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      • Nanotechnology and its cosmetic applications

        신홍주 ( Hong Ju Shin ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Nanotechnology, a set of technologies that enables the manipulation, study or exploitation of very small (typically less than 100 nanometres) structures and systems (RS/RAE, 2004), has the potential to create myriad beneficial products, including novel materials, devices, cosmetics, foods and drugs with qualitatively different properties. Generally speaking, materials with one or more dimension at the nano-scale (1±100 nanometres, one nanometre being one billionth of a metre1) can exhibit unusual characteristics not shared by the same material in its conventional, bulk form. For instance, materials that are opaque in their conventional form can become transparent in nano form. These novel properties are already being exploited, with a range of applications spilling out of the laboratory and into the market. Many sunscreens are made using nano-scale titanium dioxide or zinc oxide because they offer enhanced protection against UV rays, and, unlike conventional lotions, they are clear, not white. Lots of cosmetic formulations containing various vehicles such as vesicles, liposomes, ethosomes, nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), etc. have been developed for the transdermal delivery of actives and the stabilization as well2~5. However, nanotechnologies may also imply as-yet-unidentified (and thus unevaluated) risks for both people (e.g. toxicological effects on lungs and skin) and the environment (mainly: ecotoxicological effects, bioaccumulation and persistence)6. This review aims to give an overview of the application of nanotechnology in cosmetic fields and the global regulations as well. 1. British Standards Institute (BSI), Vocabulary ± Nanoparticles, Publicly Available Specification 71 (2005) 2. 2. Arch Dermatol Res (2011) 303:607-621 3. JEADV 2009, 23, 505-516 4. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 64 (2012) 83-101 5. Adv. Mater. 2003, 15, No. 16, August 15 6. For an extensive discussion on the risk issue see the Framing Nano Project 2009 or IRGC 2007

      • KCI등재

        장소특정적 디지털 스토리텔링을 통한 장소성의 재구성 연구 : 위치기반 AR 게임 <퍼퓸 오브 더 시티: 목포>를 중심으로

        신홍주(Hong-Ju Shin),김효용(Hyo-Young Kim) 한국애니메이션학회 2021 애니메이션연구 Vol.17 No.3

        이 글은 장소특정적 디지털 스토리텔링(site-specific digital storytelling)을 통해 장소성(placeness)이 재구성되는 양상을 위치기반 증강현실(AR) 게임인 <퍼퓸 오브 더 시티: 목포>를 중심으로 고찰한 것이다. 위치기반 AR 콘텐츠에서 장소성은 맥락화(textualization)와 탈맥락화(decontextualization)의 두 가지 측면에서 재구성된다. 이용자의 위치정보가 콘텐츠의 요소로 활용되는 위치기반 매체에서 장소의 맥락화는 디지털 스토리텔링을 통해 이용자의 공간적 이동성이 의미화됨으로써 실현된다. 디지털 스토리텔링은 정보요소가 비선형적인 특징을 갖지만, 장소를 중심으로 전개되는 위치기반 AR 콘텐츠에서 디지털 스토리텔링은 선형성이 강화된다. 한편, 장소의 탈맥락화는 이용자가 유의미한 행위에 대한 판단과 선택의 결과를 체험하는 행위주체성(agency)이 디지털 공간과 물리적 공간 속에서 이중적으로 구현된 결과로 나타난다. 위의 이론적 논의를 바탕으로 <퍼퓸 오브 더 시티: 목포>에서 장소의 맥락화와 탈맥락화를 통해 장소성이 재구성되는 양상을 고찰했다. 장소의 맥락화는 선형적 스토리텔링과 이동성을 통해 장소가 정보적·정서적으로 구획화되고 의미화되는 결과로 나타났다. 장소의 탈맥락화는 이용자가 이중의 행위주체성을 통해 장소를 개인적으로 전유하는 한편, 게임의 단서가 장소성과 유리되어 유희적으로 기호화되는 방식으로 이뤄졌다. 이 연구는 위치기반 AR 콘텐츠의 제작과 활용에서 장소의 맥락화와 탈맥락화의 길항관계를 활용하여 지역의 정체성을 창의적으로 재구성하기 위한 기초연구로 의미를 가진다. This study examines the reconstruction of placeness through site-specific digital storytelling, focusing on <Perfume of the City: Mokpo>, a location-based augmented reality(AR) game. In location-based AR contents, placeness is reconstructed through textualization or decontextualization. In location-based media, where a user’s locative information is used as an element of content, a place can be contextualized by digital storytelling through which the spatial mobility of a user becomes meaningful. While information elements have a non-linear characteristic in digital storytelling, linearity is strengthened in location-based AR contents focusing on space. On the other hand, a place can be decontextualized by the dual agency of action both in the digital space and the physical space. Based on the above observations, <Perfume of the City: Mokpo> is discussed in terms of the reconstruction of placeness through contextualization or decontextualization of place. Some places can be contextualized through sectionalization and signification through linear storytelling and mobility. Others can be decontextualized when a user appropriate places individually through the dual agency of action, with the clues of the game detached from placeness and symbolized in a playful way. This study is significant as foundational research to creatively expand the identity of place by utilizing the tension between contextualization and decontextualization in the production and use of location-based AR contents.

