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        지방의회의 청원·진정제도 실태 분석 및 개선방안

        안성수(Seong soo Ahn),정세영(Se yeong Cheong) 한국정책개발학회 2021 정책개발연구 Vol.21 No.2

        지방의회는 주민의 대표기관으로서 다양한 주민들의 의견을 대변해야 할 책무를 지니고 있다. 본 논문은 그동안 지방의회에 주민의 청원과 진정이 어떻게 행사되어 왔는지 그 실태를 분석하고 주민의 피해구제와 지방정치에 대한 주민 의견을 대변하기 위한 청원과 진정제도의 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 청원 및 진정 관련 문헌조사와 현장관계인 면접을 기본적인 연구방법으로 활용하였다. 지방의회는 지방의원 소개 없는 주민동의 청원제도, 지방의회 홈페이지에 청원 현황 실시간 공개, 청원소개 없는 직접청원제도 도입, 진정의 선별적 청원 전환, 청원과 진정을 정책의제로 발굴 등의 개선방안을 적극적으로 추진할 필요가 있다. 이러한 개선방안은 대의민주주의제도의 약점을 보완할 수 있다. As a representative institution of the residents, local councils have the responsibility to represent the opinions of various residents. This paper aims to analyze the actual situation of how residents petitions and complaints have been exercised at local councils, and to suggest ways to improve the petition and complaint system to represent residents opinions on damage control and local politics. To this end, this study used a literature review related to petitions and complaints and interviews with field-related persons as basic research methods. Local council needs to actively promote improvement measures, such as petition system of resident consent without introduction of local lawmakers, real-time disclosure of petition status on the local council website, introduction of a direct petition system without petition introduction, selective conversion of complaints to petitions, and finding petitions and complaints on the policy agenda. Such improvement measures can compensate for the weaknesses of the representative democracy system.

      • 고분자 전해질 연료전지 분리판 개발 및 평가

        안성수(Ahn, Seong-Soo),오재열(Oh, Jae-Yeol),이경준(Lee, Kyoung-Jun) 한국신재생에너지학회 2008 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.05

        Bipolar Plates for PEMFC have been a key component of fuel cells with MEA, thus in this research they have been fabricated by a compression molding technique after mixing graphite powder with phenol resin. The results have shown the prominent properties compared with those by foreign advanced company with respect to the electrical conductivity and flexural strength. In addition, it has been carried out that the Voltage-Current characteristics comparison according to the unit cell experiments of bipolar plates. As a result, we have obtained good performances and we are going to research the molding feasibility of bipolar plate's flow channel.

