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      • KCI등재

        기업의 무형자산이 기업가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 코스닥 상장 중견기업을 중심으로

        윤정희(Jeong Hee Yoon),서인희(In Hee Seo),최정일(Jeong Il Choi) 한국IT서비스학회 2016 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        According to the growing importance of science and technology policy, investment in research and development (R&D) has been increased. In this context, a patent as one of outcome of firm s systematic R&D investment is the way to hold a dominant position in companies technology competitiveness and also to protect technology right. This study attempts to find the effects of input resources and intellectual property production activity on company value. It conducted empirical analysis based on 238 KOSDAQ-listed and medium-sized firms. Using the previous research, this study configurated research variables about activity of patent production, company value, and input of resources. Through these variables, it aims to know the effect of input of resources and activity of patent production on company value. First, the result of regression analysis shows that R&D cost has the positive effect on a patent production and sales promotion cost positively affects on the registration of the trademark. Second, the output of regression analysis indicates that a patent has the positive effect on company value but a trademark has not. With regard to the input of resources, R&D cost has the influence on company value but sales promotion cost has not. This study attempts to find the effectiveness of company s intellectual property registration on its value and suggests a way that the systematic R&D investment contributes the growth of company value.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        정서조절문제 아동의 치료놀이 사례 연구

        윤정희 ( Jeong Hee Yoon ) 대한아동복지학회 2005 아동복지연구 Vol.3 No.3

        이 연구는 정서조절에 어려움이 있는 아동을 대상으로 치료놀이를 실시한 사례이다. 정서를 적절하게 표현하고 조절하는 능력은 아동의 정서 발달은 물론 사회성 발달, 부적응 행동과도 관계가 있으며, 기본적으로 양육자와의 관계에서 상호작용의 영향을 받는다. 치료놀이는 아동의 정서적 수준과 욕구에 맞추고 부모-자녀의 긍정적인 상호작용을 돕는 접근으로 치료놀이를 통한 정서조절에 문제가 있는 아동의 변화 과정과 아동과 어머니의 상호작용 변화를 알아보았다. 아동은 9살 여아로 학교 또래 관계와 갈등 상황에서 부정적인 감정을 조절하지 못하고 공격성을 나타내었다. 총 27회기의 치료놀이가 매주 1회, 30분 동안 실시되었다. 동시에 어머니는 해석치료자와 모든 회기에 걸쳐서 지속적으로 관찰과 상담을 하였으며 어머니의 회기 참여도 이루어졌다. 치료놀이를 통하여 아동은 적절한 자기표현이 향상되었고 긍정적인 정서 행동이 증가하였다. 어머니는 아동의 감정을 수용하고 욕구를 인식하여 아동에게 반응하게 되었다. 또한 마샥 상호작용 방법(MIM)으로 평가한 결과, 아동과 어머니의 상호작용은 치료놀이 실시 전과 유의한 차이를 나타내어 조화롭게 변화하였다. 이와 같은 결과에서 개별적으로 아동에게 적합한 치료놀이의 원리를 적용한 활동과 함께 양육자의 치료놀이 참여로 인한 관계와 상호작용의 변화로 정서조절에 문제가 있는 아동에게 치료놀이는 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of theraplay on a child with problems in emotion regulation. The subject was a 9-year-old girl with a history of emotion regulation difficulty and aggressive behavior. Past studies have illustrated the significance of interaction a caregiver and a child on the child`s emotion development, however, the relationship between the child and her mother in this study was rather insecure. Theraplay is used to focus specifically on child`s emotional level and to promote positive parent-child interaction. In this study, 27 theraplay sessions were performed with once a week frequency. During the theraplay trial period, the mother received consultation from interpreting therapist and actively participated in theraplay sessions. The child showed noticeable improvement in her ability to regulate emotion and increasingly displayed positive emotion with each theraplay session. Additionally, the mother became more receptive to child`s emotional needs, and thereby developed attuned responsiveness. And the application of Marschak Interaction Method(MIM) showed significant improvement in the interaction between the child and her mother. Thus, this study supports that theraplay is an effective approach for children with problems in emotion regulation.

