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        서울시 뉴타운 사업에서의 주민 합의형성 과정에 관한 연구

        양태식(Yang, Tae Sik),네가미 아키오(Negami, Akio) 한국부동산학회 2010 不動産學報 Vol.43 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to evaluate process of consensus building in Korea using the survey for newtown development project in Seoul. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study was focused on survey analysis of the process of consensus building in newtown development project. The data for this analysis were collect from the questionnaire of Eunpyoung and Gileum newtown development project. This questionnaire consisted of the status of citizen participation system and the process of consensus building of newtown development project in Korea. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS In the results of this survey, the most important problem is the absent of the process of consensus building system. 2. RESULTS This study offers five alternatives to improve the process of consensus building system in redevelopment. 1) It is strongly suggested introducing an citizen existing community. 2) Institutional strategy should be provide to sustain the existing community. 3) Institutional care should be reviewed for lower-income group and tenants. 4) The residents' satisfaction is high on newtown development project. 5) The operating system is also important.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 사회 소통 문제와 한국어 교육의 과제

        양태식 ( Tae Sik Yang ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2011 한국초등교육 Vol.21 No.1

        한국 사회도 이제 다문화 사회가 도래하였다고 할 수 있다. 한국의 다문화 구성원들은 결혼 이민자 및 그 자녀, 외국인 노동자, 북한 이탈 주민, 한국으로 유학 온 학생, 한국에 장기 체류하는 외국인 등이다. 이들이 한국 사회에서 겪고 있는 가장 큰 어려움은 소통 문제이고, 절실히 바라고 있는 바는 소통 언어로서의 한국어 습득이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그들이 처한 한국어 교육의 환경은 매우 열악하다고 하겠다. 다문화 구성원을 위한 한국어 교육의 방향과 과제는 문화 상호주의에 기반을 둔 기본 철학, 한국어 학습 기회의 폭 넓은 제공, 한국어 자원 봉사자의 자질 함양, 수준에 적합한 한국어 교재와 교육 자료 개발, 이중 언어 교사의 양성과 배치 등 범국가적 차원의 노력이 있어야 할 것이다. This paper aims to research for communicational problems of multicultural society and directions of Korean language education. Principal consequences of this study are as follows. Korean society have already become multicultural society. Direct beginning of multicultural society was started by appearance of the marriage immigrants and working immigrants permitted by government at twenty years ago. Immigrants and their children have complained about decisive difficulty for ``can not communicate``, therefore their main requirements were acquisition of Korean language for communicative means. Nevertheless, they have not been placed in good environments of studying Korean language. Supporting projects for studying Korean language leaded by government have been activated by many ministers of government, but enrolled students of Korean language program have not reached to 2% of registered foreigner, 11% of immigrants. For solving these problems, the directions and tasks of Korean language education are as follows; cardinal philosophy based on interculturalism, giving sufficient opportunities of studying Korean language, raising disposition of Korean language volunteers, producing the Korean text books and educational materials for various levels, the training and deployment of bilingual teachers, etc. Pan-government level``s counterplan is absolutely necessary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 서울 초등 학생의 담임 교사관 : 다른나라 대도시 학생들과 비교하여

        양태식 서울敎育大學校 學生生活硏究所 1998 學生生活硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        In any elementary school in any society, we encounter teachers ardently giving lessons to children. On the other hand, we often find the trait of given society reflected in the relationship between teachers and children. The present survey investigates characteristics on teachers peculiar to each society, and seeks an ideal image of a teacher by comparing differences in such characteristics. In many societies, children have no choice over their teachers. What is more, a classroom is a closed domain where adults other than the teacher seldom have the chance to enter. When we say international comparison of teachers, a rough idea is that we make a contrasting comparison between Western and Asian countries. In summary, education in America and European countries may be called individualistic rather than collective, while that in Asian countries values efficiency in conveying knowledge in the unit of classes. It is difficult to draw a general conclusion from the survey result. In the present study, samples were selected from schools located in large cities. Seoul and Beijin in Asia, Milwaukee, USA and Auckland, New Zealand were selected. Sao Paulo and was also included. What was striking in the current survey is that teachers in the six sample cities shared many features regardless of different local characteristics. On an average, 83% of children think that their teachers are "impartial", "enthusiastic in teaching" and "good at teaching", and that they are "happy with their homeroom teacher". It is true that such trait was commonly observed, but there were differences from city to city as well. Teachers in Milwaukee and Seoul were at extreme opposite in that those in Milwaukee think their responsibility is limited to inside classroom. On the other hand, teachers in Seoul are concerned about children's life after school as well. teachers in Aukland show similar reactions those of Milwaukee, while those in Beijin were similar to teachers in Seoul. What characterizes classes in Seoul, Tokyo and Sao Paulo is that emphasis is on textbooks. In Milwaukee, emphasis is placed on experiments and observation, and children in Aukland feel that they are given ample opportunity to freely discuss among themselves. Based on the foregoing observation, ordinate and coordinate were drawn to categorize different types of teachers. First, teachers in category 1 communicate knowledge to the entire class as a group, which is the form of teaching employed by lectures at technical schools where students' main goal is to obtain qualification or license. But if a lecturer provides individual guidance, then he/she can be classified as category 2, a counseller type teacher. And when a counseller type teacher tries to guide their children by considering personal aspects of their life, then such a teacher may be more like a social worker of category 3. And if a lecturer of category 1 extends his/her responsibility to outside school, then they fall into the category 4 of a kindergarten(nursery) teacher type.

      • 어휘소와 의미소

        양태식 釜山水産大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        In this paper, I would like to explore how lexemes and sememes function when we deseribe semantics. Words are used as three senses; phonological (or orthgraphical) differences, grammatical differences and semantic units. Lexemes are the semantic word that represents the smallest linguistic unit of a lexicon. And a lexeme is a primary unit of a lexicon, a set of paradigms, an abstract and neutral unit that makes linguistic performance possible in concrete contexts, the smallest semantic unit in syntagmatic relation of utterances that is based upon a lexicon. A sememe is a meaning of a lexeme itself, and the position in the system of all relation that connects one lexeme with other lexemes in the lexical system. A sememe is an element that can be divided, so it is a set of semantic features. When we consider semantic structure of a lexicon, we must concern with the internal structure of a sememe and the structure composed of the sum of some sememes. The semantic features that are the internal structure of a sememe are divided into syntagmatic features and paradigmatic features. Syntagmatic features are the tactic properties of a sememe, and paradigmatic features are the inherent properties of a sememe. We call it componential analysis when a sememe can be analysed in terms of a set of more general semantic features. Semantic features have not panlinguistic universality. The vocaburary (lexicon) is a set of lexemes that it used in a language of a certain period. A language contains a number of lexical systems, and lexical systems constitute the semantic structure by means of reciprocal coherent sense-relation. The semantic structure can be described in terms of sense-relation, and sense-relation has two phases; syatagmatic relation and paradigmatic. Syntamatic relation represents a typical semantic closeness that occurs when lexemes combine in a language and it can be said collocability. Paradigmatic relation is composed of synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, and incompatibility. Synonymy is acceptable by almost speakers, and can be paraphrased in almost contexts. Antonymy is oppositeness of meaning, and it contains three kinds; complementary oppositeness, polar oppsiteness, and relational oppositeness. Hyponymy occurs on the condition that the lexemes relatively compose general relation and specific. Incompatibility can be defined on the basis of the relationship of contradictoriness between sentences. If S₂and S₁are implicitly contradictory sentences of identical deep-syntactic structure, and if they differ only in that where one has the lexeme x the other has y, then x and y are incompatible.

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