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        「민족개조론」 비판논쟁 -최원순의 「이춘원에게 문하노라」를 중심으로-

        이동순(Lee, Dong-Soon) 우리문학회 2020 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.65

        본 논문은 2·8독립선언’과 ‘3·1만세운동’으로 민족의식이 고양되어 있던 젊은 학생/ 지식인들이 이광수의 「민족개조론」에 분노한 이유와 원인을 최원순의 글 「이춘원에게 문하노라」를 통해서 밝혀보고자 하였다. 최원순은 이광수가 「민족개조론」에서 개조의 근거와 이유로 제시한 내용을 5가지로 압축하여 문제를 제기하였다. 최원순은 이광수의 주장에 대하여 열악하다는 조선민족성의 의미, 민족성 개조의 윤리적 근거, 민족성을 판단하는 표준, 조선인을 무지몽매한 야만인종으로 규정한 이유, 3.1만세운동을 자각 없는 변화일 뿐이라고 주장한 근거, 민족개조가 도덕적이어야 하는 이유를 따진 다음 이론적인 근거를 제시하는 방식으로 문제점을 비판하였고, 개념적인 오류와 이론의 오류를 짚었다. 그것을 통해 「민족개조론」의 허점과 문제점을 드러냈다. 이 지점에서 젊은 학생/지식인들이 분노했던 이유와 원인을 확인할 수 있었다. 최원순의 글을 게재한 〈동아일보〉 기자는 이광수의 「민족개조론」에 대해서 인식공격과 감정적인 비판이 보다는 ‘이론은 이론으로 대응’해야 한다는 전제를 드러냈는데 이것을 통해서 대중들이 거세게 비판했다는 사실, 인식 공격과 감정적인 비판이 심각했다는 사실을 알 수 있다. 그런 상황에서 최원순은 문제를 제기하고 오류를 짚어서 논리적인 증명으로 비판하였다는 점에서 의미 있는 비판이었다. Lee Gwang Soo"s 「Theory of national reform」, which was published in 「Dawn of Civilization」, was criticized by the public. It faced strong criticism from young students and young intellectuals who had a heightened sense of national consciousness due to the 2.8 Declaration of Independence and March First Independence Movement. This study reviewed the issue that criticized the 「theory of national reform」, focusing on the abovementioned public criticism. It studied the causes of controversy and criticism, focusing on 「I hereby ask Lee Chun-won.」 in which Choi Won Soon criticized and questioned the theory publicly in the press. Choi Won Soon highlighted five problems in the theory. First, why was Chosun ethnicity evaluated as inferior? Second, what is the moral ground of the theory of national reform? Third, what is the criteria used to judge a race as superior or inferior? Fourth, why did Lee Gwang Soo consider our history as unconscious changes in the ignorant barbarians by ignoring the past transition? Fifth, why did he insist that the national reform would be moral? These five problems differ in their point of view from young students and intellectuals, in that Choi Won Soon criticized Lee Gwang Soo"s claims of the 「Theory of national reform」 and clarified that they have no ground. This was revealed when Dong-A Ilbo"s reporter published a series titled 「I hereby ask Lee Chun-won」 on the premise that theories should be discussed rather than personal attacks and emotional criticism. While emotions cannot always be completely excluded, producing a healthy discourse is meaningful in that it enables critical questioning and suggests different theories and frameworks from other criticisms. As shown above, Choi Won-soon and other young students and intellectuals took the lead in criticism. However, the fact that other intellectuals at the time were silent revealed that they accepted the reality rather than attempting to overcome the colonial rule.

