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      • Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein L41 Suppresses Cell Growth in Association with p53 and p27^(Kip1)

        유영도,유영,김미진,정영민,김정진,이승백,황인태,나아람,유봉상 이화여자대학교 세포신호전달연구센터 2006 고사리 세포신호전달 심포지움 Vol. No.8

        The p53 protein arrests the cell cycle at the G1 phase when stabilized by the interaction between ribosomal proteins and HDM2 under growth-inhibitory conditions. Meanwhile, p53, when translocated to the mitochondria in response to cell death signals, induces apoptosis via transcription-independent mechanisms. In this report, we demonstrate that the mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41(MRPL41) enhances p53 stability, and contributes to p53-induced apoptosis in response to growth inhibitory conditions such as actinomycin D treatment and serum starvation. An analysis of MRPL41 expression in paired normal and tumor tissues revealed lower expression in tumor tissue. Ectopic MRPL41 expression resulted in inhibition of the growth of cancer cells in tissue culture and tumor growth in nude mice. We discovered that MRPL41protein is localized in the mitochondria, stabilizes the p53 protein, and enhances its translocation to the mitochondria thereby inducing apoptosis. Interestingly, in the absence of p53, MRPL41 stabilizes the p27^(Kip1) protein, and arrests the cell cycle at the G1 phase. These results suggest that MRPL41 plays an important role in p53-induced mitochondria-dependent apoptosis and MRPL41 exerts a tumor-suppressive effect in association with p53 and p27^(Kip1).

      • KCI등재
      • The Assay Systems for Prothrombin: A Two-Stage Assay Using Ecarin as the Prothrombin Activator and the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays

        유영도,한문희,김지영,Yoo, Young-Do,Han, Moon-Hi,Kim, Ji-Young 생화학분자생물학회 1988 한국생화학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        프로트롬빈 두단계측정법에서 프로트롬빈을 트롬빈으로 전환시키는데 Echis carinatus독으로부터 분리된 프로트롬빈 활성화 효소인 프로트롬빈을 트롬빈으로 약 30분이내에 거의 전환시켰다. 생성된 트롬빈의 활성은 반응시간이 20시간 경과하여도 안정하게 유지되었다. 한편 프로트롬빈을 혈장-혈청 혼합물을 이용하여 트롬빈으로 전환시켰을 때는 약 9분정도 경과되면 생성된 트롬빈의 활성이 감소함을 보여주었다. 트롬빈 효소의 기질로써 피브리노젠과 합성핵원체 기질을사용하여 프로트롬빈을 측정할 수 있는 농도의 범위를 조사하였다. Clotting assay에서 프로트롬빈 측정 가능범위는 2 ${\mu}g/ml$-100 ${\mu}g/ml$이었으며 chromogenic assay에서는 0.2 ${\mu}g/ml$-16 ${\mu}g/ml$이었다. 프로트롬빈을 활성화시키지 않고 직접 측정하기위하여 효소를 이용한 면역측정법 (ELlSA)을 개발하였다. lndirect ELlSA방법에 의해서는 최소 40 ng/ml, sandwich ELlSA를 사용하여 소 혈장의 프로트롬빈 농도를 측정 한 결과 224 ng/ml이었으며 within-run은 9.3%, between-run은 15.8%의 변화를 보여주었다. In a two-stage assay of prothrombin, prothrombin was activated to thrombin by ecarin, the prothrombin activator from the venom of Echis carinatus, in the absence of calcium ions and phospholipid. The activation was almost complete within 30 minutes and the thrombin generated was not inhibited by the ecarin activation mixtures for a incubation time up to at least 20 hours, while it was inhibited by the absorbed plasma- serum mixture after 9-minute incubation. Two different substrates, fibrinogen and a synthetic chromogenic substrate, were used for assays of the thrombin activity and compared in their sensitivies in detection of prothrombin. The standard curve was linear between 2 ${\mu}g/ml$ of prothrombin concentration in the clotting assay, and between 0.2 ${\mu}g/ml$ and 16 ${\mu}g/ml$ in the chromogenic assay. In addition we developed the enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assays for the direct measurement of prothrombin. The minimum detectable concentrations of prothrombin by the indirect ELISA and the sandwich ELISA were 40 ng/ml and 3 ng/ml, respectively. The prothrombin level in bovine plasma was determined to be 224 ng/ml by the sandwich ELISA. The reliability of the sandwich ELISA was demonstrated by the within runs and between runs tests, which were 9.3% and 15.8%, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Synergistic effect of peroxiredoxin II antisense on cisplatininduced cell death

        유영도,YoungMinChung,박종국,안철민,SungKyuKim,김형중 생화학분자생물학회 2002 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.34 No.4

        Peroxiredoxin II (Prx II) is known not only to protectcells from oxidative damage caused by hydrogen per-oxide (H2O2), but also to endow cancer cells with resis-tance to both H 2O2 and cisplatin and to grant themradioresistance. In this study, we examined whetherPrx II antisense could enhance cisplatin-induced celldeath. When gastric cancer cells were transfected withvarious concentrations of Prx II antisense plasmid,pPrxII/AS, and then treated with the same concentra-tions of cisplatin, Prx II antisense enhanced cisplatin-induced cell death. The combination index (CI) at alldoses of the combination was below 1, indicating thatPrx II antisense sensitized cisplatin-induced cell death.This synergism was also observed in the cells trans-fected with a Prx II antisense oligomer. Our presentresults, therefore, suggest that Prx II antisense wouldbe a very good sensitizer for cisplatin, and that Prx II asa target for chemosensitizers constitutes a promisingavenue for future research.

