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      • KCI등재

        카지노 직원이 지각하는 비합리적 도박신념과 위험감수성향이 겜블링태도와 행동의도에 미치는 영향

        육풍림,조태영 (사)한국관광레저학회 2018 관광레저연구 Vol.30 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to understand what influence unreasonable gambling belief and risk-taking tendency that casino employee perceive have on gambling attitude and behavior intention, and to take a measure for a proper education and a close supervision to keep the employee from falling into gambling addiction. The results of this study are as follows: First, among unreasonable gambling belief that casino employee perceive, skill-overestimating inference has a significant influence on positive attitude while self-overconfident illogical inference and skill-overestimating inference have on negative attitude, and hypothesis 1 was partially adopted. Second, among risk-taking tendency, only safety pursuit has a significant influence on negative attitude, and hypothesis 2 was partially adopted. Third, among unreasonable gambling belief, skill-overestimating inference has a significant influence on behavior intention, and hypothesis 3 was partially adopted. Fourth, among risk-taking tendency, risk pursuit has a significant influence on behavior intention, and hypothesis 4 was partially adopted.Finally, among gambling attitudes, only positive attitude has a significant influence on behavior intention, and hypothesis 5 was partially adopted.

      • KCI등재

        カジノ従事者の感情労働がバーンアウトと 組織有効性に及ぼす影響

        육풍림,정옥규,조태영 한국호텔관광학회 2015 호텔관광연구 Vol.17 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to find out how Emotional Labor affects Burnout and Organizational Effectiveness and to provide a practical conclusion that can contribute to the development of the casino industry. Also Each component impact on relationships, identify and follow up on a basis for data to try to use. This study was conducted on the workers of 16 actively-running casinos for Koreans and foreigners nationwide. It was conducted for 3 weeks from April 16 to May 6 in 2012, which includes 3 weekends. A total of 1,400 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 1,357 were collected after 43 were lost during collection. Excluding those with insincere responses, 1,317 copies (94.07%) were used for final analysis. Collected data were statistically analyzed using the package programs of SPSS20.0 for Windows and AMOS20.0, after the process of data coding. Frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation model(SEM) analysis were performed. The study results were as follows: First, concerning the appropriateness of the model, the analysis results were χ 2=34.964(p=.000), df=10, Q=3.496, GFI=.994, AGFI=.977, RMR=.011, NFI=.991, TLI=.981, CFI=.993, RMSEA=.044 This meant that the model had sufficient validity when comparing with indices used as general evaluation standards. Second, Emotional labor of casino workers had a significant positive effect on burnout. Third, Burnout of casino workers had a significant negative effect on organizational effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        카지노 종사원의 감정노동이 직무소진과 고객지향성에 미치는 영향- 전국 16개 내ㆍ외국인 카지노 종사원을 대상으로 -

        육풍림,조태영 한국호텔관광학회 2014 호텔관광연구 Vol.16 No.5

        This study is aimed at clarifying how the emotional labor of casino workers influence their job burnout and customer orientation. Among the sub-factors of job burnout ― emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low sense of personal accomplishment, ― this study is intended to identify which of the sub-factors lowers customer orientation more. Based on the result, this study is intended to offer useful data that contributes to casino industry development. This study was conducted on the workers of 16 actively-running casinos for Koreans and foreigners nationwide. It was conducted for 3 weeks from April 16 to May 6 in 2012, which includes 3 weekends. A total of 1,400 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 1,357 were collected after 43 were lost during collection. Excluding those with insincere responses, 1,317 copies (94.07%) were used for final analysis. The findings and hypothesis testing results are as follows. First, emotional dissonance had a significant effect on the emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low sense of personal accomplishment, and customer orientation. Second, emotional efforts had a significant effect on the emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low sense of personal accomplishment. Third, emotional exhaustion had no statistically significant effect on customer orientation. Fourth, depersonalization had a significant negative effect on customer orientation. Fifth, low sense of personal accomplishment had a significant negative effect on customer orientation.

      • KCI등재

        카지노 직원의 직무소진이 조직몰입과 직무만족에 미치는 영향 - 상사지원의 조절효과를 중심으로 -

        육풍림,김근만,조태영 한국호텔관광학회 2014 호텔관광연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This study is intended to explore the effects of job burnout on organizational commitment and job satisfaction, along with the moderating effect of supervisory support on the correlation to present theoretical and practical implications. The survey questionnaire was conducted by selecting S Casino in the Gangnam and Gangbuk area in Seoul and S Casino in Busan as its subject from March 24, 2013 until March 28, 2013 for a period of 5 days. A total of 330 copies of the survey were distributed (120 copies for Gangnam, 100 copies for Gangbuk and 110 copies for Busan) and 327 copies were collected (3 copies lost in Gangbuk). Excluding 14 copies that were inadequate due to lack of sincere responses and missing values, etc., a total of 313 copies of the survey were used for the final analysis. Research findings based on the above objectives are as follows. First, among various kinds of job burnout, emotional exhaustion had a significantly negative effect on organizational commitment. Second, among various kinds of job burnout, depersonalization had a significantly negative effect on organizational commitment. Third, among various kinds of job burnout, lower performance had no statistically significant effect on organizational commitment. Fourth, among various kinds of job burnout, emotional exhaustion had a significantly negative effect on job satisfaction. Fifth, among various kinds of job burnout, depersonalization had a significantly negative effect on job satisfaction. Sixth, among various kinds of job burnout, lower performance had no statistically significant effect on job satisfaction. Seventh, it was found that supervisory support did not moderate the job burnout factors in terms of its correlation with organizational commitment. Eighth, it was found that supervisory support did not moderate the job burnout factors in terms of its correlation with job satisfaction.