      • KCI등재

        현대미술에 있어서 빛·물 상징과 그 치유작용

        윤정희(Yoon, jeong - hee) 한국조형디자인학회 2009 조형디자인연구 Vol.12 No.4

        A purpose of this thesis lies in searching for artistic healing through symbolic representation such as water and light. Their symbolic meanings are the truth, resurrection, revival, creativity, healing, purification, the spiritual, goddess, and so o. These two symbols have not only a symbolic meaning but also a important significance in religion and healing. Especially, These have a reality in that they are really presented during the highest level of spiritual and religious experience such as Zen meditation. According to C.G. Jung, the analytic psychologist, the symbolic representation has a function of unifying and getting rid of a unbalance and split of the spirit, especially, visual symbol in the picture can reveal the inner world which could not be realized by means of the language articulated by word. A human being become have an experience that something takes place through symbolic expression while practicing the works. This 'something take place' is closely connected with the creativity. while the plastic art as a kind of symbol-making act has a function of healing, these two old symbol work as doubling a characteristic of healing in the plastic art. In addition to that, these two symbol and their power affecting on the spirit have become a factor for the artists which struggle for getting over their trauma symbolically or really. For exemplifying this, I introduce four contemporary artist, Ando Dadao who is the architect that opens up the meditative space of Being by using water and light as essential element in his architecture, Bill Viola who considers water as symbol spiritual healing and revival, Chang-Yul Kim who use the repetitive figures of water drops as a symbol that represents self-obliterlation and returning to the universal self, Mark Rothko, who is the painter trying to transcend the tragedy of humanistic dualism

      • KCI등재

        한국피아노교수법학회논문집 : 피아노 중급 실용반주법의 효율적인 교육: 코드와 리듬의 단계별 활용에 대하여

        윤정희 ( Jeong Hee Yoon ) 한국피아노교수법학회 2010 음악교수법연구 Vol.6 No.-

        피아노 교육에 있어서 코드 반주숙달의 중요성은 본 연구에 포함된 설문조사에서도 보여 지듯이 대부분의 피아노 학습자가 클래식 피아노 전공을 하기 위한 것이 아니라 취미생활과 여가활동으로 학습하기를 원하기 때문이다. 이즈음의 대중음악과 복음성가를 포함한 교회음악은 보표의 위나 아래에 표기되어진 코드개념에 따라 음악이 진행되므로 코드 실현 경험이 적고 주어진 반주악보에만 익숙한 반주자들은 어려움을 느낄 수밖에 없다. 본 연구의 범위는 피아노 초급과정의 기본적인 개념을 익힌 학생들을 대상으로, 코드학습단계의 실제적인 지도방안을 단계별로 제시함과 동시에 코드의 개념을 통해 다양한 화성의 진행을 자연스럽게 익힐 수 있도록 설정하였다. 더불어 선율과 코드에 따른 리듬 패턴 속에서 명확한 비트와 다양한 리듬패턴을 경험할 수 있는 연습곡을 제시 하였다. 반주는 유형별로 유선율 반주와 무선율 반주로 크게 나눌 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 노래의 반주나 교회 음악 반주에 널리 적용될 수 있는 무선율 반주의 패턴을 비트의 변화에 따른 다양한 리듬을 통해 제시한다. 코드와 리듬은 반주법에서 긴밀한 관계를 맺고 있고 단계별 수준별 학습을 필요로 한다. 스스로 반주 할 수 있다는 것은 학교음악과 동요등의 다양한 노래에 대한 흥미를 고취 시킬 뿐 아니라, 성인이된 후 피아노를 통해 자아를 실현하는데 있어서도 적극적인 동기유발이 될 것 이다. 본연구로 음악성이 뛰어나지 않는 아동이나 성인들도 피아노 반주를 쉽게 할 수 있는 방법론이 개발되어 오랜 기간 동안 음악을 즐길 수 있는 계기가 마련될 것이다. As shown in the survey included in this research. It is very important to familiarize in oneself with chord playing. This is due to the fact that most piano learners do not plan on majoring in piano performance, but instead on taking piano lessons simply as part of their leisure life. Most popular music and Contemporary christian music nowadays are using chord signs marked above or below the staff, and players who are used to score-reading containing every single note cannot help but find it difficult. The range of this research was set so that students familiar with the basics of elementary piano learning would be presented with step by step guidelines of chord learning and be abe to easily learn diverse types of harmonic progression using the concept of chord. This study also introduces practice pieces that would enable one to experience clear beats and diverse patterns as the rhythm progresses. Accompaniment can be divided into melodic accompaniment and non-melodic accompaniment depending on its type. This research presents a pattern of non-melodic accompaniment that can be applied to a wide range of song playing through diverse rhythms. Chord and rhythm share an intimate relationship in accompaniment and step-by-step learning is clearly necessary in studying both. Being able to play on one``s own can not only heighten his or her interest in diverse songs including school music and children``s songs, but it can also strongly motivate him or her to achieve high self esteem through piano playing as adults. I hope this research would trigger the invention of a new method that would make piano playing easier for both children and adults without much musical talent, so that they would be able to enjoy music for long.