      • 유도순(劉道順) 가요시의 테마와 유형 : 1930년대 대중문화의 한 경향

        이동순(Lee Dong-Soon) 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2010 No.5월

        Yu Do Soon(劉道順 1904∼1943) is a poet, a writer of children's songs, and a writer of Song Poem. Born in Yeongbyun, Pyungbuk, he studied abroad in Japan and graduated from English language and literature of Nihon University. And then, he was a newspaper reporter for four years. He started his literary career with his poem, Song beneath fallen leaves, recommended in the issue 4 of Chosun Literary Circle in 1925. In his early literary career, he played an active part in children's literature, and then he became a writer of Song Poem. Though he is a significant and a colorful writer of Song Poem from the viewpoint of literary history or history of popular culture, the arrangement and analysis work on his pieces of Song Poem left unreported to the academic circles. Under this circumstances, this thesis is to try to arrange critically and to analyze his works of Song Poem. And also, this thesis is to make out the whole list and the source of his works, and their publishing years, and then to report to the academic circles for the first time. It is confirmed that all his Song Poem works are about 140 ones until now. It is anticipated that, as this research goes on, more works can be mined and found. This study is to survey comprehensively and arrange the general tendencies of Yu Do Soon's poetics, and then to find out by what kind of style they are shown in the works of Song Poem. Additionally, this thesis is to analyze the characteristics of his works of Song Poem, and then to examine out their meaning and category clearly.

      • 한국대중문화사와 왕평 이응호의 위상

        이동순(Lee Dong-Soon) 동북아시아문화학회 2008 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.- No.-

        This research is the first study of analysing and assessing the Wang Pyung, Eung Ho Lee's life and art world. He was one of the prominent popular artists in the modem history of popular culture. Active work scopes of Wang Pyung were the creation of popular song, writing as well as acting play script, comic chat, and movie scenario. Among the scopes, Wang Pyung worked mainly on record and made 198 works. In the middle of the colonial period, he worked more actively based on his own desire and ambition, and as a result, he became a pioneer in the modem history of popular culture. Although, he was one of the important persons in identifying the modem history of popular culture, none of studies focused on him. This research try to analyse and assess the nature of Wang Pyung's work activities and products. The results of this research can contribute in establishing new structure of the history of popular culture in colonial period of 1930s. At the end of the research, the lists of Wang Pyung's work activities and products were attached.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 해방기 문단과 지역의 문학담론 지형 -『예술문화』를 중심으로-

        이동순 ( Dong Soon Lee ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        해방기의 광주전남 지역의 문학과 정치사회의 관계를 잘 보여주는 단체가 목포예술 문화동맹이다. 목포예술문화동맹은 ..예술문화..를 발간하여 예술문화운동의 지향점을 분명히 하고 있어 광주전남의 문학지형도를 파악하는데 중요한 시사점을 제공한다. 이에 본 연구자는 『예술문화』를 발굴하고 정리하여 해방기의 문단과 지역의 문학담론지형을 논한바 이를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 목포예술문화동맹의 『예술문화』 창간호부터 4호까지 서지사항을 밝히고 정리하여 참여한 작가와 작품들을 일별하여 정리하였다. 시는 30편, 소설은 6편, 수필은 10편, 평론은 20편, 희곡은 3편이 발표되었다. 이 작품들을 통해 해방기 사회주의의 이상을 좇았던 지식인들의 열망과 갈등, 고뇌를 알 수 있게 되었다. 둘째, 해방기 중앙문단에서는 조선문학가동맹이 결성됨으로써 문단의 헤게모니를 장악했던 것과 같은 맥락에서 『예술문화』는 지역 문단의 지형을 반영하고 있다. 『예술문화』는 새로운 예술운동으로 새조선의 정치와 문화로 민중을 지도하고 교육하고 계몽하는 것을 목적으로 이념성을 앞세우고 있다는 점에서 지역의 정치사상적인 분위기와 무관하지 않았던 것을 알 수 있었다. Alliance of Mokpo Art Culture is the organization to show faces of the relationship between literary and political society Gwangju Jeonnam in the libration period. Alliance of Mokpo Art Culture provides the crucial implication to comprehend the literary geography of Gwangju Jeonnam as they clearly have intention point of art-culture movement by publishing. As a conclusion, I have organized it into three conclusions as I discussed the literary circles in the liberation period and literary discourse geography by finding and arranging 『Art Culture』See below. First of all, I have indicated the bibliography of 『Art Culture』 from the first issue to the forth issue, and organized the artists and writers and their works in index. Thirty poetry, six novels, ten essays, twenty critiques, and three plays were published. In the literature work of 『Art Culture』, it can be found that desire, conflict, and agony of intellects who followed the ideology of socialism in the liberation period. Second of all, Korean writers seized a hegemony of literary circles as the Korean Writers Alliance was found in literary circles in the metropolis. In the same vein, 『Art Culture』reflects geography of the local literary circles. 『Art Culture』put ideology first on purpose to guide, educate, and enlighten people with politics and culture of new Chosun by the new art-culture movement. It can be found that 『Art Culture』is not away from the local atmosphere of ideology of politics Third of all, it is confirmed that the political changes brought byliberation, asked the new works to the local artists. The theory of culture creation is strongly related to the political geography, and it stands out that the phenomenon of culture creation jump on the bandwagon. Especially, the fact has found that poet Lee Dong-joo converted his ideology, based on he insisted the institutionalization of literature and he also clearly showed that ideology is the main point of it. It is important to be able to confirm that the geography of political society and literary circles of local intelligent and writers who fiercely lived in the liberation period by discovering of 『Art Culture』by Alliance of Mokpo Art Culture which is clearly presented the relation between local literary and political society.

