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        코로나 팬더믹 사태의 고령자 일상생활 변화에 관한 탐색적 연구 - 기술 사용과 노인복지관 참여 제한을 중심으로 -

        신혜리(Shin, Hye Ri),윤태영(Yoon, Tae Young),김수경(Kim, Su Kyoung),김영선(Kim, Young Sun) 한국노인복지학회 2020 노인복지연구 Vol.75 No.4

        본 연구는 코로나19 위기 상황에서 비교적 건강하고 활동적인 노인들이 정보통신기술(ICT) 및 지역사회복지관 참여 제한과 관련하여 어떠한 경험을 하는지를 탐색한다. 전례를 찾아볼 수 없는 전염병 확산에 대한 이론 및 선행연구가 충분하지 않은 환경에서 노인 당사자들의 생생한 경험을 포착하기 위하여 질적 접근을 기반으로 탐색적 경험연구를 수행하였다. 자료를 수집하기 위하여 노인복지관에서 이용자, 자원봉사자, 참여자 등으로 참여하고 있는 60세 이상의 남녀 13명을 대상으로 개별심층면접 및 초점집단면접(FGI)을 실시하였다. 연구결과 연구 참여자들은 일상의 변화, 마스크 구매와 기술 이용에의 어려움, 그리고 노인복지관 참여의 제한을 경험하였다. 첫째, 연구 참여자들은 이동 및 신체활동 제한으로 인한 고립감과 우울감을 느꼈다. 둘째, 코로나19로 인하여 마스크 구매의 어려움을 경험하였고, 코로나19와 관련되어 기술 사용에 대한 욕구는 증가하였으나 기술의 활용은 가족 및 지인과의 교류에 따른 영향을 받았다. 마지막으로 노인복지관에서 이용자, 봉사자, 종사자로서 다양하게 참여하고 있던 노인들은 코로나19로 인하여 노인복지관 운영이 중단됨에 따라 무료함, 부실한 식사, 소득 중단 등 다양한 어려움에 직면하였다. 코로나19 위기 상황에서 사회적 거리두기는 불가피하며 감염 위험을 최소화할 수 있으나, 장기간의 사회적 고립은 심각한 심리사회적 문제로 이어질 수 있다. 본 연구는 코로나19 위기 상황에서 노인의 삶의 질 향상을 위해 비대면 상담 프로그램 및 긴밀한 사회적 교류 등이 필요함을 제안한다. This study explores the experiences of relatively healthy and active elderly people amid COVID-19 in relation to information communication technology (ICT) and restrictions on participation in elderly welfare centers. Under the condition that there are not enough theories and previous studies on this pandemic disease, an exploratory empirical study based on a qualitative approach is suitable to capture the vivid experiences of the elderly. In order to collect data, an in-depth interview and focus group interviews (FGIs) were conducted with 13 participants aged 60 years or older who participated in an elderly welfare center as users, volunteers, and employees. As a result of the study, the participants experienced changes in daily life, difficulty in purchasing masks and using technology, and restrictions on participation in elderly welfare centers. At this time, the degree of acceptance of the technology was influenced by exchanges with acquaintances and family members. Lastly, it was found that the elderly, who were variously participating as users, volunteers, and employees in the elderly welfare center, faced various challenges such as weariness, nutritional deficiency, and suspension of income due to the shutdown of the center amid COVID-19. Social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis is inevitable and a way to minimize the risk of infection, but long-term social isolation also can lead to serious psycho-social risks. This study suggests the need for non-contact counseling and social contact with close acquaintances to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        과부담 의료비 지출이 미충족 의료경험에 미치는 영향

        신혜리(Shin Hye Ri),임예직(Lim Ye Gick),한기명(Han Ki Myung) 한국지역사회학회 2014 지역사회연구 Vol.22 No.3

        This study examines the relations between medical expenditure and unmet needs for health care by investigating the moderating effect of the private health insurance. Logistic analysis was executed using Korea Welfare Panel Study (KOWEPS) to investigate the relations and influences among variables. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, medical expenditure is commonly positively associated with unmet needs for health care. Second, private health insurance is negatively associated with unmet needs for health care. Finally, private health insurance moderates in between the relation of medical expenditure and unmet needs for health care. This study has an important policy implication on expansion of public health policy.

