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        부동산 중개업 종사자의 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향 연구 : 긍정심리자본을 매개변수로

        이강은(Lee, Kang-eun),이창석(Lee, Chang-Suk) 한국부동산정책학회 2017 不動産政策硏究 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of job / occupational characteristics and positive psychological capital on occupational satisfaction and turnover intention of real estate brokerage workers. A survey was conducted on real estate brokerage workers who worked in the selected area when the government announced the real estate measures and analyzed statistically. Job satisfaction, job satisfaction, job satisfaction, self - efficacy, hope and optimism had significant influence on job satisfaction, and job satisfaction, self - efficacy, hope and optimism had significant influence on turnover intention. In order to increase the job satisfaction of the real estate brokerage workers, it is necessary to have job feedback that confirms whether the work is progressing well, confidence that their job is stable, and that their future will be better. In order to lower the turnover intention, it is necessary to develop self-efficacy that can overcome the past experience and improve the job satisfaction even if the hard work occurs. In addition, the results that are common to both regulatory and non-regulatory areas indicate that the higher the job satisfaction, the lower the turnover intention. In other words, the higher the overall satisfaction level of the job, the more likely it is that the employee wants to continue working without having to leave the company unless there are special circumstances in the current job.

      • KCI등재

        도매여행사의 공정성, 관계의 질, 장기지향성간의 관계 연구

        이강은(Kang Eun Lee),박철호(Chul Ho Park),한수정(Su Jung Han) 한국관광연구학회 2015 관광연구저널 Vol.29 No.1

        In this study, the future development of the domestic travel business a franchise system and franchise business franchise headquarters away from the characteristics of the relationship between the fractional franchise headquarters justice from the perspective of the quality of the relationship between the merchant to identify the impact of research on long-term relationship, and relationships to propose important implications. This research focuses on retail travel agencies from Seoul and Gyeonggi-do that adopted H and M tour as their brand names to assist this study, people currently engaged in this industry were selected as subjects for a survey. The survey was conducted between March 1st and March 31st, 2014. A total of 300 copies were handed out, 34 copies out from the collected ones were excluded since they were inconsistent or insincere. The final 246 were used for analysis. For statistical analysis, the data that had gone through data coding process underwent analyses of frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS Statistical Program, Win version 20.0. The results show that First, hypothesis which means that activity of travel agency``s Justice(Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice) affects quality of the relationship positively was selected. Second, hypothesis which means that quality of the relationship(trust, Satisfaction) affects long-term oriented relation positively. Third, hypothesis which means that effect of travel agency``s justice affects long-term oriented relation positively was selected. A couple of marketing implications were suggested on the basis of the findings of this paper.

      • KCI등재

        자동차 브레이크용 마찰재 내의 강철섬유, 지르콘, 캐슈가 크립 그론에 미치는 영향

        이강선(Kang Sun Lee),이은주(Eun Ju Lee),장호(Ho Jang),정근중(Geun Joong Jeong),송현우(Hyun Woo Song) 한국트라이볼로지학회 2007 한국윤활학회지(윤활학회지) Vol.23 No.6

        Friction characteristics of a low-steel friction material were examined to investigate creep groan phenomena. The amount of three ingredients (steel fiber, ZrSiO₄, cashew) were changed to produce test specimens using a constrained mixture design. Tribological properties of the friction material specimens were obtained by using a 1/5 scale dynamometer. Results showed that the amount of three different ingredients strongly affected the level of friction coefficient and the difference between the static friction coefficient and the kinetic friction coefficient (?μ). ZrSiO4 and steel fiber tended to increase the average friction coefficient and aggravated the stick-slip phenomena suggesting high creep groan propensity. On the other hand, cashew tended to decrease average friction coefficient and ?μ.

      • 자동차 브레이크용 마찰재에 사용되는 원료가 크립 그론(creep groan) 특성에 미치는 영향

        이강선(Kang Sun Lee),조민형(Min Hyung Cho),이은주(Eun Ju Lee),장호(Ho Jang),정근중(Geun Joong Jeong),송현우(Hyun Woo Song) 한국트라이볼로지학회 2007 한국트라이볼로지학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.11

        Friction characteristics of a low-steel friction material were examined to investigate creep groan phenomena. The amount of ingredients (steel fiber, ZrSiO₄, cashew, natural graphite, artificial graphite, cokes) was changed to produce test specimens using a constrained mixture design. Tribological properties of the friction material specimens were obtained by using a 1/5 scale dynamometer. Results showed that the amount of different ingredients strongly affected the level of friction coefficient and the difference between the static friction coefficient and the kinetic friction coefficient (Δμ). ZrSiO₄, steel fiber and cokes tended to increase the average friction coefficient and aggravated the stick-slip phenomena that determinded creep groan propensity. Cashew and natural graphite tended to decrease average friction coefficient and Δμ. The change of the friction characteristics according to the ingredients suggested that the formation of the friction film on the brake pad was strongly affected the brake performance of the friction materials.

