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      • KCI등재

        절대권력의 표상: 앙리 4세의 갑옷 초상화

        심민정 서양미술사학회 2024 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.60 No.-

        본 논문은 앙리 4세(재위기간:1589-1610)의 갑옷 초상화에 관한 연구이다. 르네상스 이후부터 서유럽 지도자들의 초상화가 주로 갑옷으로 무장된 채 묘사되었다는 것을 견지하면서, 앙리 4세의 갑옷 초상화가 당대 표방하였던 절대왕정의 상징성을 담고 있음을 고찰한다. 갑옷 초상화는 16세기 초중반 티치아노가 카를 5세를 그린 베네치아 풍조로 군주의 이상적인 모습을 묘사하는 데 사용된 초상화의 한 유형이었다. 앙리 4세의 갑옷 초상화는 이 같은 르네상스 초상화의 전통을 계승하면서 그 속에 상징적인 의미를 덧붙였다. 당시 프랑스가 강력한 중앙집권 국가를 수립하기 위해 절대군주제를 옹호하였다는 것은 프랑스 왕실의 갑옷 초상화 역시 당대 절대왕권에 관련된 상징적인 내용을 담고 있음을 추정할 수 있게 해준다. 앙리 4세의 갑옷 초상화는 국왕을 전투에서 승리하는 최고 통솔권자의 모습으로 묘사하여 군주의 군사적 힘을 강조하고 있으며, 승전한 국왕의 형상은 신의 뜻을 받아 가톨릭을 보호하는 종교의 수호자로서의 모습까지 드러내고 있다. 이처럼 군주의 무장은 국왕을 완벽하고 우월한 신체 이미지로 만들어 착용자를 그 누구도 넘볼 수 없는 절대군주로 형상화하는 요소로 작용한다. 그러나 화려한 갑옷 초상화가 역사적 현실을 그대로 반영하는 것은 아니다. 본 논문은 단순 작품 분석에서 나아가 부르봉 왕가의 실제 사회정치적 현실까지 살펴보며 화려한 앙리 4세의 갑옷 초상화가 역설적으로 당대 정치 상황의 불안을 보여주고 있다는 확장된 관점을 제시하고자 한다. This paper explores the symbolic representation of absolute monarchy embodied in the armor portraits of Henry Ⅳ. Armor portraits were prevalent since the early to mid-16th century, influenced by Titian’s Venetian style of depicting an idealized Charles V clad in armor. This study considers the context in which France advocated for absolute monarchy to establish a strong centralized state, and suggests that, while Henry Ⅳ’s royal armor portraits inherit this Renaissance tradition, they are imbued with symbolic elements of absolute rule. Henry Ⅳ's armor portraits depict the king as the supreme military commander victorious in battle, emphasizing the monarch's military power. The king’s image also serves as a protector of Catholicism under divine will. In this manner, the armor shapes the king into a perfect and superior bodily image, portraying the wearer as an invincible absolute ruler. Nonetheless, it is crucial to note that armor portraits may not faithfully reflect historical realities. This paper extends beyond a mere analysis of artworks, and examines the socio-political context of the Bourbon dynasty, presenting an expanded perspective that Henry Ⅳ's grand armor portraits paradoxically reveal the unstable political situation of the time.

      • KCI등재

        근대 호주선교사의 부산지역 여성실업교육 - 동래여자실수학교를 중심으로 -

        심민정 동북아시아문화학회 2022 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.72

        This study confirms the ‘Dongrae Women's Vocational School’(東萊女子實數學校), which was an educational institution for women's vocational education in Busan during the modern period. We also check how Australian female missionaries were involved. Dongnae Women's Vocational School(東萊女子實數學校) was established in the Dongnae area as a successor to the vocational class operated by Tongyeong Jinmyung Girls' School. This school was established for the survival and independence of women and girls who suffered during the Japanese colonial period. This school was opened in the surrounding area where Australian missionaries were active. Education at the school was divided into morning and afternoon classes, and basic elementary knowledge education and vocational training were provided in parallel. The practical education included subjects such as sewing, handicrafts, weaving, and subjects related to the agricultural and livestock industry such as horticulture, flower cultivation, fruit and vegetable cultivation, and livestock, and Korean cuisine. The Dongrae Women's Vocational School(東萊女子實數學校) was changed to a charity organization after the Japanese forced them to visit the shrine and the missionaries resisted it. However, the basic policy of women's unemployment education has not changed. This school was handed over to the Korean Young Women's Christian Association after the Korean War, and under the name of Dongrae Nongyewon, it contributed to women's vocational education. Dongrae Nongyewon was changed to a space for education, lectures, seminars, and gatherings for women after the agreement of the YWCA Federation Executive Committee on July 3, 1965.

