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      • KCI등재

        모바일 생활세계와 가상공동체 ―『전차남(電車男)』의 서사구조와 수용자 감정―

        양명심,우연희,신인섭 한국일본문화학회 2024 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.101

        本稿では、2000年代初、大きな話題を呼んだ小説『電車男』と映画『電車男』の叙事構造を分析の対象にし、主人公の電車男とエルメスの恋愛ストーリーがどのように受容者の感情を構築していくのか、受容者たちに与えた感情的作用とその意味を探ってみた。 作品『電車男』は「オタク」である電車男が、コンピュータオンライン仮想共同体(vitual commumity)で出会った人々から勇気と励ましを得て、電車の中で出会った女性、筆名エルメスとの愛を成就させる話である。 仮想空間で出会った匿名のネチズンたちが、仮想共同体を通じて作り出した連帯の感情と共同体の相互作用には、高モビリティ時代がもたらした人間の生活と文化、そして受容者の感性的体験とその文化的効果が反映されている。 ネチズンたちはオタクの電車男を通じて同情心から好奇心、また同質感を感じる。と同時に、電車男の行動に代理満足を感じるのである。ネチズンたちは、自分の限界を超えて努力し、変化していく電車男の姿を通じて、自分の姿を反省し、省察する機会を得る。この点から、仮想共同体でコミュニケーションに参加した無数のネチズンたちは共通の感情的文化を形成し、受容者の行動に影響を与えていることが分かる。 モビリティテクノロジーが生み出した仮想空間、仮想共同体の多層的意味を生み出したインターネット掲示板のコメントは、受容者たちの複合的な感情やその文化的効果を再現しているのである。 “Train Man” and its film adaptation, which gained prominence in the early 2000s, coinciding with the rise of online communities in Japan. By examining how the story of Train Man and Hermes constructs emotions within its audience, the study delves into the emotional impact and significance of this narrative. “Train Man” vividly portrays a phenomenon where advancements in mobility technology not only reshape physical environments but also intricately intertwine with the emotional fabric of individuals. This dynamic interaction gives rise to a recipient effect characterized by internal emotional shifts and the fluidity of emotions, a phenomenon worth exploring and reflecting upon. Posts by Train Man, a member of the online community, stimulate the emotions of numerous anonymous netizens, fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy that translates into reciprocal support. Internet comments, generating multilayered meanings within virtual spaces and communities, realistically depict the multidimensional emotions of authors within the societal and cultural phenomena of the time, thereby reproducing recipients’emotional experiences and cultural impacts.

      • KCI등재

        디아스포라 서사와 강요된 모빌리티의 재현 -이회성의 『유역』을 중심으로-

        양명심 한국일본언어문화학회 2020 일본언어문화 Vol.50 No.-

        This study aimed to analyze Watershed written by Hoe-song Lee based on the concept of mobility suggested by John Urry, and to discuss how ‘mobility’ was reproduced focusing on the narration of ‘deportation’ of Koreans. The motive of the work was the story of two Zainichi Korean novelists who were invited by an alliance of writers in Kazakstan to visit the Soviet Union for about one month. ‘The Deportation of 1937’ is the main story they tried to cover, but there are two underlying narrative structures. One is the process of covering for ‘Chang-ho Gang-reportage writer-the Deportation of 1937-history restoration’ and the other is the narration of the mobility of ‘an individual,’ ‘Zainichi Koreans’ and furthermore the ‘diaspora’ unfolded, focusing on the memory of the main character, Chun-su, that was recalled in the process of covering the story. The ‘deportation’ of the diaspora demonstrates how ‘mobility’ composes political violence through the power and control system of the state back then that forced and blocked mobility. In addition, the narration of mobility of the diaspora as an individual and Zainichi Koreans that is described through the memory of Chun-su depicts the process of the creation of ‘attachment to a place,’ that is, the desire to go back to ‘Sakhalin’ and their homeland both psychologically and physically.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 문학계보의 재해석: 잡지 『민도(民?)』를 중심으로