      • KCI등재

        지역문학의 중앙문학화 사례

        이동순(Lee, Dong-soon) 한국언어문학회 2012 한국언어문학 Vol.80 No.-

        This study is to examine a case of the literary transition from the local literature to the central literature, focused on Young Do零度 which led the goldendays of literary magazine in Kwangju and Chonnam. Young Do零度, the coterie magazine created a great sensation as the issue in literary history. Because it challenged with only the works which refused all of existing customs of literary circles. The magazine made its first appearance in 1955, and came to a cessation of publication after two series. At 1966, it was reissued and the new many authors participated. Though it stopped the second number of revived magazine, Young Do零度, the coterie magazine which departed with local literature and arrived at central literature showed the possibility of the former. The works in Young Do零度, particularly omitted from the participating author’s collection of poems and the complete collection could become determinable the qualities of early works. The uncovered two poems of Park Bong-woo who wrote poems for reunification of country also placed on the context equally. ‘Entanglements 鐵條網’, a work before literary career becomes the beginning of his poems of the division in Korea and ‘pawnshop today 오늘의 전당포’very hardly expresses painful lives under the reality of divided country. Park Sung-ryong’s poetic traces after the beginning of literary career were discovered from his poem ‘Fruits 果實’. He was already engrossed in the subject of autumn from Young Do零度, and actually his poetic qualities were started from that. His another poems, ‘Grapes葡萄’and ‘Sunny Place 陽地’also related to the phenomena happened in autumn. In addition, firstly Shin Dong-yeop’s poem, ‘Boxer권투선수’was not the posthumous work, secondly Kim Hyun’s a new criticism was uncovered, finally Lee Sung-boo and Choi Ha-rim’s one poem omitted from their collection of poems or the complete collection uncovered respectively. Despite of the cessation of publication after four series, the coterie magazine Young Do零度 problematic in that it was the epoch-making event of literary history and brought about a new trend in literature. Especially the fact that most authors of the magazine were poets from Kwangju and Chonnam became an impetus towards prosperity of poetic literature in these places. Moreover YoungDo零度 achieves a significance in history of poetry in that it shows a case of the literary transition from the local to the central as overcoming the limitation of local literature as well as adding a new page to the history of central literature.

      • KCI등재

        가상현실을 이용한 조기 로봇보조 보행 훈련이 뇌졸중 환자에 미치는 영향

        이동순,이경화,강태우,조성태,Lee, Dong-Soon,Lee, Kyung-Hwa,Kang, Tae-Woo,Cho, Sung-Tae 대한물리치료학회 2013 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of early Robot-assisted training on gait ability, function and ADL in patients with stroke. Methods: 26 patients with stroke were recruited for this study. The subjects were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (EG) or the control group (CG), with 13 patients in each group. All subjects received a routine physical therapy. The robot-assisted training was for 30 min in the case of the EG subjects. The assessment tools of this study involved the gait ability, balance ability, function and ADL. The measurements were recorded before the intervention and after the intervention. Results: EG subjects and CG subjects, the variables measured after the intervention significantly differed from gait ability, balance ability, function and ADL without the FMA (p<0.05). The FMA was only effective experimental group after intervention. Also, there were significant differences in gait ability, balance ability, function and ADL without the FMA at post-test between the 2 groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings indicate that early robot-assisted training exerts a positive effect on gait ability, balance ability, function and ADL in patients with stroke. This result indicates the possibility of application of the early Robot-assisted training to the management for stroke patients. Further studies are required to generalize the result for this study.

