Lee Hyun-Ill. Throughout Youngjos eighteenth-century reign, Noron scholars prevented Namin scholars in Yeungnam from taking governmental appointment exams. The Noron faction also destroyed the communitys support of the Namin scholars by magnification of their own faction in this distant province. Naturally, Namin scholars resisted when the Noron scholars attempted to set up their own academy in the Yeungnam region, and factional strife intensified even more. The abolition of Insan Seowon must be understood as a representative instance of this sort of factionalism.

      • 옥산서원과 여주이씨

        이수환 ( Lee Soo-hwan ) 한국계보연구회 2014 한국계보연구 Vol.5 No.-

        본고는 조선시대 영남의 대표적인 서원인 옥산서원과 그 제향자인 이언적 가문에 대해 검토하였다. 경주의 驪州(驪江)李氏는 본래 경기도 驪州牧 土姓으로 고려후기까지 여주의 戶長職을 세습하다가, 고려 말에 본관을 떠나 영남으로 내려온 것 같다. 영남에 정착한 초기에는 迎日에 살다가 이언적의 조부 李壽會가 경주인 生員 李點의 사위가 되어 경주로 온 것이다. 이 가문이 경주 지방에서 확고한 재지적 기반을 갖게 된 계기는 이수회의 아들 李蕃이 손소의 사위가 되면서부터이며, 이로 인해 그의 처가 소재지인 양좌동은 마침내 손·이 양 성의 세거촌이 되었다. 경주 여강이씨 가문은 17세기 이후 급격히 족세가 번창하면서 경주권의 어느 가문보다 대·소과 합격자를 많이 배출하여 대표적인 명문으로 자리 잡았다. 특히 名祖 이언적이 사후에 ‘宗廟配享’[明宗]과 ‘文廟從祀’라는 人臣으로서 또는 학자로서 최고의 영예를 향유한 데서 이후 이 가문은 영남의 대표적인 명문으로 자리 잡았다. 옥산서원은 이언적 사후 경주 지역 사림들이 이언적의 학통을 계승하기 위해 1572년(선조 5)에 건립하였다. 옥산서원은 당시 慶州府尹 李齊閔이 權德麟(이언적 門人) 등 鄕中士林 13명의 건의를 받아들여 이를 監司에게 보고하자, 감사 任說이 禮曹에 狀請하여 창건하였다. 옥산서원은 설립 후 당시 조선왕조의 서원진흥책에 힘입어 급속한 발전을 보게 되었으며, 특히 제향자인 이언적이 1610년(광해군 2)에 ‘동방 5현’의 한 분으로 文廟에 종사되자 그 영향력은 더욱 크게 증대되었다. 이후 옥산서원은 막대한 경제적 기반을 토대로 경주부의 유림사회를 실질적으로 대표하면서 지역 유림들의 교육 및 정치·사회적 활동의 중심지로 역할하였으며, 나아가 당시 중앙 정계의 치열한 정쟁 속에 도산서원과 함께 영남 남인의 대표적인 서원으로서 남인의 정치적 명분 제공과 이들의 상호결집을 위한 기지로서의 역할을 수행하였다. 한편 옥산서원은 인조반정·갑술환국 등 중앙 정계의 정쟁에서 남인 세력이 점차 실세함에 따라 院勢가 상당히 위축되었지만, 영·정조 대에 와서 다시 중앙 정계로부터 주목받았다. 영·정조 두 왕은 『대학』에 대해 특별한 관심을 가지고 있었고, 따라서 이때 주자의 『大學章句』의 결유된 부분을 보완하여 『大學章句補遺』를 다시 편한 이언적의 학문이 주목되면서 그를 봉양하는 옥산서원도 중앙으로부터 특별한 대우를 받았다. 이러한 분위기 속에서 옥산서원은 경주권을 넘어 영남의 대표적인 서원으로서의 위치를 확고히 하였으며, 대원군의 전면적인 원사훼철 때에도 文廟從祀諸賢의 서원으로서 남게 되었다. This study is to examine Oksanseowon, a representative academy in Youngnam region during the Joseon dynasty and the Lee clan who were responsible for Confucian ritual at the academy. The Yeoju Lee clan in Gyeongju came from Yeoju-mok, Gyeonggi-do where their ancestors lived until the late Goryeo dynasty, some of them served as Hojang in Yeoju. The clan is believed to have left Yeoju and moved to the Youngnam region around the end of the Goryeo dynasty. Early in their settlement in the Youngnam region, they lived in Youngil until Lee Su Hee, grandfather of Lee Eon Jeok married to a daughter of Lee Jeom, a saengwon in Gyeongju and the entire clan moved to Gyeongju. The clan came to power in academic aspects in Gyeongju when Lee Beon, a son of Lee Su Hee, became a son-in-law of Son Soh. Finally, Yangja-dong, home to his