      • 邁出門去 : 中國國民黨遷台後的宣傳工作(1950-1952)

        馮琳(FENG Lin) 경북대학교 아시아연구소 2011 아시아연구 Vol.- No.13

        宣傳의 실패는 中國國民黨이 中國大陸에서 실패한 원인 중의 하나이다. 어떤 이들은 국민당익 선전활동을 "국민당이 밖으로 나가지 못했다"라고 풍자하였다. 臺灣으로 간 후 국민당은 政黨 형태의 過渡시기, 즉 - 1950년 8월에서 1952년 10월까지의 改造시기를 거쳤다. 이 시기 국민당은 교훈을 얻어 앞서 대륙에서의 하였던 선전활동 중에서 존재하였던 문제점들을 극복하려고 하였고, 이것은 다음의 여러 방면에서 나타났다. 例를 들면, 국민당은 자신들의 宣傳口號가 현실과 너무 괴리되어서는 안 됨을 인식하였고 ; 과도한 찬양을 하는 습관을 고치고 잘못을 검토하는 기풍을 세웠으며 ; 地方劇 등의 문화수단을 이용하여 국민당에 대한 선전이 下層民 속으로 침투되도록 하는 것 등을 들 수 있다. 이와 같은 지시와 방법은 進步性을 갖추고 있었다. 이와 같은 진보성은 이번 개조운동과 적극적인 측면에서는 일치하였다. 국민당은 대만으로 간 후 새로운 발전을 이룩하기 위하여 엘리트주의를 지양하고, 저자세로서 하층을 중시하였다. 이것은 1950~1952년 사이에 일어난 개조운동의 한 특징이었다. 이러한 것들은 국민당의 선전활동 중에 잘 나타났는데, 각 분야의 인사들에게 진심과 열정을 나타내는 것이었다. 세부 사항에 대한 관심, 자신에 대한 검토, 서민 포섭 등은 국민당이 대만으로 간 후 나타난 선전에 있어서의 몇 가지 핵심 사항이었다. 이와 같은 노력으로 이 시기 국민당의 선전은 "밖으로 나가는" 모습을 보여주었다. 그러나 개조시기의 이러한 선전활동은 몇 가지 특수한 난관에 처했다. 예를 들어, 언어문제와 경비문제 등이 그것이었다. 중국국민당은 장기간 홍보에 대한 노력과 경험이 적은데다가 대만에 간 후 복잡한 문제들에 부딪혀 선전이 이후 부실할 수밖에 없었다. 여러 가지 주관적인 원인과 객관적인 원인으로 이 시기 국민당의 선전은 여전히 民間에 깊숙이 전파되지 못했다. 결론적으로 중국국민당은 대만으로 간 후의 선전활동은 밖으로 나가기는 했지만 효과는 크지 못했다. The failure of propaganda was one of the factors of KMT's failures in mainland. Someone satirized this kind of publicity as "not out of the party branch's door". After moving to Taiwan KMT went through a remake transition period-the reform period from Aug. 1950 to Oct. 1952, which aimed at remolding the image of the party. During this period, KMT drew lessons from the past so as to avoid falling into the same old trap again, which was embodied by many aspects of the propaganda work. For example, they realized slogans should not be too high or too far off; the habit of covering up their errors should be rectified and the atmosphere of make self-criticisms should be established; they paid attention to utilize local dramas and so on to propagandize in order to influence the populace. These were positive in accordance with the positive aspect of the reform movement. KMT aroused their all efforts to make themselves newborn, weakened the tendency of elite, adopted low profile and paid attention to lower level, which was one trait of the reform movement from 1950-1952. In the party's propaganda, they tried their best to show sincerity and enthusiasm to the whole. Showing solicitude for details, self-examination and wining the farmer and worker over were the bright points in KMT's propaganda work in this period. Because of these efforts, the propaganda showed a posture of "our" step forward. However, KMT's propaganda work in this period was faced with some special situation, such as language problem, finance difficulty etc. For a long time, KMT had been short at publicity and had been lack of experiences accumulated. After moving to Taiwan, they faced complicated and difficult situation. The actual function of propaganda was hard to avoid being affected. For some subjective as well as objective factors, the publicity didn't reach the folks. The KMT's propaganda in this time started to go "our the gate", but not far.

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