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      • 기획논문 : 인조반정(仁祖反正)과 남명학파(南冥學派) ; 인조반정 전후의 산림과 산림정치

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 南冥學硏究院 2011 南冥學 Vol.16 No.-

        이 논문은 선조대 서인집권기의 성혼, 광해군대 대북집권기의 정인홍의 사례를 통해 산림정치가 구현되기 시작되고 확립된 과정을 살핀 것이다. 그리고 인조반정 뒤에도 산림정치가 계속 계승 지속되면서 붕당정치기의 특징적 요소 중의 하나로 모습을 갖추어 가는 과정을 살폈다. 아래와 같은 크게 네가지 점에 주목하고자 하였다. 먼저 산림정치를 붕당정치기의 특징적 요소로 지적하고, 그 용어의 자리매김을 위한 기초적인 작업을 하였다. 산림정치란 조선시대 붕당정치 하에서 붕당의 이념적 지도자인 산림이 각 붕당의 정책이나 논의 결정에 깊숙이 관여하여 영향력을 행사한 정치로 정의하였다. 산림정치가 나타난 시대적 배경으로는 학연이라는 핵심적인 요소에 기반한 붕당정치의 성립과 사림의 성장으로 인해 새롭게 요구된 왕권과 신권의 역학관계를 들어 설명하였다. 붕당의 우두머리로 추대된 산림은 조정과 향촌에 포진한 자신의 사우문생과 우호적인 일군의 관료를 바탕으로 때로는 막후에서 조정자로서의 기능을 수행하기도 하였고, 때로는 전면에서 정국의 주재자로서의 역할을 수행하기도 하였다. 다음으로 산림정치가 선조대 성혼에게서 그 단초가 열렸다는 점을 확인하였다. 그는 선조대 산림으로서 특히 율곡 이이의 사후 서인의 정신적인 지주로서의 역할을 수행하였다. 선조대 후반 상대당으로부터 집요한 공격을 받은 것도 그의 영향력이 상대당에게 그만큼 크게 느껴졌기 때문이다. 이는 산림정치의 조짐을 보였던 서인정권하의 성혼의 위상을 알려준다. 그리고 또한 산림정치는 광해군대 정인홍 단계에서 그 전형이 확립되었다는 점을 강조하면서 그 의미를 살폈다. 정인홍은 막후에서 북인 또는 대북에게 지지기반과 명분을 제공하면서 조정의 권한을 장악하였을 뿐 아니라, 필요할 때는 전면에 나서서 정국을 주도하는 등의 산림정치를 폈다. 광해군대만 하더라도 임해군건, 영창대군건, 폐모건 등의 굵직굵직한 사건에 적극 자신의 견해를 개진하면서 정책결정 과정에 깊숙이 관여하였다. 정인홍이 가지는 역사적 위상과 의미는 산림정치의 형성과 관련하여서도 부여할 수 있는 것이었다. 마지막으로 인조반정 후에도 산림에 대한 우대 정책은 제도적 장치의 마련을 통해 체계화하면서 계승되어 이후 산림정치 구현의 토대가 되었다는 점에 의미를 부여하였다. 인조대는 반정에 의해 수립된 정권이기는 하지만 단절보다는 계승하는 측면도 많았다. 후일 인조반정을 일으킨 서인 공신들도 정인홍을 비록 역적으로 처형하기는 하였지만, 그가 보여준 산림정치의 기능과 위력만큼은 충분히 인지하고 있었기 때문에 산림을 숭용하는 정책은 그대로 계승하였던 것이다. 여기에 광해군대 북인정권이 전체 조선후기사에서 가지는 위치가 있으며, 정인홍의 산림정치가 가지는 역사적 위상과 의미가 있다고 보았다. This research coped with realization and setup process of the Sallim scholar politics, based on the analysis of central figures like Seong-Hohn in the reign of king Seonjo and Jeong In-hong in the reign of king Kwanghae-Kun. Furthermore this paper, also, addresses issues on the succession of the Sallim scholar`s power and its establishment as main political aspects, after undergoing enthronement of the king In-Jo. As below, the process could be specificated as four aspects. First, considering the Sallim scholar`s political power as a important factor of party politics, this study tried to define the power with precision. The Sallim scholar politics can be defined as political conditions leaded by Sallim`s preponderating influence in politics including policy arguments and disputes as a ideological leader. Also this research dealt with historical backdrops of The Sallim scholar`s political power and its key factor could be summarized as their school ties. It must be helpful to understand the factor by studying the dynamics of political change between regal power and subjects as rising political force of Sallim. Next, this study focused on the central figure, Seong Hohn, who opened the Sallim scholar politics as a new political prospect. During the reign of king Seonjo, Seong Hohn was spiritual guide for Western faction, especially, after the death of Lee-Yi. Considering Western faction being confronted with tenacious attack from opposition parties, the great influence of Seong Hohn in the faction is evident in the factional strife in the late reign of king Seonjo and proves his strong position in the political arena. Also, the paper tried to deal with Jeong In-hong as the key figure who brought about stability of the Sallim scholar`s political power. Jeong In-hong seized political power by coming to the political forefront in case of need as well as by forming the bedrock of the Northern faction behind the scenes. He had a powerful influence on policy decision and actively offered his own suggestions on the weighty issues in the reign of king Kwanghae-Kun including the execution of prince Im-hae, the executions of Prince Young-chang, the deposition of empress dowager In-mok. His high political and historical status was deeply related to the development of the Sallim scholar`s political power. Lastly, the systematical preferential treatment to Sallim scholars provided institutional strategy and basis of establishment of their political power even after the enthronement of the king In-Jo. After dethronement of a king Kwanghae-Kun, though the Western faction executed Jeong In-hong as a traitors, they admitted the his contribution to the establishment of the Sallim scholar`s political power and succeeded the preferential treatment. This transformation must be noticeable to find out the political leverage of Northern faction including Jeong In-hong`s contribution to the Sallim scholar`s political power throughout the late Joseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        조선 선조대 남북 분당과 내암 정인홍