      • KCI등재

        <유리의 도시>의 메타성과 매체변환

        신홍주(Hong Ju Shin) 한국애니메이션학회 2016 애니메이션연구 Vol.12 No.2

        이 글은 소설 『유리의 도시』가 동명의 만화로 각색된 사례를 통해, 원작소설과 각색만화의 메타성 및 매체변환 양상을 연구한 것이다. 예술작품에서 메타성은 그 작품이 구현되는 매체에 대한 재귀적 성찰을 통해 드러나며, 자기지시성을 특징으로 한다는 점에서 매체특정적이다. 따라서 매체변환 시 재귀적 성찰의 대상과 수단이 분리되면서, 원작의 메타성은 누락과 변질의 압력에 직면하게 된다. 소설 『유리의 도시』는 언어와 소설에 대한 자의식이 언어를 매개로 하는 소설 형식으로 드러난다는 점에서 메타소설의 성격을 띤다. 이 작품은 언어의 자의성과 분절성 및 저자성에 대한 문제제기기를 통해 소설의 허구성에 대한 자기반영적 성찰을 보여준다. 동시에, 반(反)탐정소설로서의 탐정소설이라는 형식을 통해 제도화된 장르의 성격을 역설적으로 드러낸다. 동명 만화는 각색 과정에서 원작소설의 서사구조를 충실하게 반영한다. 그러나 소설의 상징적 기호가 만화의 도상적 기호로 변환되면서, 메타소설이 지녔던 자기지시적 완결성이 약화되는 결과를 낳는다. 소설이라는 성찰 대상이 소설의 형식과 분리됨으로써, 언어적·재현적 층위에서 내용과 형식의 이질성이 드러나는 것이다. 대신, 각색만화는 만화의 형식적 측면에 대한 재귀적 성찰을 통해 원작의 메타성 그 자체를 만화적으로 포착해 낸다. 이러한 전략은 레터링, 홈통과 말풍선 등의 만화적 상징기호, 조형적·재현적 요소의 다층성으로 형상화된다. 결국, <유리의 도시>는 원작에 충실한 각색이 메타성을 변환 축으로 삼아 오히려 창조적 각색으로 귀결된 흥미로운 사례라 할 수 있다. This study examines the adaptation of the novel, City of Glass into its comic book form, from the perspectives of meta‐property as well as media conversion. In art forms, a meta‐property reveals itself through the reflexive introspection on the medium in which the work of art is embodied, and is therefore, characterized by self-referentiality and medium-specificity. As a result, the meta‐properties of an original work are forced to undergo changes during the process of media conversion as they become severed from their original medium of self-reflection-changes that cannot escape the fate of certain omissions and perversions. As a novel, City of Glass shows to have strong meta-fictional characteristics mainly in that it uses its language to consciously delve into the themes of language and fiction. Through its problematization of the arbitrariness and segmentalization of language as well as authorship, the novel reflects on its own fictionality. Moreover, by taking the form of anti‐detective fiction, it ironically ends up revealing-thereby, criticizing-the character of detective fiction as one of an institutionalized genre. On the other hand, the comic book version reproduces the plot of the original text as samely as possible. Nevertheless, the integrity of the original work’s self‐referentiality is weakened in the conversion of symbolic signs to iconic ones, consequently disclosing the heterogeneity of form and content in linguistic and representational levels. However, the adaptation does successfully capture the original’s meta-property-ness itself, through its reflexive introspection on the form of comics. This strategy is achieved primarily by the use of lettering, the comic symbols such as gutters and word balloons, and the multi‐application of formative and representational elements. In conclusion, the case of City of Glass provides us an interesting example of how a work of adaptation can be both faithful and creative at the same time, when the media conversion is processed through the axis of mata‐properties.

