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      • Barbiturate에 依한 急性 溶血性貧血 2例

        嚴柱鉉,金鍾聲,兪台沂,李柱炅 최신의학사 1967 最新醫學 Vol.10 No.6

        One 19-year-old male was admitted to P.N.U. Hospital on March 19, 1966, because of severe recurrent, colicky abdominal pain, chillness, nausea, vomitting, headache, sweating, extreme weakness and dizziness for two days'duration, and brownish dark urine on one occation after 24 hours of administration of the Secobarbital 400mg (4 cap.). Another 21-year-old male was admitted to this hospital, on March 21,. 1966, because of unconsciousness after ingestion of the secobarbital 1, 700mg (17 cap.).. After recovery from this state on the second days of admission, he has complained the . chillness, diffuse, colicky abdominal pain, myalgia, and headache, and also discharged dark urine in the evening. The diagnosis of the acute hemolytic anemia was established by means of the abovesymtoms, physical examinations and laboratory findings of which, the peripheral blood showed hemoglobinemia in the serum, increased bilirubin titer, mostly indirect, and spherocytosis; hemoglobin in the urine. After initial. response to therapy with blood transfusion (5 Pt.), and to control of fluid and electrolytes, the clinical and laboratory findings were much improved within the two week's of admission. The prednisolone has been administered 80 mg a day at first on the 3rd days of admission,- and then decreased the dose until 20 mg once a day for all the 5 days. Both the patients were discharged on the 14th day of admission and all have good condition until one year after then.

      • KCI등재

        수중에서 미세플라스틱인 Polypropylene의 Cd 흡착특성 평가

        엄주현,박종환,김성헌,김영진,류성기,서동철 한국환경농학회 2019 한국환경농학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        BACKGROUND: In recent years, studies on microplastics have focused on their decomposition in the ocean. However, no studies have been reported on the interaction between microplastics and metal ions in aqueous solutions. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the adsorption capacity of cadmium(Cd) by polypropylene (PP) in aqueous solution. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cadmium adsorption characteristics of PP in aqueous solution were evaluated through various conditions including initial Cd concentration(1.25‐25 mg/L), contact time(0.5-24 h), initial pH(2‐6) and temperature(20‐50℃). Cadmium adsorption fit on PP was well described by Freundlich isotherm model with adsorption capacity(K) of 0.028. The adsorption amount of Cd by PP increased with increasing contact time, indicating that adsorption of PP by Cd was dominantly influenced by contact time. Especially, the removal efficiency of Cd by PP was highest at high temperature. However, the surface functional groups of PP before and after adsorption of Cd were similar, suggesting that adsorption of Cd by PP is not related to surface functional groups. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that PP affects the behavior of Cd in aqueous solution. However, in order to clarify the specific relationship between microplastics and metal ions, mechanism research should be carried out.

      • 중이진주종의 과증식성향에 대한 면역조직화학적 연구

        엄주현,전영명,박기현 아주대학교 의과학연구소 1996 아주의학 Vol.1 No.1

        Human epidermis is a continuously dividing tissue, in which the keratinocytes gradually differentiate and mature while moving from the basal cell compartment to the upper cell layers. However, cholesteatoma is characterized by the presence of squamous epithelium invading the middle ear. This epithelium is believed to have hyperproliferative properties. Using immunohistochemical techniques, we investigated the reaction pattern of monoclonal antibody to PCNA and cytokeratin 16 as proliferating markers, and of monoclonal antibody to cytokeratin 13 and DBA as basal cell markers in the cholesteatoma to determine whether the number of proliferating cells is increased, and whether proliferating cells are found beyond the basal cell layer in cholesteatoma. The results were as follows: 1) When the tissues were stained with the proliferating markers PC10 and K8.12, the normal epithelium of ear canal showed focal staining in the basal cell layer, whereas epithelium of cholesteatoma showed dense, diffuse staining not only in the basal cell layer but also in the suprabasal cell layer. 2) When the tissues were stained with the basal cell markers KS-1A3 and DBA, both epithelium of the normal ear canal and of cholesteatoma showed staining in only a single basal cell layer. These results suggest that increased epidermal cell proliferation in cholesteatoma may be due to increased proliferative activity in suprabasal keratinocytes as well as in the basal compartment.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 정권의 보건의료 자원 확보 방안 연구