        우인수(Woo, In Soo) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.81 No.-

        남북분당의 과정을 남북 갈등의 조짐, 갈등의 심화로 인한 분당, 대립의 고착이라는 세 단계를 설정하여 각 단계별로 분석하면서 파악하였다. 남북분당기에 발생한 사안에 관한 서로 다른 견해에 대해 그 의미를 검토하고 음미하는 방법을 통해 남북분당 과정을 재구성하면서 종합하는데 의미를 두었다. 특히 단계별 남북분당의 과정에서 보인 정인홍의 역할에 주목하여 이를 통해 그의 영향과 위상을 드러내고자 하였다. 먼저 동인 내부의 남북 갈등의 조짐이 있었던 시기는 선조 13년으로부터 선조 22년 기축옥사가 일어나기 전까지의 기간으로 설정하였다. 이 시기 갈등의 조짐이 된 사건들에는 여러 사람이 상호 복잡하게 얽혀 있었다. 이발과 우성전, 정인홍과 우성전, 이경중과 정여립, 정인홍과 이경중을 둘러싼 여러 가지 갈등이 그러한 예였다. 하지만 이러한 갈등은 분당으로까지 치달을 정도로 심각한 단계는 아니었다고 생각된다. 이 시기의 정인홍도 다소 경직된 면은 있었지만 공무를 강직하게 수행한다는 차원에서 이해될 수 있는 활동을 한 시기로 볼 수 있다. 선조 22년의 기축옥사는 동인을 남북으로 분당시키는 지경으로까지 치닫게 하였다. 정여립의 모역사건을 계기로 만연된 옥사는 동인과 서인 뿐아니라 선조까지 깊숙이 개입하면서 후일 북인으로 분류되는 많은 사람들이 억울하게 처형되는 참혹한 화로 확산되었다. 이 과정에서 화를 주로 입은 측의 인사들은 옥사를 만연한 상대당인 서인은 물론이거니와 이를 적극적으로 구원하지 않고 관망하는 자세를 보였던 같은 동인의 일부에 대해서도 점차 반감을 가지게 되었다. 정인홍과 류성룡, 이산해와 류성룡, 이경전과 정경세 간의 갈등으로 심화되면서 동인이 결국 남인과 북인으로 나뉘게 되었다. 임진왜란이 거의 극복되어갈 무렵인 선조 31년 북인들이 대대적으로 남인의 우두머리 영의정 류성룡을 집중 공격하여 실각시키면서 대립 양상은 절정에 달하게 되었다. 북인들은 명에 보내는 변무 사행에 류성룡이 자청하지 않은 점을 거론하여 체직을 시킨 다음 남북분당의 책임, 임난 때의 주화론 주창 등의 책임을 집중 공격하여 관작을 삭탈케 하는데 성공하였다. 그 외의 남인 인사들이 함께 조정에서 몰려났음은 물론이었으며, 임난 중 의병 활동을 하다가 과로사한 우성전의 관작까지 삭탈시켰다. 정인홍은 이러한 남인의 공격에 직접 나서거나 또는 문인을 통하여 공격하는 간접적인 방법으로 일익을 담당하였다. I analyze the process of the split between Namin and Bukin party in three phases: signs of the conflict between Namin and Bukin party, party split caused by increased conflict, and settlement of opposition. I value to reconstruct the process of the split party by investigating the issues occurred during the period of the split. Special attention is given to Jeong, In-Hong’s role throughout the stages of the split. First, I define the period which shows the signs of the conflict between Namin and Bukin as King Seonjo’s thirteenth year to twenty-second year. I analyze the various conflicts between Lee, Bal and Woo, Sung-Jeon, Jeong, In-Hong and Woo, Sung-Jeon, Lee, Kyung-Jung and Chung, Yeo-Rip, and Jeong, In-Hong and Lee, Kyung-Jung. During this period, Jeong, In-Hong performs his official duties with integrity although he has the tendency to be a bit inflexible. The conspiracy to treason in the King Seonjo’s twenty-second year resulted in the party split in Dongin party. The incident spread by Chung, Yeo-Rip’s treason sacrifice the many innocent people of the Bukin party. In this process, the most victimized Bukin party gradually begins to feel hostile towards some Dongin party who takes a wait-and-see attitude, not to mention Seoin party who are the main reason of the spread of the incident. After all, Dongin party is divided into Namin and Bukin party after the deepened conflicts between Jeong, In-Hong and Ryu, Sung-Ryong, Lee, San-Hae and Ryu, Sung-Ryong, and Lee, Kyung-Jeon and Chung, Kyung-Se. In the last stages of Japanese Invasion of Korea in King Seonjo’s thirty-first year, the sentiments of opposition reach an extreme when Bukin party extensively overthrows the prime minister Ryu, Sung-Ryong, the head of Namin party. Bukin party succeeds in removing Ryu, Sung-Ryong from the government by intensively bashing Ryu’s responsibilities of Pacifism during the Japanese Invasion and the party split between Namin and Bukin party. Naturally, Namin party is expelled from the Court as well. Jeong, In-Hong plays an important role in attacking Namin party by directly involving himself or by indirectly attacking through disciples. The Party Split between Namin and Bukin party is established by undergoing above process. And Jeong, In-Hong is the key force in the course, which proves his historical status in the split.

      • 기획논문 : 역사 속의 고령과 고령 사람들 ; 고령(高靈) 해촌동약(海村洞約)의 특징과 동민(洞民)의 결속

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2008 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.42 No.-

