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      • KCI등재

        고대 한국 지방도시 격자형 토지구획의 형태특성에 관한 연구

        이경찬,Lee, Kyung-Chan 한국건축역사학회 2002 건축역사연구 Vol.11 No.4

        This study aims to find out the genetic characteristics of gridded subdivision area which has its origin from ancient local administrative city-Sangju, Jeonju, Namwon, Kwangju, Chungju. The spatial structure, based on the inter-relationship among gridded subdivision area, city wall, and topographic condition, and the morphological characteristics of gridded subdivision area are analyzed. The points of analysis on morphological characteristics of gridded subdivision area consist of the size of unit block, the organization system of unit block, the orientation of subdivision line. As a result of the analysis, three main characteristics are found. Firstly there can be found no same land subdivision rule among study areas. Secondly, the morphological features of study area were the products of cumulative process of different subdivision areas which were developed in different periods. Thirdly, the original regular gridded land subdivision seems to have been carried out in the object of a farm-land cultivation around 7th century. And there was a change of land-use from farm land to urban land-use during the later 7th century and 8th century.

      • KCI등재

        백제 후기 익산도성 조영계획모델에 대한 도성계획사적 해석

        이경찬,Lee, Kyung-Chan 한국건축역사학회 2015 건축역사연구 Vol.24 No.3

        This study aims to draw out planning principles and structure of Iksan imperial capital city in late Baekje, especially in view of the relationship among imperial capital city planning area, skeletal axis and the location of royal castle. With site survey and analysis of historical records, old maps, topographical maps, archeological excavation data, land registration map of 1915, some significant inferences were drawn out. Firstly from the point of topological conditions, the contiguous line of a stratum from Mireuk mountain(彌勒山) to Wangkung-ri castle(王宮里遺蹟) and two waterways made a topological axis of Iksan Imperial capital city. Secondly district of Iksan imperial capital city can be deduced to the inner area north to Kummado soil wall(金馬都土城), south to the confluence of Iksan river(益山川) and Busang river(扶桑川), west to Okum mountain fortress(五金山城) and Galjeon river(葛田川), east to line near to eastern wall of Jesuksa temple(帝釋寺). Iksan ssang-reung(益山雙陵) was located outside western boundary line of capital city. Thirdly axis from Wangkung-ri castle to northern Kummado soil wall made a skeletal axis of city structure. It got through northern lowland along Buk river(北川) between Yonghwa(龍華山) and Mireuk mountain. Fourthly the location of royal palace can be deduced to the north part of the city around Kumma town area along the planning principle of northern royal palace.

      • KCI등재

        재발한 표재 비골신경내 결절종(1예보고)

        이경찬,곽지훈,박홍기,Lee, Kyung-Chan,Kwak, Ji-Hoon,Park, Hong-Gi 대한족부족관절학회 2013 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Intraneural ganglilon of superficial peroneal nerve was rare condition around foot and ankle. we experienced a case of recurred intraneural ganglion of superficial peroneal nerve on foot. We treated the case with idendify of intraarticular branch of ganglion. We report the case with a review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        근대(近代) 도시화(都市化)에 따른 전라도(全羅道) 전통(傳統) 소도읍(小都邑)의 공간구조변화과정(空間構造變化過程) 연구(硏究)

        이경찬,Lee, Kyung-Chan 한국건축역사학회 2002 건축역사연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This study is to analyse the transformation process of spatial structure of traditional small city structure in Jeollabuk-Do in the process of modern urbanization between 19th century and the year 2000. The small cities, IM-PI, YONG-AN, YEO-SAN, OK-GOO, GO-SAN, MU-JANG, GUM-MA, GO-BU, which have been local administrative center in CHO-SUN dynasty, have role of local administrative center of subdivision of country-myon, except OK-GOO. The method of this study is to investigate the transformation process of spatial structural elements of with the actual field surveys, the analysis of Gunhyun map made in 1872, land registration maps in 1910s and 2000, and various topological maps. The elements of analysis are the topological site and geographical situation conditions, the urbanized areas, the street systems, the function of streets, the focal points of urban land use, the land use systems, and the location of major facilities such as administration facilities, markets, bus terminals. The analytical point of view and the results are as follows. There is strong relationship between the transformation of internal matrix route system and the growth pattern of urbanized areas, Especially on the contrary to the matrix route with East-West direction which has the role of checking the growth of urbanized area, the South-North direction route acts as the leading line of the growth. The focal points structure of urban land use shows transformation process from the point of central space of administrative district in front of Nae-A, to the access point to administrative district or to the access point to housing and neighborhood commercial area. From the point of functional area structure and major facilities location, line-type commercial area is developed along the line of central axis route and access route to administrative district. Especially direction of the growth of commercial area is strongly connected with the interrelationship between the study area and its neighboring cities. Pattern of commercial district development is varied with the direction of matrix route. That is, commercial district, which shows one side development pattern along the East-West direction route, is developed on both sides of street along the South-North direction route.

