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        2-Phenyl-4-quinolones와 Methyl Iodide의 친핵반응에 의한 유도체의 합성

        오미정,박명숙,Oh, Mi-Jung,Park, Myung-Sook 대한약학회 2008 약학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        We developed a convenient synthetic route to 3-alkylated 2-phenyl-4-quinolone derivatives (4a-h and 5a-c), which were expected to retain antitumor activity. A series of 2,3-dihydro-2-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4-quinolones (3a-h) was synthesized through dehydration, dealcoholation and hydration using acid-catalyzed one-pot reaction from anilines and ethyl benzoylacetates. 3-Methyl (or 3,3-dimethyl)-2-phenyl-4-quinolone derivatives 4 and 5 were synthesized from 3a-h through the methylation using methyl iodide. Formation of quinolone nucleus was undertaken with p-toluenesulfonic acid (p-TSA) at $90{\sim}110^{\circ}C$ in toluene for 3${\sim}$7.5 hr over the Dean-Stark apparatus. The key intermediates in these preparations are ${\beta}$-ketoesters 2a-h, which can be readily obtained from the corresponding anilines 1a-e by reaction with ethyl bezoylacetates.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간호학생의 임상실습 스트레스의 대처방법에 대한 인식유형

        오미정,Oh Mi Jung 한국아동간호학회 2000 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.6 No.3

        This study was designed to find the characteristics and patterns in subjectivity of the perspectives on the coping strategies about practical stress in nursing student. Q-methodology was used as a research design and the research procedures were as follows. Q-sampling has been derived from the literature review and a questionnaire. Its credibility and validity were also tested by nursing professors. Total of 34 statements were selected. P-sampling has been drawn and 51 samples were selected. Based on 9 point scale, the selected respondents rated their operant definition on the perspectives on the coping strategies about practical stress in nursing student. The results of above procedures were analyzed by PCQ program. The perspectives on the coping strategies about practical stress in nursing student were analyzed based on the typical array, extreme comments, and the demographic information of study subjects. The results revealed that there were three types of the perspectives on the coping strategies about practical stress in nursing student. The three types were named as follows; 1) The first type, agree of positive change by oneself perspectives, was consisted of 18 subjects. They thought that they did their best positive change for the most effective coping strategies about practical stress. 2) The second type, agree of social support perspectives, was consisted of 13 subjects. They thought that they asked for an other person's help for the most effective coping strategies about practical stress. 3) The third type, agree of looking on avoidance perspectives, was consisted of 5 subjects. They thought that they looked on or avoided problems for the most effective coping strategies about practical stress. As a result, this study discovered three types of the degree of the perspectives on the coping strategies about practical stress in nursing student. By identifying the nature of each of three types, this study can be useful to develop efficient coping strategies about practical stress in nursing student.

      • KCI등재

        귀환서사에 나타나는 냉전 표상

        오미정(Oh Mi Jung) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        本稿では五木寛之の引揚体験を素材にした小説を対象に、引揚敍事に現れるソ連認識と、それと関連された冷戦表象について考察した。まず、引揚者らのソ連に対する表象と認識がどうなのか、北朝鮮から引揚した作家の実体験を考察した。次に小説に現れたソ連表象の特徴を分析した。ソ連表象は、戦後冷戦体制下で親米的な日本のソ連認識ともつながっていた。三番目に引揚敍事に現れる被害者意識と加害者意識の衝突は、植民地経験の亀裂をもたらしていた。結論的に、五木の小説は敗戦と引揚の記憶を再生する過程で、戦後の日本人たちのソ連と植民地経験の認識に亀裂を作って、ひいては冷戦表象にも亀裂を作り出している。ただし、彼はエンターテインメント的な要素を強調することで、引揚という重いテーマを軽く扱うとした。このような面が、大衆的情緒とは合致するが、日本という国家の公的責任に対する責任を弱化させて、極限状況で私的なリンチに翻弄される‘個人’を強調する側面を著しくした側面もあるといえよう。 In this article, we examine the novel featuring “Hikiage” written by Hiroyuki Itsuki, exploring the recognition of the Soviet Union depicted in the “Hikiage” epic novel and the related representation of the Cold War. Firstly, we analyze the author’s own experience of “Hikiage” from North Korea in order to clarify the recognition of those who were subject to “Hikiage.” Secondly, we survey the characteristics of the representation of the Soviet Union in the novel. The Soviet Union at the time of “Hikiage” is negatively represented. This negative representation is related to the representation of the Soviet Union by Japan, which was, at the time, sympathetic for the US under the system of the Cold War. Thirdly, the collision between the sense of victim and the sense of perpetrator as portrayed in the novel brings about a crack in the experience of living in a colony. In conclusion, Itsuki’s novel reproduces the memory of defeat and “Hikiage,” and during this reproduction process, a crack is engendered in the recognition of the Soviet Union and the experience of living in a colony by the post war Japanese people, which, in turn, yields a crack in the representation of the Cold War. It must be noted, however, that Itsuki attempted to lightly handle the serious theme of “Hikiage” by emphasizing the entertaining aspect of the issue. This corresponded with the public feeling, but it also weakened the public responsibility of the Japan nation and emphasized the “individuals” who suffered from private tortures under extreme conditions.

