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        후발기업의 모방전략 , 환경특성 및 경영성과의 상호관련성 연구

        이문성(Mun Sung Rhee),최이규(Rhee Gyu Choe) 한국경영학회 2002 經營學硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        The imitation is a frequently used managerial strategy of the late market entrants. However, the systematic studies on the imitation strategy have rarely been executed as it implies somewhat indecent aspects of the strategy. Furthermore, most of studies on the market entry timing strategy has been focused on finding the competitive advantage of preemptors while not paying enough attention to those advantages of the market followers. It is another reason why imitation strategy, or the followers` remarkable success stories draws researchers` attention to the imitation strategy. Considering that a systematic research on the imitation practices is necessary but still insuffcient, we purpose to examine if the imitation strategy is late entrants` effective strategic alternative to enhance their competitive position and business performances in the market. Through the use of a contingency approach, we tried to look into how the interrelationship among the imitation strategy, competitiveness, and business performances is affected by the environmental variables. The empirical results of our study are as follows: the first, the imitation strategy is effective in enforcing the follower`s competitive advantages by strengthening its merits and complementing its weaknesses. The second, the enhanced competitiveness is linked closely to the high business performances. The third, the environmental variables moderate the strengths of relations among the imitation strategy, competitiveness, and performances. The last, the meaningful imitation typology has been derived, and the significant differences in the imitation strategy profiles between the high and low performers in the same strategy typology has been detected.

      • 선불교(禪佛敎)의 깨달음에 관한 E. Fromm의 견해(見解)에 대한 분석심리학적(分析心理學的) 비판(批判)

