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        Improvement of Aspergillus niger 55, a Raw Corn Meal Saccharifying Enzyme Hyperproducer, through Mutation and Selective Screening Techniques

        오성훈,오평수,Oh, Sung-Hoon,O, Pyong-Su 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 1991 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Mutation experiments were performed to select the mutant of Aspergillus niger 55, which had lost almost all the ability to produce transglucosidases but retained that of high productivity of raw meal saccharifying enzyme, by means of successive induction with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG), ultraviolet(UV) light, and ${\gamma}$-rays. Also, we used the mutant enrichment techniques, such as liquid culture-filtration procedure and differential heat sensitivity of conidia, in order to increase the possibility of obtaining a mutant. The glucoamylase productivity of mutant PFST-38 was 11 times higher than that of the parent strain. The mutant PFST-38 was morphologically identical to the parent strain, except for the size of conidia, the tendency to form conidia and the lenght of conidiophore. Asp. niger mutant PFST-38 apeared to be useful for the submerged production of the raw corn meal saccharifying enzyme.

      • KCI등재

        과학영재교육원 기초반을 위한 초등 정보과학영재 교육과정 개발

        오성훈,이애정,이재호,Oh, Sung-Hoon,Lee, Ae-Jung,Lee, Jae-Ho 한국정보교육학회 2005 정보교육학회논문지 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper focused on developing the curriculum for elementary children who are gifted in information science as follows. First, this paper dealt the contents of the scientific school attached to universities for gifted children. Second, this paper abstracted educational elements for the gifted children from the research of the information science course in current education. Third, for applying curriculum for the elementary children who are gifted in information science to practical education efficiently, the contents were classified into many steps. Fourth, this paper developed the annual curriculum for the elementary children who are gifted in information science.

      • 제1회 광주디자인비엔날레 도록 디자인

        오성훈(OH, Sung Hoon) 한국디자인지식학회 2008 디자인지식저널 Vol.6 No.-

        ‘삶을 비추는 디자인’이라는 주제로 개막된 제1회 광주디자인비엔날레의 본전시 도록은 ‘미래의 삶(future life)’전과 ‘아시아 다자인 (asian design)"전의 내용을 보다 본격적으로 수록한 프로젝트이다. 본 전시1 "미래의 삶"은 ’주요 일상생활 영역의 미래 지향적 디자인 전시로 인간 삶의 미래 예측‘이란 목적을 갖고 주로 미래를 준비하는 디자인 실험들이 실제 제품이나 프로토타입, 이미지의 형태로 전시되었다. ’아시아 디자인‘이란 주체의 본 전시2는 우수한 문화적, 디자인적 가치에도 불구하고 서구적 시각에 묻혀 숨겨져 있던 아시아 각국의 디자인을 발굴하고 재조명하는 전시였다. 본 전시 도록의 디자인을 담당한 연구자는 이 두 가지의 주제를 한 권의 책에 담아야 한다는 점과 한글과 알파벳을 이질적으로 보이지 않게 적절히 혼용해야 하는 두 가지 과제를 해결하는데 많은 노력을 기울였다. 먼저 첫 번째는, 주제가 다른 만큼 스타일이 다른 이미지 들을 같은 공간 안에서 효과적으로 처리해야 해야 했다. 두 번째는, 국제적인 행사이니만큼 한글과 알파벳을 혼용해야 하는 점이다. 연구자는 첫 번째 문제를 두 가지 주제의 전시들에 각각의 이미지가 가장 잘 표현될 수 있는 서로 다른 그리드와 포맷, 서체, 별색을 적용함으로써 서로의 다름을 인정하면서 이 둘을 서로 잘 어울리게 해결하였으며 두 번째 문제는 적절한 서체의 선정과 서로 다른 글줄길 이를 적용함으로써 해결하였다. ommenced as "Light into life", the theme of the 1st Kwangju Design Biermale"s, main exhibition catalogue is the full-blown recording project of "future life" and "Asian design"section. The researcher who in charge of the book of this exhibition paid al lot of effort to solving the 2 problems; the 2 topics should be in one volume of book and Hangul and alphabets should be adequately combined not to showing exotic. In the 1st, Styles and different images should be processed effectively on the same space as the topics are differing In the 2nd, Hangul and alphabet should be mixed together as it was international event. The researcher solved the 1st problem as using different grids, formats, fonts and colors which could express individual images of exhibition of two topics as admitting the difference and combining hannoniously. And the 2nd problem was solved as using adequate font and adapting different paragraph length.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        표재성 (表在性) 피부지방종성 모반

        오성훈(Sung Hoon Oh),전인기(Inn Ki Chun),김영표(Young Pio Kim) 대한피부과학회 1984 대한피부과학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis(NLCB) is a rare condition consisting of ectopic fat tissue in the dermis and having the predilection for the pelvic girdle, especially gluteal region. The patient was a 2Q year-old female. About 8 years prior to the first visit she had noticed the rice-sized papules on her lower back, which had been gradually increased in size and coalesced to become two, cerebriform, skin colored to yellowish tumor masses of soft consistency, distributed on both sides of the midline of lower back, and measuring respectively 3.5X7.Qcm and 7.0x11.5cm in size. Jihe biopsy specimen taken from the tumor mass revealed the ectopic presence of fat lobules occupying half of the reticular dermis. The fat lobules consisted of almost mature fat cells with the presence of dilated capillaries in their centers.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        전신성 진피 멜라닌 세포증

