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        셸리의 『시의 옹호』와 시의 생태적 옹호

        양승갑 문학과환경학회 2022 문학과 환경 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 셸리의 『시의 옹호』를 ‘생태적 관점’에서 접근하려 한다. 즉, 시는 ‘자연물로서의 인간이 선험적으로 지닌 동물적 본성의 끈질긴 욕구’에서 발생하는 노래임을 셸리가 보여주고 있음을 규명하고자 한다. 이러한 시와 인간 사이에 놓인 환원주의적 규명은 『시의 옹호』에서 드러나는 인간의 감각과 이성 사이의 관계, 인간과 인간(사회) 사이의 관계 그리고 인간과 자연의 관계에 대한 포괄적인 고찰을 그 토대로 한다. 이를 위하여 셸리의 『시의 옹호』와 ‘심층 생태’가 지닌 긴밀한 생태적 연관성을 살펴보고, 이를 토대로 시가 지닌 사회적 영향력을 살펴보았다. 결과적으로, 이 모든 고찰은 셸리의 『시의 옹호』에 드러나는 시를 통해 맺어지는 인간과 자연과의 실존적 연대(連帶) 즉, 셸리의 용어를 빌어 표현하자면, “모든 것의 통일성에 바탕을 둔 조화로움”을 드러내기 위함이다. 또한, 부차적으로는, 이러한 고찰을 통하여 위기의 시기를 극복하기 위한 시의 효능을 규명하는 것이기도 하다.

      • 후기구조주의적 관점에서 본 셸리(Percy B. Shelley)의 시

        양승갑 여수대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        This study surveys Shelley's poetry in the post-structualistic perspective mainly focused on the relation between language and the recognition. This study will help to shed light on the fact that as early as about 150 years ago Shelley's poetry embraced the most fundamental principle of the post-structualism. This approach, what is more, will promote more extensive and diverse interpretation of Shelley's poetry itself to show Shelley's foresight far ahead of his times.

      • 호손(Nathaniel Hawthorne)의 「젊은 굿맨 브라운」(Young Goodman Borwn)에 나타난 생태인식

        양승갑 여수대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        This study follows the journey of Goodman Brown from the Salem village into the forest, based on the pattern of the quest myth. Brown's journey crossing quite the opposite worlds -- good world (salem village) and bad world (forest) -- is designed to have a conversion experience by the tradition of Puritans. But during the journey Brown is getting assimilated with nature and suspects the puritan dogmaticism especially that good moral evolution is he absolute antithesis to the natural. The communion in the forest open Brown's eyes to the harmony of nature replete with brotherhood, which is alien from the Puritan world. After returning from the forest into his own world, Brown cannot adjust himself to the puritan world. The discord shows how far the puritan world is from the nature and implies that the rigidity and hypocrisy of the puritan world come from the lack of the contact with nature. Conclusively, in "Young Goodman Brown" Hawthorne proposes to introduce the natural law to the human world for the hopeful human future.

      • KCI등재
      • 셸리의 시에서 보여지는 시간의 모티프

        양승갑 여수대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        As we know from his nickname such as meliorist and anarchist, time motif has a crucial meaning and correlates with many other significant elements in Shelley's poetry. But many critics have usually restricted the time imagery in Shelley's work only to the aspect of the movement, the suspension, and the moment related with time. This inquiry deals with the matter more extensively. This extension of the meaning of time contributes to revealing the organic structure of Shelley's poetry. And, conspicuous by the time motif, the theme itself helps us with the comprehensive understanding of Shelley's poetry and also preparing for the coming millenium in the time of upheaval like his time.

      • KCI등재

        셸리(P.B.Shelley)의 「고독의 영 얼래스터」('Alastor; or the Spirit of Solitude')에 나타난 "낯설게 하기"

