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      • KCI등재

        지역아동센터 아동 대상 조리교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용

        이경아 ( Kyung-a Lee ),이경애 ( Kyong-ae Lee ),권미라 ( Meera Kweon ),김미자 ( Mi-ja Kim ),류은순 ( Eun Soon Lyu ),문보경 ( Bo Kyung Moon ),박옥진 ( Ok Jin Park ),이애랑 ( Ae-rang Lee ),이윤진 ( Yoon-jin Lee ),이인선 ( In-seon Lee 한국식품조리과학회(구 한국조리과학회) 2021 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        Purpose: This study was conducted to develop cooking program for children at community center. Methods: This study consisted of three parts. Part I involved determining the demand for a cooking program by educators (dietitians). In parts II and III the cooking program was developed and applied, respectively. A survey was carried out on 66 educators (dietitians) using self-administered questionnaire. Questions were based on current status and requirements of cooking programs. Cooking recipes and videos were focused on easily applicated, using common food ingredients, and safe for children. After application of the cooking education, program satisfaction was investigated. Results: Educators (dietitians) stated they needed a well constructed educational program, educational tools, and teaching manuals for children. In accord with survey results, three cooking recipes and videos were developed for children and recipe illustration cards were produced. Menus were ‘baby gimbap with a perilla leaf’, ‘steamed egg with tofu and scallions’, and ‘a bowl of rice with bean sprouts and egg’. Educators’ satisfaction scores for the developed cooking program after it has been applied at 12 community centers were very high. Conclusion: A various and practical cooking education program should be developed for children at community centers.

      • KCI등재

        성공적인 한국 기업집단의 경영체제 특성과 미래 방향 모색

        이경묵(Kyungmook Lee),홍길표(Kil-Pyo Hong) 한국인사조직학회 2014 인사조직연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문에서는 세계적인 경쟁력을 가진 한국 기업집단의 경영체제를 분석함으로써, 경영체제상의 한국 기업의 성공요인을 찾아내고, 이를 바탕으로 한국 기업의 경영체제가 지향할 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 한국기업의 경영체제 특성을 연구하기 위한 핵심주제와 그 현상특성에 대해 개관하였고, 이를 기반으로 사례연구의 분석관점을 구성했다. 사례연구는 세계적인 경쟁력을 갖춘 한국 기업집단인 삼성그룹, 현대기아차그룹, 포스코그룹을 대상으로 수행했다. 사례연구를 바탕으로 한국의 대표적 기업집단이 세계적인 기업집단으로 도약하는데 기여한 경영체제상의 세 가지 특성을 도출하였다. 첫째, 세계적인 기업을 만들겠다는 원대한 비전과 강렬한 의지를 가지고 있으면서도 동시에 주력사업의 핵심성공요소를 잘 이해한 뛰어난 그룹 최고결정권자가 존재했다는 점, 둘째, 이들이 장기간 기업을 이끌면서 막강한 권한을 행사할 수 있도록 지배기반을 제공한 계열사간 복합적인 소유구조와 계열사간 관계를 유지할 수 있었다는 점, 셋째, 그룹 최고결정권자의 리더십 및 소유구조 특성에 적합한 그룹경영시스템을 구축하여 그룹 임직원들의 역량을 결집해 나갔다는 점 등을 들 수 있다. 이들 사례가 다른 한국기업에 던지는 시사점으로 본 연구에서는 주력사업의 핵심성공요소를 잘 이해하면서도 세계 일류기업을 만들겠다는 강한 의지를 가진 최고결정권자의 육성과 검증, 장기적인 관점에서의 비전경영, 조직의 각 부문과 임직원들이 그룹 최고결정권자의 강한 의지에 맞게 행동하도록 하는 그룹경영 시스템의 구축이 필요하다는 점을 제시하였다. This paper aims to identify the success factors in the governance systems of Korean corporate groups and suggests the future directions of the governance systems of Korean firms by analyzing three successful Korean corporate groups: Samsung, Hyundai-Kia Motors, and POSCO. In order to analyze their governance structures, we developed a two-by-two matrix framework to identify their key governance system characteristics. In one dimension, we distinguish non-Chaebol corporate groups from Chaebol type. In the other dimension, we identify vertically-integrated corporate groups with a single core business from diversified corporate groups with multiple core businesses. Samsung group is a Chaebol type corporate group with multiple core businesses, while Hyundai-Kia Motors group is a Chaebol type corporate group with a single core business. POSCO group is a non-Chaebol corporate group with a single core business. Then, we describe the governance systems of each corporate group in detail. We collected data mainly by interviewing multiple executives of those groups. Samsung group is the largest and most successful Korean corporate group so far. It has grown very fast and has become a world-class corporate group under the leadership of group Chairman Kun-Hee Lee. Key characteristics of Samsung’s governance system can be summarized as follows. First, the role of Chairman Lee has been critical in Samsung’s success in the global market. He had a very strong will to transform Samsung into a world-class corporate group, provided an audacious vision to organizational members of the Samsung group, and suggested basic direction to transform the group by using his business insight. He directed the group with a long-term vision and deep understanding of the critical success factors of Samsung’s major businesses. Chairman Lee’s vision has been implemented by a very powerful group headquarters and by professional managers. The group headquarters coordinates and integrates decisions of affiliate companies to pursue group level optimization. The headquarters exerts a strong influence on nominating directors and executives of affiliate companies, and is involved in major investment decisions of the affiliates. Executives of affiliate companies are nominated on the basis of their own performance as well as of the performance of the organizational unit they work for. Monetary compensation of organizational members is very tightly linked with business performance and thus the incentives of stockholders, executives, and the rank-and-file are tightly aligned. This tight incentive alignment helps Samsung concentrate efforts of its employees to achieve the vision of Chairman Lee. The Hyundai-Kia Motors group has emerged as a major player in world automobile industry under the leadership of Chairman Mong-Ku Chung. Similar to Samsung’s Chairman Lee, Chairman Chung had a very strong will to build up a world-class automobile corporate group, provided an audacious vision, and dictated the quality improvement as the most important success factor in the automobile industry. While Chairman Lee delegates most of his decisions to professional managers in Samsung, Chairman Chung remains involved in major decisions of his affiliate companies. Chairman Chung has practiced “management by wandering around.” He has frequently visited major places of his concern and checks whether his vision is being properly implemented. Group headquarters does not play a major role in group-level governance in this group but provide decision support services to Chairman Chung and the CEOs of affiliate companies. While a very large portion of executives in affiliate companies of Samsung group are trained in managerial functions such as finance, accounting, human resources management, and auditing, the majority of executives in the Hyundai-Kia Motors group are trained in assembly, quality control, sales and marketing, and R&D.

