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        사소설과 자전소설

        안영희 ( Young Hee An ) 한국일어일문학회 2012 日語日文學硏究 Vol.83 No.2

        Japanese I-Novel has been continuing its tradition up to this day since the publication of The Quilt in 1907. And Yu, Miri is considered the most representative contemporary I-Novel author. Korea did not accept I-Novel during the early days of modern times and Ahn, Hoi-nam`s personal novel and Tae-won` psychological novel appeared in the 1930s and Lee, Bong-gu appeared during the postwar period, but failed in creating a sensation. By the 1990s, however, many female authors including Shin, Gyeong-sook and Gong, Ji-young have started to write their autobiographical stories. This thesis made a comparison between Yu, Miri`s Life and Gong, Ji-young`s My Sweet Home from the point of (1)privacy and self-disclosure (2)social factors of works (3)dailiness·confession·individual. First, Yu, Miri`s Life is the story of a woman who loves a family man and bears and rears his child alone, which sticks to the boundary of I-Novel`s tradition of self-disclosure. Meanwhile, Gong, Ji-young`s My Sweet Home is a disgraceful self-disclosure about author`s three divorces, everyday life with three children who have different fathers and battered wife. Life, based on the theme of adultery, continues the tradition of I-Novel. My Sweet Home, however, is a new typed self-disclosure that is hard to find in traditional Korean confession literature. Second one is a social factor. Life tells the story of humble but special family relation continuing the tradition of I-Novel that sociality is excluded. Gong, Ji-young started her literary career with behind-the-scene story literature telling one`s experience as a member of activist group. But My Sweet Home tells about the author`s special family relation excluding sociality. Third, Let`s look into the dailiness·confession·individual. Life is confessing author`s everyday life based on the theme of adultery and unwed mother that were the main subjects of I-Novel. My Sweet Home confesses author`s own privacy about three divorces and children with different family names. In the two works, authors use the names of most characters appearing in the work including author and author`s family without changing. The Life and My Sweet Home are confessing author`s own personal(individual) privacy(dailiness). The reason why the novels similar to I-Novel which were unnoticed in Korea so far became loved after 1990s may be related to the periodic situation. Shin, Seung-yeop says, “As postmodernism insists, the recent trend of novel creation is proper to give an impression that the period of ``the giant epic/discourse’ has closed and the age of disorganization by ``micronarrative`` has come`. The reason why many readers welcome such micronarrative is presumed to be related to the advent of disorganization named postmodernism. Another reason is that the readers in the 1980s were very much interested in the giant epic of social actualities related to the politics, whereas readers in the 1990s are concerned more for micronarrative that sticks to everyday reality. In such historical background, individual confession novels based on the author`s dailiness like Life and My Sweet Home came into the world.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아의 근대와 근대 지식인

        안영희(An Young Hee,安英姬) 일본어문학회 2015 일본어문학 Vol.71 No.-

        This paper examined the modern perception of intellectuals and according resolutions through the novels by Natsume Soseki as an intellectual of empire, Lu Xun as an intellectual of semi-colonial and Lee, Kwang-Su as an intellectual of colony. The intellectual of empire Natsume Soseki criticized modern civilization in his novel 『I Am a Cat』. In his novel 『Kokoro』, he portrayed the Meiji spirit namely, intellectuals faithfully fulfilling imperialism. Lu Xun conveyed the message of urging to face the reality rather than turning away from it through spiritual victories in his novel 『The True Story of Ah Q』. In his novel 『A Madman's Diary』, he was afraid of becoming an intellectual who resists against tradition but eventually becomes frustrated and compromises and hope to be otherwise. Lee, Kwang-Su portrayed an intellectual who educates and enlightens the general public after learning Western knowledge. In his novel 『Moojeong』, an intellectual enlightened the general public through education and it was actualized in 『The Soil』. While Natsume Soseki expresses criticism of civilization and imperialism indirectly, Lee, Kwang-Su expresses the subject of enlightenment forthrightly while Lu Xun expresses the subject of revolution suggestively. The direction of modernization of the three writers varied in regards to criticism of civilization and imperialism by Natusme Soseki, revolution by Lu Xun and enlightenment by Lee, Kwang-Su. However, the ultimate goal of modernization was the same. Their direction of modernization was actualized through their novels. この論文では帝国の知識人である夏目漱石、半植民地の知識人である魯迅、植民地の知識人である李光洙と彼らの小説を通して知識人の近代認識とその解決方案について検討した。 帝国の知識人である夏目漱石は『我輩は猫である』で近代文明を批判し、『こころ』では明治精神、すなわち帝国主義を充実に移行する知識人を描いた。魯迅は『阿Q正傳』で精神勝利という方法で、現実をそむけないで、現実を見つめなければならないというメッセージを伝えた。また、彼は『狂人日記』を通して、伝統に抵抗するが結局は挫折し、妥協する知識人を描いた。李光洙は『無情』で知識人が教育を通して一般民衆を啓蒙し、『土』で具体化した。夏目漱石は文明批判と帝国主義を迂回的に、魯迅は革命という主題を暗示的に、李光洙は啓蒙という主題を直接的に表現した。 夏目漱石は文明批判と帝国主義、魯迅は革命、李光洙は啓蒙という近代化に対する方向は違ったが、近代化という究極的な目的は同じであった。彼らは東アジアの近代の方向を彼らの小説を通して具体化した。