        오성훈(Sung Hoon Oh),원영호(Young Ho Won),전인기(Inn Ki Chun),김영표(Young Pio Kim) 대한피부과학회 1986 대한피부과학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Dermal melanocytosis includes Mongolian spot, nevi of Ota and Ito, dermal melanocytic harnartoma, and blue nevus. Nevi of Ota may be respectively associated with Mongolian spot, blue nevi and unilateral or bilateral nevi of Ito. We present a case, a 24 year-old female, who had bilaterally brownish or slatebluish pigmented patches on the face, sclera, neck, anterior chest, deltoid, supraclavicular, scapular, back and sacrococcygeal area. And also she had a bluish, bean-sized nodule on her left mid-back. It is likely that this case may be considered as an extremely extensive case of pig:m.entary anomaly, associating aberrant and persistent mongolian spots, extensive nevus of Ito, bilateral nevus of Ota and blue nevus. To our knowledges it seems that such case has not previously been reported in Korean literature.

      • KCI등재

        정보디자이너로서의 헨리 벡에 관한 연구

        오성훈 ( Oh Sung-hoon ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2008 한국디자인포럼 Vol.19 No.-

        대중교통의 발달과 노선도 디자인의 개발은 필연적일 수 밖에 없다. 새로운 분야에 도전하듯 헨리 벡은 런던 지하철 노선도의 개선을 위해 30여년을 바쳤다. 그 중 1933년에 발표한 그의 첫 디자인은 현재까지도 그래픽디자인의 역사에 남을만한 매우 중요한 정보디자인의 예로 받아들여지고 있다. 헨리 벡의 지하철 노선도를 내용적인 컨셉과 형태(비주얼)적인 컨셉으로 정리해 본다면 내용적인 컨셉은 크게 두 가지로 정리 할 수 있겠다. 첫째, 기존 지리상의 위치에 충실한 노선도에서 탈피하여 선형적이고 순차적 스타일에 중점을 두고자 했다. 둘째, 어안렌즈식 접근을 통해 외곽보다 중심부를 확대/왜곡함으로써 중심부의 복잡함을 해결하였다. 형태적인 컨셉을 살펴보면 우선, 그리드 시스템에 기초한 규칙성과 일관성, 알파벳 소문자, 동일한 역의 간격, 45° 또는 90°의 대각선과 수직/수평선, 둥근 모서리라고 말할 수 있다. 다양하고 복잡한 정보들을 효과적인 방법으로 디자인한 정보디자이너들을 디자인의 역사 속에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 대개는 시간과 양의 개념을 다이어그램, 그래프 등으로 표현하여 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 한 것들이다. 정보 디자이너로서 헨리 벡은 공간과 위치에 대한 개념을 런던 지하철 노선도에 훌륭하게 디자인하였다고 할 수 있다. 연구자는 헨리 벡의 런던 지하철노선도 컨셉과 디자인을 연구/분석하여 최종적으로는 서울 지하철노선도를 개선하고자 하는데 목표가 있으며 나아가 우리나라의 대중교통(지하철, 철도, 버스, 선박, 항공 등)체계 시스템을 디자인하는데 초석이 되길 바란다. Advancement of public transportation and design of route map does not exist without necessarily. As challenging as new area, Henry Beck served 30 years for improvement of subway route map of London. Among them, his first design announced in 1933 was regarded as important instance of information design was reserved as history list till today. Contextual concept can be classified into 2 categories if dividing conceptual type (visual) and formal (non-visual) concept of Henry Beck`s subway routing map. In the first, he concentrated on linear and serial type style rather than geographical positioned centric existed routing map. He accomplished central complexity by enlarging and distorting the centric position approached by fisheye lens style. On survey of formal concept, we can say rule and coherence type based on grid system, low character of alphabets, the same distance among the station, diagonal line of 45 or vertical line of 90, horizontal line and rounded angle. We can see some information designers who can express effective design ways of various and complex information in the history. Roughly, they accomplished easy ways by diagramed and graph expression of concept of time and amount. As information designer, Henry Beck designed London subway routing map excellently the concept of space and time. The researcher has the aims on the improvement of Seoul subway routing map by studying the concept and design of Henry Beck`s London subway routing map and furthermore wishes the cornerstone of designing public traffic(subway, railway, bus, ship, airway etc) organization system of my country Korea.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        DC, RF 마그네트론 코스퍼터링법으로 증착한 ZTO/GZO 투명전도성막의 열처리 조건이 박막의 물성에 미치는 영향

        오성훈(Sung Hoon Oh),강세원(Sae Won Kang),이건환(Gun Hwan Lee),정우석(Woo Seok Jung),송풍근(Pung Keun Song) 한국표면공학회 2012 한국표면공학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        ZTO/GZO double layered films were prepared on unheated non-alkali glass substrates. ZTO films were deposited by RF/DC hybrid magnetron co-sputtering using ZnO (RF) target and SnO₂ (DC) targets, and then GZO films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering using an GZO (Ga₂O₃:5.57 wt%) target. These films were post-annealed at temperature of 200, 300℃ in air and vacuum ambient for 30 min. In the case of post-annealing in air, ZTO/GZO double layer showed relatively low resistivity change, compared to GZO single layer. Furthermore, ZTO/GZO double layer revealed low WVTR, compared to GZO single layer. Therefore, it can be confirmed that ZTO film doing a role with barrier for water or oxygen diffusion.

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