      • KCI등재

        국내 공예산업 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        이강은(Lee Kang eun),안순주(Ahn Soon joo) 한국조형디자인학회 2018 조형디자인연구 Vol.21 No.3

        전통과 수공예적 섬세함을 기반을 둔 공예품은 현대의 대량생산품과 확연히 다른 가치로 구매자들의 감성을 자극한다. 그것은 대량생산된 제품의 몰개성에서 벗어나 공장 생산제품과는 확연히 차별화되는 것으로 오늘날 구매자들의 개별적 취향이 반영된 다품종 소량생산의 트렌드와 일치하다. 이러한 실정에서 최근 몇 년간 해외공예시장에 두각을 보이고 있는 것은 이커머셜 시장과 공예의 조합이다. 그러나 현재 한국 공예품의 유통 및 판매는 대부분이 오프라인 중심으로 판매되고 있으며 온라인을 통한 판매는 국내 시장에 한정되어 있어 판매량 또한 높지 않은 수준이다. 그러므로 과거의 방식에서 벗어나 글로벌 트렌드에 부흥하여 현 상황 개선을 위한 새로운 전략이 마련 되여야 할 것으로 보인다. 따라서 국내 공예산업이 글로벌 이커머셜 플랫폼과의 연계를 통한 새로운 공예 생산 및 유통방안을 제시하였으며 글로벌 이커머셜 사례와 유통구조의 변화를 연구함으로써 현 상황을 개선하기 위한 경쟁력 있는 유통판로 확장과 판매 활성화에 그 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 기존 발표된 국내 공예산업의 생산 활동 통계자료를 토대로 현상을 분석하였고 국내 이커머셜 시장 분석과 국내와 대비하여 빠르게 대응하고 있는 국외 이커머셜 시장을 비교하였다. 대표적인 업체인 엣시(etsy)와 핸드메이드 카테고리를 만들어 업계에 진출한 아마존(Amazon)을 비교 분석하여 세계화 할 수 있는 현실적 대안을 제시한다. 그리하여 지금까지 분석을 토대로 우수한 품질의 국내 공예품이 전 세계를 대상으로 판매되는 온라인 시장에 공급 될 수 있도록 이커머셜 플랫폼으로의 진출이 속히 시행하여야 한다는 것으로 결론을 도출하였다. 이를 통해 한국 공예품 유통을 활성화하는데 보탬이 됨과 동시에 글로벌 온라인 시장으로의 방향 설정과 전략수립에 도움이 되기를 기대한다. Crafts based on tradition and handicrafted delicacy stimulate buyers emotions with a distinctly different value from modern mass production. It is distinct from the factory-produced products, deviating from the deindividuation of mass-produced products, which is consistent with today s trends of multi-product and small volume production that reflects the individual taste of buyers. Under this circumstance, it is the combination of e-commercial market and crafts that has been outstanding in the overseas craft market in recent years. However, current distribution and sales of Korean crafts are mainly off-line, and online sales are limited to the domestic market, so sales volume are not high either. Therefore, it is expected that a new strategy should be prepared to improve the current situation by moving away from the past methods and reviving to the global trend. Therefore, the domestic craft industry has proposed a new craft production and distribution plan through linkage with the global e-commercial platform and its purpose is to expand the competitive distribution channels and revitalize sales to improve the current situation by studying in the global e-commercial case and the changes of distribution structure. To that end, the phenomenon was analyzed based on statistical data on production activities of the domestic craft industry announced previously and domestic e-commercial market analysis and freign e-commercial markets that are responding quickly in contrast to domestic were compared. This study presents realistic alternatives to be globalized by comparing and analyzing Amazon, which has created a handmade category with a representative company, Etsy and entered the industry. Thus, based on the analysis so far, it was concluded that the entry into e-commercial platform should be implemented quickly so that high quality domestic handicrafts can be supplied to the online market which is sold worldwide. It is hoped this helps to promote the distribution of Korean artifacts, and to set the direction to global online market and establish strategies at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        막심 고리키와 혁명: 패러다임의 경계, 혹은 그 너머

        이강은 ( Kang Eun Lee ) 한국러시아문학회 2016 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.52 No.-

        Творческая и революционно-культурная деятельность М. Горького завершилась в Парадигма-Революция(ПР), в сильном магнитном притяжении которой возникают и развиваются все культурные феномены с конца 19 века до начала 20 века(1890-е - 1930-е). В ПР рубежа веков проходила социологизация и мифологизация Горького, в результате которых были потеряны разные литературные достоинства писателя. Но Горький не хотел использовать ПР в своих интересах, а пытался найти свой собственный путь к культурной революции, Парадигма-Культура(ПК). В данном исследованием процесс развития ПК Горького внутри ПР разделяется на четыре ступени. Первая ступень(1890 г. - 1905 г.) - период революционной мифологизации Горького и возникновения сознания культурной революции. Вторая(1905 г. - 1917 г.) - период активного восприятия логики ПР и теоретизации своей ПК. Третья(1917 г. - 1921 г.) - период критики и преодоления ПР и период утверждения и практики по ПК, который ясно выражаетя в сборнике статей < Несвоевременные мысли >. Последняя(1921 г. - 1936 г.) - период рефлексии о ПР и ПК, и искание нового творческого культурного субъекта, которое отображается в < Рассказы 1921- 1924 годах > и < Жизнь Клима Самгина >.

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