      • KCI등재

        일본 제국주의의 통치전략과 ‘깨끗하고 건강한 몸’ 만들기 : 『요미우리신문』과 『아사히신문』의 매독 담론

        안영희(An, Young-Hee) 일본어문학회 2021 일본어문학 Vol.93 No.-

        『読売新聞』と『朝日新聞』の梅毒言説(1900─1945)の特徴は次のようである。まず、明治·大正時代の帝国言論は「きれいな体」で清潔さを強調したが、昭和前期になると、戦時体制下で「健康な体」として国民体力管理を強調する。このように、時代別に帝国主義の統治戦略が異なっていることが分かった。次に『読売新聞』は一般庶民の立場で性病の予防に重点をおき、性病から女性を保護しようとする態度をとっている。しかし、『朝日新聞』は帝国日本の衛生政策をよく反映しており、商業資本主義と結託している。ちなみに性病の責任を女性になすりつけている。このように、二つの新聞から男女平等に対する認識の差と、近代性との関係が分かった。最後に『読売新聞』は個人の生を通して『朝日新聞』は国家の政策を通して梅毒を報道している。このように、東京の『読売新聞』と大阪の『朝日新聞』との差別的な衛生政策と商業資本主義との関係が分かった。 The “syphilis” discourse of Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun(1900-1945) is characterised as follows. Firstly, the Imperial statement during the Meiji and the Taisho era emphasised purity in terms of “clean body.” In the former period of the Showa era, the management of physical strength of the national people was emphasised in terms of “clean body” under the wartime regime. The present study thus reveals different domination strategies of the Imperialism in different eras. Secondly, Yomiuri Shimbun put emphasis on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases from the perspective of commoners and tried to prevent women from being infected. On the other hand, Asahi Shimbun well reflected the hygiene policy of the Imperial Japan and was associated with the Commercial Capitalism. Also, Asahi Shimbun shifted the blame of sexual transmitted diseases onto women. In this way, the two newspaper are contrasted in terms of gender equality and modernisation. Finally, Yomiuri Shimbun reported syphilis through individual lives, whilst Asahi Shimbun did so through the national policy. In this way, the present study sheds light on the differences between the two newspapers in terms of the discriminational hygiene policy and the Commercial Capitalism.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 여드름의 특성에 관한 연구

        안영희(An Young-hee),임미혜(Leem Mi-hyea) 한국인체미용예술학회 2003 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.4 No.2

