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      • KCI등재

        『개벽』을 통해 살펴본 이돈화의 인내천 담론 전개 -『개벽』 연재 『人乃天의 硏究』를 중심으로

        우수영(Woo, Soo-Young) 한국현대소설학회 2020 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.80

        Lee Don-hwa(1884-1950) is a figure who contributed to the popularization of Cheondogyo(天道教) with the vigorous drafting activity through the journals in a branch of Cheondogyo such as 『Cheondogyohoewolbo(天道敎會月報)』, 『Gaebyeok(開闢)』, 『New Human(新人間)』. Its representative activity can be taken 「Research(硏究) of Innaecheon(人乃天)」, which was published serially in 『Gaebyeok (開闢)』 of having exerted a great influence upon the masses of the day. This study is aimed to grasp a meaning of new religion that Lee Don-hwa advocates in 「Research of Innaecheon」, which was serialized in 『Gaebyeok』, and to inquire into a discursive attempt, which had strived to allow the people to understand a meaning and a value of the new religion. Lee Don-hwa published serially 「Research of Innaecheon」 over 9 times from the June Issue in 1920 to the March Issue in 1921 as the initial number of 『Gaebyeok』. In series number 1-3 for「Research of Innaecheon」, there was a discussion about which a new person and a new faith are requested in the present age, and about which a new religious belief in future is the convergence faith. In series number 4, Lee Don-hwa summarized Choe Su-uns basic thought in full swing. In series number 8, Lee Don-hwa reinterpreted these things as the idea of Innaecheon with mentioning superhuman powers faith, hope, piety, salvation, sacrifice, humane affection as the qualities of universal religion. In the last series number 9, he prescribed that the human world is the center of the universe and that Mansamanri(萬事萬理) is the expression of human psychic system because a human beings spirit world is the origin and the center of the cosmos. With releasing the writings of nine volumes titled 「Research of Innaecheon」, Lee Don-hwa proceeded with theoretically solving questions about Innaecheon that is raised from the standpoint of other religion, and developed a discourse that specifies a meaning of Innaecheon and the orientation of Innaecheonism. Furthermore, he attempted another newness as the Innaecheon ideologist who asserts the spirit of Innaecheon and tries to practice its spirit. It is the creation of the novel titled「Donghakdang(東學黨)」. Lee Don-hwa discussed 6 things beforehand in superhuman faith(信仰), hope(希望), piety(敬虔), salvation(求濟), sacrifice(犧牲), human affection(仁愛) as the qualities of the universal religion in 「Research of Innaecheon」. Such religious qualities were specifically made into a scene through the novel 「Donghakdang」. A new attempt that Lee Don-hwa showed through the novel 「Donghakdang」 can be considered to be the climax of a discursive step as the Innaecheon(人乃天) ideologist who intends to practice its spirit and to notify it to the public without staying only in the religious belief of Innaecheon.

      • KCI등재

        『천도교회월보(天道敎會月報)』 수록 소설의 담론 전개

        우수영(Woo, Soo-Young) 한국현대소설학회 2016 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.64