        이 논문은 19세기 초 경상도 고령의 매촌리에서 실시된 매촌동약을 분석한 글이다. 동약을 주도한 매촌리의 양반인 고창 오씨들은 몰락한 북인의 후예였다. 선조말 광해군대 북인정권의 핵심으로 정계 진출한 오여은과 익환 부자가 인조반정으로 인해 귀양을 가게 되면서 이 가문은 큰 타격을 받았다. 이후 그 후손들 중 일부가 고령의 매촌리로 들어와 황폐한 땅을 개간하면서 정착하게 되었다. 이곳에서 자중하면서 차츰 힘을 길러 동약까지 만들어 실시할 수 있게 되었다. 현재 고창 오씨 종가에 보관되어 있는 매촌동약은 고령 현감 한광선의 서문, 오경정의 서문, 30개 조항의 동약 절목, 그리고 ‘梅坪船突記事’로 구성되어 있다. 동약의 내용은 공동 기금의 마련과 관리, 동약의 조직과 운영에 대한 것이 기본적으로 들어가 있다. 특징적인 것은 부세의 공동납과 관련한 조항과 환난에 대한 상호 부조 조항이다. 특히 초상과 관련한 조항은 모두 8개 조항에 달할 정도로 강조하고 있는 부분이다. 이에 비해 교화와 관련한 내용은 매우 소략하였다. 이는 하층민의 성장과 저항에 기인한 것으로 18세기 이후 동약의 일반적인 현상이었다. 그러면서 일상생활에 직접적인 도움이 되는 쪽으로 변해가고 있는 동약의 모습을 잘 보여주고 있는 매우 중요한 사례이다. 동약을 주도한 주인공인 오경정은 ‘船突’을 만들어 매평들을 살리는 작은 토목 공사를 완성시켰다. 돌로 바닥을 다진 인공 도랑을 새로 개설함으로서 장마시 계곡물을 급속히 들판 외곽의 하천으로 내보낼 수 있도록 하였다. 이렇게 하여 들판을 계곡물의 범람으로부터 보호하는 개가를 올렸던 것이다. 이는 그가 주도하여 만든 동약을 통한 주민의 결속의 결과로서 평가할 수 있는 것이었다. 결국 매촌동약은 양반들의 일방적 통제나 지배가 어려운 당시 향촌의 현실을 잘 보여주는 것임과 동시에 향촌에서 우위를 확보하려는 양반들의 치열한 노력도 잘 나타내주고 있다고 하겠다. This article analyzed Maechondongyak(梅村洞約;regional regulations in Maechondong) which was practiced in Maechonlee(梅村里), Koryoung(高靈) in Kyongsang district in the early 19th century. The Ohs, aristocrat, descended from ruined Northern doctrinal faction was leading Dongyak(洞約;regional regulations). However, Oh Yeo-eun and his son, Oh Ik-hwan, who launched into politics as major power of the Northern doctrinal district in the reign of late king Seonjo and king Kyanghyegun, were banished because of king Injo’s restoration. This event was a heavy blow to the Oh’s. Since then, their part of descendants went to Maechonlee in Koryoung and settled there cultivating devastated land. Being prudent with less political activity the family recovered its power and they reached to make Dongyak and practiced it. Maechondongyak(regional regulations in Maechondong), currently stored in the Oh’s head house, consists of preliminary remarks, 30 provisions, Maepyungseondolkisa(梅坪船突記事), a record about artificial ditch in Maepyung field. The contents of Dongyak included basically arrangement and management of pool, the structure and management of it. Characteristic parts are articles about joint payment of taxation and mutual assistance when they went though hardships. Particularly, when it comes to mourning there are 8 articles in total and this shows how they layed emphasis on that part. Otherwise there were few clauses dealing with edification. This phenomenon reflects that power the lower classes hold was getting stronger. Considering that it was general tendency. This phase is quite important in that it gives clues that Dongyak was been changing more practical and directly helpful to people’s life. Oh Kyung-jung, a leader of Dongyak(regional regulations), made artificial ditch so as to complete small public works to save Maepyung field from flooding, when it is a spell of rainy weather, it became safer that flooding water sent to a outer river in a plain by establishing an arti- ficial ditch, paved its bed with stone. By this way, they built stacks preventing fields from being ruined from flooding. This is rated as a result of unions of inhabitants and it was based on Dongyak(regional regulations), leaded by Oh Kyung-jung. In conclusion, Maechondongyak(regional regulations in Maechondong) reflected the reality which was hard for the nobility to control and go- vern residents with lopsided way. Also, we can see intense efforts of upper classes to achieve predominant position in country districts.

