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      • KCI등재


        이국화 대한정치학회 2024 大韓政治學會報 Vol.32 No.3

        21世纪以后,地方政府的国际交流活动被认为是不亚于国家间外交的重要外交活动。也就是说,地方政府的外交政策不仅是地方的生存战略,也是加强国家竞争力的发展战略。韩中两国1992年8月建交后,基于地理相邻、文化相似、经济结构互补等有利条件,各领域发展迅速。特别是韩中两国虽然比其他任何国家都积极推进交流事业,但都呈现出偏重交流地区、多样、持续的交流事业不振等特征和局限性。有人指出,这些问题的主要原因是地方推进国际交流的自律性不足、国际交流事后管理不足、民间部门参与度低、国际意识不足等,但目前还缺乏能够支援地方自治团体国际交流的法律、制度性装置。本文综述了地方政府的国际交流合作类型,探讨了韩中地方政府间国际交流合作的类型和特点,以及韩中地方政府间交流存在的问题,并提出了法律、制度上的改进措施。为了应对萨德(THAAD)事态和新冠肺炎大流行之后的外交梗塞局面恢复时期,试图摸索理想的韩中地方政府交流方向。 Since the 2000s, international exchange activities of local governments have been recognized as important diplomatic activities as well as diplomacy between countries. It can be said that the foreign policy of local governments is not only a local survival strategy, but also a development strategy to strengthen national competitiveness. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in August 1992, Korea and China have achieved rapid development in their respective fields based on favorable conditions such as geographical proximity, cultural similarity, and complementary economic structure. In particular, both Korea and China are actively promoting exchange projects more than any other country, but they are showing characteristics and limitations such as the concentration of exchange areas and the sluggishness of various and continuous exchange projects. The lack of autonomy to promote international exchanges in the provinces, lack of follow-up management of international exchanges, poor participation in the private sector, and lack of international awareness are the main reasons for these problems, but there is still a lack of legal and institutional mechanisms to support international exchanges between local governments. This paper examines the necessity of international exchange of local governments and discusses the types and characteristics of international exchange and cooperation between local governments in Korea and China and the issues that exist in exchanges between local governments in Korea and China. Finally, in preparation for the time when the diplomatic crunch is recovering after the THAAD incident and the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to explore a desirable direction for local government exchange between Korea and China.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년의 외상경험과 사회불안의 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개효과

        이국화,하은혜 한국심리학회산하학교심리학회 2009 한국심리학회지 학교 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of self-efficacy in the relationships between adolescent's traumatic experience and social anxiety. The subjects were 673 students(meal 323 students, female 350 students) who belong to the middle schools and the first and second grade of high schools in Seoul and Gyeong-gi Province. The adolescent assessed by Korea social anxiety scale for adolescent(SAS-A), Social phobia and anxiety inventory for children(SPAI-C), Traumatic experience scale and Self-Efficacy Scale(SES). The results of this study were as follows: First, the positive correlations between performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and performance, interpersonal anxiety were significant. Performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and general and social Self-efficacy showed low but negative correlations. General, social Self-efficacy and performance and interpersonal anxiety showed negative correlations. Second, performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and general, social self-efficacy had an effects on the performance and the interpersonal anxiety directly. Third, general and social self-efficacy mediated in the relationships between adolescent's performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and performance, interpersonal anxiety. As a result, this study showed that traumatic experience had an effects on the social anxiety directly, and these could influence social anxiety mediating by self-efficacy. It was developed performance and interpersonal anxiety in case of experiencing traumatic experience. So it was confirmed the importance of self-efficacy in adolescent's social anxiety. 본 연구에서는 청소년의 외상경험과 사회불안의 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개효과를 검증하였 다. 서울 · 경기 지역에 소재하고 있는 중학교 1, 2, 3 학년, 고등학교 1, 2 학년에 재학 중인 학 생 673 명(남학생 323 명, 여학생 350 명)을 대상으로 사회불안, 외상경험 그리고 자기효능감 측 정 설문을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였다. 그 결과 사회불안, 수행불안 및 대 인불안과 외상경 험, 수행상황관련 외상경험 및 대인관계관련 외상경험은 정적 상관관계를 나타냈다. 반대로, 사회불안, 수행불안 및 대인불안과 자기효능감, 일반적 자기효능감 및 사회적 자기효능감은 부적 상관관계를 나타냈다. 이때 외상경험의 하위요인인 수행상황관련 외상경험, 대인관계관 련 외상경험과 자기효능감의 하위요인인 일반적 자기효능감, 사회적 자기효능감은 사회불안, 수행불안 및 대인불안에 직접적인 영향을 미쳤다 Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 검증절차로 매개효과를 검증한 결과 수행상황관련 외상경험과 수행불안의 관계, 대인상황관련 외상경험 과 대인불안의 관계 모두에서 일반적 자기효능감과 사회적 자기효능감의 부분매개효과가 나 타났다. 이에 따라 청소년의 외상경험은 사회불안에 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 중요 요인으 로 작용함과 동시에 자기효능감을 낮춤으로서 간접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재


