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      • KCI등재

        대륙법계 수사절차 관련 법령 체계에 관한 고찰 -독일 및 일본의 수사절차 관련 법령을 중심으로-

        도중 한국형사소송법학회 2019 형사소송 이론과 실무 Vol.11 No.2

        Today, there must be rising of needs of new reforms that Prosecutors, whose authorities have been used exclusively, should protect Human Rights and citizens with the ‘Rule of Check and Balance’, and should be transformed small Authorities for citizens. Specially, the lately discussion on Reforms of Investigation Structure is being treated as an important task in citizen’s desire and public opinion beyond the problems between investigations in any other day. A wide discussion on proper reforms of investigation systems has started from ‘Suggestions of Committee of Police Reforms’ as a concept investigation and ‘Mediation Agreement of Prosecutors and Police’s Investigation’ to installment of investigative agency High-ranking officer’s corruption Investigation and Fragmented System. Although investigation process differs from countries due to political, cultural and historical surrounding, any specific investigation process cannot be treated as superior. So, I would like to consider some implications by analyzing and contemplating how, based on the Germany and Japan Legislation’s investigation process which guarantees the Human Rights and regulates effectively investigation process, Germany and Japan’s investigation process have been changed to meet the needs of the times. 오늘날 국민주권의 시대를 맞아 독점적으로 행사되고 있는 검사의 지배적 수사구조를 ‘견제와 균형의 원리’에 따라 인권을 보호하고 국민을 위한 권력기관으로 개편할 수 있는 방향으로 새롭게 개혁해야 한다는 요구가 드높다. 특히 최근의 수사구조 개혁 논의는 수사기관 간의 문제를 넘어 국민의 열망과 여론이 그 어느 때 보다 높아 시대적 과제로 인식되고 있다. 바람직한 수사구조 개혁을 위한 논의는 수사기관 차원의 ‘경찰개혁위원회의 권고안’이나 ‘검찰 및 경찰의 수사권 조정 합의문’등에 대한 논의부터 고위공직자비리수사처 설치, 자치경찰제 실시 등에 관한 논의까지 광범위하게 진행되어 왔다. 수사절차는 각국 마다 정치적, 문화적, 역사적 배경이 다르기 때문에 어느 특정한 제도가 가장 우월하다고 보기는 어렵지만, 인권을 보장하고 수사절차를 효율적으로 규제하고 있는 대륙법계의 수사절차와 관련한 법령체계를 기초로하여 특히 독일과 일본의 수사절차가 시대적 요구에 부응하기 위해 어떻게 구성되어 변화하여 왔는지를 분석・고찰함으로써 우리나라의 법률체계에 도입가능한 시사점을 도출하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        범죄수익 몰수자산의 효율적 활용화 방안 -각국의 입법동향과 우리나라에의 시사점-

        도중 대검찰청 2010 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.27

        우리나라에서는 1988년 12월에 채택된 마약및향정신성약물의불법거래방지에 관한유엔협약(Unaited Nations Convention against Illicit Traffics in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) 에 의거하여 마약류불법거래방지에관한 특례법 및 범죄수익은닉의규제및처벌등에관한법률 이 시행됨에 따라, 특히 약물범죄 및 조직범죄, 자금세탁범죄의 대책으로서 새로운 유형의 몰수・추징제도가 도입되었다. 우리나라 범죄수익규제법 의 입법목적이 특정범죄와 관련된 범죄수익의 몰수 및 추징에 관한 특례를 규정함으로써 특정범죄를 조장하는 경제적 요인을 근원적으로 제거하여 건전한 사회질서유지기능을 충실히 하려는 것이라는 점을 감안할 때, 자금세탁방지법규의 몰수제도에 의해 몰수 내지는 추징한 재산의 효과적인 운용을 통하여 법집행기관이 의욕을 가지고 자금세탁방지업무를 수행할 수 있도록 강구함과 동시에 법무부, 재경부 금융정보분석원, 기획예산처, 식품의약품안전청 등 제 관련기관의 제 활동을 위한 재원을 확보할 수 있는 법적근거를 마련할 필요가 있다 할 것이다. 따라서 이 논문은 각국의 제도와 운용실태를 비교・분석하여 우리나라에 적합한 몰수자산 운용방안을 모색함으로써 효과적인 몰수자산 운용제도에 관한 도입 방안을 도출하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        국제적 형사협력으로서의 범죄인인도에 관한 소고 - 특히 일본의 법제도와 판례의 동향을 중심으로 -