      • KCI등재

        철도시설과 연계한 이리 도시구조와 도시경관의 근대성 해석

        이경찬,Lee, Kyung-Chan 한국건축역사학회 2012 건축역사연구 Vol.21 No.6

        Modern railway construction by Japanese had a great influence on the urbanization, transformation of urban structure and landscape during the Japanese imperialism and compressive increasing period in Iri(Iksan). This paper aims to find out the effect of railway on the modern urban structure and urban landscape in Iri(Iksan). Railways in Iri, Honam railway, Kunsan railway, Jeonla railway have been constructed progressively during 1911 and 1915 with Iri and old Iri(east-Iri) station. From the analysis of land registration maps and street plans, old photographies and historical records, some significant features underling railway construction can be followed in view of modern urbanization process in Iri. Firstly railways cut off the possibility of developing urban structure based on traditional spatial structure of Iksan. Secondly railways made dual spatial structure in Iri. Japanese and Korean life zone were divided into separate district around urbanization area and market place. Thirdly traditional space cognition system based on four cardinal directions were changed to front and rear space of railway station. Fourthly railways and stations caused neo-baroque spatial order and imperialistic urban landscape of Iri with axis, vista and gridiron plan. Fifthly break points and fringe belts garbling modern urbanization process are created. Sixthly modern cultural and consumptive urban spaces were taken their seats in relation with daily urban life.

      • KCI등재

        초음파를 이용한 국소마취하 표재비골신경 포착증후군의 치료

        이경찬,곽지훈,황철호,박홍기,Lee, Kyung-Chan,Kwak, Ji-Hoon,Hwang, Chul-Ho,Park, Hong-Gi 대한족부족관절학회 2013 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Purpose: To review the outcomes of surgical treatment for superficial peroneal nerve entrapment. Materials and Methods: Ultrasonogram was used for diagnosis and surgical treatment. Seven superficial peroneal nerve entrapment were surgically treated with follow up of average 16 months (range, 6~29 months). Three patients were male and four patients were female with mean age 36.7 years (range, 19~51 years). Four cases developed after repetitive ankle sprain and three cases had no etiology. Results: Operation was performed mini-open and subcutaneous fasciotomy under local anesthesia. The results were excellent in two cases, good in four cases, fair in one case. Conclusion: Ultrasonogram was useful for diagnosis and surgical treatment of superficial peroneal nerve entrapment syndrome.

      • KCI등재

        군산의 근대도시발달과정과 도시조직의 변화 유형에 관한 형태학적 연구

        이경찬,허준,Lee, Kyung-Chan,Huh, Joon 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.32 No.6

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyse modem urbanization process and the morphological transformation of the urban tissues in Kunsan between the you 1899 and 2001, The method of this study is to investigate the transformation process of morphological elements such as plot structure, building layout, building facades, land use, exterior space structure and their use, with actual field surveys, the analysis of land registration maps in 1912, and various topological map. Morphological analysis on modern Kunsan is progressed by three steps-typo-morphological analysis of urban tissue in old-town area, interpretation of morphological process, and transformation process, of morphological structure in Japanese concession in view of plots system. As a result, it is found that there is cyclical relationship among the morphological transformation processes of morphological elements, plots, buildings, land-uses, and access space to buildings. From the view of town plan change, the period of restoration of war damage in 1950s and compressive growing period in 1960s have important meaning in the morphological process of old-town area. Particularly the first building plan and layout type together with plot form and structure is acted as the main factor to decide the subsequent plot transformation system, exterior space system and the particular streetscape in Kunsan.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 나주읍성의 도시형태 형성과정 해석

        이경찬(Lee, Kyung-Chan) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.10

        This paper aims to interpret the morphological formation processes of Naju eup-seoung during the Goryeo and Joseon periods. Based on the analysis of historical records, old & topographical map and first land registration map, the morphological period of Naju can be divided in four; formation of eup-seong and T-based main route system in Korea, partial reconstruction and expansion of Korea eup-seong in early Joseon Dynasty, reconstruction and expansion of eup-seong including Naju river in middle Joseon Dynasty, large expansion of eup-seong in late Joseon Dynasty. Main factors of the transformation of town plan and eup-seong is reorganization of administrative facilities, residential population growth, flood disaster management and restoration of war damage, reinforcement of defensive demand of eup-seong. Especially, in the process of reconstruction and expansion of eup-seong, the route system based on functional aspect was transformed to route system with formality based on the town planning principle of Joseon. In this process the route system connecting 4 gates of eup-seong and Gaeksa(錦城館) and administrative center(衙舍) had formed irregular pattern.

      • KCI우수등재

        도시(적) 디자인 사고에 기초한 도시설계의 기본성격 연구

        이경찬(Lee Kyung-Chan) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2001 國土計劃 Vol.36 No.5

        When we use UD as 'urban(e) design', the concept of UD is mainly concerned with 'urban(e) design thinking' and the question of what are the main object of UD? is no more point of argument. The starting point of defining 'urban(e) design' is to make argument based on the concept of 'city' or 'urban(e)'. In this point, the concept of continuity of urban culture and heterogenic variety, as internal characteristics of urbanism, are the basis of argument. On the basis of continuity, in which the concept of urban culture as process and context are the point of defining 'urban(e)', 'context design' and 'process design' principles are derived as main-basic characteristics of UD. From the point of variety, in which the concept of publicism is the main ideology, the ideology of 'public' and 'social justice' idea and their interrelated value of equality, openness, equity, publicity are constituting the basis of argument of defining 'urban(e)'. From the concept of publicism, UD can be defined as three perspectives; the first is 'public environment design' principle which makes the basis of judgement of decision making related with the nature of physical appearance, the second is 'participatory and conferential design' principle which is related with the main actors, their roles and the process of decision making, the third is 'normative control guide design' principle which is the basis of certificating objective reasonability of the forms and contents of UD products.

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