          A survey to examine the acne distribution by each grade and to find out the ages of initial generation of acne was conducted to the 937 students of primarry, middle and high schools in seoul and Gyeonggi province. The study attempted to figure out the characteristics of youths' acne, and examine the degree of students'common sence towards youths' acne. The results are as follows: The average rate of the acne generation between 12-19 age-old youths among the subjects was 74.52%. Among them, the average rate of acne generation of male students was 72%, and the acne generation rate constantly increased between 12-19 age-old students. On the other hand, the average acne generation of female students was 80.16% and the acne generation rate constantly increased between 12-17, and then gradually decreased between 18-19. The result of examining the ages of the initial acne generation shows that the age of 14.41 was for the male students, whereas the age of 13.45 was for female students. This indicates that the age of the initial acne generation for the female students was earlier than that for the male students. To measure the degree of youths' common sense towards youths' acne, a survey was conducted with nine questions. The results show that the average degree of their common sense, which was the correct answer rate, was 53.91%. The group of no acne and the group with acne showed 52.41% and 55.40%, respectively. This indicates that the group of no acne had higher degree of common sense than the group with acne. The result of comparing the degrees of common sense of primary, middle and high school students shows that the common sense degree of primary students was highest, and then gradually decreased. As the degree of common sense about youths' acne was around 50%, the education on acne needs to be more extensive and intensive, based on these study results, focusing on the worsening factors of acne, and with the subject targets of youths. In addition, there seems to be a need to study the prevention and caring methods for youths'pimples in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        나혜석의 『구미여행기』와 새로운 글쓰기

        안영희 ( An Young-hee ),정혜영 ( Jung Hye-young ) 한민족어문학회 2021 韓民族語文學 Vol.- No.91

        남존여비의 유교이데올로기와 ‘文’의 의식이 여전히 강했던 식민지 시기 조선에서 신여성들은 극심한 편견, 비난 속에서 나혜석은 남성과 동등한 한 사람의 작가로서 혹은 화가로서 자신의 삶의 영역을 구축해갔다. 이 과정에 대한 세밀한 고찰은 한 편으로는 식민지 시기 조선 신여성의 의식의 실체와 식민지 조선이 경험한 근대의 실체를 밝혀가는 것이면서 또 한 편으로는 한 인간이 어떻게 편견과 무지에 맞서 인간의 존엄성을 확보해 가는가를 살펴보는 과정이기도 하다. 이 과정에서 일본 신여성 요사노 아키코(擧謝野晶子)의 파리 체험에 대한 비교 고찰은 필수적이다. 나혜석과 요사노 아키코는 제각각 조선과 일본 신여성 1세대를 대표하는 인물로서, 작가로서 다수 작품을 발표하였고 두 사람 모두 당시 신여성으로서는 드물게 파리에서 체류한 경험이 있다. 이와 같은 공통점 이외 본 연구에서 조선 신여성 나혜석의 의식을 고찰하기 위해 요사노 아키코를 비교 대상으로 설정한 또 하나의 중요한 이유가 있다. 나혜석이 자신의 글에서 논문과 시 창작에 매진했던 요사노 아키코를 자신의 롤 모델로서 언급하고 있기 때문이다. 이와 같은 상황에 근거하여 본 연구에서는 나혜석의 『구미여행기』를 중심으로 나혜석으로 상징되는 조선 신여성의 의식의 제 특징을 고찰하고 있다. During the colonial Joseon period, where the general predominance of men over women was strong due to Confucian ideology and there still existed a strong sense of Mun (文), modern women often experienced extreme prejudice and accusations. Na Hye-sok, however, had built up her own successful career as a writer and a painter who was equal to the men in her fields. A detailed examination of this process reveals on one hand, the realities of the lives that modern Joseon women led during the colonial period, and the reality of the modernity experienced by the general population living in colonial Joseon society. On the other hand, this analysis also reveals the process which an individual goes through in order to gain dignity during the fight against prejudice and accusations. During this process, a comparative study with the Parisian experience of Akiko Yosano, a modern Japanese woman, is essential. Na Hye-sok and Akiko Yosano are both representatives of the first generation of modern women in Joseon and Japan, and have published numerous works as writers. Both of them had rarely stayed in Paris as modern women during that time.Additionally, it is also important to set Akiko Yosano as a comparative subject in order to more critically examine the significant role of Nae Hye-sok during the colonial Joseon time period, as Na Hye-sok refers to Akiko Yosano, who was also actively involved in writing articles and poetry, as her role model. Based on this information, this study examines the characteristics of the general circumstances and significance of Joseon modern women, as symbolized by Na Hye-sok, by focusing specifically of her experience traveling in Europe and America.