        도중 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2021 동북아법연구 Vol.14 No.3

        일반적으로 강제적 출국의 한 형태인 범죄인인도는 다른 나라에서 범죄를 저지른 후 자국으 로 도피해왔거나, 유죄판결을 받고 자국에 체제하는 범죄인을 소추 또는 처벌하기 위해 인도를 요청하는 해당 국가에 인도하는 것을 의미하는데, 이처럼 범죄가 행해진 국가와 그 증거가 존재 하거나 범인이 체류하고 있는 국가가 서로 다른 경우도 진기한 일은 아니다. 즉 처음부터 공범자 가 외국에 있거나 범행계획을 해외에서 수립하거나 또는 증거품이나 취득한 금원 등이 외국에 은닉되어 있는 경우도 다반사인 상황이다. 이러한 경우에는 범죄수사나 재판과 관련하여 외국에 있는 증거를 국내의 법원에서 조사할 필요가 있거나 국경을 넘나드는 신병의 이동이 필요한 범죄인의 인도나 국제형사사법공조의 문제가 발생하게 된다. 피의자 등을 국외에 인도하는 경우로는 외국으로부터의 청구에 응하는 경우와 외국 당국에 인도를 청구하는 경우로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 문제는 우리나라와 범죄인인도 분야에서 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있는 국가들로부터 적시에 범죄인인도 청구를 받거나 우리나라가 관련 국가에 대하 여 범죄인의 적시 인도를 청구하기 위해서는 개별 국가들의 범죄인인도 제도와 관련 법제도 및 판례 등 실무에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 할 필요가 있다는 점이다. 다음에서는 기본권과의 관계에서 논의되는 대부분의 경우 외국 기관으로의 인도청구에 응하 여야 하는지 여부가 문제이기 때문에 이점을 -특히 인도거절(제한)사유를- 중심으로 일본의 법상 황과 판례 등을 검토하고자 한다. In general, the Extradition on Criminal means that if a criminal commits in other country and escapes his country or if a criminal is sentenced guilty and stays his country, the country which tries to prosecute the criminal is extradited. And it is not specific that the place a crime happens differs from the place criminal evidence exists and a criminal stays. Also, it is usual that at the first time, accomplice stays other country or plans a crime in other country or conceal the evidence or benefits from the crime. And in this case, some problems which the court needs to investigate the evidence and the authority needs to extradite on criminal and cooperate the concerned countries, can happen. There are two types of Extradition on Criminal. One is to meet the request, the other is to claim the request. It is needed to understand the rules and systems concerned the Extradition on Criminal, judicial precedent and executive abilities. At this study, I would like to consider that a country should meet the request(extradition a criminal) because of violating the human rights, with the Japanese rules and judicial precedent as the center(reason of refuse Extradition).

