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      • KCI등재

        생활품질과 교육품질이 중국 유학생의 유학 만족도에 미치는 영향

        유병부(You, Byoung-boo),주혜영(Joo, Hye-young) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2011 인문사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.-

        본 연구는 한국에서 유학하고 있는 중국 유학생의 유학 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 생활품질과 교육품질 요인으로 구분하여 이들의 역할을 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 second-order model을 이용하여 가설을 검정하고 있으며 이를 위해 Amos 17.0 프로그램이 사용되었다. 실증 분석결과, 다음과 사실을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째, 생활품질은 4개의 하위차원인 한국어 능력, 대인관계, 의사소통, 생활 안정도로 구성된다. 둘째, 교육품질은 행정요인, 교수요인, 시설요인, 복지요인으로 구분된다. 셋째, 중국 유학생의 생활품질이 높아질수록 유학 만족도가 높아진다. 넷째, 교육품질이 높아질수록 중국 유학생의 유학만족도가 높아진다. 다섯째, 유학만족도는 추천의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 본 연구는 중국 유학생들이 증가하는 추세에서 이들의 유학만족도와 추천의도에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 통합하여 실증하고 있다는 점에서 연구의 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This study empirically identified the major factors associated with the Quality of Living Conditions and the Education Quality, to the satisfaction of Chinese college students in Korea. 500 of questionnaires were given to Chinese college students, 233 completed questionnaires were collected, and data from 209 questionnaires were used. In addition, a proposed second-order model was estimated using structural equation modeling via Amos 17.0. The findings are as follows. First, Quality of Living Conditions consisted of 4 sub-factors: Korean language skills, interpersonal relationships, communication skills, and stabilization of living. Second, Education Quality also consisted of 4 sub-factors, including administrative services, professor, facilities, and welfare. Third, Quality of Living Conditions exerted a positive effect on Chinese students’ satisfaction. Fourth, Education Quality has a positive effect on Chinese students’ satisfaction. Fifth, Chinese studentss’ satisfaction exerted a direct positive effect on word-of-mouth intention. This paper’s main contribution is to present a general view of Quality of Living Conditions, the Education Quality and their performance through the integrated model.

      • KCI등재


        庾炳富(You, Byoung boo) 동아시아일본학회 2017 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.62

        본 논문에서는 상대국에 대한 전문적인 지식이나 언어능력이 없는 한국과 일본의 대학생이 제 3의 언어인 영어를 사용하여 단기연수 프로그램을 진행하여 연수 전과 후에 상대국에 대한 이미지 변화를 연구하였다. 연수에 있어서 대학이 국제교류 방법의 하나로, 젊은 세대의 국제적 시야를 함양하고 나아가 영어 능력의 향상을 목적으로 영어를 매개어로 한 단기연수프로그램을 개발하였다. 조사에서는 오(2010)(2013)의 한일이미지에 관한 항목을 사용하였으며, 연수 참가자에 대하여 연수 전과 후에 조사를 하여 그 변화를 t검정으로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 일본인 학생의 한국인에 대한 이미지는 24개 항목 중에서 7개 항목이 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 연수 전에 상대국에 대하여 가지고 있었던 긍정적인 이미지가 연수 후에는 더욱 긍정적인 방향으로 변했으며, 연수 전에 가지고 있었던 부정적인 이미지가 연수 후에는 수치가 크게 내려가는 결과를 나타냈다. 한국인 학생의 일본인에 대한 이미지도 23개 항목 중에서 11개 항목이 유의한 것으로 나타났으며, 일본인 학생과 같이 긍정적인 이미지는 더욱 긍정적인 방향으로 부정적인 이미지는 수치가 크게 내려가는 변화를 확인했다. This study considered whether the image of a partner country changes before and after short-term training. The short-term training used within this research is a program for Korean and Japanese university level students who do not have the expertise or language ability of the partner country. For the analysis, which used items related to images of Korea and Japan by Oh (2010) and (2013), the study participants were surveyed before and after the training, and any changes were analyzed using a t-test. Results were encouraging: regarding the images of Japanese students against Korean students, there were significant differences in 17 out of 24 items. In particular, the positive image of the partner country that the participant had before the training changed to an even more positive image after the training, while the numerical value of the negative image greatly decreased after the training. With respect to the image of Korean students against Japanese students, there were significant differences in 11 of 23 items. As with the Japanese students, the positive images grew more positive, and the negative image values declined greatly.