      • KCI등재

        신라기 中祀 南海祭場과 교통로와의 관계

        심민정 부경역사연구소 2022 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.51

        In the Busan area, the castle ruins of Geochilsan-gun are located at the site of the Military Manpower Administration in Suyeong-gu. In the process of researching and researching documents related to Geochilsan-gun, it was confirmed that the location of the ancestral rites to the sea god was held in the southern sea, and this rite was located in the Baeksan area of Suyeong-gu, Busan. On the other hand, it was found that the places where ancestral rites were held to the god of the sea were located in key points of water and land transportation. The priestly places of the east, west, south, and north seas are all being prepared at the end of the sea in the territory of Silla. The place where ancestral rites are held to the god of the southern sea is connected to Gyeongju, the capital of Silla, by land transportation called Donghaetong. Through this place, Geochilsan-gun(Dongnae) was economically, administratively, and militarily connected to Gyeongju, and it also played a role in holding national ceremonies and mental communication. In addition, the area, where ancestral rites are held to the god of the South Sea, is a place of ceremonial border located on the border of the sea, showing both openness and closedness in the maritime traffic route. Hyeongbyeon, which is regarded as the location of the ancestral rites to the god of the southern sea, is located at the point where the Suyeong River and the sea meet. Also, if you climb Suyeong River, pass the point connecting to the mainland, and go northwest, you will pass Castle of Dongpyeon and meet Hwangsan River of the Nakdong River where ancestral rites are held to the gods of the southern river. And to the south, it meets Busan Port. It is very important as it is located in a key point where all land, sea and rivers are in contact. 부산 지역에는 거칠산군의 치소성으로 볼 수 있는 성터가 수영구 병무청 자리에 소재하고 있다. 거칠산군성에 대해 기록하고 있는 사료는 대단히 소략한 상황이라 이 치소성이 존재할 당시 신라, 혹은 통일기 신라의 역사·문화 등을 구체적으로 모두 파악하기에는 무리가 있다. 하지만 관련 역사·문화 실체를 확인하기 위한 문헌조사와 연구 과정에서 당시 거칠산군의 기능 중 하나였던 中祀 四海祭를 실시했던 남해 제장 兄邊이 부산 수영구 백산 일대에 있었음을 확인하였다. 한편 사해 제장은 신라의 영역 중 육지와 바다의 경계 지역에 마련되고 있다. 수·육상 교통의 요지에 위치하고 있는 것이다. 때문에 경계 지역과 수도 왕경으로의 연결성, 해당 지역이 침해받지 않고 안전하게 지켜져야 한다는 신라의 의식 등이 반영되어 있다. 南海 제장이 신라의 왕경인 경주와 연결되는 육상 경로는 東海通이다. 이곳을 통해 거칠산군은 왕경과 경제·행정·군사적으로 연결되었으며, 국가제사 제장의 역할까지 겸하면서 정신적 소통까지 함께 하였다. 그리고 남해제장은 해양경계에 위치한 경계제사지로 해상교통로상의 개방적·폐쇄적 특징을 동시에 보여주고 있다. 남해제장의 소재지로 비정되는 형변은 수영강과 바다가 만나는 지점에 위치하고 있고, 수영강을 거슬러 올라가 육지와 연결되는 지점을 통과하여 서북쪽으로 이동하면 동평현성지를 거쳐 南瀆 제장이 위치한 낙동강 黃山河와 만나며, 남쪽으로는 釜山浦와 만난다. 이처럼 陸·海·江을 모두 접촉하고 있는 요지에 위치하여 그 중요성을 확인시켜 준다.