      • KCI등재

        경로당 이용 여부에 따른 후기노인의 경로당 이용 효과성 연구

        신혜리(Hye Ri Shin),김세진(Sejin Kim),이선희(Sun Hee Lee) 한국노년학회 2022 한국노년학 Vol.42 No.3

        본 논문은 75세 이상의 후기노인을 중심하여 경로당 설립 목적에 따른 이용 효과성을 검증하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해경로당 이용 효과성을 사회여가문화활동만족도, 친구 및 지역사회만족도, 전반적인 삶의 만족도 측면으로 나누어 각각의 효과성을살펴보았으며, 2008년과 2020년도 노인실태조사를 활용하여 이중차이분석(DID)를 실시하였다. 그 결과 후기노인의 사회여가문화활동만족도와 친구 및 지역사회 만족도 수준은 2008년에 비해 2020년에 하락하였으나 경로당 이용 집단의 하락 수준은 다소 완화되는것으로 나타났다. 또한 삶의 만족도 수준은 2008년에 비해 2020년에 상승하였으며 경로당 이용 집단은 상승 수준이 더 가파르게 증가하는것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 경로당 활성화와 관련하여 지속 가능한 운영을 위한 대비책 마련, 경로당 역할의다기능화 방안, 이용환경 개선 방안 등의 정책적 제언을 제시하였다. This study was conducted to verify the effectiveness of use according to the purpose of establishing a senior citizen center, focusing on the late elderly aged 75 or older. To this end, the effectiveness of using senior citizen centers was evaluated by dividing into social participation-leisure-cultural satisfaction, friend and community satisfaction, and overall life satisfaction. The difference in differences(DID) analysis was conducted using the 2008 and 2020 National Survey of Older Persons. As a result, it was found that the overall level of satisfaction with social participation-leisure-cultural satisfaction, friend and community satisfaction of the late elderly decreased over time, but the level of decline of the use group of senior citizen center decreased somewhat. In addition, it was confirmed that the level of overall life satisfaction increased over time, and the level of increase in the group using senior citizens center increased more steeply. Based on these results, this study presented policy suggestions such as preparing countermeasures for sustainable operation, multifunctionalizing a role of senior citizen center, and improving the use environment in relation to the revitalization of senior citizens.

      • KCI등재

        노인가구의 공적이전소득과 사적이전소득의 빈곤감소효과 및 두 이전소득 간의 관계 연구

        신혜리 ( Hye Ri Shin ),남승희 ( Seung Hee Nam ),이다미 ( Dah Mi Lee ) 경희대학교 사회과학연구원 2014 社會科學硏究 Vol.40 No.1

        본 연구는 노인가구의 공적이전소득과 사적이전소득의 빈곤감소효과를 살펴보고, 두 이전소득 간의 관계를 살펴봄으로써 노인가구의 이전소득 향상을 위한 정책에 대한 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 2011년 국민노후보장패널 4차 데이터를 활용하여 노인 가구 2,120가구를 분석한 결과, 공적이전소득과 사적이전소득 모두 빈곤감소효과를 갖고 있음이 밝혀졌으며 공적이전소득이 사적이전소득에게 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 두 이전소득은 대체관계를 갖고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 통해 본 연구는 다음과 같은 함의를 가진다. 첫째, 공적이전소득과 사적이전소득은 대체관계를 갖고 있기 때문에 갈수록 감소하고 있는 사적이전소득을 감안하여 공적이전소득의 확대가 필요할 것이며 둘째, 저학력, 비경제활동, 저소득층일수록 사적이전소득의 금액이 높다는 분석결과는 취약계층일수록 사적이전소득에 대한 의존도가 높다는 의미이기 때문에 이들에 대한 사회보장을 강화해야 할 것이다. The study aims to investigate the anti-poverty effectiveness of public and private transfers of elderly households and understand the relationship between public transfers and private transfers in order to draw policy implications for improving post-transfer income of elderly households. Using fourth panel data of the year 2011 from KReIS(Korean Retirement & Income Study), 2,120 elderly households were analyzed to find that both public transfers and private transfers had effects on reducing poverty. Public transfers had the crowding-out effect on private transfers, thus suggesting that public transfers supplant private ones. The findings of the study have the following implications: First, because the data analysis shows that public-income transfers supplant private transfers, it is predicted that the expansion of public transfers is necessary as private transfers are decreasing. Second, the results show higher private transfer amounts for the less educated, economically inactive, and lower-income population, which implies higher dependency of the socially disadvantaged on private transfers. Therefore, social security for this group of people needs to be strengthened.