      • KCI등재

        VR 콘텐츠의 암묵적 프레임 연구

        신홍주(Shin, Hong-Ju) 동국대학교 영상미디어센터 2018 씨네포럼 Vol.0 No.30

        시선의 자유는 VR 콘텐츠의 형식적 측면에서 프레임의 부재라는 사태로 나타난다. 기존 스크린 기반 영상매체에서 프레임은 영화적 공간과 물리적 공간의 경계를 이루는 동시에 미장센 구성의 토대를 이룬다. 그러나 VR 콘텐츠에 이르러 이용자는 360°로 펼쳐진 공간을 매개된 지각을 통해 대면할 수 있게 되었고, 그 결과 프레임을 기준으로 한 내화면 공간과 외화면 공간의 경계가 해체된다. 본 연구는 VR 콘텐츠에서 프레임의 부재로 인해 스토리텔링의 패러다임이 바뀌는 양상을 고찰한 후, 그럼에도 불구하고 암묵적 프레임이 설정되는 유형과 그 효과를 구체적 사례를 통해 논의하고자 한 것이다. VR 콘텐츠에서는 프레임의 부재로 인해 프레임 기반의 미장센 개념이 축소되고 내화면 공간과 외화면 공간의 긴장구도가 사라진다. 이에 따라, 편집의 기능은 시간적 확장에 한정되며 서사 정보의 은닉과 노출을 조율하는 것 또한 어려워진다. 한편, 제한된 시야각과 VR 콘텐츠의 기술적 조건이 결합하여 이용자가 360° 공간을 비균질적으로 경험한 결과, 프레임의 부재가 부분적으로 부정되는 암묵적 프레임 효과가 발생한다. 암묵적 프레임은 형식적 층위에서 자연적․인공적 지형지물을 활용한 조형적 구도, 내용적 층위에서 스토리텔링과 연동한 공간의 상징화, 기술적 층위에서 이용자에 의해 활성화되는 상호작용 영역을 통해 설정될 수 있다. The freedom of gaze in VR contents is experienced through the absence of frames in the formal aspect of VR. In existing screenbased visual media, frames form the boundary between cinematic space and physical space and also serve as the basis of the mise-en-scene composition. However, with the emergence of VR as a new media for contents, it became possible for the user to face the 360° field through mediated perception, resulting in the dismantling of the boundary between the inner screen space and the outer screen space. This paper first investigates the paradigm shift in VR storytelling due to the absence of frames, and then discusses the types and effects of tentative frames through exemplary works. In VR contents, the concept of a frame-based mise-en-scene is reduced by the absence of frames. Also, the tension between the inner screen space and the outer screen space disappears. As a result, the editing function becomes limited to temporal expansion and controlling the exposure or concealment of narrative information becomes difficult. On the other hand, the combination of the limited viewing angle and the technological conditions of the VR contents causes the user to experience the 360° space in a non-homogeneous way. In turn, this brings about a tentative frame effect which partially negates the absence of the frame. Tentative frames can be set up in the following ways: firstly, form-wise, it can be set up through the visual composition using natural and artificial features; secondly, content-wise, it can be set up through the symbolization of space in conjunction with the context of storytelling; and finally, technology-wise, it can be set up through interaction areas activated by a user.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        레이저 시술 후 발생한 피부 장벽 손상과 자극 증상에 대한 APDDR-1001 제제 국소 도포의 효과

        김명신 ( Myoung Shin Kim ),허식 ( Sik Haw ),이형민 ( Hyung Min Lee ),김정환 ( Jeong Hwan Kim ),정연수 ( Yeon Su Jeong ),신홍주 ( Hong-ju Shin ),원종현 ( Chong Hyun Won ),장성은 ( Sung Eun Chang ),이미우 ( Mi Woo Lee ),최지호 ( Je 대한피부과학회 2012 대한피부과학회지 Vol.50 No.12