      • KCI등재후보

        형사상 영업비밀 침해에 있어서 이익과 손해액 산정

        안성수(Ahn Seong Soo) 한국정보법학회 2007 정보법학 Vol.11 No.1

        형사재판 실무에 있어 영업비밀 침해로 인한 손해와 이익액은 피고인과 피해자가 주장함에 있어 커다란 차이가 있다. 영업비밀은 그 특성상 시장교환가격을 산정하기 어렵다. 그래서 판결에서는 액수 불상의 이득과 액수 불상의 손해로 결론짓는 것이 일반적이다. 그러나 범죄행위에 상응한 처벌은 물론, 양형에 있어 형평성·일관성을 유지하기 위해서는 손해액과 이익액을 산정하고, 그 액수를 반영하여 일정한 기준에 따라 선고형을 정하는 것이 필수적이다. 미국 연방양형기준법에 의하면 손실액은 중요한 양형인자이며, 이것은 공정한 시장가격 외에 피해 회복비용 등을 고려하여 판사가 결정하도록 되어 있다. 현행 대법원 판례의 기준에 따를 경우 영업비밀침해에 있어 손해액과 이익액을 산정하는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 그 결과 양형의 객관성․투명성은 물론 이익액이 5억원 이상이 되는 것은 확실함에도 정확한 액수가 특정되지 않는다는 이유로 특정경제범죄가중처벌등에 관한 법률위반에 관하여 무죄를 선고함으로써 이익액이 5억원 미만인 단순배임죄로 처벌되는 문제점도 발생한다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 이익과 손해의 산정 방식을 재검토할 필요가 있다. 정확한 시장교환가격 산정이 불가능할 경우에는 당사자간에 형성될 매매가격, 기술이전료 협상가격, 영업비밀 사용료 등도 기준이 되어야 하고, 기술개발비 등도 고려되어야 한다. 아울러 적정한 양형기준의 정립은 물론 영업비밀의 가치를 시장가격으로 환산할 수 있는 전문기관이나 전문 감정인의 양성이 요구되고, 감정결과를 수사 및 재판과정에서 적극 활용하려는 노력이 필요하다. Regarding trade secrets in criminal trials, there are usually big gaps between the prosecution and defense in arguing the loss and gain. Considering the special character of trade secrets , it must be a difficult job to calculate the exact fair market value of the trade secret. Therefore it is not unusual for the courts to conclude that the loss or gain is uncertain. However, the computation of loss and gain is necessary in order to determine not only the proportionate punishment based on criminal harm to the victims but also to accomplish uniformity and equality in sentencing. That is to say, reflecting the loss and gain in deciding the final sentence is required to achieve criminal justice. According to Korean Supreme Court s case law standard, it is almost impossible to calculate the loss and gain. As a result, when it comes to “acts on the aggravated punishment of specific crimes” cases, the courts acquit the defendant on the ground that the gain is not specified, even if it is certain that the gain is over 500,000,000 Won. In these situations, it is often the case for both the prosecutor and the defendant to have a doubt on the final sentence. To solve these kinds of problems, we should review the current calculation standard. If the fair market value can not be calculated, then the negotiable price in the market or between the parties and reasonable loyalty can be considered. In addition, the cost for developing trade secrets will be another factor to be taken into consideration. We should make the appropriate sentencing guidelines and try to promote the experts(or institutes) that can credibly calculate the value of trade secrets. We should also actively use the expert s evaluation in the criminal trial at the same time. By doing that, we can enhance the transparency and objectivity in criminal sentencing.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상호 텍스트상과 문학교육 - 「 숨은 꽃 」 과 「 꽃을 위한 서시 」 를 중심으로

        안성수(Seong Soo Ahn) 한국문학교육학회 1998 문학교육학 Vol.2 No.-

        This article was written with two aims. One is to investigate the intertextuality through an examination of the texts of Gottseuleuyhan Seosi and Soommeun Ggots which are involved in different genre each other and to investigate its semantic process. And the other is to search after what kind of effectiveness could be generated if the intertextuality would be associated with the literary education. All the literary writing have the intertextuality in the light of the fact that all the literary writing have the ultimate purpose with search for the essence about the universe, the nature and the human being regardless of any genre. However the dream of an ideal writing in the personal level can be never accomplished, nevertheless all human being are trying to create the literary works. And they try to approach to the world of the ultimate essence through the semantic dialogue with the other person in the universe of texts. Two works above mentioned were found to have the common intertextuality by presenting the similarity and the sameness in the title, the method and process of search for the essence, the purpose and the result of the investigation. The former is formed on the basis of the poetics of symbolism and makes an effort to search after the ultimate purpose of the literary writing by using the mono phonetic and confessional method. On the contrary to the former, the latter is on the basis of the poetics of metafiction and tries to search for the ultimate purpose of the literary writing by using the polyphonetic and dialogic method. The study on the intertextuality and its relatedness to the literary education presented us the importance in that if we connect the intertextuality with the literary education, we could interpret the texts dealt more profoundly and in several ways. The understanding of the literary works on the basis of the intertextuality in language and genre, the structure and the methodology of literary works, the desire of character, title, and pluralistic reading and the description of the history of literature was proved to enhance the process of the literary imagination and of signification, and multiply the rousing effect emotionally.