      • KCI등재

        심포지엄 : 냉전하 오키나와의 식민지경험의 재구성 -오시로 다쓰히로의「칵테일파티」론-

        오미정 ( Mi Jung Oh ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.84 No.2

        本稿では大城立裕の『カクテ一ルパティ一』(1967)を分析して冷戰下沖繩の植民地經驗の再構成問題を考察した。まず、沖繩人の自己規定を「メ一ド」という表象で考察した。沖繩人のアイデンティティ-の曖昧さが``メ一ド``という表象の中に表現された点を考察した。次に、このテクストの登場人物たちの錯綜する植民地經驗經驗と暴力の問題を考察してみた。それは過去の植民地經驗を揷入しながら、沖繩という空間で「暴力」の問題がどのように表現されているかという問題である。植民地經驗と戰爭記憶の再構成によって、戰爭と戰後において沖繩人の加害者と被害者としての二重性が現れる。主人公の娘の强姦問題を巡って、それぞれの登場人物たちが見せてくれる態度は、沖繩で交差する東アジアの戰爭の記憶とその再構成の持つ偏差を露呈させる. それから、「中國語」という問題で浮び上がる冷戰の表象について考察した。その言語表現において、登場人物たちは二重言語あるいは多言語を驅使する人物として表象される。國家、民族、人種による區別の困難と葛藤は、戰後東アジアの冷戰構圖とどのように結びついているかを考察した。結論的に、このテクストは、冷戰下沖繩で植民地經驗の記憶という過去の?史が現在の?史をいかに規定しているかという問題を、見事に表現しているといえよう。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        리비 히데오 『성조기가 들리지 않는 방』 분석

        오미정(Oh Mi Jung) 일본어문학회 2016 일본어문학 Vol.72 No.-

        リービ英雄の作品は‘流浪者’として米国とアジアを漂流する主人公を通じて、‘離散(Diaspora)’という現代的な生活の条件を如実に物語っている。本論文は、リービ英雄の作品の特徴について、根無し草的な意識とアジアに対する認識を中心に考察した。2章では、流浪者として主人公の特徴を分析した。3章では、主人公の‘家(home)’に対する意識を考察した。4章では、戦後冷戦の下、日米関係で‘英語’の代表する意味と権力について分析した。5章では、その暴力を拒否する英語が聞こえない部屋とはいかなる空間であるかを考察した。 その結果、この小説はポストコロニアルの時代に、中心と周辺の関係の転倒を表現しようとした実験的作品といえる。アメリカの覇権の下に置かれたアジアで成長した作家の'アジア'に対する矛盾した感情は、戦後日本の帰還作家たちと共通する点がある。一方で、彼らと決定的に異なる点は、リビーが支配者の言語ではなく被支配者の言語をもって、その矛盾した感情を表現しようと実験したことである。 Hideo Levy’s novel vividly describes “diaspora,” the condition on our modern life, through the main character who drifts in America and Asia as a “rover.” In this article, I shall examine the characteristics of Levy’s novel with special reference to deracine consciousness and the recognition of Asia. Section 2 concerns the features of the main character as a rover. Section 3 concerns the main character’s consciousness about “home.” Section 4 concerns the meaning and power of “English” in the Cold War era of Japan and America. Section 5 explores the concept of space manifested as a room where the resistance to such violence cannot be heard. Based on these considerations, I conclude that this novel is an experimental piece of work which attempts to express the reversal of the center and peripheries during the post-colonial era. The author of the novel, who grew up in a colony, displays inconsistent feelings, which have some parallelisms with the works by the writers who returned to Japan in the post-war period. On the other hand, it should be noted that, unlike the other writers, the author experiments with using the language of the country colonized in order to express such inconsistent feelings.

