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        일반논문 : 대학가 여학생들이 사용하는 호칭어에 관한 고찰 -남자 선배를 부를 때 사용하고 있는 호칭어를 중심으로-

        유정정 ( Ting Ting Liu ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2010 언어사실과 관점 Vol.26 No.-

        The paper investigated in a linguistic variation way of sociolinguistic that what kind of address term the college girls use when they call their mentors. The strapped variable was set up as gender, but mainly studied on women. Over the periods of time, the address term for college girls calling their mentors is changing. Therefore, through interview and questionnaire, the paper studied for the question: Now what kind of address term is used? The results indicate clearly that the title of ``brother`` is used by most of college girls by it can show the familiarity and closeness. At the same time it is also has a relationship with social atmosphere of the freedom and women`s identity. It is worth mentioning that the social atmosphere of the freedom is the most important reason which causes the results very different form previous paper.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        아파트 외부공간의 옥외시설 디자인의 고령친화 개선 방안 연구 부산을 중심으로

        유정정(TingTing Liu),강재철(Jaecheol Kang) 한국디자인리서치학회 2019 한국디자인리서치 Vol.4 No.3

        한국 국가통계국은 2026년에 한국이 초고령화 사회에 들어갈 거라고 전망했다. 이에 따른 주민 노후 문제 도 갈수록 심각해지고 있다. 통계국 2017년의 노인의 건강 유지 시 또는 거동불편 시 희망 거주 형태 라 는 조사 결과에 따라 많은 노인이 주거지 노후하는 것을 더 원한다고 한다. 양로원에서 노후하는 것보다 주거지에서 양로하는 방식은 노인의 심리 건강에 더 적합하고, 정부의 양로원을 건설하는 데의 투자도 줄일 수 있다. 그러나 이는 주거지의 노후 환경에 대한 새로운 요구도 하게 되었다. 아파트 외부공간의 고령 친화 디자인이란 아파트 외부공간의 디자인에서 노인의 신체 기능 저하와 심리적인 수요 변화에 대비하는 특수 디자인을 말한다. 고령친화 디자인은 안전성과 독립성, 그리고 적용성을 디자인 목적으로 한다. 본 논문은 부산광역시에서 이미 건설된 아파트 외부공간의 옥외시설을 연구 대상으로 삼아 아파트 외부공 간의 옥외시설의 실태와 노인의 실제 수요를 착안하여 《People places : design guidelines for urban open space》라는 책에서 언급된 노인이 옥외 활동에 대한 관심과 그리고 공간에 대한 수요와 선호에 따라 이미 건설된 아파트 외부공간의 옥외시설에 대하여 현장조사를 실시하였다. 표에 제시된 실내외 공간의 과도지구의 유무, 표지판, 옥외 탁자와 벤치, 경사로 바닥(계단)에 사용되는 재료는 변화가 있는지, 보도 에 팔걸이의 설치 여부, 성인 헬스 시설의 현황에 대하여 현장조사를 한 다음에 통계하였다. 조사와 통계 한 결과를 노인의 생리적 특징과 행동 특징, 그리고 인간공학과 결합해서 노령화 배경에서 아파트 외부공 간의 옥외시설 중의 표지판, 계단, 벤치 등 시설에 대한 개선 방안을 제기하였다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 3가지 방법으로 데이터를 수집했다. 첫째, 단순무작위추출법(simple random sampling)을 사용하여 부산광역시의 8개 주거지를 표본 추출하여 현장조사를 실시하였다. 둘째, 노인의 건강 상태와 행동 특성에 대하여 자료를 수집했다. 셋째, 통계국의 관련 데이터를 바탕으로 노인이 노후 거주지에 대한 선택을 분석하고 아파트 외부공간의 옥외시설의 고령친화 개선 방안을 제기했다. According to the forecasting of KOSTAT, Korea will enter high aging society in 2026. the citizens’ problems about supporting the old people will be more severe and severe. As shown by the survey of “Morphology of Living Anticipated by the Old People When Healthy or Being Disabled in Action” implemented by KOSTAT in 2017, most majority of old people hope that they could live out their life in retirement at home. Compared to the nursing home, aging in place is more suitable for the psychological health of the old people and also can reduce the government’s investment in construction of the nursing home. However, new standards and requirements are proposed for the pension environment of the apartment. The aging design of the outdoor public space of the apartment indicates the special design completed according to the somatic function declining and psychological demand changes of the old people in the outdoor public space of the apartment. The aging design is for the design purpose of safety, independence and applicability. By taking the status quo of the outdoor public facilities of the apartments that have been topped up in Busan Metropolitan City as the research object, beginning with the existing status quo of the outdoor public facilities of the apartment and actual demands of the old people, and taking the old people’s attentions to the outdoor activities and their demands and preference for the space mentioned in “People Places : Design Guidelines for Urban Open Space” as the reference basis, the statistics of the status quo of outdoor public facilities of the established apartments is made through field research. Besides, the improvement direction of facilities including indicator, step and chair among outdoor facilities in external space of the apartment under the background of aging is put forward from the perspectives of old people’s physiological and travel characteristics and by combining ergonomics. The research data is collected from the following three aspects: firstly, the field research into 8 apartments in Busan Metropolitan City selected is implemented through simple random sampling. Secondly, the materials are collected according to the old people’s physiological condition. Thirdly, data analysis on the old people’s residential choices is made according to the related data of KOSTAT. Then, some suggestions for aging improvement of public facilities of the apartment are put forward in the paper.