        ‘Donghak(東學)’ in Korean novel is just possessing one place among genres of a historical novel in the aspect based on a material, which is one historical event called Donghak Peasant Revolution. This situation is problematic. There is a need to reconsider ‘Donghak,’ which is still remaining in the sphere based on one material in the middle of a historical novel, in the sphere of Korean novel with the possibility of practicing a discourse. 『Cheondokyohoeweolbo(天道敎會月報)』, which is the first general magazine of the Religious Organization in Cheondokyo(天道敎) with having been published the first issue in August of 1910, played a great role in allowing common people to broadly understand Donghak(Cheondokyo). A novel, which is included in 『Cheondokyohoeweolbo(天道敎會月報)』, can be mentioned with three spheres. The novel in its first sphere is depicted image of the people who make a faithful religious life. The novel in the second field is shown the image of the deficient people who aim to make a religious life with premising retribution in advance, and the image of the lacking people who fail to enter even the phase of waiting for redemption or retribution. The novel in the final sphere is described the image of a sacred existence and a perfect existence contrary to the deficient existences. In this way, the novels, which are contained in 『Cheondokyohoeweolbo(天道敎會月報)』, are making many themes and characters appear. But it is paying attention in common to proposing the principle of life and the right way of proceeding with living like a human being. In other words, the novels, which are recorded in 『Cheondokyohoeweolbo(天道敎會月報)』, aimed to speak how you live leads to living humane lives. It is ‘the mind of treating people decently and the mind of respecting people like Hanul(heaven).’ This mind can be said to be Kyungcheon(敬天) that is Haewols Samkyung-sasang(海月 三敬思想, Honoring the Three). Kyungcheon(敬天) is the starting point in the process of advancing to Kyungin(敬人) and Kyungmul(敬物), and is forming the whole foundation of Samkyung(三敬). In conclusion, an effort and a practice, which were revealed through the novels, which are included in 『Cheondokyohoeweolbo(天道敎會月報)』, can be considered to be just the developmental process of the religious discussion. In a broad sense, it has a significance dubbed the origin of a discourse on Donghak in Korean novel. The novels, which are contained in 『Cheondokyohoeweolbo(天道敎會月報)』, can be said to be a result of the first systematic effort to practice the spirit of Donghak and doing Donghak with art.

      • KCI등재

        조정래 『아리랑』에 출현하는 공감연대 고찰

        우수영 ( Soo Young Woo ) 현대문학이론학회 2014 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        조정래의 『아리랑』은 제4부 전12권으로 구성된 식민지 조선인들 삶의 서사이다. 『아리랑』은 조선 독립운동의 전개 속에서 절대비타협의 독립군이라는 존재를 절대선(絶對善)의 축에, 조선인 지배를 공고히 하려는 일본 제국주의를 절대악(絶對惡)의 축에 위치시키는 이분구도를 가진 작품으로 평가받고 있다. 그러나 작가 조정래는 절대선이라는 조선 독립에 기여하는 독립군을 주인공으로 의도한 작품이 아님을 ‘작가의글’에서 분명히 밝히고 있다. 그러한 작가의 의도는 바로 『아리랑』에서 등장하는 다양한 공감연대의 작동을 통해 드러나고 있다고 할 수 있다. 『아리랑』에서 등장하는 다양한 공감연대들은 작품 서두에서 등장하는 갑오년 농민전쟁에서 시발하고 있다. 서사의 서두에 등장하는 갑오년 농민전쟁은 인물들에게 가난과 울분, 이향을 안겨주고 있으며 나아가 조선의 독립이라는 과제를 던져주고 있다. 여기서 방대근을 비롯한 하와이 이주 조선인 공감연대, 송수익을 중심으로 한 의병지지 공감연대, 친일조선인을 중심으로 한 일본인 지지 공감연대 등이 발생하고 있다. 『아리랑』의 서사는 이러한 연대들의 주체화, 연결접속, 비껴가기 등의 면모를 다양한 과정을 통해 드러내고 있다. ..아리랑..에서 조선의 독립에 기여한 많은 조선인들을 그려내고 싶었다는 저자의의도는 독립과 지배라는 이분 구도를 탈피하고자 한 것임을 알 수 있다. 그것은 오로지 조선의 독립을 위한 절대선(絶對善)만 부각되어 누가 독립의 주도세력인가를 파악하려는 보편적 사고에서 벗어나려는 시도인 것이다. 그것은 또한 서사 속에서 절대선이나 절대악이 부각되는 중심이 상정된 사고에서 벗어나는 것이기도 하다. 이러한 중심적 사고는 중심과 반중심, 중심과 비중심이라는 이분 구도에서 벗어나 있는 다양한선들의 드러냄을 불가능하게 만든다. 작가 조정래는 바로 이러한 중심을 상정하는 사고에서 탈피해 진정한 조선인 공감연대의 작동을 펼쳐보고 싶었을 것이다. 결국 조정래의 『아리랑』은 절대선과 절대악으로 형상화되던 식민지 상황아래 놓여있던 조선인들의 삶은 실제적으로는 보편적 이분 구도에서 벗어나 있다는 것을 드러낸 작품이라 할 수 있다. 『아리랑』은 그러한 작가의 의도가 다양한 공감연대의 발생,연결접속, 주체화, 비껴가기 과정을 통해 드러내고 있는 작품인 것이다. 즉 『아리랑』은정작 서두에는 이분구도라는 점에 주목하는 것 같지만, 결국 조선의 독립과 조선의 지배라는 이분구도의 틀을 해체하고 그에 대한 비껴가기를 보여주는 작품이라 할 수 있다. 그것은 바로 『아리랑』에 등장하는 인물들의 다양한 공감연대의 작동과정을 통해드러나고 있다. The goal of this study is to discover the actual sense of the People Solidarity in Jo Jeong-rae``s 『Arirang』Jo Jeong-rae``s 『Arirang』 was said to the novel that has the Bipartite composition of the good and the evil. But Jo Jeong-rae as the author wrote the epilogue that 『Arirang』 has been many characters with their value. This author``s intention appears by the diverse Sympathy Solidarities in Jo Jeong-rae``s 『Arirang』These diverse Sympathy Solidarities break up the Bipartite composition as the good and the evil. They advance to the Subjectivation, Connection, and Turn-aside. These process of the diverse Sympathy Solidarities are the very Jo Jeong-rae``s intention.