wife’s household, became a village of residence for generations of both Son and Lee clans. The Yeogang Lee clan in Gyeongju enjoyed prosperity all of sudden since the 17th century, produced more successful examinees in national civil service exams than any other clan in the Gyeongju area, making the clan establish itself as a representative noble family. In particular, after his death during the reign of Myeongjo, Lee Eon Jeok enjoyed the highest honor as a subject to the king and as a scholar such as Jongmyobaehyang [Myeongjong] and Munmyojongsa, which was a key influence to make this clan a leading noble family in the region. Oksanseowon was built in the 5th year of King Seonjo in 1572 by Confucian scholars in the area after his death with the aim of inheriting academic tradition of Lee Eon Jeok. The academy was established as the then Gyeongju mayor Lee Jae Min accepted a suggestion of 13 Confucian scholars in the village including Gwon Deok Lin, a pupil of Lee Eon Jeok and reported it to Governor Im Seol E, who recommended to the Ministry of Rites. Since its foundation, Oksanseowon witnessed a rapid growth with the help of academy promotion policy of the then king of the Joseon dynasty, and especially, when its former ritual manager Lee Eon Jeok was enshrined as one of the five sages in the Orient in the 2nd year of King Gwanghae in 1610, its influence grew stronger than ever before. Afterwards, with enormous economic resources, Oksanseowon became a symbol of Confucianism in Gyeongju, playing a center of education, politics and social activities of the local Confucian scholars. Beyond that, as a representative academy of the Namin camp in the Youngnam region together with Dosanseowon, Oksanseowon played a role in providing a political cause for the entire Namin camp and uniting them amid fierce political struggles in the then central government. While the academy’s influence considerably decreased, as the Namin camp began to lose power in political struggles in the central government such as Injobanjeong and Gapsulwhanguk, it drew attention again of the central government during the reign of Youngjo and Jeongjo. The two kings had special interest in Daehak. Accordingly, while the two kings ruled, much attention was paid to the academic achievements of Lee Eon Jeok who supplemented missing parts of Daehakjanggu of Chu Hsi and re-complied Daehakjangguboyou, and therefore, the academy which enshrined him was treated specially from the central government. In this situation, the academy established its firm status as a representative academy in Gyeonggju and Youngnam region and survived Daewongun’s full-scale destruction of academies and temples as an academy of sage enshrined in a Confucian shrine.