      • KCI우수등재

        1749년(영조 25) 蔚山邑誌 《鶴城誌》의 편찬과 그 의미

        禹仁秀(Woo In-Soo) 한국사연구회 2002 한국사연구 Vol.117 No.-

        Several towns published their geography in the 17th century. That trend were expanded all over the country. Hahkseongji(鶴城誌), the Geography of Ulsan was compiled in 1749 by the atmosphere, The compiling of that Geography started in 1735. At that time some aristocrats of Ulsan proposed to the country headman. They arranged much data and completed manuscript of the Geography, Correction of manuscript was entrusted the country headman. In more than 10 years that Geography was completed, Unfortunately that completed Geography didn't exist. But the manuscript of that Geography passed from hand to hand in the headman's house, That manuscript of Ulsan Geography consisted of 34 items. It is highly possible that Ulsan Geography was influenced by Kyungju Geography. The Ulsan Geography included all kind of informations about Ulsan in 18th century. Especially one noticeable thing is the expanding of the persons' item. The dutiful sons. daughters and the virtuous women were more abundant than in the other Ulsan Geography published before or after. The persons registered to the Ulsan Geography were mostly powerful aristocrats in Ulsan. They let widely know and respect their ancestors through registering their ancestors' names in the Geography. In this way they confirmed what they should be and what they should do. That's why they proposed publishing the Ulsan Geography. An other noticeable thing in the Ulsan Geography is item of customs. This item described people's customs and play in detail. It is not easy to find other examples. That's meaning of the Ulsan Geography.

      • KCI등재

        『낙재일기(樂齋日記)』를 통해본 대구지역 임진왜란 의병의 활동과 성격

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 대구사학회 2016 대구사학 Vol.123 No.-

        This study set out to investigate the formation process and activities of the army raised in the cause of justice in the Daegu region after Japan invaded Joseon in 1592 and to ascertain its nature. Here, the Daegu region refers to the areas under the governance of Daegu Dohobu(大丘都護府) during the war since the army was raised in the cause of justice based on consultation with the Daegu Busa(大丘府使) with the noblemen of Daegubu(大丘府) forming such an army and fighting in and around Daegubu, which clearly shows a characteristic aspect of activities that the army carried out in the Daegu region. Recent studies on the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 have made new attempts to recognize the certain roles of royal forces without damaging the significance of the army. The present study also followed the recent flow in its research efforts. The army raised in the cause of justice in the Daegu region is a good case of such armies and in connections with the royal forces. The major source of the present study was Nakjaeilgi, a journal kept by Nakjae Seo Sa-won that was a member of a prominent noble family in Daegu. He was the general of the army raised in the cause of justice in the Daegu region and got involved in the army from the beginning, thus holding a position to get detailed information about its circumstances. His journal offers a good description about the process and activities of the army in the Daegu region, thus claiming great value as a historical material. The first characteristic of the army raised in the cause of justice in the Daegu region was a relatively smooth cooperation system between the government and the people from the early days of its formation. Seo Sa-won, the leader of the army, discussed its formation with the Busa, who, in turn, showed his interest and concern for the army by observing its training. The next characteristic was that the organization of the army covering the entire Daegubu was based on the basic units of Myeon(面) and Ri(里), the administrative units of Daegubu, deployed the general and the secretary, and thus encompassed the entire Daegubu. The system was originally implemented by Anjipsa(安集使) Kim Reuk in some towns in Gyeongsangjwado(慶尙左道) and later accepted by Daegu. Even though the army raised in the cause of justice in the Daegu region did not perform meritorious service during the war, it deserves high evaluation in that it established a collaborative system with the royal forces, stayed in the Daegu region, and tried to protect the life and property of people in Daegubu. Those aspects of the army will be of assistance to the research on the entire history of armies raised in the cause of justice. (Kyungpook National University / iswoo@knu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        임란시 상주 북천전투의 실상과 현창사업