      • KCI등재

        『덴도로카카리야』에 나타난 전쟁 표상 -천황제에 대한 우의를 중심으로-

        오미정 ( Mi Jung Oh ) 한국일어일문학회 2007 日語日文學硏究 Vol.61 No.2

        本論文では安部公房の『デンドロカカリヤ』(『表現』1949. 8)を考察した。安部の文學はこの作品を境とし、二三年の間に急激に變換した。このような變化の一原因として、戰爭とその結果としての敗戰狀況に對する作者の認識と表象化という觀点を取り上げることにした。<變形談>という表現方法と轉換を、旣存の議論のなかで意外にも取り上げられなかった敗戰下におけるもっとも劇的な變身談であるといえる<象徵天皇制>と關わる部分を集中的に浮彫りにし分析した。安部のテクストにおいて<變形>という主題は、主に超現實主義的な手法、實存主義的な側面から考察され、疎外された人間の形象化として把握されてきた。このような理解もテクストの理解のために有效な手法であることには間違いないが、テクストを時代との關わりのなかで把握するスタンスは弱かったと言える。本論文ではテクストと<敗戰後>という同時代史との交差を重視して考察しようとした。安部の文學行爲はこのような觀点にたってはじめて、日本の<戰後文學>としての特徵と意義も明確になると考えられる。<デンドロカカリや>は、植物人間のように<人間>の不在と喪失の渦卷きのなかで戶惑っていた戰後日本人に對して<人間>の恢復と再生を祈ること、それは戰爭の記憶を蘇らせ、忘却を拒否しようとする主體の行動を扇動する。このような意味で、日本戰後文學が求めていた<ヒュ一マニズム>の可能性を、<敗戰後>という同時代史のなかで眞劍に取り上げていたテクストであると言える。

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 일본의 북한문학 소개와 특징 : 『新日本文學』과 『人民文學』을 중심으로

        오미정(Oh Mi Jung) 한국근대문학회 2012 한국근대문학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본고는 1950년 한국전쟁기부터 1959년 북한으로 귀국운동이 시작되기전까지 시기를 한정하여, 주로 일본의 진보적 문학단체에 일본어로 소개된 북한문학의 소개 현황과 특징에 대해서 언급하였다. 이 부분의 선행연구로는 가지이 노보루의 연구가 있다. 본고는 선행연구의 문제의식을 공유하며, 『新日本文學』과 『人民文學』을 중심으로 북한문학의 소개현황을 살펴보았다. 1장에서는 1950년대는 일본에서 북한문학 소개의 피크기로, 그 소개는 1945년 이후 동아시아의 역사와 지정학적 구도가 직접적으로 영향을 주어, 재일조선인 사회, 일본의 좌파문학, 북한의 상황이 복잡하게 얽혀 있는 점을 확인하였다. 2장에서는 문학잡지 『新日本文學』(1946.1-2005)과 『人民文學』(1950.11-1953.12)을 중심으로 좌파적 문학잡지에 북한문학이 소개되는 과정과 수용 양상의 특징을 고찰하였다. 3장에서는 북한문학에 대한 일본문학자들의 반응에 대하여 고찰하였다. 그 결과 북한문학에 대한 일본인들의 접근방식은, 문학적 관심보다 문학외적 수요에 추동된 점이 많았다는 점, 재일조선인에 전적으로 의존한 소개구도, 사회주의적 국제연대라는 이념이 갖는 민족문제에 대한 억압적 측면이 있었다는 점을 도출할 수 있었다. This paper mainly seeks to introduce present condition of the North Korean literatures and analyze their features that is introduced through the Japanese language in the progressive literary group of Japan from 1950 to 1959. There is the research of Kazii Noboru in the preceding works of this field. Based on the Kazii's perspective, this paper examines the current state of the North Korean literatures which has been introduced. In the 1950s, North Korean literature has been introduced in Japan most frequently. The works of North Korean literature frequently were mainly exposed to Japanese literary magazines such as 'Shinnihonbungaku' (1946.1-2005) and 'Zinminbungakue' (1950.11-1953.12). Reviewing these magazines, I analyzed that the process of the North Korean literature had been introduced. and I have confirmed that the North Korean literature had been recognized as one of the foreign literature in these magazines. Through this research I was able to make sure that as follows. The Method of approaching to the North Korean literature from the Japanese side had been driven by historical and social demand at that time rather literary interest. And in postwar Japan, the Korean in Japan had almost introduced the North Korean literatures. Finally, the National problem has been suppressed by the socialist principle of international solidarity.

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