      • KCI등재후보

        산업기밀유출범죄와 양형의 실효적 개선방안

        도중 아주대학교 법학연구소 2012 아주법학 Vol.6 No.1

        In recently, not only Industrial Technology but also Core Technologies with high value added have been consistently leaked on abroad company. Its loss and damage has effected on a nation’s Stability and Security and Economic Problems immeasurably. With these reasons, advanced countries like US and so on, Korea have been administrating constantly the security of Industrial Technology for National Competitiveness and have been taking a responsible actions about Industrial Espionage(Economic Espionage) aggressively. In Korea, to prevent Industrial Technology from leaking from the companies, to protect the stabilities of Industrial Technology, the “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act”(hereinafter UCPTSPA), “Industrial Technology Drain Prevention Act”(hereinafter ITDPA) have been enacted. All kinds of economic espionage could be controlled under the Former and the Latter. The UCPTSPA defines the leakage of trade secret as unfair competition and regulate the industrial espionage, protect the trade secret and legal compensation, keep the fair trade competition finally. On the other hand, the ITDPA widen, Industrial Technology, the object of protection, from Trade Secret, which is intensified only in the UCPTSPA and the range of the protection of civil’s Technology, Information, to industrial technology, national industrial secret. With understanding the above problems seriously, in which there are a lot of loss, this Study is supposed to define the diverse types of Industrial Espionage and to analyse the reasonable Assessment and to suggest the effective improvement of Assessment. This Study is to consider an effective improvement of assessment to do justice the Industrial Technology Leakage in industries and to protect the Industrial Technology. First, as an Effective Improvement of Assessment on the Industrial Espionage, the judgement standard of properties values need to be relieved. In criminal justice systems, the value of loss and the amount of loss is hardly to be concrete and clear. The Court would not accept or acknowledge the proof, testimony of Prosecutor’s Office. Neither would accept or acknowledge the Victim’s. In these reasons, it is not possible to fine. If it is possible to sentence the prison, it seems to sentence light penalty. Also, the Supreme Court tends to reach a verdict that how to prove the amount and value of loss and how to prove the profits is completely severe. In cases, Supreme Court sentences (Occupational) Breach of Trust(§355, §356) mostly. But if the loss by leakage of Industrial Technology is growing and making the economic society in confusion, if the Court sentences (Occupational) Breach of Trust(§355, §356), the economic loss is huge and specific Act related in Industrial Espionage is meaningless. Second, it is needed to apply severely the stay of execution on the Industrial Espionage. In mostly, because of the difficulty of amount and value of loss, Court has a tendency to sentence a stay of execution as a paternalistic Assessment. The major role of Assessment in criminal justice is to consider the responsibility and prevention of crimes. In particularly, Assessment has an important role on a second conviction. If these conditions of paternalistic Assessment go on, any sentence by Court cannot prevent the loss of Industrial Espionage either. Third, Introduction of universal and standard Assessment on Industrial Espionage should be needed. The Assessment by Court should be strengthen to the level of advanced countries, in considering the impact of enterprise and society, in considering the prevention of crimes, fairness of administration. With an adoption of assessment of Industrial Espionage in Korea, it is expected to adopt an effective assessment.

      • KCI등재

        學戰ㆍ飜譯과 啓蒙

        都重萬(Toh Joong-Man) 동양사학회 2007 東洋史學硏究 Vol.101 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the trilateral relationship between the late Ch'ing period's Hsueh-Chan(學戰), translation and ideological enlightenment in connection with Ma, chun-wu(馬君武,)'s translation tzu-yu-yuan-li(『自由原理』). This study employed the post-colonialist translation theory and the German conceptual history research method. In every time period there is sure to be a translation that reflects the characteristics of the period. tzu-yu-yuan-li was a translation clearly marked with the brand of a specific historical period. During the transition period from the 19th to 20th century, China was plagued with internal and external troubles and filled with a pervasive sense of cultural crisis. As a result, the Chinese-Western Hsueh-Chan became a central concept in China's competition/war with foreign countries. Intellectuals believed that, in order to win against the Hsueh-Chan, China should know both its enemy and itself. Translation came into the spotlight as an important means for China to know its enemy and itself. People of the time believed that altruism and self-reflection can both be promoted through translation. That is to say, translation at that time functioned as a double-edged sword that could analyze altruism as well as self. With the accelerated pace of reform and revolution, the nature of translation was turned into a political tool. Ma's tzu-yu-yuan-li signifies this relationship between the late Ch'ing period's Hsueh-Chan and translation. Ma, chun-wu was not just a translator but also an intellectual of action during a turbulent period. In tzu-yu-yuan-li, he revealed his reform initiative and his plan for ideological enlightenment. For his translation method, he selected the strategy of domestication rather than text-centrism. According to the domestication strategy, he sought readability over loyalty to the original work. By comparing the world within the text and the situation of China, he recreated a lived space of tzu-yu-yuan-li with the intention to extend ideological enlightenment, the expectation horizon of tzu-yu-yuan-li. In the course of it, the text moved far away from its original intent. To Ma, chun-wu, however, translation was not a mirror reflecting the selected text, but instead a prism refracting it. He finally engraved tzu-yu-yuan-li with voices for overthrowing the existing system and bringing about changes in history.

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