        이문성 ( Moon Sung Rhee ) 한국분석심리학회 2009 心性硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        Suzuki로부터 소개된 선불교에 대하여 깊은 감명과 영향을 받았음에도 불구하고 E.Fromm은 선불교의 깨달음에 대하여 그가 가지고 있었던 기존의 정신분석학적 관점에서만 이해하려고 하였기 때문에 선불교를 제대로 이해할 수 없었던 것으로 보인다. 이성(理性)에 의하여 비합리적이고 무의식적인 정념(情念)을 지배하고 현실(reality)에 대한 지식을 획득하고자 하는 프로이트의 목표를 추종하는 E.Fromm은 지식을 통해서가 아니라 사람의 마음을 직접 가리켜 본성(本性)을 보아 부처가 되고자 하는 선불교의 기본적인 태도와 큰 차이가 있음을 알 수 있다. 이와 달리 C.G.Jung은 인간의 이성(理性)이 순전히 본능적이고 원시적인 상태에 있었던 인류의 정신으로부터 이룩한 커다란 발전인 것은 분명하지만, 이성(理性)에만 의지하여 마음의 문제를 해결하고자 한다면 오히려 이성 (理性)이 정신의 지속적 발전에 가장 큰 장애가 된다고 보았다. E.Fromm은 또한 자아의 강화가 프로이트 정신분석의 목표라고 주장하고 있는데, 이러한 그의 견해는 불교의 가장 기본적인 교리인 제법무아(諸法無我)와도 전적으로 어긋나는 것이다. 또한 그는 의식이 무의식보다 더 높은 가치를 갖고 있다고 하였지만 이 주장도 불교의 근본적인 가르침에 어긋나는 것이다. 유식학에서 지칭하는 아뢰야식이 자아의식이 아닌 무의식에 해당된 다고 볼 때, 불성인 아뢰야식이 자리잡고 있는 무의식이 마음의 중심이라고 보는 것이 불교의 입장이다. E. Fromm은 깨달음의 주체인 전인(全人)이 의식이 아니라 무의식에 있음을 그 자신이 인정하면서도``정신분석학의 목표는 무의식의 의식화``라는 것을 계속해서 주장하는 것을 보면 그가 무아(無我)라는 불교의 가르침을 받아 들일 수 없었으며, 그 결과 선불교에 대한 그의 이해는 어쩔 수 없는 한계를 지닐 수밖에 없었던 것으로 보인다. 선불교의 깨달음의 주체는 자아가 아니라 마음의 본성인 불성이고 분석심리학의 궁극적인 목표인 자기실현의 주체도 자아가 아니라 자기(自己)라고 보는 것이 선불교의 깨달음에 관한 E.Fromm의 견해와 분석심리학적인 견해의 근본적인 차이점이 될 것이다. Erich Fromm wrote that the stimulation of the conference on Zen Buddhism and subsequent thinking led him to a considerable enlargement and revision of his ideas. Those referred not only to his understanding of Zen, but also to certain psychoanalytic concepts, such as the problems of what constitutes the unconscious, of the transformation of the unconscious into consciousness, and of the goal of psychoanalytic therapy. So impressed though he was with Zen Buddhism which was introduced from D. T. Suzuki, he tried to understand the enlightenment in Zen Buddhism from his existing psychoanalytical perspective with the result that he could not understand the enlightenment in Zen Buddhism correctly. If a psychoanalyst tries to understand Zen Buddhism only by his psychoanalytical knowledge or experience, he could not encounter with Zen Buddhism beyond the territory of the Psychoanalysis from the very beginning. Therefore, the psychoanalyst to understand Zen Buddhism, first he has to leave his values of Psychoanalysis and study how to understand the mind in Zen Buddhism. And I think that the psychoanalyst is needed to practice Zen actually to understand Zen Buddhism correctly. Only then mistakes in translating Zen Buddhism into psychoanalytical language will be minimized. E. Fromm followed the Freud`s aim that was the knowledge of reality and the domination of irrational and unconscious passions by reason. Their aim differs entirely with the basic Zen teachings such as Nonattachment to Language(不立文字), Pointing Directly to Mind(直指人心), See Your Nature, Become Buddha(見性成佛). These teachings express how the practice of Zen is not dependent on understanding, or on knowledge of books and that Zen practice points directly to our minds so that we attain our true nature. On the contrary of rationalistic attitude of E. Fromm, C. G. Jung was of opinion that in civilized man the rationalism of consciousness, otherwise so useful to him, proves to be most formidable obstacle to the frictionless transformation of psychic energy. And he insisted that reason is only a means to an end, a symbolical expression for a transitional stage in the path of development. E. Fromm also wrote that a strengthening of the ego is an aim of Freudian psychoanalysis. But such an aim violates one of the most basic teachings of Buddha, All dharmas are without ego-nature(諸法無我). From the standpoint of Analytical Psychology, ego-strengthening is also considered a necessary process in the path of Self-actualization. Therefore E. Fromm`s attitude can not be accepted entirely wrong. But I point that he insisted a strengthening of the ego as a final one not as a transitional process. And E. Fromm insists that consciousness is of a higher value than unconsciousness. But when we consider alaya-vijnana of Yogacara(瑜伽行派) to be located in the unconsciousness, it is a Buddhistic standpoint that the center of the mind is in the unconsciousness where Buddha Nature as alaya-vijnana is located. So his opinion violates the teachings of Buddhism. However, under the influence of Zen Buddhism, E. Fromm thinks that there is something like Buddha Nature in the unconsciousness of everyone, unlike Freud who sees the unconsciousness negative only. Therefore it seems obvious that he became closer to the Zen Buddhism than Freud. But, he continues to insist that the aim of psychoanalysis is that of making the unconscious conscious at the same time he admits the Whole man is in the unconsciousness. This shows that there is an inevitable limitation in his understanding of Zen Buddhism because he does not have an insight into Non-ego(無我). However, the E. Fromm`s aim that is the total experience of the whole man and the full recovery of unconsciousness by consciousness is not entirely incorrect and have some aspect acceptable at the standpoint of Analytical Psychology. But it is so only if the whole man is considered as a shadow of the personal unconsciousness, not as a Buddha Nature. In Analytical Psychology, making the personal unconsciousness conscious is called the integration of a shadow. The integration of a shadow is a very difficult task throughout one`s life. But this is only an ego-centered process. It is possible that some Zen practitioner mistakes this integration of a shadow for an attainment of enlightenment. However, this is only the first step of Self-actualization, the ultimate aim of Analytical Psychology. Self-actualization means becoming the whole of the psyche including the collective unconsciousness. It is the Self archetype that makes the individual become the whole of his psyche beyond ego. The Self archetype is a priori when everyone is born and could be compared with Buddha Nature which makes us enlightened with insight into Non-ego. C. G. Jung warned that human arrogance could bring us the enormous tragedy when we want to integrate the contents of the collective unconsciousness into consciousness like E. Fromm. The Self is a construct that serves to express an unknowable essence which we cannot grasp as such, since by definition it transcends our powers of comprehension. Thus, it is obvious that the ego can not be a subject of understanding the Self of the collective unconsciousness and making it conscious. Therefore, it is the fundamental difference from E. Fromm`s views that C. G. Jung recognized the subject of enlightenment in Zen Buddhism is not ego but Buddha Nature that could be compared with the Self of Analytical Psychology.