        우인수 ( Woo In-soo ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.62 No.-

        The Battle of Bukcheon in Sangju was a battle between the local army of Sangju under the command of the central army of Joseon and the Japanese forces. The Battle holds its significance as the first battle since Milyang against the Japanese forces on its way to the capital along the middle path. It was also the battle in which the central army of Joseon had its first encounter with the Japanese forces. This study critically reviewed sporadic opinions about the reality and causes of defeat of the Battle and reached the following conclusions: the study first examined the parts on why General Lee Il moved his troops to the side of Bukcheon from the town castle of Sangju. There were two opposing opinions about it: one insisted that it was for battle formation training, and the other argued that it was for a plain battle. The nature and significance of the Battle of Bukcheon differs according to the two opinions. The study concluded that the General moved his troops to the side of Bukcheon for basic training for his troops that had been put together abruptly and training to coordinate with the central army. Different opinions had also been raised sporadically regarding the causes of their defeat in the Battle. The present study summarized the causes into three based on those opinions: first, they had their weakness exposed considerably to the enemy without taking advantage of Jeseungbangryak and its advantages as the Japanese forces were quickly moving north; secondly, their military size was absolutely inferior to that of the Japanese forces; and finally, they failed in vigilance as the commander neglected reconnaissance activities. Their defeat resulted in enormous damage to the Sangju area. Many soldiers of the local army of Sangju and the central army of Joseon fought the Japanese forces bravely, ending up being killed along the side of Bukcheon. They were slaughtered helplessly with their retreat routes blocked in the siege. The lucky few were able to climb over the mountain and escape. After their defeat, the Japanese forces inflicted unspeakable damage to each and every village in the Sangju area including the town. Some that surrendered to the Japanese forces and became their informants looted their fellow Joseon people even more viciously. It was another aspect of tragedy in the war. There were, however, some that died a heroic death after exhibiting the spirit of the Joseon people on the horrid battlefield. They became the foundation for Joseon to pull itself together over the damage and pain and recover. The surviving residents of Sangju joined together to pay a tribute to the participants of the Battle of Bukcheon. After they settled down after the disturbance of war and found some stability, they put up tombstones to honor those who were killed in defense of loyalty and demanded that the central government should reward their death. One good example was the establishment of venues to remember and honor them, and they include Chungryeolsa and Chunguidan. In addition, they left the records of their achievements in journals, town logs, and books including Yeongnaminmulgo. The Battle of Bukcheon thus ended up remaining in the memories of Sangju residents forever. There were, however, conflicts between the Sajoks of Sangju over the ways to honor the fallen soldiers in the latter half of Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        영천의 ‘사난(四難)’ 창의와 포은정신(圃隱精神)

