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        저영향 개발(LID) 확대 적용을 위한 공간·환경 계획 관련 법·제도 평가 및 개선방향

        손철희,백종인,반영운 한국지역학회 2018 지역연구 Vol.34 No.4

        To restore urban water cycle, it is necessary to improve domestic laws and regulations related to LID(Low Impact Development), which has been successfully applied to foreign countries. Thus, this study has intended to evaluate domestic legal systems related to space and environmental planning and to suggest directions to improve laws and regulations related to space and environmental planning toward extended application of LID in Korea. To reach this goal, this study has analyze the legal and institutional status of the foreign countries where LID has currently been applied, to derive the factors that laws and institutions are required to support LID based on the above analysis, to evaluate domestic laws and regulations related to space and environmental planning, and to suggest directions to improve the laws and regulations. After the evaluation, this study has found the following results. First, it was found that the concept and basic principles of LID and LID planning and associated methods were no longer mirrored in the space planning-related laws and regulations. However, these problems are not confined to LID, and result from the failure in applying environmental planning to space planning overall. Second, it was revealed that the environmental planning-related laws and regulations defined the terminologies and targets of LID and suggested different measures to improve LID-related policies differently depending on the backgrounds of enforcing the laws and regulations and on environmental properties. Finally, this study has suggested the directions to improve laws and regulations related to space and environmental planning as follows. First, it is necessary to enact a law to support the extended application of LID. Second, the law to be enacted should be connected to laws, enforcement ordinances and regulations, and guidelines related to space planning. Third, environmental benefits provided by both structural and non-structural techniques of LID should be quantitatively measured. 도시의 물 순환 회복을 위해 국외 도시에서 적용되고 있는 저영향개발(Low Impact Development, LID) 을 국내에 적용하기 위해 관련 법·제도의 개선 필요성이 높아지고 있다. 따라서 본 논문의 목적은 국내 LID의 효율적 적용을 위해 외국에서 운영하고 있는 공간·환경계획 관련 법·제도 적 현황을 분석한 후 시사점을 정리하고, 이에 근거하여 LID를 지원하는 법·제도가 갖추어야할 요소들을 도출하 고, 도출된 요소들을 기반으로 LID 적용을 위해 국내 공간·환경계획 관련 법·제도를 평가한 후 공간계획 관련 법·제도 개선방향을 제시하는 것이다. LID 적용을 위한 공간·환경계획 관련 법·제도 평가 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공간계획 관련 법·제도에서는 LID의 개념 및 기본원칙, LID 계획의 수립 및 연계 방법 등이 반영되지 않고 있다. 이러한 문제는 공간계획 전반 에 걸쳐 LID를 비롯한 환경계획 내용을 반영하지 않는데 기인한다. 둘째, 환경계획 관련 법·제도에서는 법·제도 의 시행 배경과 환경적 특성에 따라 LID의 개념 및 대상을 다르게 정의하였고, LID를 제고하기 위한 정책 대안들 도 다르게 제시되고 있다. 위 평가결과에 기초한 관련 법·제도의 개선방향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, LID의 확대 적용을 지원하는 법을 제정할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 공간계획 관련 법·제도는 제정되는 LID 법에 근거하여 그 법, 시행령, 지침 등에 LID 계획을 연계하여야 한다. 셋째, LID의 구조적·비구조적 기법이 제공하는 환경적 편익이 정량적으로 분석되어야 한다.

      • 도시개발 재래시장활성화 대안모델 제시

        손철희,백종인,반영운 한국지역개발학회 2013 한국지역개발학회 세미나 논문집 Vol.2013 No.3

        재래시장의 도태를 해결하고자 제시되는 각계의 해결방안들이 종합적으로 발생하는 재래시장 내·외부의 문제들을 실질적으로 반영하지 못한다는 문제의식에 기초하였다. 본 연구는 청주시 서문시장을 활성화하기 위해 공공·토지-건물 임대 방식의 모델을 제시하고 검증하는데 목적이 있다. 먼저 문제해결을 위해 서문시장과 관련된 문제를 사례연구 및 현장조사를 통해 개선 방안을 이끌어 내고 그에 따른 대안 모델을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 모델의 핵심은 현실적이고 타당성 있는 수익구조이다. 수익구조를 설명하기 위해 임대료를 이용하여 초기투자자본 비용부담 해결, 이해관계자들의 모델수용, 그리고 발전가능성에 주안점을 두고 분석하였다. 분석결과 안정적인 상가임차권으로 현실 문제를 해결하는 것은 물론 토지불로소득환수라는 토지의 평등가치이론에 부합하면서도 재래시장의 경쟁력을 강화시킬 수 있어 충분히 설득력 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 기존 공공토지임대주택의 유지관리의 어려움과 감가상각의 문제를 해결할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        Development and Application of a System Dynamics Model to Analyze Heatwave Impacts