      • 건설시뮬레이션기법을 이용한 시스템 철골계단 공법의 생산성 분석

        이경석 ( Kyung Suk Lee ),이정훈 ( Jeong Hun Lee ),김현미 ( Hyun Mi Kim ),김영석 ( Young Suk Kim ),한승우 ( Seung Woo Han ) 한국건축시공학회 2010 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        Development and practical emerging construction technologies has been studied as one of key solution for overcoming these barriers. Many literatures indicated that effective performance evaluation methodologies are demanding for efficient applications of new technologies. This paper presents a performance evaluation methodology using construction simulation technique and introduces studies of two cases where the steel staircase system, as an new technologies was applied and where the conventional method of staircase concrete works. Productivity was measured and calculated by site observation and construction simulations. This results show the quantified influence of new technology to site personnels and assist them to make various decisions for using or not using the technology depending on their own situations.

      • KCI등재

        대만 기혼여성의 취업구조와 경력단절

        이경아(Kyung-Ah, Lee) 한국여성정책연구원 2016 여성연구 Vol.90 No.1

        본 연구는 경력단절 수준이 한국여성에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 대만여성의 경험을 토대로, 대만여성의 경제활동참여 및 경력단절 수준을 파악하고, 대만 사회의 사회문화적 조건 하에서 여성의 경력단절 수준을 완화시키는 주요 요인을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 문헌분석의 기초 위에, 대만 행정원주계총처, 노동부 및 경제부 등의 국가통계자료를 중심으로 통계자료를 재구성하고 한국과의 비교를 시도하였다. 분석결과를 종합하면, 먼저, 대만여성의 연령별 경제활동참가율에서 한국은‘M자형’, 대만은 비교적 완만한 ‘역U자형’을 나타내어, 대만 젊은 여성들의 경력 단절 수준이 한국에 비해 낮다. 다음, 대만여성의 경력단절 완화 요인을 노동시장 요인, 법적 · 제도적 요인, 가정적 요인 및 개인적 요인 등으로 나누어 분석하였다. 1. 노동시장요인 중 취업구조 관찰을 위해 (1) 산업별 분포를 보면, 여성이 많이 종사하는 서비스업부문은 평균임금도 높을 뿐만 아니라 성별임금격차도 작다. (2) 직종별 분포를 보면, 관리직, 전문직, 사무직 및 기술직에 종사하는 비율이 한국여성에 비해 높고, 성별직종분리가 한국에 비해 심하지 않다. 또 경력단절 후 재취업 시 서비스 및 판매직 외에 관리직과 기술직에서도 증가추세를 보이고 있다. (3) 비정규직 비율이 상대적으로 낮고, 정규직 비율이 높은 정부부문에서 여성비율이 더 높다. (4) 대만의 성별임금격차는 2013년 기준 17.5% 수준으로 한국에 비해 상당히 양호하다. 2. 법적 · 제도적 요인을 보면, 대만의 현행 ‘성별고용평등법(性別工作平等法)’은 상대적으로 여성 친화적이고 실효성이 높으며, 그에 따른 기업의 남녀고용평등 수준도 높다. 즉 기업의 모성 보호관련 휴가 및 탁아조치 제공수준이 높고, 육아휴직 후 원직복귀 비율 또한 높은 편이다. 3. 가정적 요인을 보면, (1) 대만의 낮은 임금수준은 맞벌이의 필요성을 증가시켰고, 낮은 성별임금격차는 여성의 가계소득에 대한 공헌을 높여, 여성의 취업을 지속시키는 중요 요인으로 작용한다. (2) 남성의 여성취업에 대한 지지와 적극적 가사노동분담 그리고 광범위한 매식(買食)문화 등은 여성의 가사노동을 경감시켜 지속적 취업을 유지하게 하였다. (3) 대만 특유의 가족 네트워크를 활용한 조부모의 자녀양육 분담을 통해 취업여성의 경력단절을 완화시킨다. 4. 개인적 요인을 보면, 대만여성의 교육수준 향상은 한국과 달리 경력 단절 완화와 정(正)의 관계이다. 여성 교육수준의 향상은 대만인의 성역할태도에 직접적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 그 결과 육아휴직 신청자 중 남성비율은 2010년 기준 대만남성(17.9%)과 한국남성(2%)이 9배 차이가 난다. 결론적으로, 대만여성의 경력단절 완화는 위의 여러 가지 요인이 복합적으로 작용한 결과이며, 정부, 기업, 사회 및 가정 각 영역에서 오랜 시간 여성의 일 · 가정양립이 가능하도록 변화해왔기 때문에 가능한 것이다. 