      • KCI등재

        척수 손상자의 사회 적응에 관한 연구

        이동순,송인영,Lee, Dong-Soon,Song, In-Young 대한물리치료과학회 1997 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        This research has been conducted to provide the spinal cord injured patients with comprehensive necessity of and backup data for their rehabilitation in the community and make the aware of importance of overall community support to patients. The data was collected through questionnaire made to 83 patients charged to general hospital in Jeonbuk Province between 1 and 31 March 1997 to analyse the patients ability on activities of daily living through the research on general characteristics and Modified Barthel Index(MBI). As a result the outcome of the research was as follows : 1. Sexual distribution represented that 57 male (68.7%) and 26 female(31.3%) and in the age distribution majority group was 36 thirties (43.4 %) most active in social activities. 2. Analysis on occupation of patients showed majority group was in technicians, 21 people representing 25.4 % and the major cause of injury was traffic accident, 45people representing 54.2%, fall down, 17 people representing 20.5% and industrial accident, 13 people representing 15.7%, respectively. 3. In the multiple choice questionnaire on complications, the rate of appealing pain was highest and spasticity, pressure sore, contracture, depression which restrict the patients from activities of daily living ability were also appeared. 4. The theoretical points in MBI Should lie between 1 and 115 and the average point be 58 but the average point of the MBI among 83 patients was 63. 5. The MBI point by the level of injured represented statistically critical difference(P<0.001) and the MBI points tested by Duncan's Multiple Area Testing in lumbar(80.1) and in thoracic (65.8) represented critically higher than the one in cervical(42.5). 6. In the distribution of the method of Urination after spine injury, the intermittent catheterization represented highest numbar of 34(41.1 %). Testing by Duncan's Multiple Area Testing, as we found the critical difference in the analysis on MBI points(P<0.001), the point in independent self voiding patients ($90.87{\pm}29.34$) was higher than the one in other self voiding patients(P<0.05). 7. In th category of social activities after spine injury, the number of people classified in others, 41 people representing 49.5% was highest and in the MBI points of the spinal cord injured people in religious activity, hobby activity, private club, occupation was critically higher than the people classified in miscellancous(P<0.01) who are the spinal cord injured people and mostly depend on their family's assistance at home in their daily activities.

      • KCI등재후보

        조종현의 불교개혁론과 동요의 상관성

        이동순(Lee, Dong-soon) 한국아동문학학회 2013 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.24