        손철희,김유미,반영운 (사)위기관리이론과실천 2023 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol.13 No.9

        The purpose of this study was to develop a system dynamics model to dynamically analyze the effects of heatwaves and apply it to real-world situations. For this purpose, first, the influencing factors of heatwaves were identified through previous studies. Second, a dynamic heatwave model was developed. Third, time series data from 2009 to 2018 were constructed, and the model was applied to Seoul. In this step, scenarios based on the budget were created, and the intensity of heatwaves resulting from changes in variables were measured. The results are as follows: First, the policy factors of heatwaves were classified into the cause and effect of the heatwave group, heatwave mitigation policy group, and heatwave adaptation group, forming a feedback structure. Second, it was observed that a 20% increase in budgets starting from 2040 led to temperature reductions of 1.57°C for the eco-friendly vehicle policy, 0.29°C for the high-efficiency air conditioners policy, 0.06°C for heatwave shelters, and 0.77°C for the creation of green space policy. Third, increasing the budget for heatwave shelters was found to be highly effective in reducing the number of people with heat-related illnesses.

      • 중복 구간 폐쇄 전, 후 서비스 수준 비교 분석

        손철희(Son, Cheol-Hee),백종인(Baek, Jong-In),반영운(Ban, Yong-Un) 한국지역개발학회 2013 한국지역개발학회 세미나 논문집 Vol.2013 No.1

        The riverbed road of Musimcheon has been playing a role to spread urban arterial traffic flow from North to South or vice versa. But it has been argued that the duplicated section among the whole riverbed road has caused to lower the efficiency ratio of road use because real traffic volume did not reach the capacity of the road traffic volume. The purpose of this study is to analyze the traffic patterns of Musimcheon riverbed road and to perform comparative analysis of the road service level before and after closing the duplicated section. To reach this goal, this study has analyzed the structure of the riverbed road by survey, and the traffic patterns of each section hourly and daily through survey and follow-up survey at each point of the riverbed road. After that, this study has evaluated the service level using the collected data based on KHCS standard, and compared the results of service level before and after closing the duplicated section. Finally this study has found the results as follows: 1) As for traffic patterns, traffic volume in weekday was doubled than that of weekend and most traffic volume was concentrated in the morning and the evening, and major traffic flow runs North-South bound; 2) The road service level evaluated before and after closing the duplicated section was same as B with no change, meaning that while traffic volume was concentrated due to closing the duplicated section, the increased traffic volume did not affect the traffic patterns of the neighbor roads. As a further study, it necessary to include neighbor roads to evaluate the road service level so that it is possible to analyze the impact as a whole.

      • LID기반 지구단위계획 수립기법 개발 및 LID 효과 모의

        손철희(Cheol Hee, Son),백종인(Jong In, Baek),김동현(Dong Hyun, Kim),한경민(Kyung Min, Han),반영운(Yong Un, Ban) 한국지역개발학회 2016 한국지역개발학회 세미나 논문집 Vol.2016 No.1

        This study aimed at developing LID-based district planning techniques, and simulating effects of LID-based district planning. Analyses were progressed with the following order. First, establishing process and principles of LID-based district planning were set up through analyses on related literature, and LID-based district planning technique (proposal) was deduced. Second, FGI was executed to develop the technique. To secure its objectivity, FGI (Focus Group Interview) was progressed three times. Third, LID-based district planning was established by selecting the object place, and LID effects were simulated. Simulation was made by using multilateral impact assessment tool. Research results are as follows. First, LID-based district planning technique was developed. Principles were derived from ‘Preventing flood damage,’ ‘Securing good environment,’ and ‘Minimizing developmental impact area.’ Establishing procedures were composed of steps like basic survey, comprehensive analyses, basic design, plans by section, and each step had detailed phases. Second, a fact was verified that LID-based district planning technique reduced non-point pollution source and rainfall runoff and had sufficient ability in achieving environmental performances which enhanced ecosystem through a simulation on LID-based district planning effects. Third, LID-based district planning can be evaluated as a comprehensive plan which achieves environmental performances and ensures development of areas as well.

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