향후 대만여성의 일 · 가정양립을 가능하게 하는 사회문화적 및 제도적 조건에 대한 깊은 논의가 필요하다. This study tries to explore employment structure and career discontinuity of married women in Taiwan. It observes women’s economic participation and the career discontinuity level of married women, and then analyzes the important factors that moderate the career discontinuity under socio-cultural condition in Taiwan. First, women’s economical participation level in Taiwan looks similar with that in Korea, nevertheless the graph of women’s economical participation rate in Korea shows ‘M’ shape but that in Taiwan shows ‘reverse U’ shape. It means the women’s career discontinuity level in Taiwan is lower than that in Korea. Next, it analyzes the four moderation factors of women’s career discontinuity in Taiwan. The first one is the labor market factor. (1) The average wage is high and the gender wage gap is small in the service sector where women’s workers hold a majority. (2) The rate of women that engage in managerial, professional, clerical and technical workers in Taiwan is higher than that in Korea, and job segregation by gender in Taiwan is not heavier than that in Korea. (3) Women irregular worker’s rate is relatively low, and women worker’s rate is higher than men worker’s rate in government sector where regular workers hold a majority. (4) The gender wage gap in Taiwan is 17.5% and better than that in Korea. The second one is the legal and institutional factor. The Equal Employment Opportunity Law is relatively woman-friendly and effective, thereby the level of corporate equal employment opportunity is high. The level of motherhood protection institutions and public child-care measures of corporateness is high, and women’s reappointment rate is high as well. The third one is the family factor. Household income, division of household labor and family network are important as family factor. (1) Lower wage level and lower gender wage gap increase the women’s contribution to household income. (2) The positive division of household labor and the eating-out culture reduce women’s household labors. (3) The married women share child-care works with grand parents and grand parents in law using the Taiwan’s unique family network. The fourth one is the personal factor. The educational standard and the gender role attitude have an influence on women’s career discontinuity, and then there is positive relation between women’s educational standard and moderation of career discontinuity. The gender role attitude is changing according to the elevation of women’s educational standard and the increase of their economic participation.

      • KCI등재

        스테파누스 2세와 피핀의 상봉: 그 역사적 의미

        이경구 ( Kyung Koo Lee ) 한국서양중세사학회 2002 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.0 No.9