      • KCI등재후보

        말뭉치기반 한국어 식물성 분류사에 대한 일고찰

        유정정 ( Ting Ting Liu ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.19

        The purpose of present paper is to analyze the Korean Plant classifiers, There are a great number of plant classifiers in Korean language and they take an important role in Korean conversations, This study is aiming to clarify whether these plant classifiers could connect with other categories of nouns except the plant nouns, and the similarities and differences between these plant classifiers. In this paper, 13 of Korean plant classifiers are systematically analyzed based on the 21 century Sejong corpus, We found that most of the plant classifiers can connect with more than two categories of nouns, which means there is a one-to-many relationship between the plant classifiers and nouns, But sometime, there also can be a many-to-one relationship. That one noun can connect with more than two different plant classifiers. In this kind of situation, the relationship between the plant classifiers can be explained by Hierarchical organizations.

      • KCI등재

        ECFA(경제협력기본협정)이후 중국시장 내 한국,대만 간 수출경쟁력 분석

        박상수 ( Sang Soo Park ),유정정 ( Ting Ting Liu ) 한중사회과학학회 2014 한중사회과학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This research aims to examine the actual competitiveness and complementary relationship among China, Taiwan and Korea. First, the research compared the export competitiveness of Korea and Taiwan in relation to ECFA by looking at the ESI (Export Similarity Index) of the two countries on the industrial products using the HS code of 4-staged trade statistics. Second, the research selected 18 product items from top 20 exporting products of HS2 in 2012 and analysed the changes market shares of South Korean and Taiwanese products in China. From the analysis, the market shares of Korea and Taiwan in Chinese market have continuously declined and the gap between the two countries are reducing every year. Third, this research used MCA (Market Comparative Advantage) in order to analyse comparative advantage of Korean and Taiwanese export products in Chinese market.

      • KCI등재

        골프용품 소비자의 독특성 욕구와 감성적 소비가치가 브랜드 동일시 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        이정학(Lee, Jeoung-Hak),유정정(Liu, Jing-Jing),이지혜(Lee, Ji-Hae) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        The following study firstly focuses on understanding the needs for uniqueness and emotional consumption value of consumers, secondly how the two factors above influence the identification towards golf product brands and purchase intention. The survey was conducted in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon area from 1st August through 31st, 2012. By using convenience sampling method, the questionnaires were collect and a total of 252 valid samples were used. Data analysis was processed by SPSS 12.0 version to perform frequency analysis, factorial analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follow. First, among the sub-factors of golf product consumer’s needs for uniqueness, ‘originality’ and ‘similarity’ significantly influenced on brand identification. Second, among the sub-factors of golf product consumer’s needs for uniqueness, ‘originality’ and ‘similarity’ significantly influenced on purchase intention. Third, all of the sub-factors of consumer’s emotional consumption value, ‘hedonic value’, ‘symbolic value’ and ‘aesthetic value’ significantly influenced on brand identification. Fourth, all of the sub-factors of consumer’s emotional consumption value, ‘symbolic value’, ‘hedonic value’ and ‘aesthetic value’ significantly influenced on purchase intention.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 인바운드 관광수입의 수요예측 -ARIMA모형에 의한 시계열분석을 중심으로-

        정의선 ( Eui Sun Jeong ),유정정 ( Ting Ting Liu ),조승현 ( Seung Hyun Cho ) 한국호텔리조트학회(구 한국호텔리조트카지노산학학회) 2013 호텔리조트연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper is based on the growth tend of Chinese inbound tourism income, and predicts Chinese inbound tourism income in the next five years(from 2012 to 2016). In order to achieve this objective, we did analysis of ARIMA time series. Based on the predictive results of ARIMA model, the improvement issues and suggestions of inbound tourism industry are as following: Firstly, in order to maintain the foreign tourists, we need to improve basic tourist facilities. Secondly, in order to expand the tourism revenue by maintaining the foreign tourists, it is necessary to carry out policies to maintain and develop overseas tourists. Thirdly, in order to maintain the marketing portion of foreign tourists, it is necessary to promote shopping trip and develop national competitive travel products.

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