      • KCI등재

        <어둠의 힘>에 나타난 이광수의 번역 의도

        우수영 ( Soo Young Woo ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2013 어문론총 Vol.58 No.-

        This study intends to reveal the Lee, Kwang-Su`s Intention of translation on The Power of the Darkness. Lee, Kwang-Su put the interest toward sex to people, put the Cassette effect of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi to the intellectual by The Power of the Darkness. As a result, Lee, Kwang-Su obtained his position as a good writer that people acknowledge and showed a confessional self-figure that the intellectual fell sympathy. Finally, the Lee, Kwang-Su`s Intention of translation on The Power of the Darkness is the attitude that Lee, Kwang-Su would locate as for a benefic being on JOSEON Literary World.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 장편소설에 나타난 고향의식

        우수영(Woo, Soo-Young) 국어국문학회 2013 국어국문학 Vol.- No.164

        This study intends to reveal the Consciousness of Home in the full-length Novel of the 1930s. The earlier studies to the case were based on the retrospective attitude to the prospect for colonial reality. According to the differential Consciousness of Home, this study intends to prepares a new point. As a result of this study, we knew that the Subject"s the Consciousness of Home concerns to organize the World and to interpret the World and to surrender to the World. Concretely the Consciousness of Home is connected to the Worker Solidarity. Finally, the Consciousness of Home influences the process that forms the Consciousness of Worker Solidarity through the Consciousness of the Same Province.

      • KCI등재

        박경리 『토지』와 최명희 『혼불』을 통해 고찰한 한국의 음식문화

        우수영(Soo Young Woo) 한국현대소설학회 2015 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.58