        엄주현 세종연구소 2023 국가전략 Vol.29 No.2

        During the more than 10 years of Kim Jong-un's regime, the healthcare system has been scrutinized, specifically healthcare resources, facilities, medicines, and personnel. Since the early days of his rule, the construction of a specialized hospital in Pyongyang signaled the desire to modernize healthcare facilities nationwide, but the intended modernization did not materialize as planned. However, following the failed North Korea-U.S. diplomatic efforts in 2019 and the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, there emerged a need for actual improvement and an opportunity to create an environment conducive to it. As a result, there have been changes in the names of healthcare facilities throughout the country. In terms of medicines, the introduction of the socialist responsibility system led to the production of medicines in pharmaceutical factories and their sales through pharmacies. Additionally, the legal sale of medicines was ensured through the revision of the pharmaceutical law, which will take effect in 2022. Regarding healthcare personnel, the regime encourages the use of advanced medical technology while emphasizing the importance of diligence and dedication. The shortage of funding for healthcare services continues to be offset by the passion of healthcare workers. 김정은 정권 10여 년 동안의 보건의료체계 중 보건의료 자원, 그중 변화가 큰 시설과 의약품, 인력을 검토했다. 병원 등의 시설은 집권 초기부터 평양에 전문병원을 건설해 새로운 지도자의 집권을 알렸고 이를 모범으로 전국의 시설을 현대화하고자 했다. 하지만 현장에서는 정권의 의도대로 집행되지 않았다. 하지만 2019년 북미관계 개선 실패로 내치에 집중하게 됐고 2020년 코로나19를 겪으며 실질적인 정비의 필요성과 환경이 조성됐다. 그 결과, 현재에는 전국의 보건의료 시설 명칭이 바뀌었다. 의약품의 경우 사회주의책임관리제가 도입되면서 제약공장에서 의약품을 생산해 약국을 통해 판매하고 있으며 2022년에는 의약품법을 수정해 판매를 법적으로 담보했다. 의료인의 경우 선진 의학기술로 무장할 것을 독려하는 동시에 성실성과 헌신성을 강조하며 보건의료 서비스 운영에 소요하는 재원을 여전히 의료인의 열정으로 상쇄하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        『경제연구』분석에 기초한 남북 협력 방안 연구

        엄주현(Um, Ju Hyun) 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2017 통일인문학 Vol.71 No.-

        2017년 문재인 정부가 집권하면서 대북정책 기조의 변화가 감지되고 있다. 이에 앞으로 추진 가능한 대북정책을 모색하기 위해 김정은 집권 기간인 2012년부터 2016년까지 발행된 북한의 대표적 경제잡지인 『경제연구』를 분석하였다. 그 결과 북한의 주요 경제정책의 관심 방향은 지식경제 사회 구축(51편, 29.0%), 사회주의경제관리 개선(42편, 23.9%), 인민생활 향상(19편, 10.8%), 대외관계 개선(14편, 7.9%), 식량문제 해결(12편, 6.8%), 선행기초공업 발전 (9편, 5.1%), 환경관리의 국제 기준 적용(8편, 4.5%), 산림 복구와 필승의 북한식 사회주의 구축(각 7편, 4.0%), 기타(7편, 4.0%) 등으로 나타났다. 북한 경제정책과 관심 방향은 대북지원에도 그 영향을 무시할 수 없다. 북한은 과학기술과 지식자원 확보에 주력할 것으로 보이며 전문가 인적교류 요구가 높아질 수 있다. 두 번째로는 남한의 완제품 지원은 지양하고 자국 내 원료와 자원을 활용하는 방안이 모색될 수 있다. 이는 합작 및 합영회사 설립 등의 경제협력 요구로 이어질 것으로 보인다. 세 번째로는 지방경제 활성화를 위해 지방기관과의 사업이 확대될 것으로 보이며 이로 인해 대북지원의 지역적 범위가 확대될 것으로 예상된다. 대북지원은 서로의 입장과 원하는 바에 대한 ‘협상’이 전제됨으로 유동적이며 단정적인 결론을 내기가 어렵다. 하지만 상대방의 현실 파악과 분석은 기본이며 본 연구가 북한의 변화된 상황 이해에 도움이 되길 기대한다. As Moon Jae-in Administration has been newly inaugurated in South Korea in mid-2017, it is perceived that the change of keynote policy towards North Korea appears likely to follow. Hence, with a view to determining the direction over a feasible South Korea"s aid for North Korea, I examined the exemplar economics magazine, <Economy Research> published in North Korea from 2012 to 2016, the period of which North Korea"s leader Kim Jung-un has been in power. The result reveals their concerns for major economic policy by area: Build-up of Knowledge-based Economy Society(51 articles, 29.0%), Improvement of a Socialist Economic Management(42 articles, 23.9%), Improvement in overall Standards of Living for the people(19 articles, 10.8%), Improvement on Foreign Relations(14 articles, 7.9%), Solution of Food Problem(12 articles, 6.8%), Prior Development of Foundational Industries and so forth(9 articles, 5.1%), Application of International Criteria to Environmental Management(8 articles. 4.5%), Forest Restoration and Construction of unfailing DPRK-style Socialism(7 articles ea, 4.0%) and Others (7 articles, 4.0%). As such, driven by North Korea"s economy policy with a shift of emphasis, its possible impact on the Inter-Korean cooperative project can in no way be ignored. Firstly, the research shows that North Korea will focus on scientific technology combined with knowledge resources secured, which in turn will encourage the demand for interchange of human expertise. Secondly, North Korea will refrain from receiving the finished products from South Korea, actively pursuing the way of using their own raw material and resources. This stance would lead to the demand of economic cooperation such as Joint Venture or Joint Corporation. Thirdly, an expansion of business with local administrative organ is expected to revive the local economy, thus resulting in enlargement of regional scope of "cooperative entrepreneurship". At this juncture, it is difficult to draw a decisive conclusion about Inter-Korean Cooperative Initiatives, as the prerequisites for inter-subjective positions and wish list to be negotiated with are held in fluid situations. However, understanding the reality of the other party and subsequent analysis is a primary requirement of research and I hope this paper will contribute to a point of reference of change in the situation of North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        시각화 유형에 따른 에너지 피드백의 효과