      • KCI등재

        일본대학생의 한국인에 대한 이미지 변화 연구

        유병부(Byoung-Boo You),주혜영(Hye-Young Joo) 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate whether short-term training programs of domestic universities conducted for Japanese college students lead to a change in their Same comment as above of Koreans. We analyzed whether there was a meaningful change by dividing the pre-and post-training of the short-term training program by paired t-test. From 2012 to 2015, actual sample data were collected from 104 students who participated in short-term training camps and international conferences in the summer camp held in M universities of Korea. Based on previous research, this study extracted seven kinds of Same comment as above of Koreans which Japanese people had. In addition, we found that the university’s short-term training programs were very helpful in enhancing the positive image of Koreans. his statement is vague. What exactly are the specific implications of your finidngs?

      • KCI등재

        중국 유학생의 유학 적응도가 국가 이미지 형성에 미치는 영향: 교육서비스 수출의 관점

        주혜영 ( Hye Young Joo ),유병부 ( Byoung Boo You ) 연세대학교 사회과학연구소 2011 社會科學論集 Vol.42 No.2

        This paper provides a empirical background for the spillover effect of adapting capability on country image for Chinese students attending school in Korea. Also, the study helps in determining the efficiency of policies targeted toward attracting foreign students. Data were collected from 600 students and 287 questionnaires were collected(response rate: 44.8%), of which 261 responses were used after screening. The SPSS 12.0 program and AMOS 17.0 statistical package were used to analyze the data for this study. The statistical method used for hypothesis testing was the covariance structure analysis estimating parameters by the maximum likelihood method. Our research findings show that 1) adapting capability in their social life, adapting capability in their campus life, and their interpersonal relationships can be united into general adapting capability. 2) general adapting capability has a both positive effect on educational service quality and foreign students` satisfaction. 3) educational service quality and foreign students` satisfaction exert a both positive effect on country image. 4) country image has a significant effects on product image. 5) educational service quality exerts no significant effects on foreign students` satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        日本における短期研修の教育的効果に関する考察 ― 日本語能力と情意面の変化に注目して ―

        本多美保 ( Honda Miho ),庾炳富 ( You Byoung-boo ) 한국일어교육학회 2022 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.59

        本研究では、日本における短期研修の事前と事後に実施した作文テストの結果をもとに、日本語能力が顕著に向上した参加者とそうでない参加者に注目し、その結果が異文化理解や学習意欲など情意面の変化と相関するかについて分析した。研修前と後に行った作文テストの評価を外部の3名の日本語教員に依頼し、その結果をt検定により比較した結果、参加者全体では、事前と事後に有意な能力の伸びが見られたが、参加者別に比較した結果、成績下位群の参加者に有意な伸びが見られ、成績上位群の参加者には有意な伸びが見られなかった。そこで、参加者に対して行ったインタビューデータを用い、有意な伸びが見られた参加者は情意面の変化も肯定的に変化し、有意な伸びが見られなかった参加者は、情意面においても肯定的な変化が見られないのかについてテキストマイニングを用いて検証した。テキストマイニングを行うにあたってはKH Coderを使用し対応分析を行った。 その結果、成績の伸びが見られた参加者もそうでない参加者も異文化理解が進み、学習意欲が向上していたことがわかった。さらに、成績上位群の参加者の情意的な変化は、成績下位群の参加者に比べ、母国との比較や将来のビジョンの獲得において、具体的で客観的であることが特徴として現われた。このことから、本研修において、成績下位群の参加者に日本語能力の向上が顕著に現われたものの、テスト結果と情意面の変化には相関性がなく、両者の情意面は肯定的に変化していたことが確認された。 In this study, based on the results of the composition test conducted before and after the short-term training in Japan, we focused on participants with significantly improved Japanese proficiency and those without, and analyzed whether the results were related to changes in emotional aspects such as understanding foreign culture and learning motivation. We asked three external Japanese teachers to evaluate the composition test conducted before and after the training, and compared them using t-test. The result of the composition test showed a significant increase of skills in the participants as a whole. However, according to the comparison of participants, participants in the lower-grade group showed a significant increase, while participants in the higher-grade group showed no significant increase. Therefore, it was verified through text mining using interview data conducted on participants whether participants who showed a significant growth changed positively in terms of emotions, and participants who did not show a significant growth showed no positive changes in terms of emotions. Correspondence analysis was performed using KH Coder when using text mining. The result showed that both those with improved grades and those without had a better cross-cultural understanding and motivations to learn. Furthermore, the emotional changes of the participants in the higher-grade group were characterized by being more specific and objective in comparison with their home countries and acquisition of future visions than the participants in the lower-grade group. From the above, it was found about this training that although the participants in the lower grades showed a marked improvement in Japanese proficiency, there was no correlation between the test results and the emotional changes, and the emotional aspects of both changed positively.