        The purpose of this study was to clarify what the identity is in food culture of Korea that is suggested through Park, Kyeung-lee``s 『Toji』 and Choi, Myeung-hyee``s Honbul , and to what its semantic mapping is pointing in each narration. A comparative research between 『Toji』 and 『Honbul』 has been discussed with the focus on Jongbu(宗婦) consciousness, traditional rite, family-history novel type, and changing femininity. The semantic mapping related to Korean food is importantly appearing in two works. Yet, the attention to this has rarely paid. Accordingly, this study developed a consideration on what the food culture of Korea is that is being embodied according to the central axis of narration in Park, Kyeung-lee``s Toji and Choi, Myeung-hyee``s 『Honbul』 and on what it activates and how it is signified. In Chapter 2, it grasped Choi, Myeung-hyee``s Honbul by having the central axis of narration as preserving blood in the head family house of the Maean Lee clan, and Park, Kyeung-lee``s 『Toji』 by having the central axis of narration as regaining land for the House of Choi Champan(崔參判宅) in Pyeongsa-ri that was lost by Jo Jun-gu. Hence, it analyzed which meaning the Korean food is deriving in the central axis of its narration. In 『Honbul』 it examined that the solidarity of blood is being festivalized through the devotion and the complexity in Korean food of appearing in a wedding scene of Gangmo and Hyowon, which is a ritual for proceeding with keeping blood of the head family. Additionally in 『Toji』 it could know that Seo Hui, who succeeded to her father Chi Su``s idea of the populace, is proceeding with forming the power of solidarity who will help herself while distributing crops in a storeroom of the House of Choi Champan. In Chapter 3, it discussed about the food culture of Korea that is positioned at the point of inflection in the central axis of the narration as saying of regaining land in Pyeongsa-ri of 『Toji』 and of preserving blood in the Maean Lee clan of 『Honbul』 In the narration of『Honbul』 , it figured out the food culture of Korea that is situated at the point of inflection to keep blood as the central axis. It was understood in a part of predicting a collapse while the main agents of the lower class criticize the main agents of the upper class, which aim to distinguish own sphere with food, through food. In 『Toji』, another solidarity is proceeding with being made while Seo Hui, who went a long way for recovering the land for the House of Choi Champan in Pyeongsa-ri, comes back to her hometown Pyeongsa-ri. The food culture of Korea is being positioned just at the point of its inflection. In regaining the land of Pyeongsa-ri, young people in Joseon are placed at the point of inflection that advances to the solidarity of the people in Joseon, which supports the young life in Joseon. In Chapter 4, it was concerned about as which meaning a situation of Korean food culture can be valued that was discussed in the narrations of 『Toji』 and 『Honbul』 This worry was led to a work of valuing the food culture of Korea through the Dong-hak thought(東學 思想), which is being newly recognized as a root of Korea``s life thought while being recently expanded an interest in environment and life. Especially in the food culture of Korea here, it paid more attention to at which context the food is situated, than food itself. Accordingly, the food culture of Kore, which was considered through the narrations of Toji and Honbul , was elicited to have been able to be divided into Hyangbyeokseolwi(向壁設位) in the main agent of differentiating in the upper class, and Hyangaseolwi(向我設位) of advancing to feeding the young life in Joseon. The aspect in the food culture of Korea, which was shown in the narrations of Toji and Honbul , could be ultimately found in Hyangbyeokseolwi(向壁設位) of distinguishing, which tries to proceed with keeping blood, and Hyangaseolwi(向我設位) of advancing to the joint life in the whole people of Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        최명희 『혼불』을 통해 고찰한 한국의 음식 문화

        우수영 ( Soo Young Woo ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2014 어문론총 Vol.61 No.-

        This study is to discover the sense of the Food Culture of Korea in Choi Myeung-hyee``s Honbul. Choi Myeung-hyee``s Honbul could be seen as Histoires naturelles that reveals the Food Culture of Korea. In this study, two processes were taken. First, the Sense of the Food Culture of Korea in physiological, psychological, sociocultural sides was examined. Second, the Sense of the Food Culture of Korea in the class awareness was examined. As a result, Choi Myeung-hyee``s Honbul is the novel that showed the equal and differential world. Along with the result of this study, the insight of the Food Culture of Korea in Choi Myeung-hyee``s Honbul would contribute to raise the reputation the Food Culture of Korea and to develop the Culture Contents of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        토론과 연계한 과학에세이 글쓰기 수업 사례