        양승갑 신한영미어문학회 1997 새한영어영문학 Vol.37 No.-

        In the preface of 'Alastor ; or the Spirit of Solitude', Shelley said his objective of this poem is to give "an instruction to actual men." And his intention is embodied in the quest of the young poet in the poem who secludes himself from the real would. Pointing to the young poet's death in despair at the end of the poem, however, many critics complain there is no hint of instruction and insist that the failure of this poem relies entirely upon the incoherence of Shelley's confused thought, which they think in turn results in his illogical imagery and style. But this finding faults stem from scratching the surface of the passage of the young poet. The meaning of this poem is revealed when we take a close look at what the young poet does and how he does it. He takes his course toward the past chronologically and the integrity ideally, both of which stand for the pure and original state uncorrupted by the coercive system and the repeated action in the world. Shelley understands that the callousness imprinted by men's everyday living as well as the doctrines of the religion forces them to lose their sight of the core in the things around them. Therefore to regain the ability, Shelley proposes in this poem, the first and foremost thing to be inevitably done is to see the world by the defamiliable sight, not by the familiar sight, just like the young children see the world. In conclusion, Shelley wants the quest of the young poets to work as the eye opener for the insidious essence of the world to the old poet who narrates this poem as well as the young poet himself. This is much more important for us who live in more complicated and divided but nevertheless more monotonous and uniform society. If we don't look differently and freshly at the world, as Shelley says in this poem, we will see nothing at all in the same world that we saw yesterday.

      • KCI등재

        셸리 시에서의 섭식과 대화적 상상력

        양승갑 21세기영어영문학회 2022 영어영문학21 Vol.35 No.4

        This study approaches Percy B. Shelley’s poetry from the perspective of ‘eating’ to clarify the eco-centric consciousness in his poems. The organic process of eating is tied with, what M. M.Bakhtin (1895–1975) called, ‘dialogic imagination’. As both require ‘interaction between subject and object’ and have ‘dialectic developments’, the linking of eating and dialogic imagination is quite suitable for explaining the intrinsic relation between the inside and the outside, one and the other, and human beings and nature. The eating in this study has gradual steps following every natural dietary process: 1) A Prescription for Natural Diet, 2) Indigestion as the Absence of Communication, 3) Digestion as Communication with Nature, and, in conclusion, 4) The Production of Biocentrism. Shelley’s early production, Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude, acts as ‘A Prescription for Natural Diet’ by showing what prevents a natural diet. The poem shows a young poet who wants to satisfy his mental hunger for his soul not the physical one for his body. Prometheus Unbound shows ‘Indigestion as the Absence of Communication.’ The indigestion comes mainly from the lack of consideration of ‘the eater’ for ‘the eaten’ clearly seen from the eagle who violently devours the liver of Prometheus. Queen Mab clarifies ‘Digestion as Communication with Nature.’ The queen asks humans to extend their senses to accept and comprehend “all that the wide world contains”(21). Only after the extension does she believe, “no longer now / He slays the lamb that looks him in the face” and “see(s) a baby sharing his meal with a basilisk”(28). All of the processes lead organically and 셸리 시에서의 섭식과 대화적 상상력 271 naturally to ‘The Production of Biocentrism.’ In the poetry of Shelley, the biocentric world is one in which “An equal amidst equals stands” (28), as Queen Mab says. Bakhtin’s dialogic imagination denies absolute or authoritative (monologic) consciousness, believing that reality is based on the interactions of a variety of subjective (dialogic) consciousnesses. ‘Eating’ in Shelley’s poem, consequently, is considered to be a dialogue between ‘the eater’ and ‘the eaten’ without any discrimination between ‘superiority and inferiority’ nor between ‘strength and weakness’―a poised and harmonious dialogue between human beings and nature. With the ‘physical and existential’ dialogue, human beings recognize the object eaten, nature, without which they cannot survive. This daily-based recognition may be the most powerful remedy for the existing environmental war. Consequently, “eating” in Shelley’s poetry is considered to be a “dialogue” between human beings (the eater) and nature (the eaten). And with the ‘physical and existential’ dialogue, human beings recognize the object eaten, nature, without which they cannot survive. This daily-based recognition can be the most powerful weapon against the existing environmental war.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 복소함수 T_c(z)=z^n+c의 쥴리아 집합

        양승갑,조경숙,조성훈 명지대학교 교육대학원 1998 敎育大學院 論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        복소 함수의 쥴리아 집합이란 무한대로 발사하는 점들의 집합의 경계를 말한다. 이것은 쥴리아 집합의 어떤 점은 무한대로 발산하지 않는 궤도를 갖고 있으나, 이 궤도의 근방에서 무한대로 발산하는 궤도를 갖는 점이 존재함을 의미한다. 본 논문의 목적은 T_c(z)=z^n+c 형태의 복소 함수의 쥴리아 집합에 대한 연구에 있다. 이 때 z와 c는 복소수이고, n≥2이다. 특히, 매개 상수 c 에 대한 여러 가지 형태의 쥴리아 집합에 대하여 살펴보고, 또한 쥴리아 집합에 대한 주기성과 대칭성을 조사하였다.

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