        엄주현 ( Um Ju Hyun ),윤재영 ( Yun Ray Jaeyoung ) 디자인융복합학회 2017 디자인융복합연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 사용자의 에너지 절감 행동 유도를 위하여 가정의 전기 에너지 사용량을 두 가지 시각 유형의 에너지 피드백 디자인으로 제작하고, 이에 따라 인구통계학 요인별 피드백 전략 도출을 목표로 한다. 선행 연구 고찰을 통해 유형화한 이성 소구 피드백과 감성 소구 피드백은 각각 바(bar) 그래프와 북극곰 위젯(widget) 디스플레이로 디자인하였다. 피드백 유형의 시각적인 차이에 근거한 사용자의 이해도, 선호도, 절전의도를 알아보기 위하여 설문지 실험 후 결과를 도출하였다. 실험 결과, 이성 소구 피드백은 낮은 연령과 공학/사회과학 분야의 사람에게 높은 이해도를 보였다. 감성 소구 피드백은 낮은 연령일수록 높은 이해도를 보였으며 여성이 남성보다, 인문/예술 분야가 다른 분야보다 선호도가 높게 나타났다. 최종적으로 연구 결과를 바탕으로 네 가지 에너지 피드백 전략을 도출하였다. This study aims to draw up energy feedback strategies on demographic factors through two visualization types of energy feedback for inducing energy saving behaviors. Through the background study, we analyzed visual types for energy feedback design and these types are classified into Rational Appeal Feedback and Emotional Appeal Feedback. Each of feedback types is designed as Bar Graph and Polar Bear Widget Display. This study draws conclusions through online survey method for evaluating user`s understanding, preference and behavior intention based on visual distinction. Firstly, the understanding of rational appeal feedback among under age 20 is better than 30 age or older. People in engineering or social sciences major/occupation have a high degree of understanding of rational appeal feedback. Secondly, emotional appeal feedback draw up high understanding with low age. In the case of preference, women were higher than men, and the major/occupation of humanities and arts had a relatively higher average value than other fields. Thirdly, as a result of analyzing the correlation between variables of each feedback type, there were high correlation between understanding, preference, and behavior intention of each feedback type. Finally, feedback strategy for each type of users is derived according to the experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        북한 의약품 생산체계의 형성과정에 대한 고찰

        엄주현(Um Ju Hyun),박혜경(Hyekyung Park) 대한약학회 2018 약학회지 Vol.62 No.4

        This study looked at the formation process of North Korea s pharmaceutical production system based on data disclosed by the North between 1945 and 2017 in order to find ways to cooperate in the inter-Korean cooperation era. Since 1945, North Korea has established the principle of free treatment and free supply of medicines, and has organized state – owned pharmaceutical factories and drug dispensaries to supply pharmaceuticals to national health care institutions first. As large-scale pharmaceutical plants and small and medium-sized pharmaceutical factories were established by region, and drug distribution centers were expanded, the basic demand for pharmaceuticals was finally met in 1980. However, as the inter-national environment deteriorated since 1990, the nation has been unable to produce and supply medicines, and patients have been procuring their own medicines through market systems. After Kim Jong Eun s inauguration in 2012, North Korea is trying to recover to the mid-1980s through reconstruction of the self-sustaining structure and acquisition of foreign cur-rency through development and production of Koryo Pharmaceutical. It is necessary to prepare for the mutual benefit of the North and South in the field of medicine supply through inter-Korean exchange cooperation based on the understanding of reality of North Korea.

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