        우인수(Woo, In-soo) 포은학회 2017 포은학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        영천은 포은(圃隱) 정몽주(鄭夢周)의 탄생지(誕生地)이다. 정몽주는 고려말 풍전등화와 같은 왕조를 위해 목숨을 바침으로써 영원한 충절의 상징이 되었다. 그는 그를 죽인 자들이 세운 조선왕조가 개창된 후 얼마 되지않아 복권되었고, 이어 문묘에까지 배향됨으로써 만인의 존경을 한 몸에 받는 영광을 누리게 되었다. 본 논문은 영천에서 전후 네 차례에 걸쳐 일어난 의병의 창의 상황을 살피고, 그 상황을 모아 하나의 책으로 엮은 영양사난창의록(永陽四難倡義錄)의 편찬 과정과 의미를 살핀 글이다. 이는 영천에서 정몽주를 숭모하여 그 정신을 계승하고 실천한 모습을 역사 속에서 찾고 증명하는 일이다. 조선에 서원이 세워지기 시작하던 초창기에 영천에는 이황의 문인들이 주도하여 정몽주를 모시는 임고서원을 세웠다. 이황의 관심과 지원 속에 창건된 임고서원은 두 번째로 사액서원이 되면서 그 명성을 확고히 할 수 있었다. 그리고 정몽주의 주된 향사처로서의 지위도 아울러 가지게 되었다. 정몽주와 임고서원을 자랑스럽게 생각하는 영천인들은 국가가 위기에 처하였을 때, 평소 체득한 ‘포은정신’으로 떨쳐 일어나 충의를 실천하였다. 임진의병, 정묘의병, 병자의병, 무신의병 등 전후 4차례에 걸쳐 의병을 일으켰다. 참여한 총 인원이 확인되는 자만 650여명에 달하였다. 후일 자료의 인멸을 안타까워한 영천인들은 영양사난창의록(永陽四難倡義錄)의 편찬을 통해 길이 기억하고자 하였다. 여기서 정몽주의 ‘의(義)’ 와 영천의병의 ‘의’를 동일시하였고, 나아가 창의록 편찬의 ‘의’까지도 동일 한 것으로 간주하였다. 그리고 ‘포은정신’의 계승을 천명한 창의록의 편찬은 영천을 넘어 영남, 나아가 조선의 행운이 되는 것임을 드러내어 밝혔다. Yeongcheon is the birthplace of Poeun(圃隱) Jeong Mong-ju. This paper presents an investigation into the publication process and significance of Yeongyangsananchanguirok((永陽四難倡義錄)), which examined and put together the situations in which an army was raised four times for the cause of justice in Yeongcheon. It is an attempt to find and demonstrate in history the ways that the people of Yeongcheon respected Jeong Mong-ju; thus, inherited and practiced his spirit. In the early days of Seowons in Joseon, the literary figures under Lee Hwang took the lead in building Imgo Seowon(臨皐書院) to enshrine Jeong Mong-ju in Yeongcheon. Built with Lee Hwang s interest and support, Imgo Seowon became the second Sa-aek Seowon(賜額書院); and thus, solidified its fame. It also obtained the status of a major shrine for Jeong Mong-ju. Taking pride in Poeun and Imgo Seowon, the people of Yeongcheon rose high in the spirit of Poeun, which they had learned and practiced faithfully in case of national crisis. They raised an army in the cause of justice four times after wars broke out, which were called Imjin, Jeongmyo, Byeongja, and Musin Uibyeong(義兵). The confirmed number of people who participated was 650. Feeling worried about the potential destruction of their data in later times, the people of Yeongcheon decided to publish Yeongyangsananchanguirok to keep the memories for many years to come. In this book, they identified the righteousness of Jeong Mong-ju with that of Yeongcheon Uibyeong and furthered its publication. They also demonstrated that the publication of the book, which declared the inheritance of the Poeun spirit, would bring good luck to Yeongnam and also Joseon beyond Yeongcheon.