      • KCI등재

        제국과 반식민지, 식민지 신여성의 사랑과 결혼

        안영희(An Young-Hee) 동아인문학회 2017 동아인문학 Vol.40 No.-

        이 연구는 동아시아 근대 신여성인 나쓰메 소세키 ≪산시로≫의 미네코, 루쉰 ≪죽음을 애도하며≫의 즈쥔, 이광수 ≪무정≫의 선형의 사랑과 결혼을 비교해봄으로써 여성의 자아실현과 사회진출에 대해 알아본다. ≪산시로≫의 미네코는 도쿄제국대학의 엘리트 여대생이고 지성과 미모를 겸비한 신여성이다. 그녀는 사랑하는 남성인 노노미야와의 결혼을 포기하고 사회적인 지위와 경제력을 가진 제3의 남자와 결혼함으로써 사회진출을 포기하고 현모양처의 길을 선택한다. ≪죽음을 애도하며≫의 즈쥔도 하이힐과 블라우스를 입고 신교육을 받은 신여성이다. “나 자신의 삶은 나 자신의 것이야.”라고 할 정도로 자신의 주장과 신념이 강했다. 그녀는 주위에 차디찬 시선에도 아랑곳하지 않고 사랑하는 남자와 동거를 시작할 정도로 사랑에 있어서는 두려움이 없었다. 하지만 동거를 시작하자 주부의 모습으로 탈바꿈하고 경제적으로 어려워져도 사회에 나가 일을 할 생각을 하지 못한다. 결국은 경제적 어려움으로 남자에게 버림받고 죽게 된다. ≪무정≫의 선형은 영어를 배우고 교회를 다니며 신교육을 받은 신여성이지만 주체적인 사랑을 할 정도로 정신적으로는 성숙하지 못한 여성이다. 그녀는 자신이 진정으로 사랑하는 남자가 아닌 아버지가 맺어준 남자와 결혼한다. 겉모습은 신여성이지만 정신적으로는 구여성과 별반 다를 바가 없다. 동아시아 근대 여성인 미네코, 즈쥔, 선형은 신교육을 받은 신여성임에도 불구하고 진정한 자아성취와 사회진출을 하려 하지 않는다. 그녀들은 사회진출과 경제력은 남성이 해야 할 몫이라고 여기고 조건좋은 남자와 결혼해서 가정에서 안주하는 삶을 선택한다. 100년이 지난 지금 동아시아 여성들은 주체적으로 사랑과 결혼을 하고 자아실현과 사회진출을 하고 있을까? 현대 여성의 삶을 다시 한 번 되돌아볼 필요가 있다. This study, which compared love and marriage of Mineko from Natsume Soseki"s Sanshiro, Zijun from Lu Xun"s Sadness, Sunhyeong from Lee Kwang-Su"s Mujong, sought to have an insight into women"s self-realization and social participation. Mineko from Sanshiro, an elite undergraduate of the University of Tokyo, is a modern girl equipped with both intelligence and physical beauty. She gives up marrying her lover Nonomiya and instead marries another man with social status and economic ability. By doing so, she gives up social participation and chooses a normal course of women being a wife and mother. Zijun from Sadness is a modern girl with new education who wears a high heel and blouse. She has such a strong own view and belief in herself as to say “My life belongs to me,” and is so fearless in love that she begins cohabitation against the cold eyes around her. As soon as the cohabitation with her partner begins, she transforms herself into a housewife and does brave to work outside despite economic difficulty. At the end of the day, she is abandoned by her partner because of economic difficulty and dies. Sunhyeong from Mujong (The Heartless) is a modern girl with new education who has learned of English and goes to church, but is not mentally grown up as to have her own love. Eventually she marries a man with better conditions her father introduced, instead of the man she truly loves. Though she is a modern girl in exterior looks, she is mentally none other than a traditional woman. It"s not far from the ideal marriage dreamed of by contemporary women. Although Mineko, Zijun, Sunhyeong – women in modern East Asia – are modern girls with new education, they don"t seek true self-realization and social participation. 100 years on, do women in modern East Asia love and marry on their own will and implement self-realization and social participation? We need to think over lives of contemporary women once again.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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