      • KCI등재

        <하얀 배> 의 상호 텍스트성 연구

        안성수(Seong Soo Ahn) 한국현대소설학회 2000 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.13

        This study was conducted with the novel <White Ship> which is written by Russian author, Chinghiz Aitmatov and the short story, <White Ship> which is written by Korean author, Yun, hu-myong. The aim of thesis is to investigate the intertextuality between two works mentioned above in the light of title, subject matter, themes and totality, aesthetic consciousness. First, we can find some grounds for the intertextuality in the aspects that both works have title of White Ship:. Second, both two works suggest issues about the loss of identity of modern man and the recovery of totality as the general questions. Third, the text of Yun, Hu-myong has the structure of looking for one´s father, while Aitmatov´s text has the structure of desire for coming back to motherland. Therefore, these two texts show the structural similarity ultimately through the story of searching for one´s rots or national identity. Fourth, both works also suggest the structure of the recovery of totality which desires for the actualization of ideal life in the absurd real world in which totality is destructed. Fifth, these two works use techniques of overlapping the image of White Ship and the main character of both works which emphasizes the sublime, the pure beauty and the tragedy.

      • KCI등재

        Autonomous Navigation System for Power Wheelchair System

        정문수,안성수,Jung, Moon-Shu,Ahn, Seong-Soo Korea Institute of Electronic Communication Scienc 2009 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.4 No.1

        The power wheelchair is an important and convenient mobility device. The demand of power wheelchair is increasing for assistance in mobility. In this paper we proposed a robotic wheelchair for mobility aid to reduce the burden from the disabled. The main issue in an autonomous wheelchair is the automatic detection and avoidance of obstacles and going to the pre-designated place. The proposed algorithm detects the obstacles and avoids them to drive the wheelchair to the desired place safely with panning scan from sensors of distance measurement and fuzzy control. By this way, the disabled will not always have to worry about paying deep attention to the surroundings and his path.

      • KCI등재

        그리드 환경에서 SP분할 알고리즘을 이용한 확장성 있는 RFID 태그 판별

        신명숙,안성수,이준,Shin, Myeong-Sook,Ahn, Seong-Soo,Lee, Joon 한국정보통신학회 2009 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.13 No.10

        최근 RFID 시스템의 채택이 다양한 분야에서 빠르게 진행되고 있다. 그러나 RFID 시스템의 대중화를 위해서는 RFID 태그의 정보를 무단으로 획득함으로써 발생할 수 있는 프라이버시 침해 문제를 해결해야 한다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해서 기존 연구들 중에서 가장 안전한 M. Ohkubo 등의 Hash-Chain 기법이 있다. 그러나 이 기법은 태그를 판별할 때 엄청난 태그 수의 증가로 인해 막대한 계산 능력을 요구하는 문제점이 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 프라이버시 보호 기법의 필수 보안 요건 3가지를 모두 만족하면서 태그 판별 시간을 감소할 수 있는 방법을 제안한다. 먼저 이질적인 시스템으로 구성되는 그리드 환경의 특성으로 인해 최적화된 성능을 얻기 위하여 Hash-Chain 계산 테이블을 생성하는 프로그램을 작성한 후 각 노드들의 성능 측정한다. 그 측정 결과를 이용하여 SP들을 분할하는 SP분할 알고리즘을 제안한다. 또한, 구현 결과 Hash-Chain 길이 1000, 노드 수 4로 고정된 상태에서 측정한 결과를 단일 노드와 균등분할, SP분할을 비교하면 SP들의 총수가 1000개 일 때 40%, 49%, 2000개 일 때 42%, 51%, 3000개 일 때 39%, 49%, 4000개 일 때 46%, 55%가 향상되었다. Recently RFID system has been adopted in various fields rapidly. However, we ought to solve the problem of privacy invasion that can be occurred by obtaining information of RFID Tag without any permission for popularization of RFID system To solve the problems, it is Ohkubo et al.'s Hash-Chain Scheme which is the safest method. However, this method has a problem that requesting lots of computing process because of increasing numbers of Tag. Therefore, We suggest the way (process) satisfied with all necessary security of Privacy Protection Shreme and decreased in Tag Identification Time in this paper. First, We'll suggest the SP-Division Algorithm seperating SPs using the Performance Measurement consequence of each node after framing the program to create Hash-Chain Calculated table to get optimized performance because of character of the grid environment comprised of heterogeneous system. If we compare consequence fixed the number of nodes to 4 with a single node, equal partition, and SP partition, when the total number of SPs is 1000, 40%, 49%, when the total number of SPs is 2000, 42%, 51%, when the total number of SPs is 3000, 39%, 49%, and when the total number of SPs is 4000, 46%, 56% is improved.

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