      • 기획논문 : 우복(愚伏) 정경세(鄭經世)의 정치사회적 위상과 현실대응

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2011 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.49 No.-

        Jeong Kyung-se was an excellent scholar and official in Youngnam district during the first half of 17th century. He was taught by Ryu Seong-ryong(柳成龍) who were Lee Hwang`s best pupil. He was the leading pupil among Lee Hwang`s school. Especially, he entered upon a political career as a member of deputations representing Youngnam(嶺南) Nam-in(Southern faction) during the King Injo`s period and made the most of one`s ability. During his tenure of office, he fulfilled his obligation with self-esteem and a sense of mission about his work. But he could not keep clear of engaging in party strife. Therefore he had ups and downs in his political path and public office by the party strife. He was disgraced with Nam-in(Southern faction) because of political attack of Buk-in(Northen faction) after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. He had his best days again in the King Injo`s time through a long period of an inactive political life. He helped and advised Kings using his knowledge and a noble character with all his hearts. During the process, he had been stripped from a government office because he advised King Kwanghaegun what somebody else hardly dared to advise to the king. For instance, he strongly advised bringing some new measures against current affairs and put the brakes on increasing King`s own possessions. He also knew many things about the basic decencies of those civilized society and tried to apply the guidelines on upgrading the title of the King Wonjong, father of King Injo. Meanwhile he suffered two big wars in his life. He raised an army in the cause of loyalty when Japanese invaded Joseon in 1592. After that, he came back to Royal Court and provided support. He was appointed Youngnam hososa(嶺南 號召使) in the Chinese Invasion of Joseon in 1627. He undertook tasks gathering provisions and army. Through such efforts we can make sure that he was a man of high who could take the responsibility of the defense of the Youngnam district.