        아동문학사에서 그동안 호명되지 않았던 작가 조종현을 아동문학사에 호출해보고자 하였다. 조종현의 생애와 불교개혁운동과 동요는 뗄래야 뗄 수 없는 관련성을 지닌 채 잠복해 있었다는 사실을 확인하면서 불교개혁운동과 동요의 상관성을 밝혀본 바 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조종현은 1922년 선암사로 출가하였다. 그가 출가한 순천의 선암사는 불교개혁론에 적극적으로 동참하였던 사찰로 불교청년동맹지부이기도 했다. 불교개혁론의 참여한 승려들이 많았던 만큼 그 영향 아래도 있었다. 조종현 본인도 계를 받은 이후 불교개혁운동에 적극적으로 참여하였고, 비밀결사체인 ‘만당’의 회원으로, 불교청년동맹지도위원으로 활동하였다. 특히 잡지 『불교』에 많은 글을 발표하는 등 한용운과 함께 불교개혁 운동의 중심에 있었다. 당시 불교개혁운동의 핵심은 ‘정교분리’와 ‘민중 속으로’였다. 대중불교를 지향한 것은 일제의 식민통치를 벗어나려는 독립의지의 반영이었고, 불교의 대중화는 성속의 분리가 아닌 함께 사는 공동체를 지향하는 것이었다. 그것의 한 방법으로 동요를 썼다. 둘째, 조종현의 동요는 총 45편이다. 그가 불교개혁운동에서 활동하였던 만큼 동요 또한 민중들의 고단한 삶을 반영한 작품들이 주류를 이룬다. ‘시심’과 ‘동심’과 ‘불심’의 일치를 주장하였던 만큼 그가 현실에서 눈 돌리지 못하고 동심을 통해 구체적인 현실을 반영하고 있다. 그의 동요는 단순히 동심으로 바라본 민중들의 고달프고 힘든 삶의 모습이 아니라 결코 외면하고 피해갈 수 없는 우리의 현실을 직시한 것이다. 그의 동요는 ‘민중 속으로’ 들어가고자 한 불교개혁운동의 한 방법이었다. 그의 동요가 모두 수습되어 작품집으로 엮어진다면 아동문학사에 그의 이름은 호명되어질 것이고 후속연구도 진행될 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        정태병 동화 연구

        이동순(Lee Dong-soon) 한국아동문학학회 2014 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.26

        정태병은 분명한 지점에서 어린이들을 위한 동화를 쓰면서 문단에 등장하였고 해방기까지 꾸준히 아동문단의 발전에 기여하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그의 존재가 가려져 있었던 것은 해방기의 혼란과 한국전쟁으로 인하여 문학적 성과가 사장되었기 때문이다. 이에 본고에서는 정태병의 동화 18편을 발굴하여 동화를 개관한 바를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 정태병이 일제부터 해방까지의 발표한 동화는 모두 13편이다. 이 작품들은 하나같이 따뜻하고 소박하며 따뜻한 시선을 유지하고 있다. 특별히 이념과 사상을 배경에 깔고 있지도 않다. 모두가 동심어린 눈으로 바라본 세상을 그리고 있으며, 어린이-되기를 보여준 작품들이다. 그의 동화는 재미와 환상과 교훈적인 말하자면 동화가 갖추고 있어야 할 조건들을 충족하고 있다. 그렇기 때문에 동화가 교조적이거나 교훈적인 한계에 갇혀있지 않고 재미와 즐거움뿐만 아니라 감동과 공감을 이끌어내고 있다. 그것은 차별 없는 세상을 꿈꾼 작가의 ‘어린이-되기’의 실천이다. 해방기부터 월북하기 까지 발표한 동화는 5편이다. 해방 전의 동화와 크게 달라진 것은 없다. 그의 어린이에 대한 관심은 더욱 깊어져 문학가동맹 아동문학분과위원의 활동으로 이어지긴 하였으나 이 시기의 활동 속에서도 특별히 이념과 사상이 깊이 개입한 작품은 없다. 재미와 웃음으로 상리공생을 꿈꾼 작품들로서 등단하던 시기부터 확인된 마지막 작품에 이르기 까지 오직 동심에 일관하여 글쓰기를 유지하였다. 아동문학가 정태병의 존재와 작품의 발굴은 한국아동문학사를 보완하는 의미가 있을 뿐만 아니라 해방기가 결코 공백기가 아니었음을 증명한다.