        양명심 한국일본어문학회 2016 日本語文學 Vol.68 No.-

        在日朝鮮人文學に關する硏究は日本では19880年代後半から韓國では2000年代から‘小說’を中心に行われてきた。最近は主要作家や作品中心の限定的な方法の樺を越えて在日朝鮮人が發行した新聞や雜誌まで硏究範圍が廣がりつつある。本稿は、在日朝鮮人文學硏究の範圍を擴張し、在日朝鮮人發行雜誌の硏究方法を具體化する一つの方法として文學を中心に企劃された最初の在日文芸雜誌『民?』に注目し、在日朝鮮人文學を再評價してみることを目的とする。まず、全體的な記事の內容分析を通じて在日朝鮮人大衆の意識を考察し、民衆文芸雜誌としての『民?』の役割やその意義について考察したい。そして『民?』の文學關連記事の展開樣相や作品を分析し、文學史的側面から在日朝鮮人文學を再評價することを試みている。『民?』は在日朝鮮人發行總合雜誌の系譜のなかでマイノリティとして認知されてきた。また『民?』に作品を發表した新人在日作家たちも在日朝鮮人文學史のなかで二重的な差別をうけてきたといえる。從っていままで文學的な價値があるにもかかわれず在日朝鮮人文學史のなかであまり注目されてこなかった作家や作品に注目し、主流作家を中心になされてきた在日朝鮮人文學の流れを再檢討していきたい。 he major magazines published by the Korean residents in Japan started to be paid attention as the focus of the recent researches expanded from the literary works into the Korean media in Japan. In particular, the period between the 1980s and 1990s was the golden age of magazine publication by the Korean residents in Japan. Minto is especially noteworthy as it has been leading the literary magazines which have been published by the Korean residents in Japan since 1990.Therefore, this study considered the roles and significance of Minto after analyzing specific articles. Then it analyzed the changing process of the discourse on the literature of Korean residents based on the developmental aspects of the articles on literature. Lastly, the study shed new light on the literature of Korean residents in Japan from the historical aspect of literature by analyzing the literary works introduced in < Minto >.

      • KCI등재

        『호르몬문화(ほるもん文化)』(1990∼2000)연구 : ‘재일(在日) 문화’의 재해석

        양명심 한국일본어문학회 2017 日本語文學 Vol.75 No.-

        『ほるもん文化』の<ホルモン>は?西地方で使う’放る’からきたごみを語源とする。?誌名からも分かるように『ほるもん文化』は血と汗に?ちた在日朝鮮人の生活の中から生み出された?誌である。『ほるもん文化』は、一九六?年から七?年代、在日一世たちの在日論から視野を?げ、在日朝鮮人一般大衆の生活史的な??や現?的な問題まで?合的に取り上げている。また在日二世、三世たちが自分の問題だけではなく、日本社?で差別されている少?者の問題にいたるまで、延?的責任の?点から在日朝鮮人の意識と思想を模索している。『ほるもん文化』で取り上げている記事は在日朝鮮人と日本人との?係、また祖?との?係が時代の流れの中でどのように?化してきたかを含め、在日二世代の生活の?史を?っているのである。?って本稿は、在日二世たちが自分が?している在日社?、ひいては日本社?をどのように認識しているのか、複合的な?係性などを考察することによって、『ほるもん文化』が在日メディアとしてどのような役割を果たしてきたかを分析した。 This study aims to analyze Hormone Culture, a Korean magazine in Japan, and examine the cultural discourse of Koreans in Japan. “Hormone,” which is type of main dish offered by “yakiniku” restaurants in Japan, originates from the word “waste,” which means “to discard” in Kansai. “Hormone” in the title of the magazine also originates from the folksy indigenousness of Koreans in Japan in their everyday lives that are depicted with the imagery of being drenched in blood and sweat. Hormone Culture was a significant turning point from the great social and political discourses of first-generation Koreans in Japan in the 1960s-1970s to the life cycle experiences and real lives of the general Korean population in Japan. Moreover, as second and third generation Koreans in Japan began to have collaborative perspectives on not only their own problems but also issues for the minority discriminated in Japan, they are seeking ideas of a newgeneration of Koreans in Japan. More specifically, the second- and third-generation Koreans in Hormone Culture deal with their relationships with the Japanese society from the critical perspectives of the Korean diaspora in Japan, including the Japanese society’s ethnic minority policies and awareness of Koreans, the Koreans’issues of rights in the Japanese society, their changing perceptions on Japan, and adaptation issues in the process of settlement.