      • KCI등재

        漢代 北方지역에 나타난 縣城의 置廢

        유영아(劉英雅) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2016 역사문화연구 Vol.57 No.-

        縣城은 秦漢의 郡縣化•集權化되는 과정에서 國家의 政治勸力이 침투하는 가장末端의 行政組織이다. 이는 商周시대 이후 點在되어 있던 都市國家가 秦漢시기領域支配의 단계로 점차 擴大되어 가는 과정 속에서 勸力이 집중되는 장소는 城郭集落인 縣城이 중심이 된다는 것을 의미한다. 그렇기 때문에 縣城이 어떻게 존재하느냐를 고찰하는 것은 國家勸力이 어떻게 관철되었는지를 보여주는 지표가된다. 縣城이 어떠한 발생과정을 거쳐서 성립하였는가에 관한 연구 중에서 木村正雄이 제시한 연구방법을 이용하여 前漢과 後漢의 현성의 위치를 비교하였다.단 기존 木村正雄은 縣이 位置하는 지역의 立地條件과 生産體制의 관계에 注目하여 廢縣의 상황을 설명하고 있었다면 여기서는 縣의 置廢가 지역에 나타난 공통되거나 혹은 다른 경향을 찾아보고자 하였다. 그 방법은 後漢 初에도 縣城으로서유지되고 있는 상황에 주의하면서 後漢初期 혼란으로 인하여 縣城이 省廢되는 상황이 있었지만 여전히 폐지되지 않고 유지되는 縣城 혹은 그것을 유지시키도록하는 상황이 있었다고 할 수 있다.그 결과 北方邊郡은 비록 많은 廢縣이 이루어졌지만 漢王朝는 그 지역을 경영하기 위한 노력을 포기하지는 않았다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 前•後漢의 郡治의 移動 상황을 보면 많은 郡들이 남쪽으로 후퇴하였지만 北地郡과 朔方郡은西北방향으로 옮겨서 여전히 오아시스 灌漑 경영을 유지하고자 하였으며 匈奴와의 전략에서 중요한 역할을 했던 전략적인 교통로가 단절되고 都尉에 의한 방어선이 무너지는 곳도 있었지만 內徙된 郡을 經營하기 위해서 都尉의 治所를 둔 縣城을 배치하는 노력도 계속되었다고 할 수 있다. 縣城是秦漢時期郡縣化•集權化形成過程中體現國家政治權利的最末端行政組織。這意味著自商周時代以後以點分佈的城市或國家在向秦漢時期的領域支配階段擴大的過程中作為城郭集落的縣城成為其擴大的中心。因此考察縣城的存在形態是可以體現國家權利貫徹方式的標誌。關於縣城經歷怎樣的發展過程而成立的各項研究中,木村正雄提出過一系列的研究方法,本文將利用該研究方法,對前後漢的縣城位置進行比較。木村正雄的研究中,重點在於說明設立縣城該區域的立地條件與生產體制的關係,而本文將試圖尋找縣城置廢區域所體現的共同點或不同的傾向。本文研究方法旨在於觀察後漢初期縣城維持的情況,以證明後漢初期由於政局動蕩,省廢的縣城以及維持如前的縣城或試圖維持的縣城的存在。研究結果表明,雖然北方邊郡地域的廢縣比較多,但是依然可以發現漢王朝對該地域並未放棄對經營該地域做出了努力的事實。對於前•後漢郡治移動情況的研究結果表明,許多郡雖然向南退移,但是北地郡與朔方郡向西北方向的遷移表明,漢王朝統治者試圖維持對綠洲灌溉的經營。並且在對匈奴的戰略中,雖然起到過重要作用的戰略性交通要道被阻斷以及依靠都尉府建立的防線部分淪陷,但是為了經營內徙郡城,漢王朝統治者依然做出過設立都尉治所(都尉府)縣城的努力。


        포로트롬빈의 측정시스템 : 프로트롬빈 활성화 효소로써 ecarin 을 사용한 두단계 측정법과 효소를 이용한 면역측정법 ( ELISA )

        유영도,한문희,김지영 ( Young Do Yoo,Moon Hi Han,Ji Young Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1988 BMB Reports Vol.21 No.2

        In a two-stage assay of prothrombin, prothrombin was activated to thrombin by ecarin, the prothrombin activator from the venom of Echis carinatus, in the absence of calcium ions and phospholipid. The activation was almost complete within 30 minutes and the thrombin generated was not inhibited by the ecarin activation mixtures for a incubation time up to at least 20 hours, while it was inhibited by the absorbed plasma-serum mixture after 9-minute incubation. Two different substrates, fibrinogen and a synthetic chromogenic substrate, were used for assays of the thrombin activity and compared in their sensitivies in detection of prothrombin. The standard curve was linear between 2 ㎍/㎖ of prothrombin concentration in the clotting assay, and between 0.2 ㎍/㎖ and 16 ㎍/㎖ in the chromogenic assay. In addition we developed the enzyme -linked -immunosorbent assays for the direct measurement of prothrombin. The minimum detectable concentrations of prothrombin by the indirect ELISA and the sandwich ELISA were 40 ng/㎖ and 3 ng/㎖, respectively. The prothrombin level in bovine plasma was determined to be 224 ng/㎖ by the sandwich ELISA. The reliability of the sandwich ELISA was demonstrated by the within runs and between runs tests, which were 9.3% and 15.8%, respectively.

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