      • KCI등재

        대,중소기업의 상생협력, 협력동인, 경영성과의 상호관련성 분석

        이문성 ( Mun Sung Rhee ),박상범 ( Sang Bum Park ),전인우 ( In Woo Jun ) 한국물류학회 2011 물류학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        급변하는 경영환경 속에서 현대기업들의 경쟁은 개별 기업 간의 경쟁에서 기업 간 네트워크 경쟁으로 변화되고 있다. 이에 따라 대기업과 중소기업의 긴밀한 협력은 산업민주화의 구현과 SCM을 통한 기업 경쟁력 향상에 필수적이다. 그러나 이러한 협력체제의 유지를 위하여 큰 규모의 공급사슬 파트너인 대기업 에 의해서 많은 압박을 받고 있는 중소기업 또는 3자물류 기업과 같은 협력업체들은 적지 않은 희생과 고통을 부담하고 있다. 이와 같은 대·중소기업 사이의 불 평등한 관계에서 나타나는 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 상호호혜적인 긴밀한 협력의 달성과 유지가 필요하다. 이와 같은 바람직한 형태의 협력은 기업 간경쟁력 을 확보할 수 있는 품질 향상과 원가절감 그리고 물류비용의 대폭적인 절감을 가 능하게 하고 더 나아가 고객서비스의 향상과 생산의 효율화 등에 크게 기여하게 될 것이다. 이러한 점을 고려하여 본 연구는 상생협력과 이의 달성에 영향을 미치는 선행 변수, 그리고 경영성과 사이의 상호연관성을 분석해 보고자 시도했다. 이를 통해 대기업과 협력업체간의 파트너십 형성과 관련한 신뢰의 역할을 살펴보고, 협력인 프라구축이 상생협력의 유지와 동반성장의 토대가 되어 기업들의 경쟁력 향상에 유효한 영향을 미치는지 여부를 검토하였다. 분석결과, 협력의 선행변수인 ``신뢰``와 ``상생인프라구축``은 기대했던 바대로 유의하게 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 중소기업의 ``협력참여``는 예상과는 달리 협력도의 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 는 협력을 위한 참여의 요구가 중소기업에게 부담감으로 작용하게 되어 오히려 협력의 달성을 저해했을 것으로 추측된다. 그리고 협력은 경영성과의 향상에 유의할 정도로 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 협력과 이의 선행변수와 성과와의 관련성을 체계적으로 살펴봄으로 써본 연구에서는 협력의 효과적 달성을 위한 시사점을 제시할 수 있었고, 이어서 협력과 경영성과와의 긍정적으로 유효한 관련성을 보여 줌으로써 기업간 상생협력을 위한 노력을 촉진하는 기회가 되었다. In a fast-changing business environment, the competition of modern enterprises changes from the competition between individual enterprises to the competition between companies and network competition. Accordingly, it is essential for large and small enterprises to cooperate closely for the implementation of industrial democracy and for improvement of their competitiveness through SCM. However, sometimes this kind of the collaboration is likely to be a burden to supply chain partners and third-party logistic companies which are under pressure by large corporations and large-scale supply chain partners. So a close collaboration with bi-availability is needed. Through this, companies can improve the quality and lower production costs. Moreover companies can achieve their competitiveness in the market. And they will be able to pursue improvement in customer service and production efficiency by reducing logistic cost significantly. This investigation is carried out for the purpose of helping to strengthen competitiveness to be an advanced enterprise b growing together. It also aims to provide the fundamental data which induces cooperation, the preceding variable for achieves the cooperation, based on the trust between a major company and a subcontractor through management and analysis of mutual corelation and cooperation through construction of infrastructure. As a result, the preceding variables, "trust" and "win-win infrastructure", had a positive impact as we expect. However, contrary to expectation, cooperation involvement small and medium-sized enterprises does not have positive impacts on improving the collaboration. This is because the participation for cooperation can be a pressure to small and midium-sided companies. And cooperation showed positive impacts on managerial improvement. By examining the relation among cooperation and its preceding variables and outcome systematically, this study could present how to achieve effective cooperation in addition, it becomes an opportunity to expedite effort for cooperation between companies by showing the relation between cooperation and management.

