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      • KCI등재

        조선 중기 불랑기포(佛狼機砲)의 견양(見樣)

        이수나 한국전통문화대학교 한국전통문화연구소 2021 한국전통문화연구 Vol.28 No.-

        조선 군기시(軍器寺)에서는 견본용 무기를 ‘견양(見樣)’이라 하여 미리 견본을 만든 뒤에 이를 기준 삼아 군사기물을 제작하였다. 완형의 불랑기자포(佛狼機子砲)는 견양의 목적으로 지속적으로 보관된 것으로 보인다. 1563년 제작된 불랑기자포 견양은 화약무기 견양의 실례라 할 수 있다. 중국 명청대 『기효신서(紀效新書)』, 『태평승산전서(治平勝算全書)』를 비롯한 병서에 기록된 불랑기도는 조선에서 군사기물, 그중에서도 불랑기의 제작기준인 견양적 성격으로 작용했을 가능성이 있을 것이라 판단된다. 『화기도감의궤(火器都監儀軌)』에는 불랑기동철(佛狼機銅鐵)이라 기록하 며 불랑기를 제작할 때 필요한 재료와 제작방법을 명시하고 있어 흥미롭다. 이것은 불랑기포(佛狼機砲)를 도설로 표현한 평면형 도화체제 견양과 불랑기 치수를 명시한 기록형 견양으로서 불랑기포 제작에 중요한 기준이 되었다. 또한 군사기물 중에 엄심갑 견양은 이시언이 견양의 제작자였으며 낭청과 군기시 관원과 함께 견양을 제작한 제작주체였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 무엇보다 국가 통치의 핵심이라 할 수 있는 국방관련 물자 또한 견양에 준거하여 무기를 비롯한 군사기물이 제작되었다. 군사기물의 견양은 국가 통치의 중요한 기술인 무기제조의 제작기준이 되었다. 견양은 기술문화적 측면에서 무형유산의 제작과정에서 시대의 이념이 함유된 제작 기준의 역할을 지니므로 무형유산에 포함되는 중요한 핵심적 요소라고 판단된다. 동아시아 전반 무형유산의 제작규범이자 기준인 견양을 공예 재질별, 기술문화적인 연구방법론으로 후속연구를 지속하고자 한다. 본 논문의 의의는 화약무기의 제작체계를 견양이라는 관점에서 국가의 수공업 제작 시스템을 밝혔다는 데 의미가 있다. Gungi-si(軍器寺), which was the source of the production and supply of military equipment according to the military command system of the Choson Dynasty, was the government agency in charge of the manufacture of weapons, etc. In accordance with the production standards, military equipment standardized in style and form was pro- duced and supplied in accordance with the Gyeon-yang(見樣). The style and shape characteristics of crafts paid as in-kind taxes in various provinces of Choson were stand- ardized because the handicraft production system was operated based on a unified sam- ple sent down from the central government to each province. The Folangji (佛郞機, Franks) Gyeon-yang, produced in 1563, is an example of a weapon.