      • KCI등재

        이회성(李恢成)의 청춘소설을 통해서 본 일본 전후

        양명심 한국일본어문학회 2012 日本語文學 Vol.52 No.-


      • KCI등재

        재일문예『민도(民濤)』연구 -『민도』의 서지고찰과 이회성의 문제의식-

        양명심,김주영 한국일본어문학회 2014 日本語文學 Vol.62 No.-


      • KCI등재

        일본명 조선인 작가의 디아스포라 서사와 모빌리티 재현-다치하라 세이슈의 『겨울의 유산』을 중심으로 -

        양명심 한국일본어문학회 2018 日本語文學 Vol.79 No.-

        モビリティの加速は、國境を越え空間の流動化と擴張を促進し、その結果、今日我?は移動が日常化された時代を生きている。どんな現象や形態であれ人間は移動する。これは新しい現象ではなく、歷史的に古くから生まれた所、出身地を離れて移動した例があり、その結果多くのディアスポラが産み出された。本稿で注目した移動する存在としての在日朝鮮人にとって「移動」は、それ自體が本質であり、主な生き方でもあった。在日朝鮮人は、日本に定住しながらも、常に浮遊する存在であった。意識的であれ無意識であれ、常に別の場所(祖國や故鄕)を凝視しなければならなかった。從って本稿では、物理的な移動から出發した在日ディアスポラの特殊性を移動の普遍性に擴張し、「在日」という存在の浮遊性が持つ意味を日本名朝鮮人作家立原正秋の作品を通じて考察してみようとする。 The acceleration of mobility has boosted the fluidity of space beyond borders, and, as a result, we live in a world where movement has become a routine. There have been many examples of people who left their home and rebuilt their life in another place from a long time ago, which have produced numerous diasporas.This study pays attention to “movement” which itself was the essence of life for Koreans living in Japan as a being who moves. Koreans living in Japan settled in Japan. but, at the same time, they were beings who always had to be floating and always could not help but gaze at another place (homeland, home). In this study, what the floating of the existence of ‘Koreans living in Japan’ meant was discussed through the works of Tachihara Seishu, a Korean-Japanese writer who used his Japanese name, by expanding the unique characteristics of the Korean diaspora in Japan that began from physical movement into the universality of movement.

      • KCI등재

        ‘재일의식’의 비판적 재구성: 잡지『잔소리(ちゃんそり)』를 중심으로

        양명심 한국일본어문학회 2019 日本語文學 Vol.81 No.-

        本論文は、これまで韓·日兩國の硏究者たちに注目を受けてこなかった在日朝鮮人が發行した雜誌『季刊ちゃんそり』を分析の對象にし、雜誌の內容や性格を明らかにすることによって、雜誌硏究の領域を擴大することを目的とした。これまでの在日朝鮮人が發行した雜誌に對する硏究は、イデオロギや民族アイデンティティなど、巨大な論点を取り上げた總合雜誌や總合文芸誌を中心に硏究が行われてきたと言える。從って、本論文では『ちゃんそり』を通じて1970年代後半、在日知識人を中心に固着化されていく在日イデオロギ一問題に反論を提起しながら新しい在日論の必要性を主張し始めた在日二世代の批判的'在日意識'を分析した。それによって、この雜誌が在日朝鮮人が發行した雜誌の中で占める位置と役割を考察した。 The purpose of this study is to assess the reach and influence of journals produced by Korean residents in Japan by examining the content and nature of the Journal JANSORI that is published by Korean residents in Japan. This journal has not attracted much attention from Korean and Japanese researchers yet. Researches on journals produced by Korean residents in Japan have largely focused on comprehensive journals and literary magazines so far, with particular attention being given to controversial issues such as ideology and ethnic identity.Therefore, this study investigated the status and role of the Journal JANSORI among the journals/magazines published by Korean residents in Japan by analyzing the critical awareness of second-generation Korean-residents in Japan with regard to ethnic issues. Through the Journal JANSORI, this second generation of Korean-residents in Japan has raised objections to the prevailing ethnic ideology that were formulated and put forward by Korean intellectuals in Japan in the late 1970s. In doing so, this new generation has begun to assert the need for new forms of thinking regarding ethnicity.