        우수영(Woo, Soo-young) 우리말글학회 2018 우리말 글 Vol.76 No.-

        경북대학교 교과 〈과학과기술 글쓰기〉는 공학과 자연과학 전공자를 대상으로 운영되고 있다. 본 글의 초점은 경북대학교 교과 〈과학과기술 글쓰기〉의 일부 ‘과학에세이’ 갈래글 쓰기 과정에 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 글쓰기 기초 지식의 전수를 넘어서 과학적 사유를 에세이라는 형식을 통해 생산할 수 있도록 수강자들을 이끌어 주는 ‘과학에세이’ 글쓰기 과정을 제시하는 데 있다. 공학과 자연과학 전공자들이 생산하는 과학에세이는 미래 인류에 영향력을 발휘하는 신기술에 대한 담론을 생산하는 기본적인 작업이라 할 수 있다. 본 교수자는 과학에세이 글쓰기에서 토론을 연계하는 과정은 수강자들의 과학적 사유를 확장하고 심화하는 데에 필수적이라 보았다. 토론을 효율적으로 진행하기 위해 몇 가지 방법이 과학에세이 글쓰기 수업에 적용되었다. 먼저 교수자는 토론 과정에서 접하는 다양한 의견과 관점들이 글쓰기의 도입부 작업을 용이하게 하는 강점이 있음을 수강자들에게 이해시켰다. 이어 토론 주제를 수강자들이 미리 선정하도록 하였으며, 토론 매뉴얼을 통해 주제 토론을 진행해 나갔고, 토론 수업에서 발언되었던 내용들을 정리하여 수강자들에게 배부하였다. 이후 수강자들이 첨삭을 통해 글의 완성도를 높이도록 유도하였다. 토론과 연계한 과학에세이 글쓰기 수업은 공학과 자연과학 전공자들인 수강자들이 전공과 관련된 체계적이고 논리적인 글쓰기 과정뿐만 아니라 열린 통합적 사고 과정을 체험할 수 있게 하는 성과를 이루었다 할 수 있다. 이러한 토론과 연계한 과학에세이 글쓰기 수업에서는, 과학이론에 근거한 토론과 글쓰기에 적합한 선행 자료 조사 능력과 일정 수준의 과학이론 습득이 전제되어야 한다. 본 과학에세이 글쓰기 수업의 수강자들은 1학년 신입생이었다. 그 결과 수강자들이 토론을 거쳐 생산한 과학에세이가 전공과 관계하며 그 내용이 심화된 경우는 많지 않았다. 차후 연구에서는 과학에세이 글쓰기의 이러한 한계 개선에 대한 모색이 필요하다. A class of 〈Writing in Science & Technology〉 as the curricular subject of Kyungpook National University is being progressed targeting majors in engineering and natural science. The focus of this writing was on the process of `science essay writing` as part of a curricular 〈Writing in Science & Technology〉 class. This instructor operated a class with applying a method. First of all, the instructor made students understand that various opinions and perspectives of being met in the process of a discussion ahead of the argumentative science essay writing have a merit of making it easy for the introduction work in writing. Sequentially, the instructor allowed the students to select a topic of discussion in advance, progressed a discussion of theme through a discussion manual, arranged the contents, which had been commented in a debate class, and then widely distributed those things to students. After this, the instructor led students to increase the completion in writing through correction. This way allows that the students as majors in engineering and natural science to possibly experience the open integrative thinking process as well as the systematic and logical writing process related to a major. The science essay writing class connected with a discussion needs to be premised a debate based on a scientific theory, a previous data survey suitable for a topic, and a theoretical acquisition to some extent. However, the students in this science essay writing class were freshmen. As a result, it was rare in the writing that had arranged the issue and a writer`s insistence systematically and clearly in majors.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        리도카인을 이용한 경막외 마취시 Nitrous Oxide가 감각차단에 미친 영향

        구영권(Young Gwon Goo),우수영(Soo Young Woo),조강 대한통증학회 1999 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.12 No.1

        N/A Backgroud: Systemic administration of opioid can prolong the duration of epidural anesthesia. The authors examined the effect of nitrous oxide (NO) on the level of sensory block induced by epidural lidocaine. Methods: Twenty minutes after epidural injection of 2% lidocaine (below 70 years: 20 ml, 70 years and above: 15 ml), the level of sensory block was assessed (2nd stage). Patients were randomly assigned to receive either medical air (control group, n-15) or 50% N2O in oxygen (N2O group, n 15) for 10 minutes, the level of block was reassessed (3rd stage). Pateints were given room air (control group) or 100% oxygen for 5 minutes and room air for 5 minutes (N2O group), and the level of block was reassessed (4th stage). Results: At the 3rd stage, N2O group showed 4.3 cm cephalad increase in the level of sensory block (p-0.005), but control group revealed 1.43 cm regression. After discontinuation of gas, the level of block regressed in both group (p 0.000). At the 4th stage, NO group revealed 3.5 cm cephalad increase (p 0.048) and control group 1.97 cm regression (p=0.001) as compared with the 2nd stage. Conclusions: The level of sensory block induced by epidural lidocaine was significantly increased cephalad by concommitant use of 50% NO for 10 minutes.

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