      • KCI등재

        대기업의 비윤리적 행동과 제한적 윤리성이 중소기업의 심리적 계약위반 인지와 대·중소기업 간 신뢰도 손상에 미치는 영향

        이문성(Rhee, Mun-sung),박상범(Park, Sang-Bum) 한국창업학회 2017 한국창업학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 대·중소기업 간 거래과정에서 자주 발생해 사회적 쟁점이 되고 있는 대기업의 비윤리적 행동을 측정·분석하는데 초점을 맞추었다. 먼저 대기업의 비윤리적 행동과 심리적 계약위반인지 사이의 관련성을 분석하고 이어 비윤리적 행동이 대기업 신뢰도에 미치는 부정적 영향에 대하여 살펴보았다. 또한 인지된 심리적 계약위반의 매개역할에 기초하여 대기업의 비윤리적 행동이 기업 간 신뢰도에 미치는 간접적 영향을 검토했다. 끝으로 윤리적 제한성(경제적 이익과거래관계 중요성 때문에 대기업의 비윤리성에 대한 의미와 중요성을 애써 축소하려는 중소기업의 경향)에 따라서 비윤리적 행동과 심리적 계약위반 인지 사이의 연관성이 어떻게 조절되는지 분석했다. AMOS 20을 활용한 구조방정식모형 분석결과, 대기업의 비윤리적 행동은 중소기업이 심리적 계약위반을 인지하는데 유의미한 정도로 크게 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 인지된 심리적 계약위반은 대기업의 신뢰도를 유의미한 정도로 손상시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이어 심리적 계약위반이 완전매개변수로서의 역할을 하는 것으로 나타나 비윤리적 행동의 간접적 영향이직접적인 것보다 크다는 사실이 시사되었다. 끝으로 살펴본 윤리적 제한성의 조절효과는 유의미하지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 종업원과 경영자 간 약속위반에 따른 심리적 배신과 분노의 감정을 살피는데 주로 사용되었던 심리적 계약위반의 개념을 대·중소기업 간 신뢰관계의 분석에 적용해 보았다는 점에서 본 연구의 의의를 찾아 볼 수 있다. 또한 대기업의 비윤리적 행동에 따라서 중소기업이 경험하는 부정적 감정과 심리적 고통을 다루고 더 나아가 이에 따른 기업 간 신뢰관계의 손상을 과정적 접 근을 통하여 종합적으로 살펴보았다는 점에서 본 연구의 가치를 찾아볼 수 있다. This study looks into unethical behavior taking place during business transactions with SMEs and large customer companies; moreover, this paper analyzes the impacts of unethical behavior on SMEs’ perceptions of psychological contract violation and trust in large customer companies. This paper also examines the indirect impacts of unethical behavior on SMEs’ trust in large customer companies by exploring the mediation effects of a psychological contract violation. Finally this paper looks into the bounded ethicality (the tendency of SMEs to lessen the importance of unethical behavior of large customer companies) moderates the relationship between unethical behavior of large customer companies and perceived psychological contract violations of SMEs. Results of SEM analysis utilizing AMOS 20 reveal that unethical behavior of large customer companies significantly affects SMEs’ perceiving psychological contract violation; moreover, psychological contract violation significantly deteriorates the SMEs’ trust in large customer companies. Psychological contract violation perfectly mediates other variables; thus, our model implies that the indirect effect of unethical behavior is larger than the direct effect. Finally the moderation effect of bounded ethicality turns out to be insignificant. Unlike previous research, this paper utilizes a psychological violation concept to deal with the issue of organizational trust between the SME and the large company rather than an employer and employee relationship. Furthermore, this paper contributes to a more holistic examination of the interrelationships among unethical behavior, perceived psychological contract violation, bounded ethicality, and organizational trust.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 대기업과의 역량개발 협력의 중요성 인식과 신뢰가 신제품공동개발 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이문성(Rhee Mun Sung),박상범(Park Sang Bum),권영섭(Gwon Young Sub) 한국창업학회 2015 한국창업학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        This study attempts to deal the cooperation between SMEs and large companies as it rises as national issues. For this, while focusing upon SMEs, we investigate the interrelationships among such research variables as the recognized importance of cooperation, the trust, the enhancement of cooperation, the proactive participation in new products developments. Results from structural equation modeling analysis show as followings: First, the recognized importance of the cooperation and the trust significantly contribute to the enhanced cooperation between small and large enterprises. Second, the enhanced cooperation influences positively upon the SMEs’ participation of customer companies’ new product development. Third, the enhanced cooperation mediates the relationships between the recognized importance of cooperation and the SMEs’ participation in large customer companies’ new product development. These research results imply that the recognized importance of cooperation between large and small enterprises is crucial for the mutual beneficial cooperation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        P300과 반응시간을 이용한 거짓반응의 타당성에 대한 예비적 연구

        박건태,이문성,김무진,노인수,정필자,Park, Gun-Tae,Rhee, Moon-Sung,Kim, Moo-Jin,Roh, In-Soo,Jeong, Phil-Ja 대한불안의학회 2008 대한불안의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Objectives : The authors sought to examine the differences in the number of P300 detected by subjects in experimental and control groups when exposed to relevant stimuli. In addition, the authors tried to determinethe subjects' reaction time when asked to respond to relevant stimuli. Methods : The subjects were 20 informed female volunteers aged 22-38 years (median age : 24). Relevant stimuli (concealed information) were created by unknowingly exposing the two groups to obscene pictures and semantic questions. The number of P300 detected and the length of reaction time were compared between the two groups. Results : Contrary to theauthors' expectations, there were no significant differences in the number of P300 detected or in the length of reaction time between the two groups. Conclusions : These results indicate that, unlike a polygraph test, concealed information tests adopting P300 and reaction time as major physiological responses ofsubjects exposed to meaningful personal information might not serve as a valid practical tool in the field of criminal psychology. However, further studies involving a greater number of subjects are needed before a final conclusion regarding the validity of this new type of concealed information test can be drawn.

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