        이국화 대한정치학회 2019 大韓政治學會報 Vol.27 No.3

        Over the last 50 years in the late 20th century had been history of opposition and conflicts between East and West camps represented by USA and Russia. On the other hand, next 21th century has been expected that period of contend for supremacy between USA, dominating nation of the world and China, securing status by fast economic growth. Faster than original expectation, aspect of china in all field raised strategic dilemma to several countries of Southeast Asia which would be the first stage of competition between USA and China. Now Southeast Asia is target that USA and China are pursuing aggressive policy involvement. It gathers attention how the Policy targeting Southeast Asia by USA and China will develop, and both sides will interact, and Southeast Asia region and each countries deal with two of them. It is expected that there will be policy reconsidering about Southeast Asia by USA and China due to new government of USA leading by D. Trump and many prospects are already made. Nevertheless there will be microscopic about southeast Asia policy, it is not expected that entails shit of focus targeting Asia. USA prefers status quo to show the leadership of South East area continuously and, China constructed new order of area. China wants to raise it’s voice to the world order. Specifically, at the subregional level in Southeast Asia, ASEAN’s increasingly sophisticated regional security mechanisms, and the competition and cooperation relationships among extra-regional greatpowers are the factors making possible the gradual shift in strategies of Southeast Asian countries away from bandwagon strategies, towards a preferencefor equilibrium strategies. 冷戰後,東南亞國家作爲一個整體被認爲傾向在域外大國間采取大國平衡戰略。在中國崛起、亞太權力發生轉移的背景下,本文通過細化分析每個國家的對外戰略取向發現,東南亞的不同國家在域外大國中美之間的戰略取向其實是不同的。大部分國家選擇在中美之間保持戰略平衡,也有一部分國家在中美之間選擇追隨其中的一方。每個國家的戰略選擇都受自身條件和外部環境的雙重影響,所做出的戰略選擇也是一定條件下最合邏輯的選擇。東南亞國家在崛起國中國與霸權國美國之間的戰略取向也越來越清晰。“制衡”不可取,“追隨”代價大。更多的東南亞國家如緬甸和菲律賓從“追隨”域外大國的陣營加入“大國平衡”的陣營,“大國平衡”逐漸成爲更多東南亞國家維護戰略利益的最優選擇。領土爭端、政治體制、貿易相互依賴程度以及霸權盟友的可獲得性是影響東南亞國家對崛起國和霸權國戰略取向的四個單元因素,它們塑造了東南亞國家可能的戰略行爲,其中的任何一個發生變化都可能改變其戰略取向。但是,考慮到次地區層次上面臨的安全風險以及體系層面的戰略環境,任何戰略取向的改變都需要一定的地區和體系條件。 在東南亞具體的次地區環境中,東盟逐漸成熟的地區安全機制以及域外大國的競合型關系爲更多東南亞國家逐漸放棄“追隨”戰略轉而偏好“大國平衡” 戰略提供了可能。