      • KCI등재

        재일 문화의 이동과 여성의 권리 : 종합문예지 『땅에서 배를 저어라(地に舟をこげ)』를 중심으로

        양명심 동악어문학회 2022 동악어문학 Vol.86 No.-

        This article analyzes the role of women in Japan and the gender reproduction method in the era of mobility and constant Japanese society, and examines the changes in women's discourse and the rights of Koreans in Japan according to changes in life. In particular, so far, Japanese literature has focused on the category of “Japanese,” so interest in the activities of female writers in Japan has tended to be neglected. Here, I would like to examine what kind of thoughts Japanese women had, where they were interested in, and what social activities they were involved in, and redefine the role of Korean women by analyzing their nationality, desire for their homeland, and critical consciousness of Japanese society. Through this, it is intended to reveal that Japanese women's magazines played a role in communication in Japanese society by constructing new rights and identities of changing Japanese society and led to changes in gender roles and lifestyles of Japanese women. 해방 후, 일본에 남은 재일조선인은 일본 사회에서 ‘조선인’이라는 불리한 조건에 맞서며 재일조선인의 굴곡진 역사를 만들어 왔다. 역동적인 그들의 삶을 기록한 재일 문학 역시 다양한 주제의식을 가지고 지금도 확장과 변용을 거듭해 가고 있다. 특히 지금까지 재일 문학은 ‘재일(在日)’이라는 범주에 초점을 맞추다 보니 재일여성 문인들의 활동에 대한 관심은 소홀했던 경향이 있다. 그러나 역사적으로 보면 수많은 재일여성들이 일찍이 재일로서의 삶을 글로 표현해 왔다. 『봉선화』(1991~2013)라는 잡지는 처음으로 재일여성들이 모여 만든 동인지이며, 그 이후 재일여성들의 종합문예지로 『땅에서 배를 저어라』가 창간되었다. 따라서 이 글에서는 재일여성 종합 문예지 『땅에서 배를 저어라』(2006~2012)를 분석 대상으로 하여 재일여성의 역할과 젠더 재현 방식에 대해서 분석해 보았다. 이를 통해 모빌리티 시대, 부동의 재일 사회에서 여성 담론이 변화되고 새롭게 생성되는 방식과 재일여성의 삶의 변화에 따른 재일조선인의 권리 문제에 대해 고찰하였다. 특히, 여기서는 재일여성 문인들의 담론의 확장기에 발간된『땅에서 배를 저어라』를 통해 재일여성들이 어떤 생각을 하고, 어디에 관심을 가지고 있었으며, 어떤 사회활동에 관여하고 있었는지를 살펴보았다. 또한 재일여성의 민족, 조국에 대한 욕구, 일본 사회에 대한 비판 의식을 분석함으로써 재일여성의 역할을 재규정해 보고자 하였다. 이를 통해 재일여성 잡지가 변화하는 재일 사회의 새로운 권리와 정체성을 구성하면서 재일 사회의 소통의 역할을 했으며, 재일여성의 젠더 역할과 생활 양식의 변화를 이끌었음을 밝히고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        해방 직후 일본의 모빌리티 시스템과 ‘재일조선인’의 형성 - 이회성의 『백년 동안의 나그네(百年の旅人たち)』를 중심으로 -

        양명심 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        現在我らの生活の中で「移動」は、どのような理由や形であれ継続されてきた。個人から集団、ひいては社会、国家などすべてが移動している。移動の手段や形態も段々変わっていてその変化によって我らの生活の姿や社会も共に変わりつつある。本論文は、このような移動を可能にしたモビリティシステムに注目し、朝鮮人が解放直後、日本に定住することを自ら選択し、今日の「在日朝鮮人」として再形成された過程を考察してみた。 近代化の象徴である鉄道システムが当時の朝鮮人を強制送還する帝国のシステムにどのように機能したかを在日作家李恢成の作品「百年旅人たち」を中心に考察した。解放直後、日本が朝鮮人に適用した規制の方法は、人間を通じてではなく、モビリティシステムという装置によるものであった。作品の中でそのシステムによって規制されてきた朝鮮人の心理的な葛藤と苦悩は無意識的な身体的兆候として表面化されたりする。作品に登場するモビリティシステムの象徴でもある鉄道システムは当時朝鮮人においては近代性の象徴ではなく、朝鮮人をもう一つの在日朝鮮人として自ら作っていく訓育の装置であった。 In our contemporary life, “transfer” has been continued in certain forms for certain reasons. In this paper, we analyze the process whereby Korean, immediately after their liberation from the Empire of Japan, chose to reside in Japan on their own and they have been re-characterized as today’s “Korean residents in Japan.” Our analysis is primarily based on the mobility system of the Empire of Japan. We explore the ways in which the literary work Hyakunen- no Tabibitotachi by Lee Hoe-sung, a prominent writer in the Zainichi-literature, is connected with the railway system, a symbol of modernization, which functioned in the system of the Empire of Japan where Koreans of the time were forced to return to their country. Immediately after they were liberated from the Empire of Japan, Japan imposed the regulation system of deportation on them, and this system did not function as a human labor but rather served as a device of “mobility system.” This system made Koreans of the time psychologically ambivalent and distressed, which was unconsciously manifested in their physical symptoms.

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