      • KCI등재

        스웨덴 알메달렌의 경제적 효과 분석을 통한 지역축제 성공방안 모색

        신혜리(Hye-Ri Shin),홍희정(Hee-Jeong Hong) 한국콘텐츠학회 2018 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.18 No.1

        이 연구는 한국에서는 논의 된 적 없는 스웨덴의 알메달렌 사례를 중심으로 지역축제가 지역 경제 활성화에 기여하였는지에 대해 실증적 관점에서 연구하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 알메달렌 개최 기간 동안 고틀란드의 사회 · 문화적 측면과 경제적 측면을 3단계로 분석하고 평가함으로써 향후 한국에서의 알메달렌 벤치마킹에 정책적 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 스웨덴 알메달렌의 경제적 효과를 3단계에 걸쳐 분석한 결과, 1단계 자원조사분석에서는 고틀란드의 아름다운 자연경관을 바탕으로 관광객 유치에 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 2단계 운영평가에서는 지역경제 활성화와 관련한 평가지표로서 인구의 증가 및 안정에 대해 살펴본 결과, 고틀란드는 꾸준히 새로운 인구의 유입과 다양한 일자리가 창출됨으로써 지역 소득이 증대되는 것을 확인 할 수 있다. 마지막 3단계 지역이미지 제고에서는, 각계각층의 다양한 구성원이 고틀란드 축제에 참가함으로써 외부와의 소통이 유연해지고, 사회참여 기회가 증가함으로써 지역 이미지에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 스웨덴 지역축제인 알메달렌을 벤치마킹하기 위한 정책적 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 다양한 사람들의 참여를 유도하기 위한 적합한 장소의 선정이 필요하다. 둘째, 특정 기관 중심의 일방적 정보 제공이 아닌 의견을 주고 받을 수 있는 소통의 장이 될 수 있도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 비영리를 목적으로 진행하면서 지역 이미지를 긍정적으로 변화 시킬 수 있는 노력이 필요하다. This study attempted to do a research on whether local festivals contributed to local economic vitalization in an empirical aspect focusing on Almedalen`s case of Sweden has not been discussed in Korea. For this, by analyzing Gotland`s sociocultural and economic aspects into 3 steps and evaluating them, the study tried to derive policy implications for benchmarking Almedalen in Korea in the future. As a result of analyzing the economic effect of Almedalen in Sweden into 3 steps, it was shown that in the analysis of resources in Step 1, Almedalen positively affected tourist allurement based on Gotland`s beautiful natural landscape. In the evaluation of operation in Step 2, according to the result of examining an increase in population and stabilization with a valuation index related to the activation of local economy, Gotland was steadily seeing a new inflow of population, due to which it can be confirmed that local income increases as various jobs are being created. Finally, as a result of examining the improvement in local image in Step 3, it was shown that as diverse members from all walks of life participated in Gotlands festival, external communication became flexible and the opportunity of social participation increased, which positively affected local image. Based on the study results, the policy implications for benchmarking Almedalen, Sweden`s local festival, are as follows: First, selecting an appropriate place for attracting the participation of various people is needed. Second, local festivals should be places for communication to exchange opinions, not specific institute-oriented unilateral provision of information. Third, while advancing local festivals for nonprofit, the efforts to make positive changes in local image are needed.