      • KCI등재

        1차 영유아 구강검진을 경험한 부모의 심층면담

        이수나,임순연 한국치위생과학회 2017 치위생과학회지 Vol.17 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the experience of the parents who examined the first infant oral examination and to understand how to improve the practical oral examination business. In-depth interviews were held with 10 parents who did the first infant oral examination, and their children’s age was less than 18 to 29 months. The following conclusions were obtained by deriving the concepts and categories of the recorded contents. First, the main reason for the unsatisfactory examination of this study was that it was formal. Parents were disappointed in the fact that they did not look at the mouth of the child at the same time as it was fast and they said because it is carried out free of charge, it is more formal than the examination for general dental treatment. Second, most of the participants questioned whether they should resume infant oral examination. Third, it appears that the tooth number or dental terminology in the result notice is difficult to understand. Fourth, the opinion on the improvement of the infant oral examinations was should provided that the oral health management information after examination and the direct oral health management method education at the examination. In addition, we identified the need for parents’ oral health care education for infants. Therefore, it has been confirmed that in order for the infant oral examination and young children to be practically carried out, the problems should be improved by collecting opinions of the parents. Also it is necessary to search for efficient business management method through repeated research related to infant oral examination. 본 연구는 1차 영유아 구강검진을 수검한 부모의 경험을심층적으로 분석하여 실질적인 구강검진 사업의 개선방안을 파악하는 데 목적이 있다. 1차 영유아 구강검진을 수검하였고 자녀의 월령이 18∼29개월인 부모 10명을 대상으로심층면담을 실시하였으며, 녹음된 내용의 개념정리 및 범주를 도출하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 본 연구의 불만족스러운 검진의 주된 이유는 형식적이기 때문인 것으로나타났다. 빠르게 진행됨과 동시에 자녀의 구강을 제대로살피지 않는 상황에 부모들은 실망했고 무료로 실시되기 때문에 일반 치과진료를 받기 위한 검진에 비해 더 형식적으로 이루어진다는 의견이 있었다. 무성의한 치과 의료진의태도에 불만이 있었으며 부모와 대화하려는 태도가 아닌 일방적인 의사소통 등에 문제점을 제기했다. 둘째, 참여자들대부분이 형식적이기만 한 영유아 구강검진을 다시 받아야하는지 의문을 가지고 있었다. 셋째, 구강검진표가 우편 발송되어 수령이 어렵고 영유아건강검진 문진표에 비해 빈약한 정보를 포함하고 있는 문진표에 그리고 결과통보서에 나와 있는 치아번호나 치과용어 등은 부모가 이해하는 데 어려움이 따르는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 영유아 구강검진 개선에 대한 의견으로는 검진 후 구강건강관리정보 제공과 수검 시 직접적인 구강건강관리방법 교육 등이 있었다. 또한부모대상의 영유아 구강건강관리 교육에 대해서는 첫째, 교육의 부재로 자녀의 구강을 관리하는 데 혼란을 겪고 있으며 올바른 정보를 얻고자 하는 부모들의 의견을 확인하였다. 둘째, 현재 보건소에서 제공되고 있는 모자수첩이나 기타 기관들에서 구강건강관리에 관한 교육 자료를 제시하고있으나 부모들의 접근이 용이하지 않고 내용 또한 포괄적이지 않아 자녀구강건강관리를 위한 정확하고 실질적인 교육자료를 원하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 부모들이 교육받기를 원하는 내용으로는 월령에 따른 구강관리방법, 구강관리용품 선택에 도움이 되는 내용, 구강건강지식, 치과 진료에대한 지식으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 볼 때 영유아 구강검진이 효율적으로 운영되어 부모들을 통한 영유아기 자녀의 올바른 구강건강관리를 도모하기 위해서는 부모들의 의견을 적극 수렴해 형식적인 검진으로만 인식되고 있는 구강검진의 문제점을 개선하여 실질적인 도움을 줄 수 있는 제도로 변화되어야 하는 것으로 확인되었으며 영유아 구강검진과 관련한 반복적 연구를 통해 효율적인 사업운영 방안의모색이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        교사의 간접 피드백 유형이 중학교 영어 학습자의 쓰기 정확성에 미치는 영향

        이수나,이상기 한국영어교과교육학회 2016 영어교과교육 Vol.15 No.3

        This study examined the effects of different types of indirect feedback on Korean middle school students’ writing accuracy development. A total of 72 students were divided into three experimental groups and one comparison group through 15 class sessions. The students in the experimental groups experienced three different feedback types (underlining, error coding, and error description), and those in the comparison group performed the self-editing tasks of their own drafts. It was found that the experimental groups outperformed the comparison group in terms of their accuracy on three grammatical targets (articles, lexical choices, and noun forms). Through questionnaires and an interview, the experimental groups were also found to have a more positive attitude toward the feedback activities employed in the study than the comparison group. While the students tended to prefer the indirect type of feedback, their preferences were shown to differ slightly according to their proficiency levels. More findings and implications are presented, along with some suggestions for future research

      • KCI등재

        대한제국 황실복식의 제작기준, 견양(見樣)

        이수나 한국근현대미술사학회(구 한국근대미술사학회) 2019 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.37 No.-