      • KCI등재

        19세기초 自如道 驛人의 구성과 그 실태

        禹仁秀(Woo In-soo) 역사학회 2009 역사학보 Vol.0 No.201

        This thesis research on Census register of Jayeudo(自如道) stations, which was discovered quite lately. Census register of Jayeudo stations was framed in 1804 and discovered after Kimcheondo(金泉道) and Songrado(松羅道) were found out. It was pretty useful to study a state and organization of single station district thanks to its absolutely good preservation without any defect. This thesis is quite meaningful to analyze station district and introduce it to the academic world for the first time. Jayeudo stations, one of 11 station district in Kyeongsang(慶尙) province, had competence over a subordinate office of Kyeongsang province area nearby Kimhea(金海) and Changwon(昌原). And it was about 15 stations including Jayeudo station, the major one. The scale of station was various. For example, while about 2,000 station workers served in major station, there were only 300 workers or even 50 worked in substitute station. Here, I'll introduce some facts found out from studying Census register. Structure and organization of early 19th century's all Jayeudo station workers could be revealed from the study. Classifying them into official clerks of station, servants and Ilsu(日守), here's some brief explanation for each. Official clerks of station, part of the station workers, were classified into regular clerks of station(元驛吏) and irregular clerks of station(流驛吏). There were 3,415 in total and regular clerks of station were 2,519 which is about 73.80% while irregular clerks of station were 896, 26.2%. The fact that there was discrimination between regular clerks of station and irregular clerks of station seems to prove that some needs to distinguish official clerks of station between themselves were raised, And researching surnames of official clerks, I could find out there were two or single major family names in each station, It seems this feature stems from their characteristics, aboriginal inhabitation and heredity of their jobs. A residential district of station clerks tended to be close to where their workplace, a station, was located. And their age, between grownups and young people, showed a ratio of 55 to 45. After adjusting for age, I could find out that they, purposely, reported their age younger than real trying to postpone a burden of obligations, which belongs to their offsprings. The population of station servants between station workers was quite small. In Jayeudo stations, the major one, there were only 146 servants and usually there were none in substitute stations. The proportion of males to females in Jayeudo station was in the ratio of 6 to 4. According to research about social status of parents of station servants, a source of their supply were mostly in case their maternal line were female servants, Also, based on lots of cases, I could find out that most of the female servants married to commoners, which means marriages between two individuals from different social position were kinds of common affairs at that time. The population of Ilsu was small, just same as station servants. Except 36 people who belongs to Jayedo station, the major one, there was almost no one in substitute stations. And unlike station servants, not any certain people from same family name were majority. It seems they were employed rather than being transmitted by heredity.

      • KCI등재

        기획논문 : 사미헌 장복추의 문학과 사상 ; 사미헌 장복추의 문인록과 문인집단 분석

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 한국문학언어학회( 구- 경북어문학회) 2007 어문론총 Vol.47 No.-

        Samihun(四未軒) Jang Bokchoo(張福樞 ; 1815~1900) was a Neoconfucian who represented Youngnam province at the end of the Joseon dynasty. He was not only learned in the Neoconfucianism, but also believed earnestly in the words of the wise and exerted himself to practice those words. He cultivated lots of men who wanted to be taught from him in his life. This article addressed characteristics, which disciples of Jang Bokchoo had, and their activities through old documents dealing with them. And this paper is predicated on studying about the mixed state of registration of the disciples by contrasting the xylographic books about them. This would form the basis of my point in this paper. Then, based on the study, this paper would reveal a scale of followers of Jang Bokchoo and features their activities had. Also, we will see in this article how the disciples, affected from Jang Bokchoo, survived the period of a reform and what kind of meaningful works they made, so we can find social level and characteristics of Samihun doctrinal faction. Documents about disciples of Jang Bokchoo were published in collections of works third time, being complemented each time, from now on. According to 『Samihunsunsangjunjip(四未軒先生全集)』, archive about pupils of Jang Bokchoo, in 1972, 428 disciples were under his instruction. Records in 『Samihunjip(四未軒集)』, 1985, said there were 682 people. And in 『Samihunjunseo(四未軒全書)』, 2006, it was concluded that there were 747 pupils. Through assuming disciples`s residences, they resided in Chilgok, Indong, Sungju, where they were close to the place Jang Bokchoo lived, were 287 in total and they formed 38% of whole followers. Also, there were many disciples dwelled at Keochang, Habcheon, Changlyong in Southwestern districts and Keumlyuong, Sunsan in Northern districts. In conclusion, absorption force of Jang Bokchoo was concentrated on Sungju area. When it comes to family name, people who had surname Jang of Indong district, which is same as Jang Bokchoo`s, were 133 in total and they carried weight among the whole disciples, forming 18%. We have to consider that the number of them were naturally overlapped that of Hanju(寒洲) Lee Jinsang(李震相) and this, also, can be one of the features. In this article, I addressed that there were two patterns in the disciple`s activities. The one was the patriot who strongly resisted to the power of foreign countries like Jang Sukyoung and Song Joonpil. And the other one were the scholars in retirement who lived in seclusion, kept their loyalty, being conservative, like Jang Seungtaek and Jo Keungsub. This two groups had different patterns in coping with the tide, but both were possible choices for disciples being worried about the reality of Josedn dynasty.

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