      • KCI등재

        中国環境政策の実効性と地方政府の環境行政 に対する研究

        이국화 동아인문학회 2016 동아인문학 Vol.36 No.-

        The role of local government is tremendously important for the economic development in such a huge country like China. On the one hand many chinese scholars criticized the disutility and blindness of local governments' economic act, but on the other hand we can find one of the reasons that china could accomplish such a rapid economic growth from the local governments' active economic role. Under the circumstances, the problem arises from the fact that the local governments have the idea of 'Economy First' rather than 'Environmental Protection' and thus the environmental contamination is done with local governments' connivance in rural areas. Because China faces with such problems as a lack of environmental awareness and a short of local governments' finance and know-how, it is extremely hard to achieve the economic development and the protection of environment at the same time. Therefore, the local governments often violate the central government's regulation to protect local enterprises, and there often exists the situation that the local environmental protection agency, local governments and local enterprises are badly in collusion. 中国は1978年の国内での経済改革と対外への開放政策により、飛躍的に発展し、世界第二の経済大国と浮上した。特に、2001年1月、WTOに本格的に加入するにより、世界経済体制へ編入したことを切っ掛けに高速成長をしている。2008年の金融危機の期間にも持続的に発展を成し、世界第一の外国為替保有国になっている。ところが、中国は、経済の高速発展と共に深刻な環境汚染と生態破壊に直面し、2011年には世界最大の二酸化炭素排出国となってしまったのである。今更、中国国内で大気汚染、水質汚染、食品安全問題、ゴミ排出問題など、様々な環境問題が国民の生活に直接的な悪影響を及ぼしている。国際社会も中国の環境問題が気候変動枠組みの最大な変数であると認識し、隣国への霧煙の拡散などで国際協力が必要になっているのである。中国の環境問題は、もう中国一国の問題でもなく、世界の問題になったのである。中国政府にとっても、統治の合理性を証明するためにも、解決しなければならぬ重大な問題である。 中国の環境汚染問題について論じる際、環境政策の効果について論じざるを得ないのである。一般的な観点は、中国は途上国であるわけに、環境対策が遅れているだろう、という考え方である。しかし、中国政府は経済改革と開発政策の制定とほぼ同時期に環境政策体制を構造しており、1978年に"環境法(試行)"が制定された。政策的に遅くないにも関わらず、今日の環境汚染悪化の現実は、中国の環境政策が実効性がなかった、と見えてくれる部分である。 本論では、中国の環境政策の実行の問題に焦点を当て、さらに。政策の実質的な執行者である地方政府に焦点を当て、中国の低い環境政策の効果に対してその要因を分析した。中国は基本的には中央集権の政治構造であるが、政治改革により地方分権化が進まされ、地方政府は地方経済発展の責任とともに地方環境管理の責任も持つようになっている。地方政府の地方利己主義、地方保護主義、経済優先主義により、また、環境行政管理機構の独立性の欠如などにより、地方での環境政策は実行できなくなる場合が多かったのである。中国の環境汚染問題を効果的に解決するには、経済的投資と技術的な支援も重要だが、構造的に地方政府から環境行政部門を独立させ、環境管理と監督を強化する必要がある、と考えられる。

      • 동아시아 문학 속의 ‘桃花源’

        이국화(李菊華) 고려대학교 한자한문연구소 2016 동아한학연구 Vol.- No.11

        陶淵明의 桃花源은 한문학을 공유한 동아시아 문화권에서 서양의 유토피아와 대적할 수 있는 이미지를 거론할 때 제일 먼저 떠오르는 형상 중의 하나이다. 근대 도화원의 관한 연구에서 도화원은 흔히 근대관념인 유토피아, 이상향, 낙원 등의 개념으로 대치되기도 하고, 동아시아 고전 한문학에서는 沃野, 勝地,福地, 洞天, 樂土, 福山, 仙境 등의 용어로 표현하기도 한다. 그만큼 1600년 전 도연명이 그렸던 도화원은 인간이 추구하고 있는 보편적 가치를 내포하고, 이 내포된 보편적 가치는 시간의 흐름과 지역의 상이함에도 불구하고 동아시아 문학 속에서 계승 및 전파를 통해 동아시아인의 인식 속에 이상적인 공간 형상으로 자리잡아왔다. 그러나 도연명이 도화원을 통해 추구했던 보편적 가치란 과연 동아시아 고전문학이나 근대의 도화원 연구에서 흔히 거론된 仙境이나 정치적 제도를 통해 건설돼 이상세계-유토피아의 형상과 일치한 것일까? 이에 대한 답을 찾기 위해 본고는 먼저 도화원 이후의 중국문학작품과 도화원에 관한 토론을 神仙說, 紀實說, 寓意說로 나눠 도화원의 형상이 어떠한 재해석의 경로를 통해 선경에서 유토피아로 遞變되어 왔는지에 대해 정리하고자 한다. 이 체변의 과정에서 필자는 도화원의 계보학적 의미를 찾을 수 있기를 기대한다. 그 다음으로 도화원이 중국문학사에서 유기적인 재해석의 사슬을 이룰 수 있었던 건 도화원 본문이 神仙, 紀實, 寓意의 요소들을 지니고 있기에 派生, 歧出, 追認 등의 재해석 현상이 가능하였다고 본다. 그러므로 본고는 문학 작품의 기능적 역할에 착안하여 도연명에 의해 기호화된 意象群, 典故적 의미와 神話적 스토리의 출처를 먼저 밝히고, 그가 신화와 전고의 재편성을 통해 구현하고자 한 심미적 효과와 보편적 가치를 살펴보고자 한다. The image of The Peach Blossom Land of Taoyuanming is one of the major counterparts of the western utopia. It has been regarded as the contraposition of utopia or paradise, while it was described with the terms like 沃野, 勝地, 福地, 洞天, 樂土, 福山, 仙境 in Eastern Asian classical literary tradition, which shows Taoyuanming"s fantastic imagination has universal value for times and spaces and thus has been succeeded through literature as the ideal image of paradise among Eastern Asians. Still, we have to question whether the universal value of The Peach Blossom Land really corresponds to the image of fairyland or political sense of utopia. To find the answer, this thesis categorizes classical literary works and arguments about the theme into three categories - debate on immortal hermit (神仙說), records (紀實說) and allegory (寓意說) - to establish the genealogy of the peach blossom land changing from fairyland to utopia. The reason why the Taoyuanming"s work produces constant and various explanationsin Chinese literary sphere is that its writing style itself has characteristics of 神仙, 紀實, 寓意 which raise derivatives, variation and ratification. To find out aesthetic effects and universal value of the work achieved by reconstructing myths and old stories, the thesis searches iconic images created by Taoyuanming and its sources in the basis of the functional role of literary work.