        Italy was a land of conflicting dilemmas in the middle of the eighth century. Because three powers of the Byzantines, the Lombards, and the Papacy competed one another to hold hegemony of the Italian peninsula. The Byzantine Emperors, as the legitimate successors of the ancient Roman Emperors, claimed their theoretical rights to rule the peninsula. But the Lombard kings who had strong troops tried to seizure the whole Italy by the sword. The Popes, on the other hand, wouldn`t accept not only the rult of the Byzantins but also that of the lombards because the wanted to rule over the whole province of Italy. In this tripartite relation Pope StephenⅡ took the initiztive in Italy by the tools of diplomacy. It was impossible for the Pope to expel the Byzantines and the Lombards from the peninsula because he had not any military means. He solved the difficult situation receiving the military assistance from the Frankish king PepinⅢ. Stehpen, that is, rescued the Church and the Papac by means of his skill diplomacy. There were secret contacts between the papal curia and the pepin`s palace before Stephen visited the Frankish kingdom. Both exchanged Letters and embassies each other with the utmost secrcy without making known those things to either Byzantines or Lombards. Stephen`s secret diplomacy obtained excellent results. The Papacy could be raised to the position of the head in the Italian peninsula instead of Byzantines and Lombards In relation with Pepin the Stephen also enjoyed actual papal supremacy. The evidence that the Pope claimed his supremacy to the Frankish king was indeed the Donation of Constantine and the Petrine Theory. The Pope`s predominant position was evidently expressed in the rite of groom service that Pepin performed before Stephen when they met each other at the first time. Stephen succeed to make Pepin protector of the see of St. Peter as a result of the meeting between the two. The Pope charged the Frankish king with the duty of service for the Roman Church and the Papacy. The Popes such intention was symbolically reflected in the unction which Stephen edstowed on pepin and his two sons at St. Denis and the title `patricius Romanourum` which he conered on them after the rite. In severe danger Stephen thus saved the Duchy of Rome and the Roman Church receiving the military assistance from Pepin. Pepin also made some profits by foreing cooperation with Stephen though the Frankish king acted passively in relation with the Pope. Consecrated by the Pope the Frankish king now became a holy king. and then as a capacity of a holy king Pepin was properly able to conduct the Chirstian people living in the western Europe. Making successful expeditions to italy he not only consolidated his position in the Frankish kingdom but also secured a firm foothold to take a significant role in the western society. In these aspects the meeting between Stephen and Pepinwas the important accident that decided on the future course of the history of the Papacy and furthermore of the western Europe.

      • KCI등재후보

        평균전류모드 플라이백 토폴로지를 이용한 PDP용 고효율 AC-DC 컨버터 및 Hold-up 특성 개선

        이경,임승범,정용민,오은태,이준영,Lee, Kyung-In,Lim, Seung-Beom,Jung, Yong-Min,Oh, Eun-Tae,Lee, Jun-Young 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2008 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Recently, regulation for THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) such as IEC 61000-3-2, IEEE 519 is being reinforced about a product which directly connects to AC line in order to prevent distortion of common power source in electronic equipment and electrical machinery. In order to satisfy these regulations, conventional circuits were used two-stage structure attached power factor correction circuit at ahead of converter but this method complicate the circuit and then a number of element increases thereupon the cost of production rises. in this paper, we propose a high efficiency single-stage 300W PFC fly-back converter that improved power factor and efficiency than conventional two-stage power module.

      • KCI등재

        콘스탄티누스 기진장의 작성목적

        이경구 ( Kyung Koo Lee ) 한국서양중세사학회 2003 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.0 No.11

        The Donation of Constantine has been regarded as the most famous forgery of the entire Middle Ages. The document seemend to be forged according to the thorough program of the papal curia in the middle eighth century. The author fabricated the document for the purposes as follows. First, the Donation purported to confirm that Roman Catholic religion is orthodoxy. The Roman Church suffered a lot of difficultie due to the Arius heresy of Lombards and the iconoclasm of the Constantinople church. The author wanted to secure the dogmas of the Roman Church to be orthodoxy instead of the heresies. Second, the Donation intended to secure the primacy of the Roman Church. The papacy hoped to unifiction of the christian faith under the initiative of the Roman Church holding back rival churches such as the Byzantine church. The desire of the papal curia was echoed in the document. Third, the Donation was fabricated as an evidence of the papacy`s temporal right in Italy including the city of Rome. The Byzantine emperors had claimed their rights to rule the Italian peninsula as the legal successors of the ancient Roman emperors. The curia was in dire need of an evidence for the secular rulership in Italy instead of the Byzantine Empire. The evidence was also required aginst the Franks because they could claim their rights to the Italian territory once they subjugated Lombards in the north Italy.

      • KCI우수등재

        고도 보존 기본계획 수립 이후 부여 일반상업지역의 변화

        이경아(Lee, Kyung-Ah) 대한건축학회 2018 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.34 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in the general commercial area of Buyeo after the establishment of the master plan to preserve and promote ancient city and to analyze the survey results of the merchants. After the plan was made, there was a positive effect such as a decrease in population decline and the influx of new merchants. There are many people who want to continue to operate with affection for the region, but it seems that it is necessary to prepare a plan for new merchants to settle well and to take countermeasures for relieving the anxiety of existing merchants.

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