      • 아프리카 피그미 고슴도치에서 발생한 편평상피세포암종

        김완희(Wan Hee Kim),김방현(Bang Hyun Kim),박우람(Woo Ram Park),장동우(Dong Woo Chang),정성목(Seong Mok Jeong),윤정희(Jung Hee Yoon),김대용(Dae Yong Kim),남치주(Tchi Chou Nam) 한국수의병리학회 2001 한국수의병리학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in a 4.5-year-old male African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris). The patient was referred to Seoul National University, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital after 5 days history of left eye exophthalmos and comeal trauma. He had enlarged upper and lower jaw at the left part of the face and endophthalmitis of the left eye. On radiographic examinations, loss of bone density at the left zygomatic arch and sun-burst type periosteal reaction of left mandible with decreased bone density was noted. Histologically, the neoplastic mass consisted of markedly invasive, cords of nests of squamous epithelial cells. Intercellular bridges and keratin pearl formation were also noted..

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        강아지에서 컨벡스스캐너를 이용한 정상적인 심장구조물의 초음파상

        정순욱,박희명,한숙희,윤정희,한홍율,Jeong Soon-wuk,Park Hee-myung,Han Sook-hee,Yoon Jung-hee,Han Hong-ryul 한국임상수의학회 1994 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Sector scanner which has a conical end is used to image through the intercostal space because heart is protected by the ribs. Cardiac data published all around the world were also obtained by sector scanner. Although scanners being used in every small animal practice and animal hospital at college in Korea include convex ape and linear type, linear type is not appropriate f3r cardiac scan because of a wide contact surface. The purpose of this study is to establish ultrasonographic images of normal cardiac structures by measuring shape, size of reflectable cardiac structure according to restraint position in scanning normal heart of the puppies with 6.5 MHz convex scanner(SonoAce 4500, Medison, Korea) used in our veterinary teaching hospital, Seoul national university. Seventeen male and female puppies considered having healthy hear by X-ray and clinical examination are used feom April to July 1994. Scanning point selection of probe head and the distinction of imaged cardiac structures were accomplished by necropsy and cardiac scanning performed through thoracotomy under general anesthesia. At 10 o'clock position of transducer(at an angle of 30$^{\circ}$ between imaginary line from elbow joint to 3rd sternum and probe head, 60$^{\circ}$ from body surface, 4th intercostal space of right thorax) with the marker of scanner toward the head of dogs right atrium, left atrium and left ventricle were observed in 2, 3, 4, 5 intercostal space(2cm from the sternum) of experimental dog positioned ventrodorsally under general anesthesia. Under these conditions, the numerical values of imaged diastolic hear are as follows : the distance from skin to apex(mean$\pm$S.D) 47.53$\pm$6.94mm, thickness of left ventricular wall 6.00$\pm$1.60mm, length of left ventricle 16.27$\pm$5.31mm, width of left ventricle 15,33$\pm$4.25mm, length of left atrium 12.33$\pm$3.82mm, width of left atrium 11. 33$\pm$3.94mm, length of right atrium 1.00$\pm$2.41mm, width of right atrium 11.21$\pm$2.76mm and the area of left ventricle 270.92$\pm$109.81mm$^2$, area of left atrium 98.00$\pm$41.08mm$^2$, area of right atrium 62.75$\pm$21.04mm$^2$.

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