        Before modern design appeared in earnest, ‘Gyeon-yang(見樣)’, the production method based on pictures or three-dimensional models was used for craft designs across East Asia. Gyeon-yang of imperial costume of the Korean Empire inherited the tradition of the Joseon Dynasty and worked as the production standard for systematization, standardization, and uniformity of the form, design, and symbol. Gyeon-yang became the formative design and production standard of crafts which reflected the national policy index and ruling ideas and the basis of confirming technical control of the state in the traditional society. The research scope of this thesis includes Gyeon-yang of imperial costume worn by empress, crown prince, etc. on which most Gyeon-yang relics are concentrated. Gojong utilized imperial costume by establishing the new clothing system as a means to flaunt the independence of the Korean Empire achieved through the succession of traditional royal clothing culture. The production of several pairs of jeoguibon, wonsambon, etc. for the purpose of enhancing the status of imperial family shows the dignity of imperial costume and the will to practice new system. The production standard of court dress in Gungnaebu of the Korean Empire lasted in the form of Gyeon-yang that inherited the tradition and was separated from general court dress due to the inflow of Western official uniform according to the political system of that period. Therefore, clothing system of the Korean Empire focused on the succession of tradition of Gyeon-yang, the production standard of imperial costume, and became the system which the design of Western official uniform flowed into. This thesis intensively analyzed on historical materials of the Korean Empire, such as royal protocols, annals, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, official gazettes, newspapers, etc. Gyeon-yang, the production standard of imperial costume reflecting national policy index and ruling idea of the Korean Empire, is a production structure where design and production are separated and therefore in line with the concept of design today. ‘Doan(圖案)’ is a neologism that originates from Japanese tradition such as ‘Gukgong(圖工)’ and ‘Anga(案家)’. The term ‘Doan’ was made by Noutomi Kaijiro(納富介次郞) as a Japanese equivalent of design so as to participate in Vienna international exhibition of 1873(明治 6). It means a picture of uijang(意匠) or goan(考案) for the production of artistic crafts, or pattern. The birth of Doan was the result of the transition of production system from craftsmen to machine and necessities to control industrial design nationally. The paradigm shift of the production system from Gyeon-yang to modern design is marked by its intensive usage in commercialization as the origin of industrial design with its purpose of nationalistic design. Modern design is the standard that distinguishes modern times from pre-modern times. A deep study on Gyeon-yang, the production standard of the whole crafts made by diverse materials-clothes, stone figures, metals, ceramics, woods, fibers, etc.- and its production system will be supplemented by future thesis. Through Gyeon-yang the production standard of intangible heritage and the essence of crafting culture, this thesis should ascertain the context and truth of traditional society, take a view of the production system of crafts connecting premodern times to modern times with the Korean Empire as the starting point, and suggest a vision.

      • KCI등재

        실리콘 코팅을 이용한 poly(ethylene naphthalate)고온용 방열 필름의 제조

        이수나차수 한국응용과학기술학회 2007 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The surface of poly(ethylene naphthalate) film applicable to high temerature insulator for convection microwave oven was modified with silicone coating solutions in the presence of silane crosslinking agent. The structure and properties of the PEN films were investigated by using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy, viscometry, microscopy, and tensile tests. The experimental results showed that the coating with silicone enhanced thermal stability up to 200oC, and slightly lowered the tensile strength and elongation of the PEN films. Judging from dimensional stability results the silicone coated PEN films can not be used for higher temperature insulator above 230oC. Serious dimensional contraction of films was obtained during heat treatment at 250oC even for 1h. However, the surface of those films still have same chemical structure of silicones. Therefore, If we use PEN film prestretched at 230oC as base one it will be possible to prepare a high temperature insulator up to 230oC.Conclusively, a silicone coated PEN film can be suitable for the application to convection microwave oven door insulator at high temperature up to 230oC.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        과일소주가 초기 우식치면에 미치는 영향

        이수나 ( Su-na Lee ),김나영 ( Na-yeoung Kim ),김지은 ( Ji-eun Kim ),최충호 ( Choong-ho Choi ),정기호 ( Ki-ho Chung ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2021 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.45 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tooth erosion potential of liqueur and to confirm the anti-erosive effect of calcium. Methods: After purchasing commercially available liqueur in Korea and measuring the pH, products with low pH and high consumption were selected and used as experimental beverages. Calcium (1%) was added to the selected beverages. Chamisul was used as a negative control, and Coca Cola was used as a positive control. Healthy bovine teeth samples were soaked in the selected beverages for 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes. The changes in the tooth surface after beverage treatment were observed and analyzed using microhardness (VHN, Vickers hardness number) and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Jinro Grapefruit (-88.03±13.05) had the highest surface microhardness difference (ΔVHN) before and after 30 minutes of treatment in each group, followed by Coca Cola (-61.31±21.90) (P< 0.05), Jinro Grapefruit+Calcium (there was no significant difference (-25.46±4.43)), and Chamisul (-3.53±27.79) (P >0.05). When comparing changes in surface microhardness over time, Jinro Grapefruit+Calcium (pH 3.75) had slightly lower surface microhardness than Chamisul, but the difference was not statistically significant. Jinro Grapefruit+Calcium has a lower surface microhardness change value than Coca-Cola and grapefruit dew group (P<0.05), so it is thought that the risk of tooth erosion is lower than that of the two groups. Conclusions: The study results suggest that the consumption of liqueur with a low pH may increase the risk of tooth decay. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the risk of tooth decay when ingesting liqueur and seek dietary guidance that can minimize damage. It was also determined that manufacturers need to consider ways to lower the risk of tooth decay, such as adding appropriate amounts of calcium to the beverages.

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