      • 청소년의 가족건강성에 따른 학교생활만족도와 가정생활만족도

        이국화(kuk-haw Lee),류점숙(Jom-Sook Ryoo),이선정(Seon-Jeong Lee),신효식(Hyo-Shick Shin) 전남대학교 생활과학연구소 2011 生活科學硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study were to search traits of adolescents' family strengths. school life satisfaction and family life satisfaction. and to examine effective variables influencing on ado-lescents' life satisfaction. The subjects were the 400 middle and high school students in Gwangju city. Data were analyzed with Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Std, Cronbach's α, and Multiple Regression using SPSSIPC WIN 18,0 program. The major findings were as follows: 1. The adolescents' family strengths scores were higher than median(3.00). Especially, 'family respect and affection' was highest and 'communication and family bonding' was lowest. 2. School life satisfaction were lnfluenced by financial stability and role sharing and problem solving, And the adolescents' school life satisfaction were explained about 28% by these variables. Family life satisfaction were lnfluenced by respect and affection, communication and family bonding, and financial stability. And adolescents' family life satisfaction were explained about 72% by these variables. In conclusion, it would be necessary for family members to try their best, such as strengthening family bonding, communicating positively, sharing roles in family to form healthy family ties In times of adolescents' desirable family and school lives.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제환경규제에 대한 중국 경제외교와 대응전략연구