      • KCI등재

        국제상학적 관점에서의 한국과 일본 무역학교육의 비교분석

        김원배(Wuen-bae Kim),유병부(Byoung-boo You) 한국국제상학회 2006 國際商學 Vol.21 No.4

        This paper is aims to find out the growth procedure of Korean and Japanese international trade educations as well as problems in the procedure, and to find out the Korean trade education to pursue. Japan opened the department of commerce in universities in the early 20th century, and recruited students for the department. Thus, it could be a power nation of trade of today. On the contrary, Korea could cultivate professionals independently only after liberation, thus, now it grows to be a power nation of trade, while ranking 12th in the world. Narrow land, overpopulation, and poor existing resources are the common problem in Korean and Japan. In order to overcome the problem, the two countries have consistently pursued international economic policies and actively cultivated experts for trade. In this study, the Japanese commerce that has been developed centering on commerce was reviewed as well as problems and solutions for the Korean international trade education that is considered to have no identity as it responded to the demand in the age very sensitively.

      • KCI등재

        SWOT Analysis and the Development of an Evaluation Model for Electronic Trade Settlement (TSU/BPO)

        주혜영(Hye Young Joo),유병부(Byoung Boo You) 중앙대학교 한국전자무역연구소 2018 전자무역연구 Vol.16 No.3

        연구목적: 본 연구는 TSU/BPO 방식의 활용가능성을 높이기 위한 전략적 방안을 모색하는 것을 주요한 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 SWOT 분석을 실시하여 TSU/BPO의 주요당사자별로 내부환경 및 외부환경의 강점과 약점, 기회와 위협요인을 도출하였다. 또한 이를 기초로 실증 분석을 위한 연구모델을 구축하였다. 논문구성/논리: 제1장 서론에서는 연구의 목적과 배경을 기술하였고 제2장에서는 TSU/BPO 제도의 특징을 살펴보았다. 제3장에서는 SWOT 분석을 실시하였고 이에 기초하여 실증분석을 위한 연구모델을 개발하였다. 제4장의 결론에서는 주요한 연구내용의 요약과 함께 시사점이 논의되었다. 결과: SWOT 분석을 통해 TSU/BPO 결제방식을 입체적으로 조망하였고 SWOT 분석결과와 기술수용모델을 결합하여 실증적 평가모델을 구축하였다. 구체적으로, TSU/BPO의 유용성, TSU/BPO의 편의성, TSU/BPO 제도의 안정성 및 TSU/BPO로의 전환비용에 따라 TSU/BPO의 활용가능성이 영향을 받는 것으로 설계되었다. 독창성/가치: TSU/BPO와 관련된 선행연구들이 거의 대부분 문헌연구를 통해 TSU/BPO에 대한 이해를 도모하고 있는데 비해 본 연구는 SWOT 분석을 통해 TSU/BPO제도를 입체적으로 조망하고 있으며 추후 TSU/BPO 활용에 관해 실증적 평가가 가능한 연구모델을 제공하고 있다는 점에서 연구의 독창성 뿐 아니라 연구의 가치가 인정된다. Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to find strategic ways to increase the utilization of the TSU/BPO method. To do this, SWOT analysis was conducted to derive the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of internal and external environments for each major TSU/BPO party. Based on this, we constructed a research model for empirical analysis. Composition/Logic: This paper starts with background information and presents the goals of the study in Section I 1. In Section II, we discuss the characteristics of the TSU/BPO system. In Section III, SWOT analysis is conducted and a research model for empirical analysis is developed based on the SWOT analysis. In the conclusions of Section IV, implications are discussed along with a summary of the main research contents. Findings: In this study, SWOT analysis is used to view the TSU/BPO settlement method from various angles, and an empirical evaluation model is constructed by combining the SWOT analysis results with the technology acceptance model. Specifically, the model shows that the utilization of TSU/BPO is affected by its usefulness, convenience, institutional stability, and conversion costs. Originality/Value: Although previous research related to the TSU/BPO research area has mostly aimed at understanding TSU/BPO through literature reviews, this study takes an original view of the TSU/BPO system through SWOT analysis. The value of this study, as well as the originality of the research, is recognized in that it provides an empirical research model that can evaluate TSU/BPO possibilities for practical use.

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