      • KCI등재

        고령친화대학 운영을 위한 뉴욕시 칼리지 링크 사례분석 연구

        신혜리(Shin, Hye Ri),손의성(Sohn, Eui-Seong),황정하(Hwang, Jeongha),정지웅(Jeong, Ji-Ung),양승민(Yang, Seung Min),임진섭(Lim, Jin-Seop) 한국지역사회학회 2018 지역사회연구 Vol.26 No.1

        Recently, both age-friendly cities and age-friendly universities have been growing at the community level. The types of age-friendly universities could be divided into the community-based age-friendly university and education-focused age-university. Dublin City University in Ireland as the first age-friendly university belongs to the former, New York College Link(NYC College-Link) in the study belongs to the latter. NYC College-Link helps the older New Yorker to connect to the various educational and cultural opportunities provided by the NYC colleges and universities. It also has the searchable database that profiles opportunities for older adults and helps them to learn whatever they want to do. With regard to NYC College-Link, many universities and colleges are utilizing the age-friendly programs. The study was intended to draw out several applicable implications by analyzing in-depth the case of NYC College-Link and age-friendly Universities such as Columbia University, Fordham University, and Kingsborough Community College. As a result, the case of NYC College-Link provides several suggestions for the community-based universities in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        알파벳 그림책을 활용한 초등 영어 지도 : 어휘 학습 및 창의성 함양을 중심으로

        신혜라(Shin, Hye-Ra),김혜리(Kim, Hae-Ri) 한국초등영어교육학회 2018 초등영어교육 Vol.24 No.2

        This study investigated the effects of vocabulary learning in primary English and the children’s creativity development based on alphabet picture books. To attain the objectives, two research questions were proposed: 1) How does primary English instruction using alphabet picture books impact the children’s learning of vocabulary? 2) What are some aspects of the participating children’s creativity development based on the writing activities using alphabet picture books? To find the answers to the research questions, 26 fourth grade Korean EFL learners were selected. Data for qualitative analysis was collected from students’ artifacts, survey questions, comments on the lessons, interviews, and lesson transcriptions. Additionally, vocabulary tests were conducted before and after reading each alphabet picture book. The data analysis yielded the following results: First, primary English learning using alphabet picture books has positive impacts on vocabulary learning. For example, the result of pre- and post-vocabulary tests for each text proved that their vocabulary improved. Second, students could develop their creativity through a variety of writing activities after reading alphabet picture books. For example, their divergent thinking including originality, sophistication, and flexibility was stimulated. Based on the findings of this study, several suggestions are provided.

      • KCI등재

        중고령자의 디지털정보화 활용 수준과 삶의 만족도의 관계: 사회적 자본의 매개효과 분석

        윤희정 ( Yoon Hee-jeong ),신혜리 ( Shin Hye-ri ),김영선 ( Kim Young-sun ) 한국지능정보사회진흥원 2020 정보화정책 Vol.27 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate how level of digital information usage of the middle-aged or elderly people affects life satisfaction and whether social capital mediates the relationship between level of digital information usage and life satisfaction. In this study, we analyzed data of 1,661 people aged 55 or older from the 「2018 Survey on Digital divide」 by the National Information Society Agency. The SPSS 25.0 statistical package was used for the mutiple regression analysis and Baron and Kenny(1986)’s steps for mediation. The statistical significance of the mediated effects of social capital was verified by the Sobel Test. As a result of the analysis, the aged people have a higher life satisfaction when they are women and older, do not live alone, have higher levels of digital informatization usage and social capital. In addition, social capital also revealed to have a mediating role between level of digital information usage and life satisfaction. This shows that social capital needs to be considered along with the level of digital information usage as a way to improve life satisfaction of the middle-aged or the elderly people.