        이국화 ( Ju Hua Li ) 대한정치학회 2015 大韓政治學會報 Vol.23 No.2

        중국은 지난 30여 년 간 저렴한 노동력과 풍부한 자원이라는 비교우위를 이용해 경 제규모를 키우면서 대량의 외환을 보유하게 되면서 경제 강국으로 자리매김하게 되었다. 하지만 중국은 경제의 고속 발전과 함께 심각한 환경오염과 자연자원의 비합리적 인 개발로 인한 일련의 환경문제에 직면하게 되었다. 중국입장에서, 환경문제는 국가성장에 필요한 경제성장을 지속 가능하게 하기 위한 중요한 구성부분이 되었으며, 중국정부는 환경문제해결의 주요행위자이며, 국제환경협 약과 규범을 국내 환경정책에 수용하고 반영해 나가고 있다. 즉 환경요소를 국가발전 전략의 중요한 부분으로 제정한 중국정부는 처음부터 친환경적 발전을 선호했던 것은 아니었지만, 국제적 및 지구환경의 변화로 인해 점차 중국 국내의 환경정책을 변화시 키게 되고 새롭게 구성해나가고 있는 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 기존의 연구는 중국이 경제발전을 우선시하고 경제적 이익을 최고로 삼고 국가발전 전략을 선택하였기에 환경정책이 유명무실했음에 초점을 맞추어 진행되었다. 본 연구는 중국이 국제무역에서의 환경규제에 대해 어떻게 인식하고 있는지에 대한 의문에서 출발하여, 국제환경규제에 대한 중국의 대응을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과 중국은 대외무역에 있어서 “지속 가능한 발전”을 강조하면서도 구체적인 대응책을 망 설이거나 여전히 근시안적인 대안제시도 적지 않다. 하지만 중국의 대외환경정책은 경 제적 현실주의적 행보만을 보이는 것이 아니라 국제환경 협력에 대한 참여도를 높이면서 국제규범을 국내 환경정책에 반영하려고 하고 있다. 왜냐하면, 중국은 무역관련 환경조치에 효과적으로 대응하기 위하여 무역관련 환경조치에 대한 WTO 및 다자간 환경협약상의 규정 및 취지를 전반적으로 이해함과 동시에 자국의 환경 관련 법제를 개선하고 적절한 무역관련 환경조치를 도입해야 할 필요성을 절실히 느끼고 있기 때문이다. 향후 중국의 환경장벽에 대한 정책과 대응은 경제적 실리만을 추구하기 보다 는 세계화라는 큰 틀 속에서 지속 가능한 경제개발이라는 중국의 국가 목표 하에 대외환경정책을 수립할 것으로 보인다. As international community today has become more dependent on the interdependence between countries due to rapid advances in globalization, there has been a growing need to cope with environmental problems and resource depletion cooperatively. Along with the need for international cooperation in dealing with environmental problems, there has arisen a move to tighten controls on environmental pollution mostly in advanced countries. China has achieved a dramatic economic growth and emerged as the second largest economic power in the world through its domestic economic reform in 1978 and foreign open-door policy. Especially, China entered the system of world economy by joining WTO in December, 2001. Even under the U.S. financial crisis of 2008, it continued to grow to become a member country of G2 and the biggest holder of foreign currencies in the world. However, China is now facing a lot of environmental problems due to severe environmental pollution and irrational exploitation of natural resources, along with its rapid economic growth. Especially, as many advanced countries got to regulate environment, China got damaged a lot, struggling to take measures. Conclusively, international trade conditions have significantly improved, but enforced environmental regulations of international community are a big barrier against China``s international trade and economy. International community today applies global standards to every area. Chinese government is expected to make new strategies and policies and reset the targets and identity of the nation within the large frame of global regime and governance of international environmental cooperation.

      • KCI등재


        이국화 ( Ju-hua Li ) 대한정치학회 2018 大韓政治學會報 Vol.26 No.3

        21世紀以來,中國參與了安全、經濟、社會、環境等各個領域的全球治理活動。經過十多年的發展,中國在上述各個領域參與活動的特征都發生了變化。全球環境治理是隨着環境汚染在全球范圍內的加劇而逐步發展起來的。由于環境的公共性與外部性,全球合作的環境治理已毋庸置疑地被認爲是最必要的和有效的應對途徑。本文首先通過分析環境的公共産品特征,明確了全球環境治理是在无政府狀態下各國爲應對全球環境變化與危机而采取的集體行動。各國在環境治理的國際合作上從推卸責任到負責合作的態度轉變過程是自然的過程。中國在全球環境治理領域,已從早期的强調經濟發展的單一標准、差別性國際責任的問題意識轉變爲注重經濟發展與環境保護的二元標准、共同性國際責任的問題意識。然后本文結合對中國參與全球環境治理起到重要影響的最新因素(卽“2030年可持續發展戰略”)分析了中國參與全球環境治理活動的作用與困境,幷對全球環境治理中的"中國方案"的特征進行了檢討。最后闡述了中國作爲大國,在全球環境治理中應該發揮擧足輕重的作用,展望中國與國際社會携手超越全球環境治理的困境,共同加强環境合作達到雙赢效果。 The frequency of global environmental crisis and the deepening of the global environmental cooperation, drives the global environmental governance from scratch, participating countries from a few to several, participating way from passive to active, and also driving the global environmental governance presenting the characteristics such as unconventionality, self-consciousness, unboundedness, contradictoriness and multidimensionality. Because there are cooperation and competition, consensus of global environmental improvement and individual differences, lack of supervision and poor coordination among different countries, so the global environmental governance is in contradictions and dilemmas. In the future global environmental governance system, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, to give full play of power mechanism, market mechanism and social mechanism, advocate inclusive concept, and to encourage various participation, so that we can achieve the goals of the global environmental governance. Through process tracing method,the paper analyzes how the environmental objectives become a pillar of‘the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’as equally important as social and economic goals. From the perspective of global governance, the importance of the environment in the global development agenda is increasing. Environmental issues in ‘the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’will be of great importance in global and China’s environmental governance. The global implications for future environmental governance are mainly reflected in: first,the importance of environmental governance will be significantly increased; second,new partnership will strengthen the roles of environmental NGOs and civil society; third, to achieve environmental goals, governance system will increasingly depend on data-driven reviews; fourth, the role of environmental institutions within the UN system will be further strengthened, esp. the UNEP; fifth, environmental along with climate change financing and technology transfer may be further diversified; sixth,climate change and other environmental issues at the global and national levels will be more integrated. Meanwhile,implications on China are: first, it will offer China’s economic transformation and sustainable development a powerful new force; second, China will significantly enhance its public environmental awareness; third, China will play a key role in global governance with a unique focus; fourth, it will require better environmental management system and capacity of China; fifth, China’s future regional cooperation will be greener. However, in the new norms of the economic situation, these environmental goals increase the pressure and responsibility for China’s governance. At the same time,there are also a series of problems and shortcomings in the 2030 Agenda: First, the targets are too many, vague, and difficult to implement. Second, there may be some conflicting targets in the agenda. Third, environmental goals are lack of quantitative standards. Undoubtedly, the environmental objectives in‘the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’are more integrated, comprehensive and systematic than the Millennium Development Goals, demonstrating international community’s collective efforts to address environmental issues. Therefore, we must attach great importance to observe and research.