      • KCI등재

        Passivization of Accusative Object-Verb Idioms and Null Passive Morphemes

        Soo-Hwan Lee(이수환),Doo-Won Lee(이두원) 언어과학회 2017 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.81

        There are some idioms consisting of an accusative-marked object, verb, and causative/passive morpheme in Korean. When a root phrase is merged with the functional head vCAUS or vPASS belonging to an idiomatic interpretation, an idiomatic expression appears, which is a phase-cyclically based operation. There are two kinds of covert morphological passivization. One is the passive counterpart of the morphological causative construction and the other is the passive one of the simple transitive construction. Full compatibility between an inherently passive idiomatic verb and a -ey uyhay ‘-by’ phrase with the agent shows that the null passive morpheme occupies the phase head vPASS licensing the -ey uyhay ‘-by’ phrase. The nonidiomatic verb compatible with the -ey uyhay ‘-by’ phrase may also become a passive verb by being merged with the null passive morpheme ∅ on vPASS.

      • 점액낭염 치료에 관한 국내 임상한의학적 연구 동향

        이수환(Soo Hwan Lee) 대한스포츠한의학회 2019 대한스포츠한의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Objectives The purpose of this thesis is to analyze domestic research tendency of clinical studies about treating bursitis in korean medicine. Based on these studies, we aim to carry out the comprehensive review and show objective result about treating bursitis. Methods We searched studies in Korean databases like Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal , Research Information Sharing Service, OASIS, National Digital Science Library, Korean Medical Database and categorized by various items. Results 13 theses were analyzed and they were published between 2003 till September, 2019. All the reported theses were case reports and were published in 9 journals such as the Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society, Journal of Pharmacopuncture and Journal of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine. The most applied bursa of human body was subdeltoid bursa and it took possession of near 50%. Herbal medication, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, pharmacopuncture, physical treatment and other korean medical therapy were conducted to cure bursitis. 10 evaluating scale was used to decide the degree of improvement in bursitis and ROM was the most applied scale. Conclusions In this study, we seek the tendency of korean medicine therapy on bursitis. Reviewing the methods of treatment for bursitis in domestic articles we find lots of information applied to inflammation of bursa. However, the case number was too small and 11 of 13 thesis were not include IRB (Institutional review board)’s approval to use patient’s clinical information. After supplementing these defects of studies, it can be a considerable evidence treating bursitis clinically.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고온용융압출과 3D 프린팅을 이용한 위체류 정제의 개발

        이수환(Soo Hwan Lee),조영호(Young Ho Cho),이계원(Gye Won Lee) 대한약학회 2022 약학회지 Vol.66 No.2

        In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) printed gastro-retentive tablet (3DPGRT) containing sarpogrelate HCl was prepared by changing the amount of the polymers (Eudagit??L100-55 (EuL), pectin, and polyethylene oxide (PEO)) by coupling hot melt extrusion (HME) and 3D printing technology. The study aims to evaluate the swelling and dissolution behavior for application as a gastro-retentive drug delivery system and optimize the formulation of 3DPGRT based on the design of experiment using central composite design. The flexibility and elasticity of the extruded filaments were affected by EuL, pectin, and PEO, which either showed a linear or quadratic pattern. 3DPGRT containing sarpogrelate HCl was fabricated successfully by coupling HME and a fused deposition modeling 3D printer without being affected by EuL, pectin, and PEO. Compatibility studies of the drug-excipient through FT-IR and DSC revealed the absence of any interaction between the drug and polymers. The developed 3DPGRT possessed the ability to float over 10 h. The dissolution rate of sarpogrelate HCl was significantly affected by the interaction between EuL and pectin. The results confirmed that the mechanism of drug release of 3DPGRT is caused by a combination of non-Fickian diffusion and dilatation, which fits well with the Higuchi and Korsmeyer-Peppas model. The optimized formulation have been obtained by numerical optimization, which yielded excellent floating properties and a desirable swelling ratio with controlled drug release. This study showed the application of quality by design in the formulation development of 3DPGRT coupled with HME, which can be used to control the swelling characteristics and dissolution behavior through the interaction between EuL and pectin.

      • KCI등재

        영남서원의 자료 현황과 특징

        이수환(Soo Hwan Lee) 대구사학회 2001 대구사학 Vol.65 No.1

        In this thesis, the present condition of material, which belongs to each suˇ-won, has been examined along with the feature of Yeungnani suˇ-wons appearing in suˇch materials. In the study about suˇˇ-won, making the most of not only government-published materials but also suˇˇwon-owned materials are very important. Actually, those materials are the most fundamental data in understanding the actual condition of suˇ-wons in detail. Therefore, the collection, organization, compilation of the materials should procede as ways for synthetic systemization of the study about suˇˇ-won. With the recent recognition of importance of the materials regarding suˇ-won, $quot;suˇ-won- Ji$quot; has been published by mainly individual suˇ-wons, which own a large number of materials, and research institutes and each suˇ-won itself. But most of the individual suˇ-won`s materials were lost in the process of the abolition of suˇ-won, led by I)ae-Won-Koon, and then remain in fragments. suˇch situations make it impossible to publish individual $quot;suˇ-won$quot;. However, those individual materials establish themselves as suˇbstantial elements, in terms of the fact that those are $quot;Ko-Wang-Rok$quot;, the document of their establishment process or chronology, or the record of important events within each suˇ-won. Therefore, overall inquiries and organization of those materials are important work. This thesis introduces the present condition of suˇwon-owned materials in Yeungnam Province, which the present writer knows, for the purpose of contribution to future study about suˇ-won. But, it is impossible to conduct the research and organization of all the local suˇ-wons in Yeungnam Province by the efforts of a small number of scholars. From now on, constant work to inquire into the materials should be conducted.

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