      • KCI등재

        중고령자의 디지털정보접근수준 예측요인 분석 : 성별차이를 중심으로

        김수경 ( Kim Su-kyoung ),신혜리 ( Shin Hye-ri ),김영선 ( Kim Young-sun ) 한국지능정보사회진흥원 2020 정보화정책 Vol.27 No.1

        Digital accessibility of the middle-aged and elderly has been increasing at a faster pace than other groups such as the handicapped and adolescents. However, studies related to the digital accessibility of middle and older adults are scarce. In order to examine variables affecting accessibility to digital information of the middle-aged and elderly people, this study researches the impacts of sociodemographic, physical and mental health and social activity variables on the accessibility of digital information. We analyzed data of 1,661 people between the ages of 55 and 84 from the 2018 Status Survey on Digital Divide conducted by the National Information Society Agency. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis shows the higher education, economic, and life satisfaction levels are, the higher digital accessibility levels of both male and female are. The result of the analysis also shows that the aged male has a higher accessibility level when he does not live alone; meanwhile, the aged female has higher digital capability as her age is lower, which describes that there are differences between gender. We expect the result of this study to be used as an important reference to understand factors related to digital accessibility level and active intervention for improving digital accessibility of the middle-aged and elderly male and female.

      • 중년기 여성의 연금가입 결정요인 분석 - 인지적 자원과 재무적 자원을 중심으로 -

        박명아 ( Park Myeong A ),신혜리 ( Shin Hye Ri ),김영선 ( Kim Young Sun ) 한국연금학회 2019 연금연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구목적은 중년기 여성의 연금가입에 영향을 미치는 인지적 자원과 재무적 자원들 간의 인과 관계를 규명함으로써 이들 세대의 안정적인 노후소득보장을 위한 실천적 정책방안을 제시하는데 있다. 연구문제의 검증을 위해 SPSS 21과 AMOS 20 통계프로그램으로 이용하였다. 분석대상은 국민노후보장패널자료(6차연도)의 50세이상~만65세미만 여성 756명이며, 계획된 행동이론(Ajzen, 1991)을 이론적 근거로 하여 구조방정식모형(SEM)을 통해 분석하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 재무적 효능감과 재무상태가 노후준비의도에 영향을 미치는 주요변인으로 나타났으며, 노후준비의도는 연금가입행동에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 결정요인으로 분석되었다. 따라서 인지적 자원을 고려함과 동시에 재무상태를 향상시킴으로써 중년기 여성의 노후준비의도를 고양하고 연금가입을 유인할 수 있음을 시사한다. 둘째, 효과분해결과 재무상태가 연금가입행동에 미치는 경로에서 노후준비의도의 간접효과를 확인하였다. 셋째, 다중집단분석결과 집단 간 차이를 보이는 경로는 재무상태가 연금가입행동에 미치는 경로로서 경제활동을 하는 여성의 경우에는 직접적인 인과성이 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구결과를 통해 연금가입행동을 결정하는 이론적 근거로서 계획된 행동이론의 적용가능성을 실증하였다. 또한 중년기 여성의 연금가입 결정요인을 예측하고 설명함으로써 이들 코호트(cohort)의 노후소득보장을 위한 차별화된 제도적 개입방향을 제안한다. The aim of this study is to present practical policy measures to ensure old income guarantee for the middle-aged women by analyzing causal relationships between cognitive and financial resources that affect their pension subscription. For this purpose, 756 women aged between 50 and 65 years old were selected from the 6th KReIS. Data analysis was conducted by Structural Equation Model(SEM) based on Ajzen’s the Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB) using the SPSS 21 & AMOS 20. The major results of this study are as follows: First, Financial efficacy and financial status are the key determinants of the intention of old age preparation. And intention of old age preparation has a significant effect on the behavior for pension subscription. So, It is suggested that by considering cognitive resources and improving financial status at the same time, middle-aged women can increase the intention of old age preparation and induce the behavior for pension subscription. Second, effect decomposition on structural equation model reveals that the intention of old age preparation has a mediated effect between financial status and the behavior for pension subscription. Third, Multi-group analysis indicates that there is no direct causality in the path of financial status to the behavior for pension subscription in the case of the employed. The results of this study demonstrate the applicability of the TPB as the rationale for determining the behavior for pension subscription. It is also expected that by predicting and explaining the determinant of middle-aged women’s pension subscription, it will provide differentiated institutional intervention to ensure old income guarantee.

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