      • 朝鮮後期 通信使行 관련 差倭 接待

        심민정 조선통신사학회 2017 조선통신사연구 Vol.24 No.-

        πle purpose of this study is to examine how Chawae( 差慶), diplomatic envoying in late Joseon, started and its reception rules and also investigate how the reception rules of Chawae about Tongsinsa among the types of Chawae changed in two periods. The Chawae System began simultaneously with the dispatch of Tongsinsa in 1636 after the lncident of National Official Document Adapted in Tsusima. After that , under the name of diplomatic affairs , many types of Chawae were dispatched to Joseon, and among them, Chawae about Tongsinsa had one thing in common as it was the come-and-go of the kings' envoys of the two countries. Among the types of Chawae, Chawae about Tongsinsa included Tongsinsa-cheongraechawae , Tongsinsa-hohaengchawae, Tongsinsahohwanchawae , Tongsinsa-cheongtoechawae, Naesedangsongsinsachawae, and Tongsinsa-uijeongchawae. Among them, the types of Chawae dispatched for Tongsinsa always and periodically were Tongsinsa-cheongraechawae(Chawae coming to ask for Tongsins) , Tongsinsa-hohaengchawae(αlawaet와예19 Tongsinsa) , and Tongsinsahohwanchawae( Chawae coming to bring Tongsinsa). The reception rules of all types of Chawae including Chawae about Tongsinsa can be exarnined largely in two periods. The first period is the year of 1636 and after that when eopwigwan’s reception began, and the second period is the year of 1682 and after that when there was dispatch of Tongsinsa. In the first period, reception rites were maintained, and at the same time , unlike Yeonryesongsa, ]eopwigwan was dispatched additionally to Chawae , so it can be regarded as the period that the reception rites of Chawae came to be regularized. Here, Chawae about Tongsinsa belonged to Daechawae, but not all were received by Gyeongjeopwigwan. It means that Gyeongjeopwigwan and Hyangjeopwigwan were dispatched to provide reception properly in consideration of the situations of ]oseon or the characteristics of Chawae. The second period is the one that they were moved to Choryangwaegwan and then the reception rules of ]apanese envoys were revised. With the envoying of Tongsinsa in 1682, Daechawae was clearly distinguished from Sochawae. Accordingly, Chawae was divided into Daechawae and Sochawae and received differently. In particular, Tongsinsahohwanchawae came to be included in the reception of Daechawae completely after that and received by Gyeongjeopwigwan. This study has exarnined the reception to see how the reception of Chawae is related to the siatus o[ Tongsinsa. As a result, this author has found several cases in which the envoying of Tongsinsa was more valued than the reception of Chawae in many aspects, which tells us that both ]oseon and ]apan regarded the status of Tongsinsa higher.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중간 상담수련자의 수련 과정에서의 어려움에 대한 인식: Q 방법론적 접근