      • KCI등재

        對中國地方政府環境責任及環境行政失靈原因硏究 -以地方政府利益趨向爲分析中心-

        이국화 ( Ju Hua Li ) 대한정치학회 2015 大韓政治學會報 Vol.23 No.4

        環境保護是中國政府一貫堅持的基本國策之一,更是地方政府不可推사的責任。진管如此,中國的現實是政府決策不當或行政失靈被認爲是中國環境오染嚴重的最爲直接和最具作用力的因素之一。現實中,相當多的環境問題根源于地方政府長期以來的經濟增長導向。在經濟利益導向之下,在環境決策與行政執行過程中由于有意无意或難以克服的環境不確定性因素造成的各類近視眼式的短期行爲導致了如今的環境行政失靈甚至環境오染惡化。本文通國對地方政府環境行政特征及環境責任困境的原因分析,探討幷展望提高地方政府環境行政效率和環境責任感的可實現途徑。首先探討了中國環境境行政規制的總體情況,其次考察了環境問題的特征以及中國國內外學者對環境行政的理論與硏究,再次從地方政府作爲環境責任的主體如何執行環境政策方面着手,主要對中央政府、地方政府與環境保護部門、地方政府的環境投資等角度進行分析,檢討了中國環境行政責任失靈的原因到底在何處,最后提出有關政策建議。地方政府的環境行政失靈表明,緊緊依고傳統的經濟增長方式已經使中國的經濟面臨着發展的"병頸",而傳統的發展模式向技術進步,結構轉型轉換是時代的需求和黨務之急。由于環境資源的公共性與外部性,更由于地方政府的利益趨向與環境行政責不明確、地方政府跨區域信息不對稱、環境意識尙不간不上經濟發展等原因,地方政府的環境境行政出現失靈,亦卽地方政府在環境治理活動中, 不能有效地通過其制定的各種環境保護政策和法律法規措施來改善地區環境質量和保護地區環境資源,진管需要增加環境投資但環境投資市場也出現了失靈現象。 Local government environmental responsibility is defined as responsibilities of local government and its employees on its role in environmental protections and to bear the adverse consequences in failure to perform corresponding duties appropriately. Environmentalproblems have become an increasing general concern, which reflects the ineffectiveperforming of local government``s duties on environment protection. And in this “governmentfailure”, the local government``s incomplete responsibility is the most fundamental issues. Constrained local government action relatively less in current environmental laws and regulations, laws about local government environment responsibility less, only a few more and principles, specific content about local government environment responsibility. Environmental responsibility of the oversight mechanisms, penalty mechanism to fails to fulfill environmental responsibility. The current environmental protection policies of China did not make specific practical rules, this thesis studies, under the existing environmental legislation, which aspects the local government should further improve. And through analysis the defects of local government environment responsibility in existing environmental laws and policies, proposed specific ideas about consummate local government environment responsibility. The environmental protection responsibilities of illegal or inappropriate behavior responsibility shall be investigated for administrative system. Its purpose lies in the adjustment of government environmental responsibility accountability legal relations, standardize the government environmental responsibility accountability activity, improve the efficiency of government environmental responsibility accountability. This article focuses on government environmental responsibility, such as lack of accountability subject, accountability object unclear, incomplete accountability procedures, accountability, narrow and from consciousness. In view of the problem of government environmental responsibility system of China put forward the corresponding countermeasures of perfecting China``s environmental responsibility system.

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