        Background: Because cosmetic laser treatments are getting popular, post-laser wound care becomes more important.Currently, topical moisturizers are reported to be sufficient to accelerate re-epithelialization and reduce downtime inpost-laser wound care.Objective: This study was performed to evaluate the effects of the moisturizer APDDR-1001 for post-laser woundcare, after ablative fractional laser on the face.Methods: In this double-blind, split-face study, 41 patients with photo-aged face received ablative fractional laser.They were divided into two groups, APDDR-1001 and vehicle (group 1) or control moisturizer (group 2), whichwere applied to the opposite sides of the face for 1 week after the laser treatment. The treatment efficacy wasevaluated by the transepidermal water loss (TEWL), erythema index, investigator`s assessment for recovery inerythema and overall improvement of the wound. Subjects ranked irritating symptoms and overall satisfaction ratingsin the overall improvement.Results: APDDR-1001 was well-tolerated and showed improvement in the erythema index and TEWL during the 7days of treatment. In group 2, improvement in erythema graded by investigators was significantly higher forAPDDR-1001 on day 3 (p<0.05). The overall improvement of wound ranked by investigators was significantlyhigher for APDDR-1001, compared with the controls in both groups. Subjective assessment demonstratedsignificantly less erythema (p=0.043), edema (p=0.041) and overall satisfaction ratings in the overall improvement (p<0.048) with APDDR-1001; however, no differences were detected in pain and edema between APDDR-1001 andvehicle (group 1). In group 2, subjects ranked ``much or very much improved`` in 75 % of APDDR-1001 side and55% of control moisturizer side. No significant differences in erythema, edema, pain and itching were reportedbetween APDDR-1001 and control moisturizer in group 2.Conclusion: The moisturizer APDDR-1001 demonstrated effective improvements in wound healing and subjectivesymptoms after ablative fractional laser therapy. (Korean J Dermatol 2012;50(12):1017∼1026)

      • KCI등재

        소아에서 human metapneumovirus 중증 폐렴으로 체외막산소화 장치를 적용한 1예

        최선하 ( Sun Ha Choi ),윤서희 ( Seo Hee Yoon ),설인숙 ( In Suk Sol ),김민정 ( Min Jung Kim ),김윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kim ),신홍주 ( Hong Ju Shin ),김경원 ( Kyung Won Kim ),손명현 ( Myung Hyun Sohn ),김규언 ( Kyu Earn Kim ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2015 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.3 No.6

        We present the first case report of a child with human metapneumovirus (hMPV) pneumonia who survived by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in Korea. A 26-month-old boy with a previous history of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and delayed development suffered from respiratory failure after 4 days of fever, cough, and sputum. The boy underwent intubation and required ECMO application due to failure of conventional mechanical ventilation. He was on the ECMO support for 7 days. To our knowledge, this is the shortest period reported for ECMO application among successfully treated patients with hMPV infection accompanied by acute respiratory distress syndrome. This case highlights 2 clinical implications: the potentially fatal causative role of hMPV in respiratory failure in a pediatric population and the timely utilization of ECMO. (Allergy Asthma Respir Dis 2015;3:456-460)

      • KCI등재

        합병증을 동반한 기관지 땅콩 흡인에서 체외막산소화 장치를 통한 치료 1예

        정재화 ( Jae Hwa Jung ),설인숙 ( In Suk Sol ),윤서희 ( Seo Hee Yoon ),김민정 ( Min Jung Kim ),김윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kim ),신홍주 ( Hong Ju Shin ),박한기 ( Han Ki Park ),김경원 ( Kyung Won Kim ),손명현 ( Myung Hyun Sohn ),김규언 ( Kyu 대한천식알레르기학회 2016 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.4 No.2

        Foreign body aspiration commonly occurs, especially among children younger than 3 years of age. Most endobronchial foreign bodies may be easily removed by bronchoscopy and have a good prognosis. Despite advances in bronchoscopic procedures, difficulties in management of and complications from foreign body aspiration are still noted. We present a foreign body aspiration case with acute respiratory distress syndrome caused aspiration pneumonia, which was successfully treated by bronchoscopy under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). ECMO can be an effective and potentially life-saving method in complicated foreign body aspiration with uncompensated respiratory failure. (Allergy Asthma Respir Dis 2016;4:140-144)

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