        심민정,이송이 한국상담학회 2022 상담학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This study was conducted to explore the types and characteristics of what difficulties are recognized in the training process based on the personal experiences of intermediate counseling trainees who are currently in the training process for skilled counselors. To achieve the purpose of this study, the Q methodology was used, and literature analysis and in-depth interviews were used to select the population, and through this, a total of 220 statements were extracted. A total of 40 statements representing universality and representativeness were selected for the Q sample. The P sample consisted of 30 intermediate counseling trainees who participated in the Q classification. Among them, follow-up interviews were conducted with study participants with high factor weight by type. As a result of the study, there were a total of 5 types of perception on difficulties in the training process recognized by intermediate counseling trainees. The following five meaningful types were extracted as the difficulties in the training process perceived by intermediate counseling trainees: Type 1 ‘Exhaustion due to energy depletion’, Type 2 ‘Disappointment in uncooperative relationship’, Type 3 ‘Disappointment type due to the gap between ideal and reality’, Type 4 ‘Dissatisfaction type with rude supervisor’, Type 5 ‘Type of burden for meeting qualification requirements’. Through these study results, the characteristics and meanings of each type of difficulty unique to intermediate counselors were discussed, and significance of this study and follow-up studies were suggested. 본 연구는 현재 전문상담자 수련 과정에 있는 중간 상담수련자의 개인적 경험을 바탕으로, 수련 과정에서 어떠한 어려움을 인식하고 있는지 그 유형과 특성을 탐색적으로 밝히고자 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 Q 방법론을 사용하였는데, 모집단 선정을 위하여 문헌분석과 심층 면접을 활용하였으며, 이를 통해 총 220개의 진술문을 추출하였다. Q 표본을 위해서는 보편성과 대표성을 나타내는 총 40개의 진술문이 선정되었다. P표본은 중간 상담수련자 30명으로 Q 분류에 참여하고. 이들 중 유형별 인자가중치가 높은 연구참여자에게 사후 면담을 실시하였다. 연구결과 중간 상담수련자가 인식하는 수련 과정에서의 어려움에 대한 인식유형은 총 5개로 나타났다. 이를 통해 도출한 중간 상담자가 인식하는 수련 과정에서의 어려움 유형은 1유형 ‘에너지 고갈로 인한 소진 유형’, 2유형 ‘비협조적 협업관계에 대한 실망 유형’, 3유형 ‘이상과 현실의 간극에 의한 낙심 유형’, 4유형 ‘무례한 수퍼바이저에 대한 불만 유형’, 5유형 ‘자격 취득 요건 충족에 대한 부담 유형’으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 기반으로 중간 상담수련자들만의 어려움의 각 유형의 특징과 의미를 논의하고 의의와 후속 연구를 제안했다.

      • KCI등재

        중학생의 자기 효능감과 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서부모 양육태도의 조절 효과

        심민정,이송이 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.2

        The Moderating Effect of Parenting Attitude on theRelationship Between Self-efficacy and Smartphone Addictionin Middle School StudentsMinjeung Shim & Songyi Lee Abstract: This study was conducted to examine the moderating effect of parenting attitudes on the relationship between self-efficacy and smartphone addiction in middle school students. For this purpose, data were collected from 286 middle school students in Gyeonggi-do and analyzed using the SPSS 24.0 program. The main results are as follows. First, there was a significant negative correlation between self-efficacy and smartphone addiction. Second, there was negative correlation between smartphone addiction and positive parenting attitude, and a positive correlation with negative parenting attitude. Third, the moderating effect of positive parenting attitude was not significant in the relationship between self-efficacy and smartphone addiction, but the moderating effect of negative parenting attitude was statistically significant. Based on these result, education and counseling methods to prevent and mediate smartphone addiction among middle school students were discussed, and opinions on future research were presented. Key Words: Middle School Student, Self-efficacy, Smartphone Addiction, Parenting Attitude, Moderating Effect 중학생의 자기 효능감과 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서부모 양육태도의 조절 효과심 민 정*ㆍ이 송 이** 요약: 이 연구는 중학생의 자기효능감과 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서 부모 양육태도의 조절효과를 검증하기 위한 목적에서 수행되었다. 이를 위해 경기도 지역의 중학생 286명을 대상으로 자료를 수집하고 SPSS 24.0 프로그램을 사용하여 분석했다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자아효능감과 스마트폰 중독은 유의하게 부적 상관관계가 나타났다. 둘째, 스마트폰 중독과 긍정적 양육태도는 부적 상관, 부정적 양육태도와는 정적 상관관계가 나타났다. 셋째, 자기효능감과 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서 긍정적 양육태도의 조절효과는 유의하지 않았지만, 부정적 양육태도의 조절효과는 통계적으로 유의했다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 중학생의 스마트폰 중독을 예방 및 중재할 수 있는 교육 및 상담 방안에 대해 논의하고 추후 연구에 대한 의견을 제시하였다. 핵심어: 중학생, 자기효능감, 스마트폰 중독, 부모양육태도, 조절효과 □ 접수일: 2022년 1월 14일, 수정일: 2022년 2월 5일, 게재확정일: 2022년 4월 20일* 주저자, 동국대학교 일반대학원 박사과정(First Author, Doctoral Course, Dongguk Univ., Email: 1654a4@naver.com)** 교신저자, 동국대학교 다르마칼리지 조교수(Corresponding Author, Professor, Dongguk Univ., Email: songyilee@empas.com)

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