      • KCI등재

        이언진 문학과 원굉도 문학의 상관성

        이동순 ( Dong Soon Lee ) 민족어문학회 2009 어문논집 Vol.- No.60

        18세기 후반의 시인 이언진의 문학이 공안파를 대표하는 원굉도의 `개성의 문학론`과 긴밀하게 관련되어 있음은 이미 알려진 사실이다. 그러나 이언진 문학과 원굉도 문학의 밀접한 관계는 문학론에만 국한되지 않는다. 이언진은 원굉도의 문학론을 수용하는 데 그치지 않고 원굉도의 글을 대단히 많이 차용하고 변용하였다. 생각하기에 따라 이 같은 사실은 이언진이 표방했던 개성의 문학론과 상치되는 것처럼 보인다. 이 논문은 그 같은 차용과 변용의 실제를 구체적으로 확인함으로써 이언진 문학과 원굉도 문학의 상관성을 밝히고자 하는 것이다. 실증적인 검토를 통해 우리는 이언진의 원굉도 차용과 변용이 단어와 구, 행과 절, 글 전편의 大旨의 차용과 변용에 이르기까지 폭넓게, 놀라울 정도로 많이 행해졌음을 확인하였다. 이 가운데서도 행과 절의 차용 또는 변용의 예가 가장 많다. 주어와 서술어를 두루 갖추고 있는 행과 절은 글쓴이의 생각, 행동, 상태를 안정적으로 담아내는 최소의 형식이기 때문에 생겨난 현상이다. 행과 절의 차용 또는 변용의 경우, 그 방식도 다양하다. `구성소의 재배치 및 단어 바꾸기` `행·절의 축약을 통한 재구성` `행·절의 변주와 확장` 등 세 가지 방식을 확인할 수 있었다. 이언진의 시 가운데 원굉도의 글과 직접적으로 관련되어 있다고 말할 수 있는 작품은 대단히 많다. 그러나 그 대부분은 표현과 내용에 있어 거의 언제나 원굉도의 글에서 벗어나 이언진만의 개성적 표현과 내용으로 나아갔다. 이언진 문학과 원굉도 문학의 관계는 전체적으로 보아 차용이 아니라 변용이라고 하는 게 보다 근리하다. 여기서 밝힌 것들을 바탕으로 이언진 문학이 새롭게 연 개성적 독창의 세계가 지닌 특성을 밝히는 것이 다음 과제이다. 그럴 때 우리는 비로소 이언진 문학과 원굉도 문학의 모방, 극복의 관계를 온전하게 드러낼 수 있을 것이다. It is well known that the literature of Eon Jin Yi(이언진), late 18th century poet, is closely related to `personalism in literature(개성의 문학론)` which is asserted by Koeng Do Weon(원굉도) who represents the group Gongan(공안파). But close relation between Eon Jin Yi`s literature and Koeng Do Weon`s literature isn`t confined to literary theory. Eon Jin Yi didn`t stop at accommodating Koeng Do Weon`s theory, but employed and transfigured his theory a lot. At first thought, this fact conflicts `personalism in literature` which Eon Jin Yi professed. Eon Jin Yi employed and transfigured Koeng Do Weon`s theory so much that it is natural to have a doubt that Eon Jin Yi was merely a imitator. This thesis is to figure our the correlation between Eon Jin Yi`s literature and Koeng Do Weon`s literature by confirming the details of Eon Jin Yi`s employment and transfiguration of Koeng Do Weon`s literature. By positive examination, we found out that extent of Eon Jin Yi`s employment and transfiguration were conducted broadly and surprisingly, covering word, phrase, the line of verse, clause, the subject of the work Among these employment and transfiguration of the line of verse and clause counts the most. This phenomenon is caused because the line of verse and clause containing subject and verb are the list form that comprises author`s thought, behavior and state stably. There are many forms of employment and configuration of the line of verse and clause. We can find three forms; `the rearrangement of the composing elements and the transformation of the word`(구성소의 재배치 및 단어 바꾸기), `the recomposement through the integration of the line of verse and clause`(행·절의 축약을 통한 재구성), `the transfiguration and extension of the line of verse and clause`(행·절의 변용과 확장). Among Eon Jin Yi`s poems, there are many pieces which can be said to have much direct relation to Koeng Do Weon`s poems. In most of their expressions and contents, however, his poems made one`s way that differed from Koeng Do Weon`s poems and go on to his own creative expressions and contents. Therefore it is close to say that correlation between Eon Jin Yi and Koeng Do Weon`s poems is transfiguration, not employment. The next step is to figure out traits of creative world that Eon Jin Yi`s literature newly opened based on the facts that will be discussed here. By doing this we could eventually thoroughly discover the correlation of Eon Jin Yi and Koeng Do Weon.

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